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French Muslims apprehensive and alienated


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The muslims communities in Western Europe has been crying wolf for so long now that we`re soon on the verge of phuking bah.gif !! Despite having the same possibilities as the rest of us,all we hear is the constant whining and complaining from them.The ONLY thing holding them back is their backward religion :Islam !!

And do note that most of the successfull muslims are the ones who doesn`t live by every rule in the Quaran.The rest will never be anything else than a burden on the rest of us and the only place they will succeed is in the gutter of the Magreb countries,Afghanistan,Somalia etc.etc.............Please move back to this beacons of success stories if you`re not satisfied,pleeeeeease,NONE of us will ever miss you coffee1.gif !!

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French Muslims apprehensive and alienated

I wonder why?

Animals,,,,and we all know what we do with them when we don't want them or they are sick!

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Ah! yes, the Muslims of France, concerned about an.

If it was not so dramatic, I rigolerai.

Since the massacre of NICE, there was an Arab who wounded three little girls and a mom in a holiday village because they were incorrectly habillées.D'après him.

In Val D'Oise, Arab and black put to fire and sword entire neighborhood, up to invade the town.

On the Promenade des Anglais, I saw small Arab rush to steal the dead.

Worried. Hogwash. Just comedy. And that there are some who believe them.

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The French have been leading the charge against Islam on many fronts, as such blowback should be expected rather than the government feigning shock.

As to local Muslims, how much intelligence do they pass onto the authorities assuming they are indeed shocked by theirs brothers actions?

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Somebody needs to explain to the farqing idiots that they don't get to form their own 'mini community' within whatever country they reside and start calling the shots. If 51 percent of English folks decide something, well that's different.

Unless it's Brexit, in which case 51% isn't enough, they need 75%.

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Perhaps if they all went out and demonstrated with banners and shouted 'Death to all radical Muslims' or 'We love France more than Islam', then people might start taking these so-called, moderate Muslims more seriously.

What is needed is for the majority moderate Muslims to turn in the fanatics. When the nightly news features stories of endless raids by the police, arresting radicals and confiscating their weapons all because of tips to the police by other Muslims, then they will stop feeling "apprehensive and alienated". If they to close their eyes and wait for the trouble to pass, they will eventually feel the brunt of the backlash that is sure to come at some point.

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Perhaps if they all went out and demonstrated with banners and shouted 'Death to all radical Muslims' or 'We love France more than Islam', then people might start taking these so-called, moderate Muslims more seriously.

What is needed is for the majority moderate Muslims to turn in the fanatics. When the nightly news features stories of endless raids by the police, arresting radicals and confiscating their weapons all because of tips to the police by other Muslims, then they will stop feeling "apprehensive and alienated". If they to close their eyes and wait for the trouble to pass, they will eventually feel the brunt of the backlash that is sure to come at some point.

Agree. Like the old saying. There's only so many times you can kick a dog before it turns viscous

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I see the retarded are out today!

One more time : last month in Baghdad: 350 dead

Yesterday h US-French coallition killed 60 civilians, including women and kids... and so much more

But u will tell me they deserve it... you re clearly not worth more than daesh.

Where to start? First of all nobody approves of the deaths of innocent civilians so you are burning a straw man there. Second It was ISIS who caused the deaths in Baghdad, not the French. Third, IF it turns out the US or French accidentally killed some civilians you can be sure it was not deliberate and maybe a consequence of Islamist terrorists resorting to their usual human shield tactic. Some crappy equivalence argument you are trying to pull there. But just supposing for the sake of argument I accept some equivalence what sort of degenerate takes this as justification to murder other innocent civilians in retaliation?

Back to topic from your flaming, the French Muslim population has been a problem for years, by every metric from education to prison population they collectively don't fit in. This problem has been allowed to fester and get worse due to failure to deal with incitement and extremism in the Mosques and religious schools. As the Muslim population increases so does the scale and frequency of violence.

Prior to the Nice attack and a Moroccan stabbing a woman and her three daughters a French politician stated France is a couple of incidents away from civil war, I put it to you that much of the French population feels alienated not just the Muslims.

