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Police drop Royal Defamation case against activists


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Police drop Royal Defamation case against activists

By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter


Patnaree Chankij reacts to news police recommended dropping the case against her on Thursday outside the military court in Bangkok.

BANGKOK:-- Two months and waves of outrage later, police Thursday announced they would not pursue a criminal case against a woman accused of insulting the monarchy by staying silent.

Patnaree Chankij, whose son Sirawith Seritiwat regularly campaigns against the military regime, was slapped with a royal defamation charge in May after she reportedly responded to allegedly offensive messages about the monarchy sent via private Facebook chat with jaa, an acknowledgment similar to uh-huh.

Full Story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/07/15/police-drop-royal-defamation-case-activists-mother/


-- Khaosod English 2016-07-15

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This was an obvious case of blackmail against her son the student activist, a clear warning for him to stop his political activities.

Yes, it's despicable beyond belief.

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This 'law' is really being abused at the moment- one can almost be charged for thinking.

Indeed, though the objective is not to identify wrongdoing and seek arbitration in the courts, the objective is simply to threaten and cajole in order to change behaviour. When the behaviour is changed, or the danger time has passed, the charges are dropped since it was never their intention to proceed with them anyway.

It's all a bit reminiscent of how children deal with slightly younger children whom they wish to bully.


Edited by Winniedapu
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This was an obvious case of blackmail against her son the student activist, a clear warning for him to stop his political activities.

It was a clear warning for her son and the family and all critics to shut up and eat the s___t sandwich or feel the wrath of the junta.

What a bloody joke the charge was, never (in a normal democratic country ) would this have gone too court.

what this is here in the land of political shame is nothing short of shut up, do as I say, if you talk you will be punished or gaoled...

And as for you junta huggers, what a pack of gutless ___________ you are for not VERY PUBLICLY condemning this at the start.

You have no credibility as every time the junta/Dem's (BKK governor) /mad monk (land encroachment) / Suthep(you name it) is court out in massive corruption your all unsurprisingly quiet , but as soon as you can hear there is an issue of corruption or even the name Thaksin is mentioned , your all over it like white on rice,,, just shows the level of bias/and just plain stupid...

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This 'law' is really being abused at the moment- one can almost be charged for thinking.

The Tom Cruise movie ' Minority Report ' where a futuristic police unit knew about murders before they were committed.

Did I say ' futuristic ' ?

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They seemed to be trying to charge her over something she had not said, rather than what she did. What next thought crime?

Maybe precrime. They will arrest you, on the basis of what some soothsayer says, before you even know you are going to commit the crime. Maybe they could use those GT200 bomb detectors to point out precrime suspects.

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They seemed to be trying to charge her over something she had not said, rather than what she did. What next thought crime?

Maybe precrime. They will arrest you, on the basis of what some soothsayer says, before you even know you are going to commit the crime. Maybe they could use those GT200 bomb detectors to point out precrime suspects.

If you remember Tom Cruise made a movie about that. They arrested people before they committed a crime. Can't remember the name of it now though.

Edited by gandalf12
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They seemed to be trying to charge her over something she had not said, rather than what she did. What next thought crime?

Maybe precrime. They will arrest you, on the basis of what some soothsayer says, before you even know you are going to commit the crime. Maybe they could use those GT200 bomb detectors to point out precrime suspects.

If you remember Tom Cruise made a movie about that. They arrested people before they committed a crime. Can't remember the name of it now though.

See 2 posts above

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They seemed to be trying to charge her over something she had not said, rather than what she did. What next thought crime?

Maybe precrime. They will arrest you, on the basis of what some soothsayer says, before you even know you are going to commit the crime. Maybe they could use those GT200 bomb detectors to point out precrime suspects.

Yes, this regime is becoming increasingly paranoid and repressive. But so, it appears, are many supposedly more democratic administrations in the West - not least the world's greatest superpower where the President personally orders the drone killing of individuals who are SUSPECTED of links to terrorists. In many instances, innocent people, including women and children are blown to pieces in these attacks.

In attempting to discourage the relatively small number of murderous "terrorist" atrocities carried out in the West by religious fundamentalists, political activists or (as it appears to be in the case in Nice) mentally sick individuals, the populations of developed countries are easily persuaded to allow their leaders to adopt "terrorist" tactics while at the same time sacrificing democratic freedoms and human rights for which our forebears fought and died.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance, not so much to identify the relatively small number of outsiders who would harm us, but more importantly to expose the enemies within - megalomaniacs like Bush, Blair and Obama, who constitute a much greater threat. The self-serving lust for power exhibited by such individuals commits unwilling electorates to supporting unjustified and unwinnable regional conflicts and is most likely to spawn the ultimate act of terror - a third, apocalyptic world war.

Edited by Krataiboy
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This 'law' is really being abused at the moment- one can almost be charged for thinking.

The Tom Cruise movie ' Minority Report ' where a futuristic police unit knew about murders before they were committed.

Did I say ' futuristic ' ?

Not holding my breath but it surely is coming. The testosterone poisoning runs high in circles in the US.

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