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Republican Convention Day 1: security, Melania and marines


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No. But you can fake it. Of course, not in this case. I mean, she's standing right in front of an American flag. She couldn't possibly not love America. I mean, that's as unthinkable as swearing to something false on the Bible and with the same consequences. You would just explode into flames.

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I hope Trump becomes president.

I hope you're not too angry and sad when he loses. More than that, I hope Trump fans don't grab their guns and start shooting things/people when they realize, on Nov. 9th, that their baffoon has lost. Regardless, there will be oceans of blame and continued intransigence (by a lesser # of Republican Congresspeople) after Trump loses. They're great at blame and fear mongering. Too bad they fail at specific policy proposals for bettering America, except a few items like, "I will build a great wall, believe me folks, and we'll get Mexico to pay for it. Trust me on this, folks. I've got a great brain. I know a lot of words. I'm great with words."

Good luck with the fibbing felon

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There is also a passage in Melania Trump’s speech which is a direct quote from a Rick Astley song

In other words, Melania Trump’s speech was Rickrolled.

To those who do not recall the fad from 2008 or so, Rickrolling was providing a link which purported to be something else, but in fact linked to a Rick Astley video, in fact, the very video whose lyrics were included in Melania Trump’s speech.


Run out of conspiracy theories so have to start scraping the bottom of the barrel from 2008.

If Trump cannot maintain security within his campaign staff then what does that say about his ability to protect America's secrets? A thoroughly clown car operation.

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For beautiful, and spacious eyes....God Bless America.

Home Sweet Home.

Bill Maher's 25 Things You Didn't Know About Donald Trump

"I saved the box Melania arrived in so I can return her when she turns 50.”

More astounding details here http://www.liberalamerica.org/2016/07/17/bill-maher-25-things-dont-know-donald-trump-video/

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B.S. It was not intentional. Nobody would believe that.

Some incredibly stupid theories being advanced to explain away idea theft by a bimbo who probably doesn't even know what she did wrong.

Did you take note that because of this minor "issue", actually the entire US is discussing Trump once again? laugh.png

Been discussing it with my Asian staff in my office today. They are all saying that Trump comes across as an arrogant fool. "We thought Western politicians were supposed to be sophisticated?"

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Now but you can and did plagiarize a speech. Melania Trump are you an american can you show your birth certificate?

These are exactly the immigrants we want. Hush your mouth.

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Now but you can and did plagiarize a speech. Melania Trump are you an american can you show your birth certificate?

These are exactly the immigrants we want. Hush your mouth.

Al of you are immigrants! Please keep her. She can be a commie.

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Now but you can and did plagiarize a speech. Melania Trump are you an american can you show your birth certificate?
These are exactly the immigrants we want. Hush your mouth.

Al of you are immigrants! Please keep her. She can be a commie.

If commies look this good, then please do send more. Especially to Walmart

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I wouldn't vote for Trump in a million years and disagree with virtually all of what he is pleased to call policies. Having said that , the anti-trump bias in mainstream media is beyond a joke: it isn't journalism but rather political commentary ( and exactly the same as Fox with the other bias). They must be scared of something. So blatant to be embarrassing .

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Hey Melanie, where is your high school diploma!

Diploma? With looks like that she probably does just fine without one. Would rather have a coffee and chat with her than the likes of you.

"Diploma? With looks like that she probably does just fine without one."

Of course she does just fine. She is a trophy wife bimbo!

"Would rather have a coffee and chat with her than the likes of you."

Of course you would. You would have been even stranger if you didn't......coffee1.gif

Edited by MZurf
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I wouldn't vote for Trump in a million years and disagree with virtually all of what he is pleased to call policies. Having said that , the anti-trump bias in mainstream media is beyond a joke: it isn't journalism but rather political commentary ( and exactly the same as Fox with the other bias). They must be scared of something. So blatant to be embarrassing .

"They must be scared of something. "

They're scared the Donald will be president. And they have every resson in the world to be scared. I mean, imagine having a petulant child in the WH!

PS. And he has small hands to boot!

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Melania Trump’s RNC Dress Sells Out Minutes after Speech

“Melania will be recast as the next Jackie O,” a Trump adviser told the New York Post.

She speaks 4 languages.

Mooch speaks two we know of - southside Chicago and Eubonics! laugh.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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OK, so apparently Melanoma DID write the speech herself. It seems that the original speech was written by two professionals with tremendous credentials; Matthew Scully and John McConnell. The same two writers who wrote Dubya's speech to the American people on 9/11. They sent the original draft to Melanoma but never heard anything back. Seems she didn't like it so tore it apart and started writing one herself. She had some help from one Meridith McIver, a NYC-based former ballet dancer and English major who had worked on a couple of gerbil head's books.

Then, in keeping with the rank amateur level of this campaign and its comic book quality leading man, nobody bothered to check it out. No one could be hassled to feed it through plagiarism software, some of which can be downloaded for free. No one considered running it past any professional just to be sure that there weren't any grade school level screwups, of which there were several. This entire fiasco fits perfectly with Trump's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade blimp-sized ego and his complete inability to so much as consider that there might possibly exist, somewhere in the universe outside of his cranium, someone who can do something, anything, better than he can. It is grossly apparent that the entire function of the Trump campaign staff is to massage that ego and "correct" the "mistakes" of any and all lesser beings whenever they have the unmitigated gall to point out that the emperor really is not, in fact, wearing any clothes. All of this, along with the never-ending litany of totally preventable and incomprehensible gaffes and screwups is simply a glaring testimony to Trump's complete ineptness and his total lack of qualifications to serve in any elected position, down to, and including, dog catcher, let alone the most powerful office in the world.


