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Turkish military says seized control, people take to streets

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This RUSE was planned by the government and inspired by Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany.

looking at the details of the events, it is indeed difficult to believe that this was a well planned coup. too many big mistakes.

maybe there has been a manipulation by intelligence services - staging a fake coup using real traitors who were lead to believe a coup was staged and they were given orders as for a coup, but the government was behind it, not the Gulenists.

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This RUSE was planned by the government and inspired by Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany.

looking at the details of the events, it is indeed difficult to believe that this was a well planned coup. too many big mistakes.

maybe there has been a manipulation by intelligence services - staging a fake coup using real traitors who were lead to believe a coup was staged and they were given orders as for a coup, but the government was behind it, not the Gulenists.

The other theory could be that the government, after purging gulenists from the police and courts system, was about to carry out a purge in the military and the officers got wind of it.

But this is also rather illogical - what would the government do if purging officers from the army? sack them or transfer them?

Would any officer actually have to fear for his life in a purge?

What threat could have made the officers hastily stage an ill-planned coup?

Or was the threat just a ploy to push them to making their move? back to theory one.


If Erdogan wins, he'll go full Islamic now.

And a massive amount of the population will be with him , you cant trust any of this lot sad.png and Merky wants to let them into the E.U thank God we are out .

Thank god the UK is out. The EU does not need racists like you!


Arrested those involved and charge them for treason.

Eight of the supposed leaders made it to Greece in a Blackhawk, were arrested there, and have requested political asylum.

No, not something engineered by Erdogan. The plotters simply overestimated their support and/or underestimated Erdogan's.


Lot of if Turkey had been in the EU...

But Turkey is next door to Greece which is, what is Greece were to have a Coup?

One way to renege on their debt repayment would certainly lead to problems within the EU and kill the Euro.


Why is it that every idiot that is somebody in the EU has the word "High" in their job description.

They are not just"The comminsion for this or that" They are always "The HIGH Comminsion for this or that".

What a bunch of bloated self important useless idiots. The UN is the same. Fancy titles with the word HIGH. The UN High Commision for human rights. Not just "The UN commision for human rights.


If Erdogan wins, he'll go full Islamic now.

And a massive amount of the population will be with him , you cant trust any of this lot sad.png and Merky wants to let them into the E.U thank God we are out .

Thank god the UK is out. The EU does not need racists like you!

Why is it racist not to want thousands of turks coming it to your country? You weren't saying thank god the UK is out twice in the last hundred years, it surprising how short memories are when things don't suit them.

So before you start bumping your lips about being racist, think of how many lives we wasted so you could say it, and not forgetting the US, Canada and Australia etc

I get fed out with people shouting racism, its people like you that help the Paris attackers and the Belgium Airport attackers. If you want to hug them all then good for you...just not in the UK


Why is it that every idiot that is somebody in the EU has the word "High" in their job description.

They are not just"The comminsion for this or that" They are always "The HIGH Comminsion for this or that".

What a bunch of bloated self important useless idiots. The UN is the same. Fancy titles with the word HIGH. The UN High Commision for human rights. Not just "The UN commision for human rights.

Does it surprise you? Arrogance and feeling of superiority over other halbermensc.. The West only brings death,, chaos and destruction to all countries that do no lick their a**es. Colonial atavism. Can ignore it. Actually they are all useless, only thing they can do is talking.


"Turks have visum free entrance to Europe." - Berty100

No, they don't. Visa free travel was promised to them if Erogan also kept his end of the Asylum deal which included lifting some silly undemocratic law that allows sultan Erdon to lock up critical journalists and such. But wanna be dictator Erdogan -who said Democracy is nothing but a vessel to reach you goal- won't do that. This means that there won't be visa free travel for the Turks.

Personally I wouldn't opose visa free access though. No harm will come from Turks spending up to 90 days per half year in the Schengen zone for the purpose of tourism and visiting friends and family. If it is shown to work out allright that would be a nice boost to remove the visa requirement for Thai aswell.

