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BMA tests airboats to counter criticism

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BMA tests airboats to counter criticism


BANGKOK:-- Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) yesterday conducted performance tests of its airboats amid strong criticism that they are not suitable for use in Bangkok's canals.

The BMA under the helm of M.R. Sukhumbhand Paribatra purchased four sets of airboats from the United States at the total cost of 40 million baht, or 10 million baht a set which comprises an airboat and a tow truck fully equipped with fire extinguisher gears.

The governor intended to use the airboats to fight fires on buildings built on river and canal banks where road access is not possible.

But the purchase made in March last year sparked outcry from some assembly men that the price was too high and irregularities might be involved.

Besides the airboats might be useless for Bangkok’s canal conditions.

The BMA plans to deliver them to three fire stations under the supervision of the Bangkok Center for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Samsen, Dao Khanong and Lad Krabang.

The main purpose of the performance tests was to determine if the equipment were actually suitable for use in Bangkok or were they an unnecessary waste as accused by some assemblym

The airboat has a flat bottomed hull and much criticism has been raised over its seaworthiness for use on the Chao Phraya River.

Many people feel that being flat bottomed these crafts will be unstable and could easily capsize.

The airboat is made from aluminium alloy and is 2.4 metres in width and 5.5 metres in length.

Each weighs approximately 1,500 kgs.

It is equipped with pump that takes water from canals and river and able to reach fires as high as 10 stories.

After the test, officials of the Center for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation voiced satisfaction of the efficiency of the airboat saying it was up to international standards.

The airboat is of great help in case of fighting fires at waterside homes along Bangkok canals in which many areas cannot be conveniently accessed by vehicles.

For example waterways that are clogged with debris will be difficult for boats with conventional propellers to traverse.

But they are not a problem for these airboats.

Furthermore their bottoms are covered with superlene sheets that allow them to travel even on grassy or earth and muddy ground.

But some firemen taking part and observed the test voiced concern over the airboat’s height at the rear which may reduce its maneuverability.

They were concerned that the boat might not be able to pass under some low canal bridges.

Besides the waves created by its propeller might disturb homes along the canals.

Their comments are backed up by engineers from Lad Krabang King Mongkut Institute of Technology who say that airboats are more suited to open waters and not suitable for narrow canals in the capital.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/bma-tests-airboats-counter-criticism/

-- Thai PBS 2016-07-24


Another ill thought out purchase by the authorities in Bangkok.

No thought given to suitability, just how much can we skim off for ourselves.


One was tried out in our area (Northern BKK) during the big flood, it worked well enough and is almost as go-anywhere as a hovercraft, but the air-blast is something to experience. Not something I would like in the confines of a canal, fighting a fire.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


1. Put out the fire

2. Send out the Public Health Ministry to counter the resulting load of khlong water pathogens spewed into the air,


Can this boat spray water 10 floors high? And the captain will do that with that hose which is laying on the floor?

They would need a solid watercanon for that i think, how can one hold a hose with so much pressure?


I wonder about the stability of the actual boat when the pump is working full load, could it cause a 'twisting' action which then destabilizes the actual boat?

And can a fireman hold the hose steady at full water blast while standing on the floor of the boat, could that also destabilize the boat if the fireman is standing on one side rather than in the exact centre of the boat.

Just thinking.


I just would like to know what is the better solution and the cost? coffee1.gif

Most TV Op's would much rather moan, bitch and grizzle than offer up a concrete solution, a Hamilton jet boat kind of thing would have been a better idea! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif


For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, unless these fools have overcome the laws of physics, so, just how do you maintain a stationary platform to fight the fire, never mind how do you stabilize the dude holding the hose. Oh well, there is a pattern here, firefighting airboats, airships, bomb detectors, aircraft carrier... well, I don't need to go on.


I wonder about the stability of the actual boat when the pump is working full load, could it cause a 'twisting' action which then destabilizes the actual boat?

And can a fireman hold the hose steady at full water blast while standing on the floor of the boat, could that also destabilize the boat if the fireman is standing on one side rather than in the exact centre of the boat.

Just thinking.

Oh ye of little faith - the Governor knows best! wai.gifcheesy.gif


On reading information on the web it seems these are actuallly generally used as rescue craft, a task which they are well suited to not as a fire fighting device.


If that hose is high power then both the drivers need to gain weight asap. The hose will easy push them overboard.

Without a solid watercanon i won't call this a fireboat. And to make the drivers happy i would build a small roof above them.


Aren't similar airboats used in the USA by the fire department?

Yes....as rescue boats. Though there was an unfortunate case settled outside of court where the drowned a patient.


Aren't similar airboats used in the USA by the fire department?

Yes....as rescue boats. Though there was an unfortunate case settled outside of court where the drowned a patient.

Maybe a gardenhose works on a boat like that but a serious firefighting hose with high pressure will start moving the boat. Normally firemen hold those hoses with 2 men or with a big stand connected on a truck or so.

I don't see any serious hose on this boat so for me it's not a fireboat. It can stop a fire but it can't spray hard like a firetruck.

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