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congratulations brexit voters

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I couldn't give a toss about immigration or other points i dont live there and haven't for 22 years but i do care about my pension and the exchange rates

Thanks to the knuckledraggers affecting my income!

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When the real citizens of Germany, France ,Italy and Spain see how wel the UK performs outside the EU, they will demand their own referendum, thats what they are afraid of in the gravy train, look after number one mob in Brussels

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by allowing morons to vote on something they know nothing about has made a mockery of democracy.

and cameron by allowing this to happen should be regarded as the biggest terrorist the world has ever known

You're obviously not conceited which is a good start. Jeez.

I voted out, by the way.

Edited by wooloomooloo
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I couldn't give a toss about immigration or other points i dont live there and haven't for 22 years but i do care about my pension and the exchange rates

Thanks to the knuckledraggers affecting my income!

Did you vote? If not, ah diddums.

Ahh! You're giving a toss now.

Edited by wooloomooloo
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I couldn't give a toss about immigration or other points i dont live there and haven't for 22 years but i do care about my pension and the exchange rates

Thanks to the knuckledraggers affecting my income!

Do you honestly think your average knuckle dragger gives a hoot about your pension, you're on your own there.

Many knuckle draggers have pensions that are affected by the exchange rate as well but are more concerned about the future of the UK and those that still live there.

Remaining in the EU would leave us even more vulnerable to the spate of terror attacks that are currently sweeping Europe courtesy of Frau Merkel and her gang. She's been threatening other EU nations with huge fines if they won't take some of her 1.4 million Islamic gimmegrants off her hands along with the members of the terror cells that Trojan horse among them. Many knuckle draggers do not relish getting blown to bits or getting squashed beneath the wheels of a 20 ton lorry.

Edited by yogi100
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And who decided what "ill informed" means?

However well informed or not you are is not the issue, everyone on the electoral roll has the option to vote, how they make their mind up is up to them, you or I might try an influence them but then its up to the individual to weigh things up for themselves and cast their vote or not.

The Court case will not be won by the bad losers, the implications for the future do bear thinking about.

Ill informed is not a decision, though it was definite decision by the leaders of the Brexit campaign to misinform, lie and use racism and xenophobia in their campaign.

They, the Brexit leaders have all fled the scene and their lies are tunmling one after another.

PM May is showing no eagerness to sign Article 50 and has cunningly put an idiot (former Brexit leader and proven liar) in charge of dealing with the 'international community' while putting her rival (and Brexiteer) in charge of explaining Brexit to the UK's most powerful lobby group, the UK's farmers.

If I wee a Brexiteer I might start to worry that the non legally binding referrendum result is going to lead nowhere.

Which is precisely why the Brexit leaders have fled the scene.

The most you can hope for is a right wing onslaught on worker's rights, welfare and the NHS.


To answer some of your points.

Perhaps PM Theresa May needs to come up with a Brexit strategy BEFORE she triggers article 50, which would make sense to most people, instead of going off half cocked and making things up on the spot and then trying to modify it later.

As a Brexiteer I don't worry that a non binding resolution result will lead to nowhere. If it did IMPO the Tory party may well find itself out in the wilderness at the next election and Theresa May would share the guilt of it along with David Cameron.

Why so you consistently say that the Brexit leaders have fled the scene? Several of them are still in positions of power and people like Nigel Farage are not in power and as such will have little effect on government policy.

Nigel Farage has spent most of his time as a Euro MP trying to get the UK out of the EU. With the help of many others in all political parties in the UK including the 17 million odd he voters has achieved most of that goal and now quite reasonably it is up to the current government (who you may remember had NO plan B to turn to in case the Brexit actually won the referendum) to do their bit for a change.

Workers rights don't seem to have improved much in the UK over the last few years. Welfare is of no interest to the current ME generation who in a lot of cases don't actually want to work (to paraphrase an old song, money for nothing and your kicks for free) and the NHS seems to be sinking under too many layers of management. A case of too many chiefs and not enough indians.