Edited by Traveler19491
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OK, so apparently Melanoma DID write the speech herself. It seems that the original speech was written by two professionals with tremendous credentials; Matthew Scully and John McConnell. The same two writers who wrote Dubya's speech to the American people on 9/11. They sent the original draft to Melanoma but never heard anything back. Seems she didn't like it so tore it apart and started writing one herself. She had some help from one Meridith McIver, a NYC-based former ballet dancer and English major who had worked on a couple of gerbil head's books.

Then, in keeping with the rank amateur level of this campaign and its comic book quality leading man, nobody bothered to check it out. No one could be hassled to feed it through plagiarism software, some of which can be downloaded for free. No one considered running it past any professional just to be sure that there weren't any grade school level screwups, of which there were several. This entire fiasco fits perfectly with Trump's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade blimp-sized ego and his complete inability to so much as consider that there might possibly exist, somewhere in the universe outside of his cranium, someone who can do something, anything, better than he can. It is grossly apparent that the entire function of the Trump campaign staff is to massage that ego and "correct" the "mistakes" of any and all lesser beings whenever they have the unmitigated gall to point out that the emperor really is not, in fact, wearing any clothes. All of this, along with the never-ending litany of totally preventable and incomprehensible gaffes and screwups is simply a glaring testimony to Trump's complete ineptness and his total lack of qualifications to serve in any elected position, down to, and including, dog catcher, let alone the most powerful office in the world.


So what? She did great.

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Not-so-famous celebrities speak at Trump convention

"CLEVELAND — When Donald Trump announced he'd have a star-studded Republican convention, we didn't know exactly what that meant."

"It could've meant having athletes Tom Brady and Tim Tebow. It didn't."

"The celebrities who actually spoke on the first day of events in Cleveland's Quicken Loans Arena: Scott Baio, Willie Robertson and Antonio Sabato Jr."


The D-Listers and a plagiarist.

Speaking to the Trumpeteers: the bigoted D-Listers of humanity. thumbsup.gif

And this: cheesy.gif


Edited by iReason
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Hey Melanie, where is your high school diploma!

Diploma? With looks like that she probably does just fine without one. Would rather have a coffee and chat with her than the likes of you.

"Diploma? With looks like that she probably does just fine without one."

Of course she does just fine. She is a trophy wife bimbo!

"Would rather have a coffee and chat with her than the likes of you."

Of course you would. You would have been even stranger if you didn't......coffee1.gif

That "bimbo" speaks 4 languages. You have difficulty with just one. Lol

She probably has tons of interesting stories..compared to your jabbering.

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Hey Melanie, where is your high school diploma!

Diploma? With looks like that she probably does just fine without one. Would rather have a coffee and chat with her than the likes of you.

"Diploma? With looks like that she probably does just fine without one."

Of course she does just fine. She is a trophy wife bimbo!

"Would rather have a coffee and chat with her than the likes of you."

Of course you would. You would have been even stranger if you didn't......coffee1.gif

That "bimbo" speaks 4 languages. You have difficulty with just one. Lol

She probably has tons of interesting stories..compared to your jabbering.

"That "bimbo" speaks 4 languages."

Despite not even finishing high school? I wonder if anyone has heard her speak those four languages, or is it just fiction, just like her high school diploma?

"You have difficulty with just one. Lol"

On what do you base that statement? I have a feeling you're a native English speaker. I'm not, and yet my English is better than yours!cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

"She probably has tons of interesting stories..compared to your jabbering."

Now, that's plain mean!passifier.gif

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She probably has tons of interesting stories..compared to your jabbering.

"That "bimbo" speaks 4 languages."

Despite not even finishing high school? I wonder if anyone has heard her speak those four languages, or is it just fiction, just like her high school diploma?

"You have difficulty with just one. Lol"

On what do you base that statement? I have a feeling you're a native English speaker. I'm not, and yet my English is better than yours!cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

"She probably has tons of interesting stories..compared to your jabbering."

Now, that's plain mean!passifier.gif

Interesting stories about Mr. small hands/appendige and how he is about a one minute finisher?

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Riders of The Clown Train: The D-Listers...

After 9/11 I was really impressed with Giuliani. That respect went down the drain last night after his rant of a speech.

Along with that loss of respect, the entire US business community mourns the loss of the Republican party as articulated in this Wall St. Journal article. The GOP used to be the party of business, creating the engine of growth for the country and jobs for people. With Trump, we have a billionaire businessman who is pretending to be anti-business to get elected.

The presidential nominee threatens to undo trade deals and slap tariffs on U.S. companies that expand overseas. He promises to protect popular entitlement programs, rebuking party leaders who want to curb spending. He backs immigration and infrastructure policies that would expand the government’s reach.

“The pillars of the Republican economic agenda have completely collapsed into dust,” said James Pethokoukis, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank. “They’re gone, at least for this election.”


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