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No stability, prosperity, sustainability for country without reform: NLA Vice


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I agree, no stability or prosperity without reform. Reform is most needed in the military, which is oversized, under-performing, ridiculously top heavy with suspiciously wealthy generals, above the law, opaque in all things financial and thoroughly corrupt.

It's absurd that some people think this military will bring about honest government and democracy, especially in view of Thailand's history of military coups since 1932.

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No doubt the families of the military, PDRC, royalists and others have done well under this new regime. The regime has spent much more than Yingluck and he brother did in all those years. Seems everyone just stopped totally the billions about a year and a half ago. Who benefited from all those train projects and debt the nation now has? Thailand needs accountability and this regime has shown zero. The people are in the dark and afraid to ask questions and most don't want to help the people who have stolen their government.

Do you have any links, quotes, reports etc to back up what have said?

If not, then it is simply your opinion.

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Pretty much the same with Smedleys comments about the Government telling the police to turn a blind eye, and that the country was on course for a civil war.

All mere opinions, just like the statements that The PTP were now the minority, well they're doing all they can to make sure that minority doesn't get back in aren't they?

Kid yourselves on as much as you want, the current crowd are NO better than the previous lot, tales of corruption and malfeasance all over, investigations done on themselves by their people, questions of unimaginable wealth among-st the top ranks of the Plice and Military, which are not allowed to be investigated, so all that's happened is the colours of the snouts have changed, the actions whilst there are the same, except this lot don't like being criticised, don't like opposition, don't like free thinking or speech, use every excuse under the sun to avoid leaving, cite national security concerns ......all with 92% popularity too.

Paranoia springs to mind.

How on earth are potential politicians going to canvas the electorate if gatherings of more than 5 people are not allowed? The Junta are doing everything at a snails pace for one reason, and one reason alone the sharper tools in the box know what that is.

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No stability, prosperity, sustainability for country without reform

And no reform without equal justice, accountability and oversight

and round and round it goes,

and where it goes, nobody knows

Yes, those reforms (justice etc) were not mentioned nor was a crackdown of official and unofficial corruption. Perhaps the "ruling class" want to keep some "privileges" in place?

"Ok kids, this is what we are going to do for you. Thanks big daddy, we must be forever grateful for any crumbs that fall our way?" Sad really sad.png

No one wants to learn from the Singapore experience and how wealthy their society is. Not perfect, but centuries ahead of Thailand.

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Basically, reforms before anything else.

Oh, and we'll tell you which reforms are best for you.

Weird though, I thought everything was stable and prosperous now, judging by the PM's weekly diatribes, and the NNT "news" articles. This NLA VP - ah, a job for life for him and five of his family members, all at a high salary - seems to be suggesting otherwise.

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