"let's continue to bankroll the Greek.

As long as the Greek are in the EU, the Turks won't come in." - Manarak

Aslong as Erdogan is in power most EU states will not allow Turkey to join. And even if he and his extremist AKP party would be gone and Turkey would return to a genuinly free and democratic state, it would take some decades for Turkey to reach the entry conditions. And seeing how the memberships of the latest members and Greece have not really worked out too well no sane memberstate will allow for an early or easy joining of Turkey. Unanimous agreement is requires so Turkey win't be able to join for decades to come.


Lot of if Turkey had been in the EU...

But Turkey is next door to Greece which is, what is Greece were to have a Coup?

One way to renege on their debt repayment would certainly lead to problems within the EU and kill the Euro.

What is the reason you keep on bringing the idea of "Turkey had been in the EU.." ?

Turkey never was, nor was going to be part of the EU, no matter what some people wish to say. Both sides knew that well.

Currently Turkey seems to become a Islamistic state; the exact thing what EU tried to prevent by 'keeping the door open'. It all was just a political talk to keep Turkey going forward and seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, even if they had the moronic leader in charge at the moment.

There are times to simply be quiet and watch how politics are played. This was one of them. Unfortunately the populistic parties of UK wanted play yelling fools part and thus compromised the fragile path to go forward.

Congratulations to UK populists for being a tool.

Now, this currently failed and pre-ejacuated coup attempt was not done because UK fools, but things tend to have an affect to each other, one way or another.


Lot of if Turkey had been in the EU...

But Turkey is next door to Greece which is, what is Greece were to have a Coup?

One way to renege on their debt repayment would certainly lead to problems within the EU and kill the Euro.

What is the reason you keep on bringing the idea of "Turkey had been in the EU.." ?

Turkey never was, nor was going to be part of the EU, no matter what some people wish to say. Both sides knew that well.

Currently Turkey seems to become a Islamistic state; the exact thing what EU tried to prevent by 'keeping the door open'. It all was just a political talk to keep Turkey going forward and seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, even if they had the moronic leader in charge at the moment.

There are times to simply be quiet and watch how politics are played. This was one of them. Unfortunately the populistic parties of UK wanted play yelling fools part and thus compromised the fragile path to go forward.

Congratulations to UK populists for being a tool.

Now, this currently failed and pre-ejacuated coup attempt was not done because UK fools, but things tend to have an affect to each other, one way or another.

Turkey, has applied to join the EU...

A number of issues stand in the way particularly human rights and democracy, but only a few months ago there certainly was back room deal done on this in an attempt to curb the numbers of migrants reaching the EU via Turkey.


Turkey, has applied to join the EU...

A number of issues stand in the way particularly human rights and democracy, but only a few months ago there certainly was back room deal done on this in an attempt to curb the numbers of migrants reaching the EU via Turkey.

So what? Turkey has wanted to become an EU member for the past 25 years. A country does not become a EU member by simply applying to become one. No. Turkey doesn't and is not going to pass the barrier to become an Eu member. This should not be too difficult fact to understand. There is no need to repeat "If Turkey would have been an EU member", never again.

Turkey will not become an EU member. It's really simple as that as long as we talk about next 25 years timespan. After that, well, who knows what kind of country Turkey is and what kind of Country EU is. Yes, I did say 'Country'.


Turkey, has applied to join the EU...

A number of issues stand in the way particularly human rights and democracy, but only a few months ago there certainly was back room deal done on this in an attempt to curb the numbers of migrants reaching the EU via Turkey.

So what? Turkey has wanted to become an EU member for the past 25 years. A country does not become a EU member by simply applying to become one. No. Turkey doesn't and is not going to pass the barrier to become an Eu member. This should not be too difficult fact to understand. There is no need to repeat "If Turkey would have been an EU member", never again.

