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How Many Of Us Are Really Short, Fat And Bald?


Short, fat and bald  

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What about short, slim and partially bald?!

p.s Never been told i'm a "handsome maan", just "ok" :D

Well: they tell to absolut everyone "handsome man". So you must really look terrible :D

Just need to flash a few more baht


I don't know but I`ve been told

that I am a haaansome maan :o

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For this poll, anyone over 5'7 is tall.

Under 99kg is thin.

More than 5 strands of hair or a comb-over is considered hair.

We don't want to be too hard on the average punter out there.

So if you're 5'7, 98 kg and have a decent comb-over there's only one thing to do.......strut.


For once he's made me laugh :D

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the mistake made by westerners is judging a thai women by wesstern standards. by western standards, the short fat bald guys are with knockouts. by thai standards, they are dragging around Oprah.

yes ok fella, fair enough,

but oprah has got a <deleted> load more money than a drop dead, cracking gorgeous little stunner of a thai girl. :D

think i'll take the thai girl though mate, and you can have fat old rich oprah. :D

besides that oprah dont like noodle soup. :D:D:D

cheers friends :o

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I always hear and read about how disgusted some westerners are to see a short, fat and bald guy walking around with a cute Thai girl.

But how many of us are really short, fat and bald?

Please take the poll so we can find out the true stats.

Ah, but it's usually ugly middle aged farang women saying this. They come here and are ignored by all but the blind and the desperate and blame everbody else. Nothing like seeing a brood of steaming fat white girls sat on their own in a nightclub, missing all the drunken chat-up lines that they would get in Europe from the Arab and Greek Bar Staff on the med...

The same people in fact that used to drill home to us that looks wern't important, big is beautiful, age is no barrier, marriage is ok between two men.

Its a PC right on stero-type used Student Union prospective candidates and those that never grew out of it. The very people that would have you fired from your job if you stereo-typed anybody, suggested that its possible for women to be happy with a family, that you oppose gay marriage or that Muslim Veils make you nervous etc...

Anybody seen a good looking backpacking female this year? You should do a poll on them as most of em are podgy flabby litte lost girls scared to venture outside the confines of the Lonely Planet.

Its hard for them as they see themselves as explorers, and when they get here, they find that they are 100 years too late and look complete <deleted> walking out of Don Muang Airport dressed like Dr Livingstone. Mind you , do you ever see em back-pack anywhere? I only ever see em getting on and off busses!:D

sorry mate,

but im sure you must be all pissed up and blind as well. :D

i suggest you get your blind arse down to rambuttri street and koh san road.

you will see the most stunning, young , sexy, drop dead gorgous backpacking girls ever to set foot on gods earth.

you can tell pure beauty when a girl wears no make up and im giving you the drum that some of these girls should be put in jail as there beauty could lead a man to kill. :D

some will give the best thai girl a run for her money.

now, there not all beautiful as there's also a lot of dreadlocked, ugly, fully tatooed up skanks and i frigging hate those shanky white trash and immigration should not let the scank in. :D

but the nice ones are pure magic. :D

cheers punting friends. :o

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I always hear and read about how disgusted some westerners are to see a short, fat and bald guy walking around with a cute Thai girl.

But how many of us are really short, fat and bald?

Please take the poll so we can find out the true stats.

Ah, but it's usually ugly middle aged farang women saying this. They come here and are ignored by all but the blind and the desperate and blame everbody else. Nothing like seeing a brood of steaming fat white girls sat on their own in a nightclub, missing all the drunken chat-up lines that they would get in Europe from the Arab and Greek Bar Staff on the med...

The same people in fact that used to drill home to us that looks wern't important, big is beautiful, age is no barrier, marriage is ok between two men.

Its a PC right on stero-type used Student Union prospective candidates and those that never grew out of it. The very people that would have you fired from your job if you stereo-typed anybody, suggested that its possible for women to be happy with a family, that you oppose gay marriage or that Muslim Veils make you nervous etc...

Anybody seen a good looking backpacking female this year? You should do a poll on them as most of em are podgy flabby litte lost girls scared to venture outside the confines of the Lonely Planet.

Its hard for them as they see themselves as explorers, and when they get here, they find that they are 100 years too late and look complete <deleted> walking out of Don Muang Airport dressed like Dr Livingstone. Mind you , do you ever see em back-pack anywhere? I only ever see em getting on and off busses!:D

........ and I thought I was a ranting, raving lunatic male chauvinist pig. :o

you can stop nodding your head now sbk.

Have to admit tho, the Dr Livingstone bit was pretty funny.

