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It's Trump's big night before the nation - and GOP skeptics


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Fact check.

Trump says the USA is giving Iran $billions.

No. Iran is getting access to their money that was frozen with the sanctions.

Now you know.

But the avg Nascar/WWF/Duck Dynasty/Hee-Haw/GOP low-info fan-boys actually believe it... Tooo easy for Trump, 'like shootin fish in a barrel'...

The reality is if Trump 'tears up the Iran deal' as he says he will on his 1st day in office on Jan 21 2017, this would leave almost no restraints to prevent Iran from rapidly resuming their nuclear weapons program. Tearing it up would also un-bind Russia and China from upholding sanctions and instantly halt the critical monitoring which was a direct result of the 'Worst deal America has ever made' as Trump calls it. The short-fingered sociopath is extremely, recklessly, dangerous.


'"Without the deal, Iran might be two to three months away from getting a nuclear bomb. With the deal, Iran commits to not pursuing nuclear weapons overall and faces obstacles if it seeks to break its commitment and pursue a nuclear weapon.

Under the deal, Iran will lose 97 percent of its stockpile of enriched uranium. It will also give up 14,000 of its 20,000 centrifuges, the machines used to enrich uranium, and agree to only enrich uranium to a level unsuitable for weapons for 15 years."'


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Fact check.

Trump says the USA is giving Iran $billions.

No. Iran is getting access to their money that was frozen with the sanctions.

Now you know.

But the avg Nascar/WWF/Duck Dynasty/Hee-Haw/GOP low-info fan-boys actually believe it... Tooo easy for Trump, 'like shootin fish in a barrel'...

Does it make you feel better to criticize and stereotype people simply because they do not think like you?

How does this complete lack of compassion fit into your libersl ethos?

Black Lives Matter to you and LGBT members have rights and should not be stereotyped but anyone who does not think just like your party is not afforded the same dignity or protection to live life as they choose--free from ridicule, harassment and bullying?

You are the very worst type of hypocrite.

Freedom of expression as long as the belief system being expressed is identical to you, eh?

Edited by ClutchClark
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Fact check.

Trump says the USA is giving Iran $billions.

No. Iran is getting access to their money that was frozen with the sanctions.

Now you know.

But the avg Nascar/WWF/Duck Dynasty/Hee-Haw/GOP low-info fan-boys actually believe it... Tooo easy for Trump, 'like shootin fish in a barrel'...

Does it make you feel better to criticize and stereotype people simply because they do not think like you?

How does this complete lack of compassion fit into your libersl ethos?

Black Lives Matter to you and LGBT members have rights and should not be stereotyped but anyone who does not think just like your party is not afforded the same dignity or protection to live life as they choose--free from ridicule, harassment and bullying?

You are the very worst type of hypocrite.

Freedom of expression as long as the belief system being expressed is identical to you, eh?

The stupid and poorly educated Trump voters deserve respect but maybe not a full vote.

Edited by Buzzz
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Fact check.

Trump says the USA is giving Iran $billions.

No. Iran is getting access to their money that was frozen with the sanctions.

Now you know.

But the avg Nascar/WWF/Duck Dynasty/Hee-Haw/GOP low-info fan-boys actually believe it... Tooo easy for Trump, 'like shootin fish in a barrel'...

Does it make you feel better to criticize and stereotype people simply because they do not think like you?

How does this complete lack of compassion fit into your libersl ethos?

Black Lives Matter to you and LGBT members have rights and should not be stereotyped but anyone who does not think just like your party is not afforded the same dignity or protection to live life as they choose--free from ridicule, harassment and bullying?

You are the very worst type of hypocrite.

Freedom of expression as long as the belief system being expressed is identical to you, eh?

Clearly you are straight, white and male.

Minorities have had to deal with criticism and prejudice all their lives. You, like many, respond to push back by whining about freedom of speech and how you are picked on because of different ideas. You believe that you have the freedom to define others on the basis of bigotry and ignorance? Then be prepared to be the recipient of the same. Minorities will no longer accept being defined by those who have oppressed them.

Edited by PTC
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Fact check.

Trump says the USA is giving Iran $billions.

No. Iran is getting access to their money that was frozen with the sanctions.

Now you know.

But the avg Nascar/WWF/Duck Dynasty/Hee-Haw/GOP low-info fan-boys actually believe it... Tooo easy for Trump, 'like shootin fish in a barrel'...