Turkey will not become an EU member. It's really simple as that as long as we talk about next 25 years timespan. After that, well, who knows what kind of country Turkey is and what kind of Country EU is. Yes, I did say 'Country'.

At the minute Turkey is holding a loaded (migrant) gun to the EU's head,

who will blink first.


Turkey is becoming more extremist by the second. This attempted coup is the just the opportunity Erdogan needs to get rid of everyone opposed to this radical ideals.


Right now there is ongoing issue on US Airbase in Turkey. Electricity to the NATO airbase was cut earlier.

According to some, not too reliable sources, the base has 90 nuclear warheads.

Meanwhile Turkey PM, in angst, de facto declared war against US for protecting the coup mastermind.

It's quite likely that the USAF base is going to be evacuated or at least the said nukes will be transferred away in the next few days. It's a possibility that Turkey, with the 'new' leadership will not be a NATO member in the future.

The irony of this whole situation is that there was no power shift in Turkey during the failed coup. However the power shifted from the moderate secularists to the more radical islamists.


Turkey is becoming more extremist by the second. This attempted coup is the just the opportunity Erdogan needs to get rid of everyone opposed to this radical ideals.

So, we are now in the situation where we have been so many times before.

Should we help and support the moderate and secular people of Turkey so that the country can thrive as an modern world?

Or should we just take a step back and see a new and large Islamist state to take it's form?

For once, we forum members, have the possibility to show how smart choices we can do, without knowing what is going to happen in the future, instead of claiming to be smart after all things has happened.

Let's hear some opinions now.


Turkey is becoming more extremist by the second. This attempted coup is the just the opportunity Erdogan needs to get rid of everyone opposed to this radical ideals.

So, we are now in the situation where we have been so many times before.

Should we help and support the moderate and secular people of Turkey so that the country can thrive as an modern world?

Or should we just take a step back and see a new and large Islamist state to take it's form?

For once, we forum members, have the possibility to show how smart choices we can do, without knowing what is going to happen in the future, instead of claiming to be smart after all things has happened.

Let's hear some opinions now.

The problem is that there are not that many moderate Muslims , they may "talk the talk" but when push comes to shove they never"walk the walk" after living amongst them and dealing with them for 30 or so years i can honestly say most do not really like us and do not really belong in the modern world , even the "modern" ones i knew kept their wives and female children way in the background ,in their minds they were still in the middle ages ,its instilled in them from birth , as one who i did buisness with for 6 years told me "never trust us ,you are not a Muslim and as such mean nothing to my people "


Arrested those involved and charge them for treason.

And take the opportunity to get rid of Judges, politicians, newspapermen, soldiers, policemen, religious figures that are against Erdogan and what he represents. And try to get the death penalty back for getting rid of all those arrested. And of course, blame the Kurds and Israel.

Erdogan is an Islamist, trying to change Turkey into an islamic state, like Iran. And after this "coup", he is free to do what he want. And the west is supporting him because he was voted into power.



Arrested those involved and charge them for treason.

And take the opportunity to get rid of Judges, politicians, newspapermen, soldiers, policemen, religious figures that are against Erdogan and what he represents. And try to get the death penalty back for getting rid of all those arrested. And of course, blame the Kurds and Israel.

Erdogan is an Islamist, trying to change Turkey into an islamic state, like Iran. And after this "coup", he is free to do what he want. And the west is supporting him because he was voted into power.


Not supporting a coup and supporting democracy is not the same as personally supporting Erdogan.


Turkey is becoming more extremist by the second. This attempted coup is the just the opportunity Erdogan needs to get rid of everyone opposed to this radical ideals.

So, we are now in the situation where we have been so many times before.

Should we help and support the moderate and secular people of Turkey so that the country can thrive as an modern world?

Or should we just take a step back and see a new and large Islamist state to take it's form?

For once, we forum members, have the possibility to show how smart choices we can do, without knowing what is going to happen in the future, instead of claiming to be smart after all things has happened.

Let's hear some opinions now.

