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Horror on German train as 'more than 20 people are injured' in axe attack


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I was holding my breath if it was another one of those jihadist attacks. Kind of sad, like it would be ok if it was just a regular nutter.

These will be like automobile accidents soon, yes it's horrible but back to living life like nothing happened.

Even the nice attacks, much less ppl talking about it and social media is almost silent. No "i am nice" shirts or hashtags bla bla bla.

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"a man armed with an axe stormed a train in Germany and went on a bloody rampage"

Unlike the train in Belgium last year, pity there were no brave Americans on this German train.

Some Europeans like to vilify Americans, until a crisis happens.

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Halloween my speculation is as legit as your speculation. Thousands of innocent people were killed in Afghanistan. Anything is possible.

How many were killed by German commuters?

True. They were innocent and victims of the abuse of western armies in foreign lands. Where are the threads fighting for the innocents(collateral damage) of the Europeans and Americans in Afghanistan? Did those innocent people deserve it? I just don't see the bs of Islam as a simple reason why this happened. I will accept history and to some extent religion as a source of this killers actions. Those who think this is separate from what happened in the past 15 years in the middle east and south asia are just deniers.

Edited by Alive
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Halloween my speculation is as legit as your speculation. Thousands of innocent people were killed in Afghanistan. Anything is possible.

How many were killed by German commuters?

Exactly. Gotta love the "but we deserve it because we went in there argument" Take it out on the military and government, not it's ppl.

Now this guy is dead and will be forgotten.

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"a man armed with an axe stormed a train in Germany and went on a bloody rampage"

Unlike the train in Belgium last year, pity there were no brave Americans on this German train.

Some Europeans like to vilify Americans, until a crisis happens.

Bit unfair as those guys were military/ex-military, no? I'm sure if there were some army boys on this train they'd have got into him.
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Halloween my speculation is as legit as your speculation. Thousands of innocent people were killed in Afghanistan. Anything is possible.

How many were killed by German commuters?

Exactly. Gotta love the "but we deserve it because we went in there argument" Take it out on the military and government, not it's ppl.

Now this guy is dead and will be forgotten.

Going in there isn't the reason. The reason is despite good intentions you killed tens of thousands in collateral damage. What about those people? I guess you think that the Germans shouldn't react to this and just take it and follow Christianity(the good religion) and forgive. Wow, that's a god idea. If you do that, maybe you won't add flames to the fire. That's what you want the Afghans who lost their families to do. You think they should just shut up and not react. That's not the way of today's Christians or Muslims. I'm just pointing out the truth not defending this crazy killers acts. Just pointing out other possible reasons for these acts. Some here would murder all the Muslims in the world for their 'peace'. They really are no different than those crazy terrorists they call out.

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"a man armed with an axe stormed a train in Germany and went on a bloody rampage"

Unlike the train in Belgium last year, pity there were no brave Americans on this German train.

Some Europeans like to vilify Americans, until a crisis happens.

Most Europeans (in my opinion) would rather shake the hands of those Americans and buy them a drink, explaining all the while that they would have loved to get involved themselves, but being European passport holders could well find themselves charged with unreasonable force, hate crime, assault, racism, littering, breach of the peace, you name it.

Getting involved for we Europeans is a coin toss between being hailed as a hero or a prison sentence. Bear in mind we are fighting on two fronts: against the scum who want us dead and the authorities who have their back. It isn't a matter of cowardice.

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Halloween my speculation is as legit as your speculation. Thousands of innocent people were killed in Afghanistan. Anything is possible.

How many were killed by German commuters?

True. They were innocent and victims of the abuse of western armies in foreign lands. Where are the threads fighting for the innocents(collateral damage) of the Europeans and Americans in Afghanistan? Did those innocent people deserve it? I just don't see the bs of Islam as a simple reason why this happened. I will accept history and to some extent religion as a source of this killers actions. Those who think this is separate from what happened in the past 15 years in the middle east and south asia are just deniers.

Many of those killed in Afghanistan are the result of inter-sect rivalry and the attempt to force hard line islam on those who prefer a more moderate approach. But he didn't attack a mosque, did he?