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As a Brexiteer I don't worry that a non binding resolution result will lead to nowhere. If it did IMPO the Tory party may well find itself out in the wilderness at the next election

Well, every cloud has its silver lining.

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As a Brexiteer I don't worry that a non binding resolution result will lead to nowhere. If it did IMPO the Tory party may well find itself out in the wilderness at the next election

Well, every cloud has its silver lining.

All politicians worldwide always have themselves as priority #1 and will do as much as possible to stay a politician.

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In any game or vote there will be winners and losers, if you decide to take that challenge up there is by definition a risk, you might win and you might lose and you have to be prepared for the result.

In the referendum issue, it seems, that remainers cannot abide with the loss, they seem to somehow taken it very personally and cannot come to terms with the result, which was I remind you that the UK voted to leave the EU.

It would be really very sporting if you could all just accept that you lost.

I dont accept you ever will though it grates with you all doesn't it?

For better or for worse and today Mark Carney has said (express for those who must have the source)that the BOE has not detected any slowdown in the UK economy. Despite what the doom makers and scaremongers have said the UK is doing ok.

Most losers accept defeat with good grace, unless of course you are an armchair warrior, perhaps you should get out more.

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To be honest , I believe the E.U is doomed anyway ,just lucky we left in a nice new lifeboat and not clinging to an old lifebelt when the inevitable Titanic gravy train hits the iceberg.

as for immegration ,if anyone out there thinks millions of Muslims and others from countrys mired in the middle ages are going to help the west and the E.U you are more foolish than you appear on these boards .sad.png

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I was thinking of buying a small Spanish holiday home earlier this year, when the Euro was 1.40.

Put the idea to the back of my mind because of Brexit.

Looked at the Spanish property prices again yesterday, OMG freefall or what?

The Spanish property market seems to have jumped off a cliff in the past 2 weeks.

One flat I was looking at advertised at 20,000E two months back ....... reduced to 13,500E.

Glad I didn't buy at 1.40 to the GBP now.

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I couldn't give a toss about immigration or other points i dont live there and haven't for 22 years but i do care about my pension and the exchange rates

Thanks to the knuckledraggers affecting my income!

I'd have voted out had I not been disenfranchised at the last minute by that '15 year' lark. Thankfully your knuckle draggers went the same way regardless of the effect on our income :)

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IMF ‘clowns’ admit they got it wrong with Brexit doom and gloom warnings after saying the British economy will grow faster than Germany and France

  • International Monetary Fund originally predicted post-Brexit recession
  • But has now announced that economy set to grow by 1.7% this year
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Farage himself said that 52% against would be a reason to fight on regardless.

Personally I'm not sure brexit will ever happen. It'll get passed around like a political hot potato until an excuse presents itself to forget the whole thing somehow.

Now,all sing together,dream,dream,dream,oh dream,dream dream dream, well you know how the old song goes, its over,live with it
You and I both know it's not over.

It's over ,stop living in your fantasy, you lost now get on with your life,stop dreaming

The outcome of May's meeting with Merkal was very clear, its not over, its not even started.

Germany's chancellor supports May's position that the UK needs to take its time and not rush into enacting Article 50 while stating categorically that withdrawing from the EU's 'Freedom of movement' is not an option if the UK wants tariff free access to the EU markets.

Another Brexit promise made that cannot be delivered.

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IMF ‘clowns’ admit they got it wrong with Brexit doom and gloom warnings after saying the British economy will grow faster than Germany and France

  • International Monetary Fund originally predicted post-Brexit recession
  • But has now announced that economy set to grow by 1.7% this year

IMF officials were labelled ‘clowns’ with ‘serious credibility problems’ last night after saying the British economy will grow faster than Germany and France in the next two years – only weeks after its doom-laden warnings about Brexit.

It is these clowns that the Remaniac intelligentsia were putting great store by...................