The reality is if Trump 'tears up the Iran deal' as he says he will on his 1st day in office on Jan 21 2017, this would leave almost no restraints to prevent Iran from rapidly resuming their nuclear weapons program. Tearing it up would also un-bind Russia and China from upholding sanctions and instantly halt the critical monitoring which was a direct result of the 'Worst deal America has ever made' as Trump calls it. The short-fingered sociopath is extremely, recklessly, dangerous.


'"Without the deal, Iran might be two to three months away from getting a nuclear bomb. With the deal, Iran commits to not pursuing nuclear weapons overall and faces obstacles if it seeks to break its commitment and pursue a nuclear weapon.

Under the deal, Iran will lose 97 percent of its stockpile of enriched uranium. It will also give up 14,000 of its 20,000 centrifuges, the machines used to enrich uranium, and agree to only enrich uranium to a level unsuitable for weapons for 15 years."'


"Low info fan boys" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

That's a pretty good picture of the Trump demographic. The conspiracy nuts are also on the Trump train I've noticed.

I get the feeling many of his supporters grew up listening to Hannity on dads car radio while on their way to the Creation Museum.

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Fact check.

Trump says the USA is giving Iran $billions.

No. Iran is getting access to their money that was frozen with the sanctions.

Now you know.

But the avg Nascar/WWF/Duck Dynasty/Hee-Haw/GOP low-info fan-boys actually believe it... Tooo easy for Trump, 'like shootin fish in a barrel'...

Does it make you feel better to criticize and stereotype people simply because they do not think like you?

How does this complete lack of compassion fit into your libersl ethos?

Black Lives Matter to you and LGBT members have rights and should not be stereotyped but anyone who does not think just like your party is not afforded the same dignity or protection to live life as they choose--free from ridicule, harassment and bullying?

You are the very worst type of hypocrite.

Freedom of expression as long as the belief system being expressed is identical to you, eh?

Clearly you are straight, white and male.

Minorities have had to deal with criticism and prejudice all their lives. You, like many, respond to push back by whining about freedom of speech and how you are picked on because of different ideas. You believe that you have the freedom to define others on the basis of bigotry and ignorance? Then be prepared to be the recipient of the same. Minorities will no longer accept being defined by those who have oppressed them.

Oh brother aren't you full of yourself.

How funny that your entire post and assumptions made could not be further offbase.

BTW, I haven't opressed any minorities. In fact, I have helped them pay their tuition, get medical care, paid for their housing, and some of my hard-earned dollars have no doubt even gone to support their crack habits.

What oppression are you yammering about? We have a black President. This is 2016--you missed the Civil Rights movement which is the last time your little speech had any relevancy.

Thanks for the chuckle though. Your self-righteousness is funny.

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Oh brother aren't you full of yourself.

How funny that your entire post and assumptions made could not be further offbase.

BTW, I haven't opressed any minorities. In fact, I have helped them pay their tuition, get medical care, paid for their housing, and some of my hard-earned dollars have no doubt even gone to support their crack habits.

What oppression are you yammering about? We have a black President. This is 2016--you missed the Civil Rights movement which is the last time your little speech had any relevancy.

Thanks for the chuckle though. Your self-righteousness is funny.

Oh well then, that makes it all right. Some of my best friends are black, or gay or whatever.

You use the language of the oppressor. Consequently you oppress. Save your self serving rationalisation for those who are more easily taken in by them.

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Oh brother aren't you full of yourself.

How funny that your entire post and assumptions made could not be further offbase.

BTW, I haven't opressed any minorities. In fact, I have helped them pay their tuition, get medical care, paid for their housing, and some of my hard-earned dollars have no doubt even gone to support their crack habits.

What oppression are you yammering about? We have a black President. This is 2016--you missed the Civil Rights movement which is the last time your little speech had any relevancy.

Thanks for the chuckle though. Your self-righteousness is funny.

Oh well then, that makes it all right. Some of my best friends are black, or gay or whatever.

You use the language of the oppressor. Consequently you oppress. Save your self serving rationalisation for those who are more easily taken in by them.

"The language of the oppressor"?

This just keeps getting better.

And you have black and gsy friends?

Lord have mercy...no one can understand their plight like you.

What a unique experience you alone have in this world.

So please do tell me how and who I have oppressed. You know nothing at all about me.

And please do explain this "Language of the Oppressor" to me, I am all ears. Is it something like "micro-aggressions"? Thats got to be one of the biggest buckets of manure I have ever read about.

Edited by ClutchClark
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Fact check.

Trump says the USA is giving Iran $billions.

No. Iran is getting access to their money that was frozen with the sanctions.

Now you know.

But the avg Nascar/WWF/Duck Dynasty/Hee-Haw/GOP low-info fan-boys actually believe it... Tooo easy for Trump, 'like shootin fish in a barrel'...