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Interesting report on the BBC earlier but unfortunately i didn't catch it all. The person being interviewed was a German commentator who was talking about the fallout from this and the damage it will cause not the least to Merkel who, like it or not, is forever linked to the ' Come One Come All 'policy that she foisted on Germany and Europe.

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"a man armed with an axe stormed a train in Germany and went on a bloody rampage"

Unlike the train in Belgium last year, pity there were no brave Americans on this German train.

Some Europeans like to vilify Americans, until a crisis happens.

Most Europeans (in my opinion) would rather shake the hands of those Americans and buy them a drink, explaining all the while that they would have loved to get involved themselves, but being European passport holders could well find themselves charged with unreasonable force, hate crime, assault, racism, littering, breach of the peace, you name it.

Getting involved for we Europeans is a coin toss between being hailed as a hero or a prison sentence. Bear in mind we are fighting on two fronts: against the scum who want us dead and the authorities who have their back. It isn't a matter of cowardice.

America is very litigation-happy, but we act when we circumstances dictate.

Dirty Harry said it best: "When I see a naked man chasing after a woman with a hard on and a knife, I know he's not out collecting for the Red Cross, so I shoot the bastard."

You only have a finite number of cheeks to turn, before you say Enough, and slap them back to Kingdom come.

Edited by tx22cb
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You don't know the story behind these people. Maybe his whole family was murdered by western troops in Afghanistan. There is a hell of a lot of collateral damage going on over there. Maybe he came to Europe to take revenge, an eye for an eye. Western nations need to lock down their borders and have much more observation and treatment for people who are let in from these war torn nations. And with Turkey going to Islamists, Europe needs to keep Turkey out of the EU and control that border more. Nato needs to move its nukes out of Turkey. Times have changed.

Seriously? 'You don't know the story behind these people. Maybe his whole family was murdered by western troops in Afghanistan'

Who cares, that does not give anybody the right to carry out these attacks, or does it in your opinion? Let's SEE how you react if members of your family are the next victims, will you go on a mad jihadi rampage also.


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Wake up governments you cant stop this, unless you ban them. Its either or with no middle ground.

Echoing the words of Donald Trump, the man makes perfect sense in what he says, ban them all until duly processed.

One or two may get through but the flood will stop because this is an invasion, like it or not.

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His motive has not yet been revealed, with police refusing to comment on whether or not it was a terrorist attack.

I wonder what the police consider a terrorist attack?

Police know exactly what it is, but they're being politically clipped.

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I agree with controlling the borders. Not with the prejudice that so many here show. Many here are straight out xenophobes and racists. If you ask me to support their posts, I wouldn't. But controlling borders and having more processing of immigrants and migrants I would say absolutely yes. I'm an atheist. I see Christians and Muslims as quite hateful people who are very willing to murder for their insanity. Most blacks killed in the American south in the past 100 years were murdered by supposed Christians. And of course the Christians supported slavery in the first place. And today's racists are supporting the same party as the fanatical Christians. As an American, I feel more of the threat from Christians with guns than foreigners. I just wish the media would say 'Christian' or 'Christian terrorist' when a Christian kills for his religion. Many gays were murdered by Christians over the past century too. Collectively many more than were killed in Germany or Paris. Let's remember that history too. These endless murders were inspired and commited by Christians.

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Halloween my speculation is as legit as your speculation. Thousands of innocent people were killed in Afghanistan. Anything is possible.

How many were killed by German commuters?

True. They were innocent and victims of the abuse of western armies in foreign lands. Where are the threads fighting for the innocents(collateral damage) of the Europeans and Americans in Afghanistan? Did those innocent people deserve it? I just don't see the bs of Islam as a simple reason why this happened. I will accept history and to some extent religion as a source of this killers actions. Those who think this is separate from what happened in the past 15 years in the middle east and south asia are just deniers.

You (I mean the governments of Thai Visa forum members) bombed my country Serbia in the 1990's to protect the "innocent" Albanians.

Since 1990's please do find me a single instance of a Serb being involved in any kind of terrorist attack.

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