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Look What I Found in the Trunk of My Car


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Look What I Found in the Trunk of My Car

Orlando Barton


If you landed on an alien planet, you’d expect to see things you never saw before right?

The creators of science fiction movies imagine we would see such phenomena as carnivorous sand worms, talking reptiles and seven foot blue people. While I haven’t seen any of that in Thailand, I have seen more than a few things I never knew existed, never thought I’d see or had never seen before. That’s the story this month’s pictures are telling … kooky stuff I’ve only seen in Thailand.

In another blog series, I explored the fact that Thai people can be quite innovative when it comes to business. Show them a barrier to commerce, and they’ll find a way around it. That’s the story this picture is illustrating.

Last week I was watching a news story about the effects of Britain’s exit from the European Union. The focus was on fishermen from the southern port city of Cornwall. Most of them were quite happy with the “Brexit” because of all the restrictions the EU had placed on the way they do business. They couldn’t fish in certain waters and were limited to what and how much they could catch.

Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/look-found-trunk-car/

-- Inspire Pattaya 2016-07-23

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Just to clarify a point here!

Cornwall is a county, not a city .

It is situated in the south west of England and contains some of the finest country and coastal regions to be seen and enjoyed any where in the world along with the county of Devon which you have to pass through to get to Cornwall.

I being a Devonshire lad can highly recommend both Devon and Cornwall if you are planning a visit to the Uk any time.

We have an abundance of olde worlde villages and coastal fishing ports many with 14th and 15 century buildings still standing and preserved, much like some of the populace, but that's another story.

I will also take this opportunity to point out that the main reason why fishermen in Cornwall wanted out of the EU is because they were given quotas by 23 unelected bureaucrats in Brussels that dictated to them an allowed amount of one type of fish and anything else had to be thrown back even though it was dead.

Whilst allowing French and Spanish fleets to fish anywhere in our waters with no restrictions on size or species or quantities which in its self severally depleted stocks around Britain, even the single rod fisherman has now been dictated to by Brussels wherein he or she is only allowed to catch and retain ONE sea bass per year whilst the trawler men can take 1.3 tonnes every month but the French and Spanish will double or quadruple this and Brussels will say ok.

So now you have some idea of why we wanted out of the EU.

Fishing is only one area of the pain inflicted on Britain over the last 43 wasted years by a politically unelected elite and a bunch of ner - do -well lying ,cheating , British politicians who's only concern is for themselves and not our great country.

Ok rant finished just hope you all understand the real reason why we voted OUT

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Just to clarify a point here!

Cornwall is a county, not a city .

It is situated in the south west of England and contains some of the finest country and coastal regions to be seen and enjoyed any where in the world along with the county of Devon which you have to pass through to get to Cornwall.

I being a Devonshire lad can highly recommend both Devon and Cornwall if you are planning a visit to the Uk any time.

We have an abundance of olde worlde villages and coastal fishing ports many with 14th and 15 century buildings still standing and preserved, much like some of the populace, but that's another story.

I will also take this opportunity to point out that the main reason why fishermen in Cornwall wanted out of the EU is because they were given quotas by 23 unelected bureaucrats in Brussels that dictated to them an allowed amount of one type of fish and anything else had to be thrown back even though it was dead.

Whilst allowing French and Spanish fleets to fish anywhere in our waters with no restrictions on size or species or quantities which in its self severally depleted stocks around Britain, even the single rod fisherman has now been dictated to by Brussels wherein he or she is only allowed to catch and retain ONE sea bass per year whilst the trawler men can take 1.3 tonnes every month but the French and Spanish will double or quadruple this and Brussels will say ok.

So now you have some idea of why we wanted out of the EU.

Fishing is only one area of the pain inflicted on Britain over the last 43 wasted years by a politically unelected elite and a bunch of ner - do -well lying ,cheating , British politicians who's only concern is for themselves and not our great country.

Ok rant finished just hope you all understand the real reason why we voted OUT

Hey Janner 1. 2 months ago my son in law brought me out a #JANNERS Plymouth Argyle shirt, The song ain't too bad either. No much I miss over here but I do miss Devon and Cornwall . If I went back for a holiday I would not go out of either county .

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