The reality is if Trump 'tears up the Iran deal' as he says he will on his 1st day in office on Jan 21 2017, this would leave almost no restraints to prevent Iran from rapidly resuming their nuclear weapons program. Tearing it up would also un-bind Russia and China from upholding sanctions and instantly halt the critical monitoring which was a direct result of the 'Worst deal America has ever made' as Trump calls it. The short-fingered sociopath is extremely, recklessly, dangerous.


'"Without the deal, Iran might be two to three months away from getting a nuclear bomb. With the deal, Iran commits to not pursuing nuclear weapons overall and faces obstacles if it seeks to break its commitment and pursue a nuclear weapon.

Under the deal, Iran will lose 97 percent of its stockpile of enriched uranium. It will also give up 14,000 of its 20,000 centrifuges, the machines used to enrich uranium, and agree to only enrich uranium to a level unsuitable for weapons for 15 years."'


"Low info fan boys" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

That's a pretty good picture of the Trump demographic. The conspiracy nuts are also on the Trump train I've noticed.

I get the feeling many of his supporters grew up listening to Hannity on dads car radio while on their way to the Creation Museum.

You beat me to it!! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Oh brother aren't you full of yourself.

How funny that your entire post and assumptions made could not be further offbase.

BTW, I haven't opressed any minorities. In fact, I have helped them pay their tuition, get medical care, paid for their housing, and some of my hard-earned dollars have no doubt even gone to support their crack habits.

What oppression are you yammering about? We have a black President. This is 2016--you missed the Civil Rights movement which is the last time your little speech had any relevancy.

Thanks for the chuckle though. Your self-righteousness is funny.

Oh well then, that makes it all right. Some of my best friends are black, or gay or whatever.

You use the language of the oppressor. Consequently you oppress. Save your self serving rationalisation for those who are more easily taken in by them.

"The language of the oppressor"?

This just keeps getting better.

And you have black and gsy friends?

Lord have mercy...no one can understand their plight like you.

What a unique experience you alone have in this world.

So please do tell me how and who I have oppressed. You know nothing at all about me.

And please do explain this "Language of the Oppressor" to me, I am all ears. Is it something like "micro-aggressions"? Thats got to be one of the biggest buckets of manure I have ever read about.

What are you asking me for? Go ask all those black friends you claim.

While you are at it, maybe you can spend some effort in learning black history. "Micro aggression is a term coined by psychiatrist and Harvard University professor Chester M. Pierce in 1970 to describe insults and dismissals he regularly witnessed non-black Americans inflict on African-Americans." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microaggression_theory

Ask your black friends about that one too.

You may now return to watching Duck Dynasty re-runs.

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The demagogue is one who preaches doctrineshe knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots. H. L. Mencken

Trump is a demagogue.

The problem is, Hillary is even worse.

>>She has a higher IQ than the "windbag"

They are pretty much even, but Trump has been much more successful, has a higher EQ and has not violated national security over and over again.

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Oh brother aren't you full of yourself.

How funny that your entire post and assumptions made could not be further offbase.

BTW, I haaven't opressed any minorities. In fact, I have helped them pay their tuition, get medical care, paid for their housing, and some of my hard-earned dollars have no doubt even gone to support their crack habits.

What oppression are you yammering about? We have a black President. This is 2016--you missed the Civil Rights movement which is the last time your little speech had any relevancy.

Thanks for the chuckle though. Your self-righteousness is funny.

Oh well then, that makes it all right. Some of my best friends are black, or gay or whatever.

You use the language of the oppressor. Consequently you oppress. Save your self serving rationalisation for those who are more easily taken in by them.

"The language of the oppressor"?

This just keeps getting better.

And you have black and gsy friends?

Lord have mercy...no one can understand their plight like you.

What a unique experience you alone have in this world.

So please do tell me how and who I have oppressed. You know nothing at all about me.

And please do explain this "Language of the Oppressor" to me, I am all ears. Is it something like "micro-aggressions"? Thats got to be one of the biggest buckets of manure I have ever read about.

What are you asking me for? Go ask all those black friends you claim.

While you are at it, maybe you can spend some effort in learning black history. "Micro aggression is a term coined by psychiatrist and Harvard University professor Chester M. Pierce in 1970 to describe insults and dismissals he regularly witnessed non-black Americans inflict on African-Americans." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microaggression_theory

Ask your black friends about that one too.

You may now return to watching Duck Dynasty re-runs.

Oh yeah, Duck Dynasty. Thats all you got?

