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A Girl Named Porn


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A Girl Named Porn

Orlando Barton


For the past few weeks, I’ve been on a rant about freedom in Thailand. While many outside observers and political busy-bodies spend hours a day berating the current government and question their commitment to democracy, I continue to point out the many personal freedoms I enjoy as a guest of this kingdom.

As my fellow countrymen well know … democracy doesn’t always mean more freedom.

So far, I’ve pointed out that as guests of the Thai people, we have been released from the bondage of Food-Nazis who would tell us what to eat and when to eat it. I’ve also revealed the privilege to engage in the manly art of peeing outside.

And now, just to complete the trifecta, the story this week’s picture tells is about a girl named Porn. Actually, any girl named Porn. It’s the fact that I live in a country where there are dozens of beautiful women running around named Porn.

Now, this isn’t some tawdry sex-tourist’s tale. It’s more about my home country’s puritan roots and coquettish sense of what is and isn’t acceptable.

While in my country of origin last year, I was shocked to find out how militantly naïve and backwards my own people are. I was invited to a barbeque attended by a fairly representative cross-section of society. Everyone was interested to know about my travels to “the exotic far east”.

Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/girl-named-porn/

-- Inspire Pattaya 2016-07-17

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many new comers to Thailand/Bangkok get awe struck of the mysterious far away orient,,,

however, R. Kipling, Miss Mifrord, A.K Douglas and M. Beaumont, have already said it best,

not sure about a girl call Porn though....

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Just another story of a pattaya sex-pest regaling the masses back home about his sex-ploits (and flashing wallet photos of his rental) and failing to understand why some might not want to hear.

As for becoming a super hero to ostensibly hen pecked western males with their obviously inferior western women, Walter Mitty springs to mind.

A legend in his own mind.

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Towards the end of the column:

" To all the men I became a superhero. To all the women I grew a tale and cloven hoof. "

Actually i think to both men and women, you would have been seen as a looser desperado

The illiterati meet on thaivisa to discuss social issues. How droll.

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Well at least you got her name right...............

...I hate when a girl screams out the wrong name during sex.......


They know my name isn't…...... Someone one Help me Please.............................coffee1.gif

Edited by oxo1947
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Just another story of a pattaya sex-pest regaling the masses back home about his sex-ploits (and flashing wallet photos of his rental) and failing to understand why some might not want to hear.

As for becoming a super hero to ostensibly hen pecked western males with their obviously inferior western women, Walter Mitty springs to mind.

A legend in his own mind.

What legend?

The poor little boy only found out he could order breakfast all day, piss on a wall, and have a girl--and her name is Porn; teehe-teehe.

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Just another story of a pattaya sex-pest regaling the masses back home about his sex-ploits (and flashing wallet photos of his rental) and failing to understand why some might not want to hear.

As for becoming a super hero to ostensibly hen pecked western males with their obviously inferior western women, Walter Mitty springs to mind.

A legend in his own mind.

There are thousands of Thai women with their given name ending in 'porn' and I know many, although many change the spelling to 'phon' when they need to spell it in English or apply for a passport. So what's the big deal?

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she (thais) probably have a good laugh at falangs, called Randy

Looking at a name from the perspective of a foreign language simply doesn't work

To say "I'll pull down my pants for a pee", is really innocent, but mixed in translation, poor old Pee gets embarrassed...

and, if your sharing an intimate experience, and the thai girl screams out "john!!!"

...did you know that in her language, the literal 'john' according to thai-language.com means:

johnM adjective [most commonly used term] [is] poor; penniless; having nothing; impoverished

...which is what young John has become after he's been there for too long...

Edited by tifino
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