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Plagiarism charges mar Melania Trump's moment


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Melania Trump's Flops Go Beyond Her Convention Speech

Mrs. Trump: “I read once over it and that’s all. Because I wrote it with as little help as possible.”

That would be the speech that she plagiarised, in sequence. laugh.png

That would be the same Bimbo who lied about having a degree in "architecture"

Who dropped out after one year.


Read about the substandard junk that she "imports" and many of her other failures here:


Along with the facts of the standard family business practices that deprive Americans of jobs,

while outsourcing their products to cheap labor exploiting countries such as China, Mexico and Bangladesh.

How to Look Like Trump’s Third Wife Using Her Half-Off Skincare Line and Knock-Off Jewelry

Melania Trump’s facewash line has been banished to the discount bin, as her would-be empire turns into an also-ran.

You've been had.
By a family of Hucksters.
The Lemmings have no defense of the Bloviator.
Ya got nothin'.
Just adolescent deflection.
Dunning Kruger.
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Let Jingthing post his partisan smears in peace. whistling.gif

I see, and you're not partisan. Do you agree this is a thread about Melania Trump or not?

She's in the spotlight now for the first time. All is fair game.

The unknown question I have now is that if Melania will be associated with this copied speech indefinitely just like Howard Dean is with his infamous SCREAM.

I can't predict that one.

You'll find that this is the one-page GOP election manual from here on in:

"Does Trump know his punitive trade policies will be a disaster?"


"How is Trump planning on deporting 11 million people, all of whom are entitled to due process?"


Etc. etc.

it's juvenile deflection and it isn't going to work. The Republicans have been hitting Hillary with everything they've got and they still can't get her negatives above Trump's.

He is going to be systematically pulled to pieces, and his "great brain" and his "best words" will not save him.

I'm still doubtful he'll risk standing on a debate stage with someone who could run rings around him blindfolded.

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Hillary lied about both scandals to the public and there is plenty of proof. Of course her political rivals are going to bring them up.

Not my point and you know it.

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Dude, we're talking about MELANIA here. Talk about your obsession with Hillary on a Clinton thread, OK?

Sure the Clintons have had scandals.

But now that trump is the nominee and Melania aspires to be the first lady ... EVERYTHING is game.

Her coming out party turned out to be a disaster.

What else is there? Surely there is more.

I want to see her citizenship application.

Something tells me there was some monkey business.

This is the Republican methodology. Rip the candidate and family to shreds. Democrats should do the same. Go all FOX on them.

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This is the Republican methodology. Rip the candidate and family to shreds. Democrats should do the same.

They already do. The democrats do nothing but lie, spin and exaggerate about each and every Republican presidential candidate and they are far worse than the Republicans when it comes to slander. Their hero Saul Alinsky told them exactly what to do.

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions."

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Dude, we're talking about MELANIA here. Talk about your obsession with Hillary on a Clinton thread, OK?

Sure the Clintons have had scandals.

But now that trump is the nominee and Melania aspires to be the first lady ... EVERYTHING is game.

Her coming out party turned out to be a disaster.

What else is there? Surely there is more.

I want to see her citizenship application.

Something tells me there was some monkey business.

This is the Republican methodology. Rip the candidate and family to shreds. Democrats should do the same. Go all FOX on them.

Not an American so do not know your laws. Apparently she was born in Chicago so why would she have to apply for citizenship? Thought it was automatic if you are born on US soil.

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Melania was born in Yugoslavia to communist parents. Her father was employed by the communist state.

She sells fashion products produced in the third world, lied about her education, plagiarized her speech and probably short cutted her US Citizenship application after marrying a NY Billionaire almost twice her age in a $200,000 wedding dress.

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Melania was born in Yugoslavia to communist parents. Her father was employed by the communist state.

She sells fashion products produced in the third world, lied about her education, plagiarized her speech and probably short cutted her US Citizenship application after marrying a NY Billionaire almost twice her age in a $200,000 wedding dress.

Re read the article I got the info about Chicago from and it appears that in one sentence they managed to confuse Michelle Obama and Melania. Thanks for clearing it up.

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Once a communist, always a communist.