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In any game or vote there will be winners and losers, if you decide to take that challenge up there is by definition a risk, you might win and you might lose and you have to be prepared for the result.

In the referendum issue, it seems, that remainers cannot abide with the loss, they seem to somehow taken it very personally and cannot come to terms with the result, which was I remind you that the UK voted to leave the EU.

It would be really very sporting if you could all just accept that you lost.

I dont accept you ever will though it grates with you all doesn't it?

For better or for worse and today Mark Carney has said (express for those who must have the source)that the BOE has not detected any slowdown in the UK economy. Despite what the doom makers and scaremongers have said the UK is doing ok.

Most losers accept defeat with good grace, unless of course you are an armchair warrior, perhaps you should get out more.

You are entirely correct, as a pro-EU remain supporter, I am not at all happy with the result of the referendum.

But the referendum is not legally binding and while the UK remains a parliamentary democracy I still have the right to object to decisions being made by a non legally binding referendum and I shall exercise my rights in the UK democracy to protest, voice my opinion and lobby my MP against Brexit.

You may have enjoy your glorious moment of gloating the side of the referendum you support won the vote, but you cannot argue against my right to continue petitioning and arguing for the UK to remain in the EU and still call yourself a democrat.

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In any game or vote there will be winners and losers, if you decide to take that challenge up there is by definition a risk, you might win and you might lose and you have to be prepared for the result.

In the referendum issue, it seems, that remainers cannot abide with the loss, they seem to somehow taken it very personally and cannot come to terms with the result, which was I remind you that the UK voted to leave the EU.

It would be really very sporting if you could all just accept that you lost.

I dont accept you ever will though it grates with you all doesn't it?

For better or for worse and today Mark Carney has said (express for those who must have the source)that the BOE has not detected any slowdown in the UK economy. Despite what the doom makers and scaremongers have said the UK is doing ok.

Most losers accept defeat with good grace, unless of course you are an armchair warrior, perhaps you should get out more.

You are entirely correct, as a pro-EU remain supporter, I am not at all happy with the result of the referendum.

But the referendum is not legally binding and while the UK remains a parliamentary democracy I still have the right to object to decisions being made by a non legally binding referendum and I shall exercise my rights in the UK democracy to protest, voice my opinion and lobby my MP against Brexit.

You may have enjoy your glorious moment of gloating the side of the referendum you support won the vote, but you cannot argue against my right to continue petitioning and arguing for the UK to remain in the EU and still call yourself a democrat.

You are entirely correct, you are entitled to your view and to exercise it.

By the way I am looking for somewhere to stay for few nights on my return to the UK how much do you charge a night inc breakfast?

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Well Theresa May has given up the presidency of the EU in the second half of 2017 to concentrate on the UK leaving the EU.


She, as the PM seems to think that the UK will still leave the EU and so do I.

The main difference between the two of us is that a decision to leave or stay I have no control over but Theresa May, as the PM certainly does.

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In any game or vote there will be winners and losers, if you decide to take that challenge up there is by definition a risk, you might win and you might lose and you have to be prepared for the result.

In the referendum issue, it seems, that remainers cannot abide with the loss, they seem to somehow taken it very personally and cannot come to terms with the result, which was I remind you that the UK voted to leave the EU.

It would be really very sporting if you could all just accept that you lost.

I dont accept you ever will though it grates with you all doesn't it?

For better or for worse and today Mark Carney has said (express for those who must have the source)that the BOE has not detected any slowdown in the UK economy. Despite what the doom makers and scaremongers have said the UK is doing ok.

Most losers accept defeat with good grace, unless of course you are an armchair warrior, perhaps you should get out more.

You are entirely correct, as a pro-EU remain supporter, I am not at all happy with the result of the referendum.

But the referendum is not legally binding and while the UK remains a parliamentary democracy I still have the right to object to decisions being made by a non legally binding referendum and I shall exercise my rights in the UK democracy to protest, voice my opinion and lobby my MP against Brexit.

