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Officers in Red Bull heir’s car crash incident now face malfeasance probe by anti corruption commiss


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why not issue international warrant arrest and deport?

I don't think Singapore and Hong Kong have an extradition treaty with Thailand. They probably don't trust the Thai justice system. I can't imagine why.

He's in Bangkok

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doesn't the attorney general have some responsibility here? Surely it's not up to the Thai police to issue an international arrest warrant. Can't this punk be tried in absentia?

The BIB are as dirty as the day is long but why not going after the main criminal in this case as well as the hi-so's that are protecting him.

That being said, whatever cop let this punk get off on the cocaine charges should be jailed too.

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If my Brother in Law had knocked down that policeman he would probably have been found dead in Police custody a few hours later, or would have been sentenced to a long long prison sentence.

It's the way it is in Thailand, Thai people are not surprised, for them it's normal, Thais are brainwashed from birth to kowtow to the wealthy and privileged, it's the way it has always been for them, they just don't know any different and there are strict archaic laws in place to keep it that way just in case they do want to ask a few questions.

People with connections to the very top in Thai society are totally untouchable, they can do whatever they want without consequence, the prisons are not built for the wealthy.

Transpose Thailand and Thai with many other countries names and your statements still hold true. USA, UK for example.

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call me stupid, passport control and ticket check-in to your designation and seat assignment. They arrive unless you jumped out of the jet you go through passport control, tracking called INTERPOL. Ok you say private jet, yea flight plan, fuel, pilots only Thailand couldn't find their private parts with 2 hands on it or they don't want to. What you say? It has to start at the top.

The government should shut down the RED BULL factories and when he runs out of money he'll show up. Again, dreaming in Thailand, have another beer.

disown would be better

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Smoke Screen Up.

Maybe the public will be confused.

A "Misunderstanding".

More confusion.

More delay.

More skipping the country.

In the end, everybody will have forgotten what happened.

All 1 big "Misunderstanding".

That's a pretty good summary.


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How can a country function or be taken seriously if there is an obvious ongoing fight between two executives of a state?

The latter was in a disfuctioning, self-pleasing state when I arrived 30 years ago and headlines such as these create only confirm, that this dragging feet attitude, combined with a big time lining of pockets, is running even better in this generation.

The collateral damage of this internal fight between executive forces is to the destruction of whatever is left of the country's image. But then, how can executive forces be controlled if there is no legislative - unless a miracle happens - the country is lost and will only inch its way towards the 21st century once it overcame this ever-growing abyss of selfishness, greed, face saving and monetary priorities of the possibly most short sighted eliterian oligarchy in modern days.

A word, you're either going to have to dumb it down or lay off the piss, your choice *burp*

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Good Grief Batman.

You just have to wonder what further shenanigans and malfeasance will occur when actions like this are taken

# 1 : The higher ranking police officers, originally interconnected, will use this as a means to "Take Action'' as a way to cover their asses and their original involvement to make it go away ...as now....the heat is on

# 2 : More money will be paid to someone ( Police, Judges, Politicians, The Connected and or "Who Ever" ) can help alter the course of justice

# 3 : Someone is going to be a scape goat and this will be used as a means to appease the public and divert the attentions away from the original case and create a new case of who did what wrong and looking like the police are doing something.

# 4 : Red Bull boys remain untouched

Ha, Ha ..I am getting good at predicting theses sort of things...lol tongue.png

The heat is on



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BANGKOK: -- The Metropolitan Police Bureau has completed investigation into the roles of police officers handling the Red Bull heir's car crash that killed a police officer four years ago with proposal to the Public Sector Anti Corruption Commission (PACC) to tackle 10 officers for malfeasance in office.

So the good Metropolitan Police have taken 4 years to piece together an internal problem and just "hand ball (an AFL term)" it to a lame duck corruption commission to act on 10 "bottom feeders"! Once again NOTHING will happen for another 4 years!

Boss and his Grandfather must be rolling around in their over rated energy swill with laughter!

Edited by bdenner
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Since he was not prosecuted for speeding, this then weakens the other charges? The article now say allegedly killed a policeman, funny how time changes a fact to a subjective?

Interesting angle!

Is it conceivable that the policeman was already dead when he was hit by the car? Time moves detail in mysterious ways...

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They have completed the investigation into the malfeasance of the police even before they have completed the investigation into the main crime?

Perhaps one should investigate those who investigated those who investigation the killing of the copy...you never know what turns up.

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why not issue international warrant arrest and deport?

Can't just deport from any country. There needs to be an extradition treaty between the countries. And also what type of crimes and whether death penalty applies or length of potential jail sentence are also possible factors.

I dare say the warrants for arrest are already in existence ready to be executed but suspect needs to step into a country where there is the treaty in place.

And to top it all the country with the treaty must be willing to execute the treaty. So you start at Dubai a country a lot further away from Thailand than Singapore and Hong Kong. Then just follow the air routes of the Private Jet Bombardier BD-1---1A10 US Registration Number N300BZ you find several unwilling countries in the route.

The only country for sure it will not fly over is Thailand because RTAF has a No-Fly Zone over Thailand for that N number aircraft.

If you are an International gangster friend of America you even get to register your aircraft with a N number. N stands for USA i.e. PH stands for Nederland, and so forth.

Have a nice day in LOS.

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So they are taking action against the police but not against the accused?

They've been taking all possible action against the accused, the accused has been criminally avoiding it.

I seriously doubt that, not the avoidance bit, I'm sure that's right, but the 'Royal' Thai Police are corrupt from top to bottom and It seems clear that delay and confusion has been the strategy here to allow the statute of limitations to pass, or the whereabouts of 'the Boss' to be ignored.

The previous poster suggested 35,000,000 baht has changed hands. It is surely a testament to the dishonesty and corruption of Thais that this is even to be taken seriously. The only way to deal with this guy is to catch him at a club somewhere or loitering with his mates and put two in his head. If Joe public wants this nonsense to stop, then it's a relatively simple matter to stop it, certainly it's better than relying on the corrupt 'Royal' Thai Police; and if that is not a shameful situation then I don't know what is.


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