What is Trump thinking, bringing someone like that into the USA to sell her imported goods produced by abused children in third world sweat shops?

Americans won't stand for a gold digger, lying, communist first lady that abused poor children.

Deport her.

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ha ha the speech writer was named and offered her resignation to Trump who...saves the day and refuses her resignation, tells her we learn from our mistakes.

Wonder what her bonus was for taking the fall.

Trump, your a legend !

Are you suggesting that the speech was not written for Melania?

Ofcourse it was a prepared speech...ergo, written by a speech writer so obviously the threat of plagiarism would befall the writer.

Or do you honestly think Melania wrote her own speech?

What is surprising is that the speech writer mentions that Melania has always admired Michelle Obama. This will not go over well in Republican circles since not many of us have even a small amount of respect for the First Lady of Color in the WH.

I would have left the reference of color out of the title except the Obamas constantly insist on reminding us of that fact.

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Let Jingthing post his partisan smears in peace. whistling.gif

I see, and you're not partisan. Do you agree this is a thread about Melania Trump or not?

She's in the spotlight now for the first time. All is fair game.

The unknown question I have now is that if Melania will be associated with this copied speech indefinitely just like Howard Dean is with his infamous SCREAM.

I can't predict that one.

Nobody wrote Dean's "Scream" so he owns that.

And I in no way wish to speak for you but most American men find it rather disturbing when a man screams like Howard Dean. It is hard to forget.

The phrases used by Melania are pretty generic phrases used by many Americans.

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Let Jingthing post his partisan smears in peace. whistling.gif

I see, and you're not partisan. Do you agree this is a thread about Melania Trump or not?

She's in the spotlight now for the first time. All is fair game.

The unknown question I have now is that if Melania will be associated with this copied speech indefinitely just like Howard Dean is with his infamous SCREAM.

I can't predict that one.

Nobody wrote Dean's "Scream" so he owns that.

And I in no way wish to speak for you but most American men find it rather disturbing when a man screams like Howard Dean. It is hard to forget.

The phrases used by Melania are pretty generic phrases used by many Americans.

The plagiarism may have had less sting if she had stolen the speech from a republican first lady.

Copying Obama? Now that's funny.

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ha ha the speech writer was named and offered her resignation to Trump who...saves the day and refuses her resignation, tells her we learn from our mistakes.

Wonder what her bonus was for taking the fall.

Trump, your a legend !

Are you suggesting that the speech was not written for Melania?

Ofcourse it was a prepared speech...ergo, written by a speech writer so obviously the threat of plagiarism would befall the writer.

Or do you honestly think Melania wrote her own speech?

What is surprising is that the speech writer mentions that Melania has always admired Michelle Obama. This will not go over well in Republican circles since not many of us have even a small amount of respect for the First Lady of Color in the WH.

I would have left the reference of color out of the title except the Obamas consistantly insist on reminding us of that fact.

I really think you should have left out the reference to colour ! Then again it is a very Republican trend. Here is Paul Ryan with his selfie with the Capitol Hill Interns ! Spot the colour there then ;) Talk about diversity! Seems like you are straight out the GOP mould ClutchClark


It seems the Trump is claiming that the plagiarism was a media coup and it is great publicity. He says that "Good news is Melania's speech got more publicity than any in the history of politics especially if you believe that all press is good press!" !! Yes he really said that. I wonder if he has heard of Lincoln's Gettysburg address? maybe JFK's inauguration? or how about Kings 'I have a dream' ? . He even said when he was on 60 mins with Pence the other night he is a very very humble man. Yeah right. This is shaping up to be all the comedy it promised. I simply cannot wait for the head to head debates between him and HRC.

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The phrases used by Melania are pretty generic phrases used by many Americans.


By The Way. Just in:

Trump Org. writer takes blame for Melania Trump's speech; asserts she offered resignation but was rejected.


So you can confirm she was a Rick Astley fan?

Or have you gone off that particular bit of jiggery-pokery as deflection now that the Trump campaign and owned up to its mishandling of this?

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ha ha the speech writer was named and offered her resignation to Trump who...saves the day and refuses her resignation, tells her we learn from our mistakes.

