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Beggars face arrest as new begging law comes into force July 28


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Now who was it said "The meek shall inherit the Earth"?

Since you ask, it was a man called Jesus as reported in Matthew 5:5.wai2.gif

.............................I thought his first name began with "J".

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I am sure there are genuine beggars, but I am very sure there are a lot of organized beggar situations and also a lot of

this type of beggars;

Reminds me of the blind singer and his 'guide' who, having pocketed his winnings and thinking himself out of sight, happily skipped over the guy ropes on Rawai Beach laugh.png

Another approached me as I was in convo with a Thai friend who'd told the 'beggar' he could go to the wat for a free meal. The beggar replied 'I'm not religious' biggrin.png 'No, you're mad' replied my chum laugh.png

They drop these 'beggars' off in the early morning and pick them up for the payout late night. Same Cambodia. Big piece on the Cambo ones some time back. The Thais dislike it as it reflects badly on their sense of being a superior race smile.png

I regularly help out a couple of rag pickers if such pickings are slim that day. The rest I ignore.

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Perhaps they can start at Threppasit market. Last nights visit was like something from a horror show, from guys slithering along on their belly's to all sorts of hideous wounds. I know this is difficult fro them and they need to get money, but perhaps retraining can make a real difference and give them some dignity back.

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Where is a beggar going to get 10000 baht?

There are no benefits in this country. Being a beggar is similar to someone being on an unemployed benefit at home. Some people are not cut out to do a 9-5 job, they want to be free to wander. They are not hurting anybody and not stealing. Leave them alone.

Many of the beggars could come up with that sort of cash... it is lucrative...

There is an unemployment benefit, of sorts, provided by the government in Thailand... and the community provide for the "want to be free to wander" during the Alms Round...lunch at the Temple is usually very nutritious.

The colonial view that you espouse is contrary to the King's self sufficiency philosophy, adopted by the current government. This is Thailand....

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Where is a beggar going to get 10000 baht?

There are no benefits in this country. Being a beggar is similar to someone being on an unemployed benefit at home. Some people are not cut out to do a 9-5 job, they want to be free to wander. They are not hurting anybody and not stealing. Leave them alone.

Many of the beggars could come up with that sort of cash... it is lucrative...

There is an unemployment benefit, of sorts, provided by the government in Thailand... and the community provide for the "want to be free to wander" during the Alms Round...lunch at the Temple is usually very nutritious.

The colonial view that you espouse is contrary to the King's self sufficiency philosophy, adopted by the current government. This is Thailand....

oh spot on good man...da word..be gettin over while behosing

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sounds good. its not just clearing these beggars away. there is rehab n job training as well to help them after the arrest. Lets hope the government does their job.

The other day i was in Huai Kwang, havent been there for a long time. I have to say the night street vendors were cleared from the side walks and it is much more cleaner and the shops r still open for businesses except that the street vendors r moved into a side soi, pedestrians have lots of room to walk and shop and cars have more space to drive. its actually looking good.

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Perhaps they can start at Threppasit market. Last nights visit was like something from a horror show, from guys slithering along on their belly's to all sorts of hideous wounds. I know this is difficult fro them and they need to get money, but perhaps retraining can make a real difference and give them some dignity back.

Many, if not most, are fakers. The hideous wounds are usually made from applying super glue to the skin in a certain way to make it look like a wound.

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Seems cruel for the genuine elderly and disabled ones. What job is a crippled old woman going to get trained to do?

If they are too old or too disabled to work what will happen to them then?

Handicapped people can sell lotterytickets if they would ban all the other guys from doing it.

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Where is a beggar going to get 10000 baht?

There are no benefits in this country. Being a beggar is similar to someone being on an unemployed benefit at home. Some people are not cut out to do a 9-5 job, they want to be free to wander. They are not hurting anybody and not stealing. Leave them alone.

if they havent got the 10000 baht fine they will have tio beg for it

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Beggars face arrest.

Does that mean that every policeman who begs for money just to do their job will get arrested???

Tell us the truth, have you ever seen a policeman beg for money?

Policemen often off us an easy way out of a traffic offence like speeding and I for one like this system.

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Seems cruel for the genuine elderly and disabled ones. What job is a crippled old woman going to get trained to do?

If they are too old or too disabled to work what will happen to them then?

Right. The generals are treading on the necks of the poor again, as they always do.

How about introducing social security for those who are unable to work? Lecturing a crippled old woman on the 'sufficiency economy' isn't going to help her survive.

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Perhaps they can start at Threppasit market. Last nights visit was like something from a horror show, from guys slithering along on their belly's to all sorts of hideous wounds. I know this is difficult fro them and they need to get money, but perhaps retraining can make a real difference and give them some dignity back.

Many, if not most, are fakers. The hideous wounds are usually made from applying super glue to the skin in a certain way to make it look like a wound.

I think maybe you meant fakirs. https://www.google.co.th/search?q=fakirs&espv=2&biw=1360&bih=643&site=webhp&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjkxKuU64vOAhVDu48KHerYCucQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=Ln0ruyj6fpVSqM%3A


What the fakir we doing here ?"

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Beggars face arrest.

Does that mean that every policeman who begs for money just to do their job will get arrested???

Tell us the truth, have you ever seen a policeman beg for money?

Policemen often off us an easy way out of a traffic offence like speeding and I for one like this system.

Them police - they so kind. Genuinely worried if we can afford the fine so offering us a way out.

Or, they take a small fee which goes up to their boss. He buys a nice house and car, and zero of the maximum fine goes back into the public coffers. The driver speeding learns nothing from his actions and continues with their dangerous driving endangering others.

Selfish driver and corrupt officials 1 The genral public 0.

But hey, I'm looking at the bigger picture. And the bigger picture doesn't benefit me; the Individual with my self-indulgent behaviour.

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Beggars face arrest.

Does that mean that every policeman who begs for money just to do their job will get arrested???

No no no, that's completely different, they already have sufficient training to survive on hand-outs.

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Where is a beggar going to get 10000 baht?

There are no benefits in this country. Being a beggar is similar to someone being on an unemployed benefit at home. Some people are not cut out to do a 9-5 job, they want to be free to wander. They are not hurting anybody and not stealing. Leave them alone.

Then you don't understand the connection between the Thai mafia and the beggars that are put on the street, especially the kids. Don't feel bad, people aren't suppose to understand. 'Marks' are just suppose to feel guilt and then open up their purse strings.

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What will they do about monks seeking alms, as is deeply traditional and most important in the life of a Buddhist monk in Thailand?

How will they exempt them from such anti-begging laws?

If they put the exception into a law, how will they stop imitators?

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Of course, the annoying rich school kids that routinely beg on the BTS walking bridges and in stores and all over Thailand will be free to continue. Their begging is perfectly OK.

Edited by PaullyW
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What about buskers? I like them. I like beggars too as they give me the opportunity to give , or not.

I remember seeing a beggars arriving near sanam luang in a taxi.

2 of my kids used to busk for charity, playing the violin and guitar.

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1,691 foreign beggars? It begs belief.

I agree...My question is, Where were these stats taken from? National? I don't think so, or maybe a particular area/city. No matter what the answer is, the 1618 being foreigners, (I take it that also includes other Asian heritages) is a definite figure that needs rethinking.

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Beggars face arrest.

Does that mean that every policeman who begs for money just to do their job will get arrested???

I think you will find there is a difference between begging and demanding money with menaces...coffee1.gif

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