You may have enjoy your glorious moment of gloating the side of the referendum you support won the vote, but you cannot argue against my right to continue petitioning and arguing for the UK to remain in the EU and still call yourself a democrat.

Most of what you say is correct but, I think you are confusing the democratic right to voice your opposition to the decision (futile as it is) with bone-headed ignorance in believing that Brexit won't happen - worse that it won't happen because you are voicing such opinion.

I see your blind non-acceptance of defeat (because that is what Brexit means whether you hide behind a misguided belief that it is not binding or not) as quite pathetic now that the dust is settling.

I would cordially invite you to take a deep breath, man up and say to yourself - "OK,it's over; we are exiting the EU so I will now apply my time, talents and efforts in encouraging the UK to make the best decisions going forward".

The options are quite stark because I can assure you, and other Thai Visa remoaners, that in Prime Minister Theresa May -


Edited by Jip99
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I wouldn't get too smug about it until it actually happens.

Funny to see so many people saying 'it must be happening, because a politician said so!', though. Because politicians are always trustworthy.

You're confusing 'smug' with 'reality'

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The options are quite stark because I can assure you... that in Prime Minister Theresa May -


So, May isn't interested in creating wooden objects on a lathe. Not really sure why that's relevant, or the need to shout.

Incidentally, the original spouter of that (slight mis-)quote (she didn't invent it - that was playwright Ronald Millar) didn't recognise the reference to Christopher Fry's work. But then she always was an ignorant philistine. It seems any halfwit could graduate from Oxford in those days, even if it did take her a year longer of study than most. She used it at a time when the UK was in crisis, with 2 million unemployed thanks to her heartless, brutal and utterly incompetent policies. Perhaps May will be equally heartless, brutal and incompetent. Or maybe this time the woman will go to an hotel in Brighton and someone will do a proper job. One can but hope.

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The options are quite stark because I can assure you... that in Prime Minister Theresa May -


So, May isn't interested in creating wooden objects on a lathe. Not really sure why that's relevant, or the need to shout.

Incidentally, the original spouter of that (slight mis-)quote (she didn't invent it - that was playwright Ronald Millar) didn't recognise the reference to Christopher Fry's work. But then she always was an ignorant philistine. It seems any halfwit could graduate from Oxford in those days, even if it did take her a year longer of study than most. She used it at a time when the UK was in crisis, with 2 million unemployed thanks to her heartless, brutal and utterly incompetent policies. Perhaps May will be equally heartless, brutal and incompetent. Or maybe this time the woman will go to an hotel in Brighton and someone will do a proper job. One can but hope.

Another callous post from a bremoaner.

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I wouldn't get too smug about it until it actually happens.

Funny to see so many people saying 'it must be happening, because a politician said so!', though. Because politicians are always trustworthy.

You're confusing 'smug' with 'reality'

"I wouldn't get too reality about it..."

No, that doesn't really work, does it?

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I wouldn't get too smug about it until it actually happens.

Funny to see so many people saying 'it must be happening, because a politician said so!', though. Because politicians are always trustworthy.

You're confusing 'smug' with 'reality'
"I wouldn't get too reality about it..."

No, that doesn't really work, does it?

I think what works better is - in reality soibiker is a very poor loser.

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The options are quite stark because I can assure you... that in Prime Minister Theresa May -


So, May isn't interested in creating wooden objects on a lathe. Not really sure why that's relevant, or the need to shout.

Incidentally, the original spouter of that (slight mis-)quote (she didn't invent it - that was playwright Ronald Millar) didn't recognise the reference to Christopher Fry's work. But then she always was an ignorant philistine. It seems any halfwit could graduate from Oxford in those days, even if it did take her a year longer of study than most. She used it at a time when the UK was in crisis, with 2 million unemployed thanks to her heartless, brutal and utterly incompetent policies. Perhaps May will be equally heartless, brutal and incompetent. Or maybe this time the woman will go to an hotel in Brighton and someone will do a proper job. One can but hope.