Wonder what her bonus was for taking the fall.

Trump, your a legend !

Are you suggesting that the speech was not written for Melania?

Ofcourse it was a prepared speech...ergo, written by a speech writer so obviously the threat of plagiarism would befall the writer.

Or do you honestly think Melania wrote her own speech?

What is surprising is that the speech writer mentions that Melania has always admired Michelle Obama. This will not go over well in Republican circles since not many of us have even a small amount of respect for the First Lady of Color in the WH.

I would have left the reference of color out of the title except the Obamas consistantly insist on reminding us of that fact.

I really think you should have left out the reference to colour ! Then again it is a very Republican trend. Here is Paul Ryan with his selfie with the Capitol Hill Interns ! Spot the colour there then wink.png Talk about diversity! Seems like you are straight out the GOP mould ClutchClark


It seems the Trump is claiming that the plagiarism was a media coup and it is great publicity. He says that "Good news is Melania's speech got more publicity than any in the history of politics especially if you believe that all press is good press!" !! Yes he really said that. I wonder if he has heard of Lincoln's Gettysburg address? maybe JFK's inauguration? or how about Kings 'I have a dream' ? . He even said when he was on 60 mins with Pence the other night he is a very very humble man. Yeah right. This is shaping up to be all the comedy it promised. I simply cannot wait for the head to head debates between him and HRC.

Look at all those white people in that picture. Yep the Republican's sure love Trump. He's going to make America white again.

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ha ha the speech writer was named and offered her resignation to Trump who...saves the day and refuses her resignation, tells her we learn from our mistakes.

Wonder what her bonus was for taking the fall.

Trump, your a legend !

Are you suggesting that the speech was not written for Melania?

Ofcourse it was a prepared speech...ergo, written by a speech writer so obviously the threat of plagiarism would befall the writer.

Or do you honestly think Melania wrote her own speech?

What is surprising is that the speech writer mentions that Melania has always admired Michelle Obama. This will not go over well in Republican circles since not many of us have even a small amount of respect for the First Lady of Color in the WH.

I would have left the reference of color out of the title except the Obamas consistantly insist on reminding us of that fact.

I really think you should have left out the reference to colour ! Then again it is a very Republican trend. Here is Paul Ryan with his selfie with the Capitol Hill Interns ! Spot the colour there then ;) Talk about diversity! Seems like you are straight out the GOP mould ClutchClark

As for the Intern photo, do we know how many more qualified minorities applied for and were denied the internship?

As for the color thing, Obama's platform was that he had a black father. Race has always been a part of his campaign. You seem to pick and choose when it can be applied and by whom.

Back to the point, any charge of plagiarism would have to be directed towards the speech writer. If anything, this is another example of how politically unsophisticated the Trump campaign has been from the start.

But most Republicans I know are simply voting against Hillary and not for Trump.

As for the phrases in the speech...they are fairly generic in nature. I don't have a copy in front of me...any chance you do?

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I really think you should have left out the reference to colour ! Then again it is a very Republican trend. Here is Paul Ryan with his selfie with the Capitol Hill Interns ! Spot the colour there then wink.png Talk about diversity! Seems like you are straight out the GOP mould ClutchClark

As for the Intern photo, do we know how many more qualified minorities applied for and were denied the internship?

As for the color thing, Obama's platform was that he had a black father. Race has always been a part of his campaign. You seem to pick and choose when it can be applied and by whom.

Back to the point, any charge of plagiarism would have to be directed towards the speech writer. If anything, this is another example of how politically unsophisticated the Trump campaign has been from the start.

But most Republicans I know are simply voting against Hillary and not for Trump.

As for the phrases in the speech...they are fairly generic in nature. I don't have a copy in front of me...any chance you do?

So you are commenting on how generic the terms are yet you do not have a copy in front of you. How funny ! !0 seconds on google will give you all th comparisons you want. but consider this.

political speeches are often filled with commonly used phrases, from "my fellow Americans" to "God bless the United States of America." So it's hardly surprising when they show up verbatim in multiple speeches.

Linguistic experts call these "lexical bundles" — strings of words that commonly appear in everyday speech. But once those strings reach a certain length, it's a red flag when comparing two texts for possible plagiarism.