Second It was ISIS who caused the deaths in Baghdad, not the French

Nope it is not. Look at the history of Irk and tell me one more time the US and French and UK are not responsible for the mess there and all the elements coming from this stupid invasion. Same apply for Lybia, Syria...

I see the spin doctors are quite good on you, you really think the bombs, the past weddings bombings and other civilian casualties are because of human shields? you should really see how a war works and look at the way bombs explode for real and not on TV shows.

I still wait to have headline news about the bombing in Baghdad, the "je suis Baghdad" and other crap like this... I wait to have all those politicians who were in Paris (Bibi, US, French, german, UK) parading in front of the crowd, crying crocodile tears...

I m waiting to see the same emotion on Boko Haram exactions.

Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Daesh were created by Western governments, like it or not!

I don t see the people turning their stupid comments to german community when it comes for exemple to co-pilot Andreas Lubitz. But you will tell me this is different, right?

Either that or you selectively read the comments in TV...

If you knew a bit more about french immigration and how muslim immigration was handle after the colonies era, then you could see how the French governments didn t gave a sh!t about them and parked them in suburbus of the cities and let them here, as well as the suppression of 13.000 policemen in those area because Sarkozy wanted to cut budget.

So re-read the comments here and then come back

That western involvement in the Middle East has been a disaster is undeniable. Without donning a tinfoil hat much of this is down to ignorance of the region and the law of unintended consequences. Talking of tinfoil do you really believe the US actually created ISIS? I don't mean by a chain of events leading to a power vacuum, I mean by deliberate premeditation.

It is revealing how your logic revolves around injury done to the Muslim world by the west leading to some search for revenge, revenge sadly missing when Muslims slaughter other Muslims, in far greater numbers. Or is this Muslim on Muslim violence intended to somehow spite the west? Anyway murderous grievance based on some perceived injury to the Umma is the best argument I can think of to stop all Muslim immigration and start deporting those who are considered a threat.

P.s other groups are often dumped in a particular location within a Country without them becoming virtual no go zones running on their own parallel legal systems.

they didn t created and set up Al Qaeda and Daesh, but the actions the US and Europe did in middle east created the vacuum to let them rise.

More : they give weapons to the "moderate" rebels in Syria, but guess what most of the weapons go to Al Nusra, a regional branch for Al Qaeda. If you think this is a tinfoil hat idea, yu clearly have no clue of the situation and it is not needed to pursue this discussion. As long as you think there is no hate from the majority of muslims there toward US and Europe, you re quite wrong, but it comes without surprise.

Your lack of knowledge about muslim communities in Europe is troubling. 90% of the muslims in France and Europe are French. So how do you want to extradite them and where?

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Perhaps if they all went out and demonstrated with banners and shouted 'Death to all radical Muslims' or 'We love France more than Islam', then people might start taking these so-called, moderate Muslims more seriously.

Whilst I've no doubt that moderate Moslems in Western countries just wish to live a peaceful life - I do agree that unfortunately they need to publicly demonstrate that they have no time for the radical Moslems.

Its unfortunate as I'm sure they'd prefer to keep a low profile in the current, hostile climate - but the hatred has reached the point (as shown by many posts on this forum) that keeping a low profile/saying that they hate the killings etc. is not enough to appease those who have already decided they are all 'guilty'.

"I do agree that unfortunately they need to publicly demonstrate that they have no time for the radical Moslems."

You mean like white Christians flood the streets of any American city, where a messed up white, Christian idiot burns down an abortion- clinic?

Or like a bunch of white people flood the streets and demonstrate, when some deranged lunatic white guy kills some black people in the name of white supremacy?

Or like white Christians flood the streets, when some gays have been slaughtered in the name of "God, who hates fags"?

Muslims are the ONLY community, anyone EVER asks to condemn this or raise their voice against that!

Pathetic really!

I guess, we can assume, that the majority of white Christians are against arsonists, shooters and killers "in the name of God"- we should assume the same of the majority of the 1.6 billion Muslims, that they are not thrilled with whatever happens in the name of Allah...mostly also because very often THEY are the victims!