Sadly you are not very good at understsnding people since I don't watch DD and I don't have many black friends (a claim I never made but simply a strawman condition you invented so that you could argue a narrative you were given the talking points for). Not many blacks choose to live out in Eastern Colorado. Quite a few hispanics do. Does that count? Damn good people with good work ethics. Out here we don't see color and division the way you do...we judge people on whether they work hard and treat others decently.

I guess from your DD innuendos, you might not be from the "Country"? Any chance you are one of those metro-sexuals? We have something like that out here, we call them "steers".

Thanks for the link on micro-aggressions. I have had livestock all my life and have shoveled manure almost every day of my life and I have to say that the subject of micro-aggressions may be some of the finest grade BS I have ever come across.

Edited by ClutchClark
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The demagogue is one who preaches doctrineshe knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots. H. L. Mencken

Trump is a demagogue.

The problem is, Hillary is even worse.

>>She has a higher IQ than the "windbag"

That obviously didn't help her to be a competent or successful Secretary of State.

Will she get elected? It's quite possible, I know Donald calls her Crooked Hillary, but 'm concerned that he is underestimating just how corrupt she really is.

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The demagogue is one who preaches doctrineshe knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots. H. L. Mencken

Trump is a demagogue.

The problem is, Hillary is even worse.

>>She has a higher IQ than the "windbag"

They are pretty much even, but Trump has been much more successful, has a higher EQ and has not violated national security over and over again.

He will when in power.
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Dark, grave speech, about as aspirational as Mordor...

Young kids will be looking under their beds tonight...

like most ardent Trump fan-boy/men likely always do.

Republican message; Americans must fear! To the extent Trump and his honchos can convince Americans to be terrified (Newt's word), is the extent Trump will get votes. When the smoke clears on November 9th, he'll garner around 20% of the popular vote.

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The demagogue is one who preaches doctrineshe knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots. H. L. Mencken

Trump is a demagogue.

The problem is, Hillary is even worse.

>>She has a higher IQ than the "windbag"

They are pretty much even, but Trump has been much more successful, has a higher EQ and has not violated national security over and over again.

I'm not sure what HRC's EQ is, but her IQ has to be a good 20 points higher than Trump. I'd bet the farm on that point.

Hillary never declared bankruptcy. Trump has had few successes in business and has left thousands of people worse off in his destructive wake. We don't know how successful he has been because he won't release his taxes but it's undoubtedly far less than what he claims it is. We do know he's a terrible person who hasn't given a dime to charity.

She has had a successful political career, as a Senator and Secretary of State.

She has never violated national security. That's never, as in never.

Trump, as a narcissist only reads what has been written about him. Trump has never written anything. HRC is a successful author.

To say Donald Trump is smarter than HRC by ANY measure is ridiculous. He is a seriously flawed human being.

Wrong on every point as usual.

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Hillary at College:

The college president says Hillary is cheerful, good humored, good company, and a good friend to all of us.

Hillary gave the commencement speech as Valedictorian at her college graduation.

Miss Hillary Rodham was a major in political science and a candidate for the degree with honors.

Her junior year having served as a Vil Junior, and then as a member of Senate.

Hillary served her last year as president of College Government.

She was the presiding officer of College Senate.

Trump at College:

We want the world to know that Trump’s values do not represent the larger Wharton community. “You Do Not Represent Us,”

Wharton students and alumni are signatories to a letter to tell Trump that they are “deeply disappointed” in his candidacy.

“We, proud students, alumni, and faculty of Wharton, are outraged that an affiliation with our school is being used to legitimize prejudice and intolerance.

“Although we do not aim to make any political endorsements with this letter, we do express our unequivocal stance against the xenophobia, sexism, racism, and other forms of bigotry that you have actively and implicitly endorsed in your campaign.”

Edited by Buzzz
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Comparing IQs of the two candidates...seriously, who cares?

The Republicans could run a dimwit like GWB again and I will still vote GOP.

Some good posts on Hillary's accomplishments in college. She was once a young American with high ideals and aspirations.

It must seem like a lifetime ago to her compared to what she has become today...a morally corrupt human being.

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Comparing IQs of the two candidates...seriously, who cares?

The Republicans could run a dimwit like GWB again and I will still vote GOP.

Some good posts on Hillary's accomplishments in college. She was once a young American with high ideals and aspirations.

It must seem like a lifetime ago to her compared to what she has become today...a morally corrupt human being.

"Comparing IQs of the two candidates...seriously, who cares?"

Depends on who is highest.

Seriously though, of course intelligence matters.

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