"The passages (in Melania Trump's speech) are simply too long to have occurred by chance," said Robert Leonard, a professor of forensic linguistics at Hofstra University. "Sure, it's possible. But which is the better hypothesis — that they were copied or not?"

In fact, the odds that use of these extended passages was entirely coincidental are "astronomically high," according to professor Patrick Juola, an expert in text analysis at Duquesne University.

"You almost never see these stereotypical phrases longer than seven words," he said.

Beyond seven words, the odds become exceedingly small that two speakers will choose the identical string of words by coincidence.

Calculating those odds, said Juola, depends on a number of factors. But much like calculating the odds of a coin flip, the odds grow exponentially higher as the string of common words gets longer.

A rough rule of thumb, he said, is to count the number of characters in the matching phrases — and then raise two to that power.

Based on that math, the longest section of exact duplication is 82 characters long.

Which works out to a 1 in 4,835,703,278,458,516,698,824,704 chance that the similarity was coincidental.

That's about 1 in 5 septillion.

So that is not as generic as you lay claim really is it. 1 in 5 septillion - wow, bigger than the Trumps bank balance.

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I really think you should have left out the reference to colour ! Then again it is a very Republican trend. Here is Paul Ryan with his selfie with the Capitol Hill Interns ! Spot the colour there then wink.png Talk about diversity! Seems like you are straight out the GOP mould ClutchClark

As for the Intern photo, do we know how many more qualified minorities applied for and were denied the internship?

As for the color thing, Obama's platform was that he had a black father. Race has always been a part of his campaign. You seem to pick and choose when it can be applied and by whom.

Back to the point, any charge of plagiarism would have to be directed towards the speech writer. If anything, this is another example of how politically unsophisticated the Trump campaign has been from the start.

But most Republicans I know are simply voting against Hillary and not for Trump.

As for the phrases in the speech...they are fairly generic in nature. I don't have a copy in front of me...any chance you do?

So you are commenting on how generic the terms are yet you do not have a copy in front of you. How funny ! !0 seconds on google will give you all th comparisons you want. but consider this.

So that is not as generic as you lay claim really is it. 1 in 5 septillion - wow, bigger than the Trumps bank balance.

Funny? You must be quite easily entertained.

I read the comparisons, I did not copy and save them...the speech writer has admitted to copying passages...no one is sugesting they were not copied.

All I was aaying, and I will try and spell it out for you, is that the statements made were generic in a similar way as, "If elected, I will make America great again" or "I promise Change".

Personally, I would have fired the speech writer for being incompetent and I would have probably fired whoever was supposed to be double checking her speeches and even chewed ass on the person assigned to triple checking her speeches. This is politics. The Clinton/Obama/DNC machine is incredibly astute on the Spin Factor...just look at how she played her way out of the private email account.

Trump has once again shown his lack of political experience. Its why he appeals to so many Americans who are tired of Slick Willies and Slick Obamas and talking heads like GWB. At the same time, Trumps inexperience in the political arena is a concern, and since the Republican Party is now endorsing him they better get their people in there protecting him.

Unless they don't want him to win because he threatens every politicians corrupt agenda.

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So you are commenting on how generic the terms are yet you do not have a copy in front of you. How funny ! !0 seconds on google will give you all th comparisons you want. but consider this.

So that is not as generic as you lay claim really is it. 1 in 5 septillion - wow, bigger than the Trumps bank balance.

Funny? You must be quite easily entertained.

I read the comparisons, I did not copy and save them...the speech writer has admitted to copying passages...no one is sugesting they were not copied.

All I was aaying, and I will try and spell it out for you, is that the statements made were generic in a similar way as, "If elected, I will make America great again" or "I promise Change".

Personally, I would have fired the speech writer for being incompetent and zi would have probably fired whoever was supposed to be double checking her speeches and even chewed ass on the person assigned to triple checking her speeches. This is politics. The Clinton/Obama/DNC machine is incredibly astute on the aspin Factor.