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They have to clean their own mess and stop saying " he was such a nice guy - " despite all evidences, these guys received help and support from their relatives and acquaintances, neighbouts etc.. - before - during and sometimes after

Even those born and raised in France, bearing french ID papers can not just wash their hands saying " not in my name" that is just not enough when you live and benefit from a country which is not the one of your roots, you still have to do more to show you deserve it..

I just wonder what kind of opinions they shared with their families since they were kids to turn out to be finally both outlaws and murderers - of course this has nothing to do with religion - this is more linked to the background - the culture - or the absence of -

I feel so angry.

Edited by Opl
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It was inevitable that muslims would generally be alienated and apprehensive. Posters here on TV made quite clear how this formula would pan out.

It is a fact that the absurd concept of stating islamic terrorism has nothing to do with islam would result in a cognitive dissonance in the minds of millions of people. To what degree there is culpability is another discussion, but clearly there is a connection. Constantly asserting there is no connection discombobulates the mind. People, left alone to their own, will in time realize the leaders of the West are idiots, there is a connection.

But because there is zero constructive narrative, no approach other than to say "...not connected," people will reach their own conclusions. Coupled with rage, estrangement, isolation and fear people will lash out generally, in unfocused ways. In this regard many muslims who would never a day in their lives think to harm others may become the target of unbridled rage, and unfocused efforts to roll back the savagery.

This result is as predictable as it was foreseen there would be a storm of islamic terrorism in Europe from the massive displacement of countless military age Muslim men. Yes, the Western leaders who constructed this debacle also and specifically choose to setup a framework where there would be blowback to the general muslim population. An idiot could have foreseen that "islamic terrorism is not related to islam" was a fiction. Jeez, this narrative virtually ensures that muslims who oppose jihad have no voice, no recourse to speak out. After all, how can muslims voice opposition to something their own government says is false?

It would have been much better to construct a responsible narrative that enabled broad participation in dialogue and house cleaning.

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In any conflict within a country there are collaborators, "attentistes" (people who just wait and do nothing), and resisters. The public perception of a distinct lack of "resisters" among the French Moslem population is a big problem for them.

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Perhaps if they all went out and demonstrated with banners and shouted 'Death to all radical Muslims' or 'We love France more than Islam', then people might start taking these so-called, moderate Muslims more seriously.

Whilst I've no doubt that moderate Moslems in Western countries just wish to live a peaceful life - I do agree that unfortunately they need to publicly demonstrate that they have no time for the radical Moslems.

Its unfortunate as I'm sure they'd prefer to keep a low profile in the current, hostile climate - but the hatred has reached the point (as shown by many posts on this forum) that keeping a low profile/saying that they hate the killings etc. is not enough to appease those who have already decided they are all 'guilty'.

"I do agree that unfortunately they need to publicly demonstrate that they have no time for the radical Moslems."

You mean like white Christians flood the streets of any American city, where a messed up white, Christian idiot burns down an abortion- clinic?

Or like a bunch of white people flood the streets and demonstrate, when some deranged lunatic white guy kills some black people in the name of white supremacy?

Or like white Christians flood the streets, when some gays have been slaughtered in the name of "God, who hates fags"?

Muslims are the ONLY community, anyone EVER asks to condemn this or raise their voice against that!

Pathetic really!

I guess, we can assume, that the majority of white Christians are against arsonists, shooters and killers "in the name of God"- we should assume the same of the majority of the 1.6 billion Muslims, that they are not thrilled with whatever happens in the name of Allah...mostly also because very often THEY are the victims!

I agree with your point, but think you are missing my point.

Namely, the white Christians who commit atrocities/carry out acts of 'terror' are (as you say) rightly categorised as extremist nutters in Western countries - whereas Moslem extremist nutters have had a different effect on many ignorant people, as in this case they blame ALL Moslems, as amply demonstrated on this thread.

Which is why I think that unfortunately, the ordinary Moslems need to make it v clear that they too hate the extremist nutters. I'm not saying its right that they're forced into this position, just that its necessary edit - to quell the hysteria amongst some people in the Western population.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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