Another callous post from a bremoaner.

Nope. Wrong. Check my previous postings and you'll see I'm really rather keen for the UK to throw of its European shackles. However, I am rather skeptical (or realistic) that the Tories will deliver a satisfactory outcome for the British people in this respect.

As for "callous", my callousness in no way matches the callous way in which the Tories have treated the British (and other) people for generations. They serve only their wealthy and their aristocratic masters. Vilest of the vile.

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The options are quite stark because I can assure you... that in Prime Minister Theresa May -


So, May isn't interested in creating wooden objects on a lathe. Not really sure why that's relevant, or the need to shout.

Incidentally, the original spouter of that (slight mis-)quote (she didn't invent it - that was playwright Ronald Millar) didn't recognise the reference to Christopher Fry's work. But then she always was an ignorant philistine. It seems any halfwit could graduate from Oxford in those days, even if it did take her a year longer of study than most. She used it at a time when the UK was in crisis, with 2 million unemployed thanks to her heartless, brutal and utterly incompetent policies. Perhaps May will be equally heartless, brutal and incompetent. Or maybe this time the woman will go to an hotel in Brighton and someone will do a proper job. One can but hope.

Wasn't shouting - it was emphasis and to bring attention to a previous female PM's statement.

Still, it managed to draw out your vitriol quite easily and I think those half-wits who graduated from Oxford (or elsewhere) were the pompous Remainians who claimed superior intellect and said they were smarter.


(that is also not shouting and, if I need to explain, it is drawing a parallel with Farage's comments to the EC Eurocrats.

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If this nonsense from the remain camp gains any traction the very least i'd expect as a sweetener is something to be done about 4.2M voters in the GE who only manages to secure a single seat for their choice of candidate....

Yeah I know, That won't happen either!

Edited by evadgib
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The options are quite stark because I can assure you... that in Prime Minister Theresa May -


So, May isn't interested in creating wooden objects on a lathe. Not really sure why that's relevant, or the need to shout.

Incidentally, the original spouter of that (slight mis-)quote (she didn't invent it - that was playwright Ronald Millar) didn't recognise the reference to Christopher Fry's work. But then she always was an ignorant philistine. It seems any halfwit could graduate from Oxford in those days, even if it did take her a year longer of study than most. She used it at a time when the UK was in crisis, with 2 million unemployed thanks to her heartless, brutal and utterly incompetent policies. Perhaps May will be equally heartless, brutal and incompetent. Or maybe this time the woman will go to an hotel in Brighton and someone will do a proper job. One can but hope.

Another callous post from a bremoaner.

Nope. Wrong. Check my previous postings and you'll see I'm really rather keen for the UK to throw of its European shackles. However, I am rather skeptical (or realistic) that the Tories will deliver a satisfactory outcome for the British people in this respect.

As for "callous", my callousness in no way matches the callous way in which the Tories have treated the British (and other) people for generations. They serve only their wealthy and their aristocratic masters. Vilest of the vile.

"Or realistic" I see what you did there, hilarious. ??? If the Tories don't deliver a satisfactory outcome, who the hell will? Labour are like a load of headless chickens running about, and the the new man to unthrone Corbyn has said on The Andrew Marr show on Sunday that he will offer the people of the UK another referendum on the EU, that should go down well, but you never know he might get the result he wants this time. So in other words I don't think we have much option but to go with what we have on offer. But having said that I am feeling very optimistic for the future of the UK, more than I have for a long time. I personally think that no-one will mess Theresa May about, I like her cabinet and wish her all the best in these uncertain times.

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Considering the guy she's put in charge of brexit doesn't understand EU law and thinks the republic of Ireland is part of the UK, I find it hard to be so optimistic.

But you have a feeling. So that's ok.

Edited by SoiBiker
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