What "help and support" are you envisioning for "the moderate and secular people of Turkey"?


Have to say that I'm with those that claimed it was a put up job, and just intended to strengthen Erdogan. Any coup plotters that didn't get the first army leadership on board was never going to succeed.

The remnents of pro secular military leadership will be swept away in the soon to come officer shuffle, and the chance won't come again.



It was a RUSE. Not a military takeover. Now Erdogan can become President (one-man ruler) with increased public support. We just saw a real military takeover in Thailand 2 years ago. What happened in Turkey was anything but a military takeover.

The apparent beheading of the Soldier on the Bridge was just a precursor. Remember what they Did to T.E Lawrence. So expect a lot of beaten and brutalised accused to appear before jihady style courts. Goodbye Turkish state. Welcome Turkish Caliph


Turkey, has applied to join the EU...

A number of issues stand in the way particularly human rights and democracy, but only a few months ago there certainly was back room deal done on this in an attempt to curb the numbers of migrants reaching the EU via Turkey.

So what? Turkey has wanted to become an EU member for the past 25 years. A country does not become a EU member by simply applying to become one. No. Turkey doesn't and is not going to pass the barrier to become an Eu member. This should not be too difficult fact to understand. There is no need to repeat "If Turkey would have been an EU member", never again.

Turkey will not become an EU member. It's really simple as that as long as we talk about next 25 years timespan. After that, well, who knows what kind of country Turkey is and what kind of Country EU is. Yes, I did say 'Country'.

At the minute Turkey is holding a loaded (migrant) gun to the EU's head,

who will blink first.

The funny thing is that I thought (but could be wrong) that Germany had/has a number of Turkish 'guest workers'?


Turkey, has applied to join the EU...

A number of issues stand in the way particularly human rights and democracy, but only a few months ago there certainly was back room deal done on this in an attempt to curb the numbers of migrants reaching the EU via Turkey.

So what? Turkey has wanted to become an EU member for the past 25 years. A country does not become a EU member by simply applying to become one. No. Turkey doesn't and is not going to pass the barrier to become an Eu member. This should not be too difficult fact to understand. There is no need to repeat "If Turkey would have been an EU member", never again.

Turkey will not become an EU member. It's really simple as that as long as we talk about next 25 years timespan. After that, well, who knows what kind of country Turkey is and what kind of Country EU is. Yes, I did say 'Country'.

At the minute Turkey is holding a loaded (migrant) gun to the EU's head,

who will blink first.

The funny thing is that I thought (but could be wrong) that Germany had/has a number of Turkish 'guest workers'?

1.55 million still with Turkish Citizenship total is 2.71 million with part or dual.


Turkey is becoming more extremist by the second. This attempted coup is the just the opportunity Erdogan needs to get rid of everyone opposed to this radical ideals.

So, we are now in the situation where we have been so many times before.

Should we help and support the moderate and secular people of Turkey so that the country can thrive as an modern world?

Or should we just take a step back and see a new and large Islamist state to take it's form?

For once, we forum members, have the possibility to show how smart choices we can do, without knowing what is going to happen in the future, instead of claiming to be smart after all things has happened.

Let's hear some opinions now.

The problem is that there are not that many moderate Muslims , they may "talk the talk" but when push comes to shove they never"walk the walk" after living amongst them and dealing with them for 30 or so years i can honestly say most do not really like us and do not really belong in the modern world , even the "modern" ones i knew kept their wives and female children way in the background ,in their minds they were still in the middle ages ,its instilled in them from birth , as one who i did buisness with for 6 years told me "never trust us ,you are not a Muslim and as such mean nothing to my people "

So many who just refuse to accept the obvious truth. "Moderate, mainstream, Islam". It's a myth. No such thing, and apparently few Muslims who are more than one harangue away from radicalization and support for, if not acts of, terror. Sympathizers incessantly screaming "racist" at everything that moves are discovering that tactic is becoming less & less effective as the non-muslim masses figure out the truth.

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