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Son who stole a million baht from mum says sorry Thai style


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This is the VJ Channel. A sort of online web room. You can get the girl to dance to your favourite song, wear the clothes you choose, even talk on web cam to her. As you toss your salad.

Here it is. Poor kid should have gone to the soapy massage instead.

Edited by Wilsonandson
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This is the VJ Channel. A sort of online web room. You can get the girl to dance to your favourite song, wear the clothes you choose, even talk on web cam to her. As you toss your salad.

Here it is. Poor kid should have gone to the soapy massage instead.

That's what this dumb <deleted> spent 1.2 million on?


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This notion that a wai can solve problems by asking for forgiveness is fundamentally wrong and flowed

and abused by wrong doers to hide behind, children and adults have to thought that this is not

the answer and thinking that by preforming the kowtowing to one's feet' and expect forgiveness is not

acceptable any longer...

Bit like the Catholics asking for forgiveness with three hail Marys and your absolved.
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This notion that a wai can solve problems by asking for forgiveness is fundamentally wrong and flowed

and abused by wrong doers to hide behind, children and adults have to thought that this is not

the answer and thinking that by preforming the kowtowing to one's feet' and expect forgiveness is not

acceptable any longer...

Bit like the Catholics asking for forgiveness with three hail Marys and your absolved.

Hmm, I get the feeling you weren't raised as a Catholic.

Anyone stealing this amount would have gotten a lot worse than that...

Edited by Bluespunk
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pretty bad financial damage.

remedial steps should be to consolidate all the remaining movable assets

so that the son cannot access them.

for the immovable assets she has to ensure that he is not able to refinance or

mortgage these.

have only operational amount of cash on hand and continue topping up as needed.

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"A son who stole from his mum to go online and buy gifts for a female entertainer in a chat room has apologized."

Apologized......yer right! Sincerity, I didn't know Thai's knew what the word meant!

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The errant Thai son of my ex wife tried this on me after I had ordered him out of the house for striking his mother. He threw himself at my feet, crying crocodile tears, clutching me legs and begging forgiveness .

I told the snivelling 20-year-old that if he didn't let go I would kick him. I tossed a bin liner full of his clothes over the wall and shoved him out of the gate. Later, fearful that he might come back (drunk or drugged) and cause problems, my ex reported his behavior to the police who promised to mark his card.

I didn't see him again for over five years. When I did, quite by chance, he gave me a respectful wai and mumbled: "I love you, paw".

Tough love. Works every time.

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He doesn't look prostrate. Looks like he's kneeling...

Indeed, the normal translation of kraap thaao (to prostrate oneself at sb's feet) fails the literal test but conveys the sense. Perhaps to touch one's forehead against sb's feet but the sense of self-subjugation is lost. I have never seen a Thai kraap thaao by actually lying on the floor. "Dirtee, dirtee!" smile.png

kraap thaao = creaap thaai (Change the first letter from "k" to "c" and the last from "o" to "i" and you get a much better meaning)

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This notion that a wai can solve problems by asking for forgiveness is fundamentally wrong and flowed

and abused by wrong doers to hide behind, children and adults have to thought that this is not

the answer and thinking that by preforming the kowtowing to one's feet' and expect forgiveness is not

acceptable any longer...

You're right ... they need to go to a confessional and say the Hail Mary prayer. smile.png

Edited by HidyHo
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Thus the mother must show tough love and let this 28 year old man child earn his rings of contrition in the slammer.

Could be quite a sentence stealing that amount.

I got accused of stealing 90,000 baht. My lawyer said I'd do up to 3 years if convicted.

The guy that accused me ended up having to pay me compensation for me to drop a criminal case of filing a false police statement i filed in return.

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This notion that a wai can solve problems by asking for forgiveness is fundamentally wrong and flowed

and abused by wrong doers to hide behind, children and adults have to thought that this is not

the answer and thinking that by preforming the kowtowing to one's feet' and expect forgiveness is not

acceptable any longer...

Bit like the Catholics asking for forgiveness with three hail Marys and your absolved.

I am not a Catholic but I am sure that just gets you out of trouble in the so called afterlife.

Wouldn't do the thieving git much good whilst still down here, jailed for a fair amount of time.

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This notion that a wai can solve problems by asking for forgiveness is fundamentally wrong and flowed

and abused by wrong doers to hide behind, children and adults have to thought that this is not

the answer and thinking that by preforming the kowtowing to one's feet' and expect forgiveness is not

acceptable any longer...

Would somebody explain to me the difference between this and the Roman Catholic ritual of Confession.

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