Trump has once again shown his lack of political experience. Its why he appeals to so many Americans who are tired of Slick Willies and Slick Obamas and tslking heads like GWB. At the same time, Trumps inexperience in the political arena is a concern, and since the Republican Party is now endorsing him they better get their people in there protecting him.

Not funny ha ha wink.png

So according to you the plagiarism was nothing

All I was aaying, and I will try and spell it out for you, is that the statements made were generic in a similar way as, "If elected, I will make America great again" or "I promise Change"

(no, there was a 1 in 5 septillion chance. They were not generic)

Yet despite you think them being harmlessly generic you:

Personally, I would have fired the speech writer for being incompetent and zi would have probably fired whoever was supposed to be double checking her speeches and even chewed ass on the person assigned to triple checking her speeches.

That's a bit harsh for something so generic. What was said was in fact no where remotely close to the examples you give was it. And why are we even arguing. The member of staff has admitted it.

By the way, Trump does not have a 'lack of political experience', he has 'no political experience'.

Edited by Andaman Al
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When MSNBC signed off at 3 a.m. the first night of the Republican National Convention, they were still talking about Melania’s speech.

"If you’re on MSNBC and traffic in outrage and sanctimony every day, you can lose your bearings and not even realize what an idiot you’ve become"

Sounds like quite a few on here fall into that catagory! whistling.gif


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So you are commenting on how generic the terms are yet you do not have a copy in front of you. How funny ! !0 seconds on google will give you all th comparisons you want. but consider this.

So that is not as generic as you lay claim really is it. 1 in 5 septillion - wow, bigger than the Trumps bank balance.

Funny? You must be quite easily entertained.

I read the comparisons, I did not copy and save them...the speech writer has admitted to copying passages...no one is sugesting they were not copied.

All I was aaying, and I will try and spell it out for you, is that the statements made were generic in a similar way as, "If elected, I will make America great again" or "I promise Change".

Personally, I would have fired the speech writer for being incompetent and zi would have probably fired whoever was supposed to be double checking her speeches and even chewed ass on the person assigned to triple checking her speeches. This is politics. The Clinton/Obama/DNC machine is incredibly astute on the aspin Factor.

Trump has once again shown his lack of political experience. Its why he appeals to so many Americans who are tired of Slick Willies and Slick Obamas and tslking heads like GWB. At the same time, Trumps inexperience in the political arena is a concern, and since the Republican Party is now endorsing him they better get their people in there protecting him.

Not funny ha ha wink.png

So according to you the plagiarism was nothing

All I was aaying, and I will try and spell it out for you, is that the statements made were generic in a similar way as, "If elected, I will make America great again" or "I promise Change"

(no, there was a 1 in 5 septillion chance. They were not generic)

Yet despite you think them being harmlessly generic you:

Personally, I would have fired the speech writer for being incompetent and zi would have probably fired whoever was supposed to be double checking her speeches and even chewed ass on the person assigned to triple checking her speeches.

That's a bit harsh for something so generic. What was said was in fact no where remotely close to the examples you give was it. And why are we even arguing. The member of staff has admitted it.

By the way, Trump does not have a 'lack of political experience', he has 'no political experience'.


You are the only one that is arguing.

I was just having a conversation.

Chill my brother.

The speech writer would not be fired for the content of the speech (which was generic) but for the act of plagiarism--can you understand this distinction?

its only 8:20 in the morning. Why are you so fired up this early?

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This must put a knife in Bloviator and Melanie fans:

“We discussed many people who inspired her and messages she wanted to share with the American people,” McIver wrote. “A person she has always liked is Michelle Obama.


Take a deep breath, Boon Mee and the rest of you Bloviator fans!


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When MSNBC signed off at 3 a.m. the first night of the Republican National Convention, they were still talking about Melania’s speech.

"If you’re on MSNBC and traffic in outrage and sanctimony every day, you can lose your bearings and not even realize what an idiot you’ve become"

Sounds like quite a few on here fall into that catagory! whistling.gif


True. Sounds similar to the obsession with Hilary and Benghazi and emails despite a republican committee finding no evidence of any guilt on her part in Benghazi and one of your own national intelligence agencies finding no reason to prosecute in the emails.whistling.gifwhistling.gif

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