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India outrage after gang rape victim assaulted again 'by same men'


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India outrage after gang rape victim assaulted again 'by same men'

ROHTAK: -- There has been outrage in India after a student was allegedly gang-raped by five men who had also raped her three years ago.

Police are yet to make any arrests although the 21-year-old was attacked last week in Rohtak town in the northern state of Haryana.

She had been pursuing a case in court against the five men, when she was attacked on Wednesday.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-36823572

-- BBC 2016-07-19

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The three strikes and you're out would make a lot of sense here. After the third time one would have their entire wedding tackle surgically removed - end of problem.

two strikes you're out, .......and not surgically removed. More like; removed by a rusty putty knife or a nest of ants.

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The fact that these worms were never tried in the first place, tells you everything you need to know about the Indian Justice system. Sounds like it may be even more compromised than the lovely system we have here. This is all on the government, and the ineffective police force.

Perhaps they should try to recruit a Duterte (new Philippine leader) type leader, who advocates vigilante style justice, for the perpetrators. Surely the perps of a crime as heinous as this one deserve such a fate. Let society take things into their own hands, when the system is completely broken, an victims such as this one are not taken seriously.

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The fact that these worms were never tried in the first place, tells you everything you need to know about the Indian Justice system. Sounds like it may be even more compromised than the lovely system we have here. This is all on the government, and the ineffective police force.

Perhaps they should try to recruit a Duterte (new Philippine leader) type leader, who advocates vigilante style justice, for the perpetrators. Surely the perps of a crime as heinous as this one deserve such a fate. Let society take things into their own hands, when the system is completely broken, an victims such as this one are not taken seriously.

She's a member of the lower caste strata, used to be called the "untouchables". The police couldn't give a fig about them. Neither could most local politicians or community leaders. Many lower castes convert to Christianity to escape the Hindu caster system which makes them despised even more.

I lived in India when Gujarat exploded into religious violence in 2012. Horrific random attacks and murders, gruesome reading in the press every day. The State Chief Minister was heavily criticized for doing little to protect all the people and restore order. That man is now India's PM.

If you compare to Thailand, the justice system and police are light years in front of India.

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The fact that these worms were never tried in the first place, tells you everything you need to know about the Indian Justice system. Sounds like it may be even more compromised than the lovely system we have here. This is all on the government, and the ineffective police force.

Perhaps they should try to recruit a Duterte (new Philippine leader) type leader, who advocates vigilante style justice, for the perpetrators. Surely the perps of a crime as heinous as this one deserve such a fate. Let society take things into their own hands, when the system is completely broken, an victims such as this one are not taken seriously.

She's a member of the lower caste strata, used to be called the "untouchables". The police couldn't give a fig about them. Neither could most local politicians or community leaders. Many lower castes convert to Christianity to escape the Hindu caster system which makes them despised even more.

I lived in India when Gujarat exploded into religious violence in 2012. Horrific random attacks and murders, gruesome reading in the press every day. The State Chief Minister was heavily criticized for doing little to protect all the people and restore order. That man is now India's PM.

If you compare to Thailand, the justice system and police are light years in front of India.

Well, apparently the society is also. As bad as the racism is here, as much as the Thai people worship light skin, and as nationalistic as some of the people and the politicians are, they seem to be fairly kind to the poorest amongst themselves, and they do not seem to judge each other too much, based on wealth. The exception being the hi-so, but for most of us, they do not count, they remain nearly invisible to us, and what they do, or think means nothing. Most Thai people treat most other Thai people in a very decent and supportive manner. I really admire that. Surely the society here is stratified, but if you are not middle class, or higher class, you are part of the majority who relate to, and like each other. That creates a fairly harmonious environment for the average Thai.

I too have spent alot of time in India. There is alot I admire and respect about the Indian people. They are smart, dynamic, industrious, creative, inventive, and impressive on alot of levels. But, the caste system is stupid, churlish, self righteous to an extreme degree, outdated, ancient, antiquated, and of no use to any but the higher castes. The fact that they even continue to acknowledge the harijan (untouchable) status, is deplorable. Indian society has to figure a way out of the very deep hole it has dug for itself.

Occasionally, tradition can be a good thing. Most of the time, it is nothing but habit, and holds back society on countless levels. Personally, I despise most tradition. This caste system in India is an ancient system, put into place, by the ruling class, to ensure the degradation, and enslavement of the low class people. It is based on nothing but greed and desire for control. It has nothing to do with Hinduism, as some would claim. It has as much to do with Hinduism, as not allowing women to drive, or wander about alone, in Saudi Arabia, has to do with Islam. Or the terror attacks have to do with religion. It is a lie, that allows freaks to behave like freaks. Nothing more.

I have lived and worked in India, and traveled extensively there. I love the country, and it's people. I have studied it's history, politics, religion, and it's spiritual beliefs. My first trip there was 40 years ago, and I have been back many times since. I can say without hesitation that the caste system today, represents nothing more than a desperate attempt by the "high borns" to maintain their place in society, at the top of the pyramid. It is a tragedy for everyone else.

Edited by spidermike007
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She's a member of the lower caste strata, used to be called the "untouchables".

What kind of a rotten custom is that??? All humans are equal. I going to google this.

In Hindu religion there was a caste system

Brahamans (priests & teachers)

Kshatrya (warriors & nobles )

Veishya ( merchants,traders etc)

Shudra (untouchables)

By untouchables it means they were not be touched & anything which is touched or used by them is not be touched as well...

All thanks to my history teachers :P

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She's a member of the lower caste strata, used to be called the "untouchables".

What kind of a rotten custom is that??? All humans are equal. I going to google this.

Did you google? There are a lot of videos on the subject on youtube. Untouchable children are not allowed to eat in the same room as other children at school. I believe untouchables in some areas of India are not permitted to wear shoes. it is all screwed up. As with all religions the people that wrote the books, the Priests made sure they were always going to be ok by putting themselves at the top of the pyramid - the Brahaman's.

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Speaking of 'untouchables' in India. Although it's officially outlawed to discriminate against them, the reality on the ground is much the same it's been for centuries. I saw a photo in Nat'l Geo where an 'untouchable' man was covered head to foot (literally) in watery shit. He had been working hard to clean effluent out of an underground gutter. There was only one public water faucet nearby. Local women would not let him use the faucet water to rinse the shit off his body.

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She's a member of the lower caste strata, used to be called the "untouchables".

What kind of a rotten custom is that??? All humans are equal. I going to google this.

In Hindu religion there was a caste system

Brahamans (priests & teachers)

Kshatrya (warriors & nobles )

Veishya ( merchants,traders etc)

Shudra (untouchables)

By untouchables it means they were not be touched & anything which is touched or used by them is not be touched as well...

All thanks to my history teachers :P

Yet these b@stids chose to use her vagina. What the hell is that about?

The only way to deal with this sort of thing is by execution. Execute all rapists, I really hope the community gets to these grubs.

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