Edited by dgoz
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sorry mate,

but im sure you must be all pissed up and blind as well. :D

i suggest you get your blind arse down to rambuttri street and koh san road.

you will see the most stunning, young , sexy, drop dead gorgous backpacking girls ever to set foot on gods earth.

you can tell pure beauty when a girl wears no make up and im giving you the drum that some of these girls should be put in jail as there beauty could lead a man to kill. :D

some will give the best thai girl a run for her money.

now, there not all beautiful as there's also a lot of dreadlocked, ugly, fully tatooed up skanks and i frigging hate those shanky white trash and immigration should not let the scank in. :D

but the nice ones are pure magic. :D

cheers punting friends. :o

Terry, you have spent too much of your spare time wandering around the streets in our home town. I agree it would be ideal if there as some sort of quality control at immigration. Trouble is, I would have different ideas to those who established the standard and we would be back to square one, without the diversity. :D

Back to the topic at hand.

Me - I'm tallish, round, but I have more hair than my 3 younger brothers combined. :D

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I'm short, fat and have a little hair.

And on top of all that, my johnson is so small, they had to circumcise me rectally.

Oh contraire my weight inhanced, vertically challenged friend with the R1 ceiling insulation. I know all of the tilaks bleeting out their mating call "hello hansum man" during our research were not refering to me. :o

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sorry mate,

but im sure you must be all pissed up and blind as well.

i suggest you get your blind arse down to rambuttri street and koh san road.

you will see the most stunning, young , sexy, drop dead gorgous backpacking girls ever to set foot on gods earth.

you can tell pure beauty when a girl wears no make up and im giving you the drum that some of these girls should be put in jail as there beauty could lead a man to kill.

some will give the best thai girl a run for her money.

now, there not all beautiful as there's also a lot of dreadlocked, ugly, fully tatooed up skanks and i frigging hate those shanky white trash and immigration should not let the scank in. :D

but the nice ones are pure magic. :D

cheers punting friends.

Terry, you have spent too much of your spare time wandering around the streets in our home town. I agree it would be ideal if there as some sort of quality control at immigration. Trouble is, I would have different ideas to those who established the standard and we would be back to square one, without the diversity. :D

Back to the topic at hand.

Me - I'm tallish, round, but I have more hair than my 3 younger brothers combined. :D

no mate,

you got it all wrong as some of these scanks are real shockers and way worse than those that hang around freo markets.

these lot been living under a rock in india for the last 12 months smoking chillums for a living. :D

a good wash and there skin would fall off. :D

im all for diversity but there wasting good oxygen. :D:D

sorry lance,

but if you would off spent more time in los you would know exactly what im talking about. :D

you got to get out of that photo store fella.

cheers :o

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I always hear and read about how disgusted some westerners are to see a short, fat and bald guy walking around with a cute Thai girl.

But how many of us are really short, fat and bald?

Please take the poll so we can find out the true stats.

Ah, but it's usually ugly middle aged farang women saying this.

sorry mate,

but im sure you must be all pissed up and blind as well.

Ahh Terry 57..There is that true old saying "Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder"

But for the love of me I dont see what all this has to do with the poll !!! :o

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Well it's not my looks that trouble me it's my age. I'm 6'3'' 210lbs and plenty of hair but I am pushing 60. Brings to mind a poem.

When I was young and in my prime,

I use to do all the time.

Now I'm old and getting gray,

I can only do it once a day.


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Maybe I got out the wrong side of the bed yesterday!!! :o

Bit more OT today and me final word..... for now :D

I was a tad on the offensive, as I regularly run in the Hash, swim and jog most days, play football (veterans now!!) and when I back-pack, I ususally trek 20 odd KM's a day.

I don't really know anybody that isn't fit, as most of my mates are long time riggers who part time between here and work. Therefore the old short fat and bald thing got my goat.

So pleas, remember that ladies, next time you are hear this this crap. Most of us actually aren't and you can feel free to say that rather than agree.

Edited by Steph1012
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Here in Thailand, we expats all think we are more handsome than we are because...

1) The Thai are very open and free with their comments about appearance. Much more so than in the west.

2) All farangs look alike to them. (Remember the days when all Asians looked alike to you?)

3) All farangs remind them of some movie actor (handsome of course).

So as unreliable as the feedback may be, guys, enjoy it while you're here. Just don't forget to go home to your country of origin once in a while for a reality check. :o

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I'm short, fat and have a little hair.

And on top of all that, my johnson is so small, they had to circumcise me rectally.

Oh contraire my weight inhanced, vertically challenged friend with the R1 ceiling insulation. I know all of the tilaks bleeting out their mating call "hello hansum man" during our research were not refering to me. :o

I still say it was your legs as well as your "Hello Kitty" shorts that got the tilaks hearts throbbing. :D

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