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Florida nightclub shooting: Two killed, 15 injured at Club Blu, Fort Myers


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Welcome to Obama's America.

Anyone think HRC will change it?

Pity the deputies weren't there BEFORE the shootings. I guess armed security will be a fixture at any gathering in the US from now on, or at least it should be.

Women are the fastest growing demographic owning guns in the US. Perhaps teenagers will be joining them now.

We have seen that having people with guns during those kinds of acts are useless.

In Dallas, where you have open-carrying weapons, it added : confusion, slowed down the police and didn t help at all because in case like thise, even the people with guns try to flee and not play "hero"....

I don't know of any States that allow firearms in establishments that serve alcohol even when someone has a Concealed Carry permit.

If I had to make odds, I would say this is going to be African-American based on it being Ft Meyers.

It is not going to be Muslim.

Check the state of Virginia carry laws. Open carry with no permit and carry in an establishment that serves alcohol is allowed. The Person carrying may not consume. Individual establishments may ban carrying weapons, superseding state law. Texas allows carrying in drinking venue as well.

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It's impossible not to politicize gun violence events in the U.S. now. May as well talk it out and may the most rational approach win.

How about an IQ test for gun ownership? Nobody below 95 can get one.

How about nobody can own a gun below the age of 95, unless accompanied by their parents.

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How about nobody can own a gun below the age of 95, unless accompanied by their parents.

With the way gun violence and deaths are going, I'd vote for that law -- seriously. And I wouldn't be alone in doing so.

The problem is that criminals do not pay attention to laws and with all the guns in America, they will be available illegally far into the future with no way to defend oneself. Edited by Ulysses G.
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From CNN:

Authorities detained three adults in relation to the shooting. But the motive for the shooting remains unclear.
Club Blu released a statement Monday saying it tried to provide a safe environment for teens.
"We are deeply sorry for all involved," the club posted on Facebook.
"We tried to give the teens WHAT WE THOUGHT WAS A SAFE PLACE TO HAVE A GOOD TIME. Ages 12-17.
There was armed security as well as full security, inside and out. As the club was closing and parents were picking their children up.....that's when all this took place.
There was nothing more we could of done az you see it was not kids at the party that did this despicable act."
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The problem is that criminals do not pay attention to laws and with all the guns in America, they will be available illegally far into the future.

You make a valid point, for sure. But society has to start tackling this problem somewhere, somehow.

I've long opposed the death penalty. But I'm almost to the point of saying, OK, the right wingers don't want to restrict/limit gun sales/ownership.

Then fine. Have your guns. But get convicted of fatally shooting anyone in a crime, and you get the death penalty automatically.

Something has to change. And things would at least get better if the U.S. wasn't awash in easily obtainable handguns with very little regulation.

However, even the death penalty approach isn't going to stop terrorists and the mentally ill, because they don't care what happens to them after-the-fact anyway. But at least starting by banning personal possession of automatic weapons would be a good start.

No one needs a rapid fire semi/automatic handgun or rifle for hunting or personal protection.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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It's indeed a dilemma. But, you don't make things any better by doing nothing. Trying something that at least improves the situation some is better than doing nothing at all. If people feel the need to wait to find some perfect solution to gun violence, then they'll always be waiting and nothing will get done.

On this broader point, I was watching the news over the weekend re the German McDonald's shooting, the German-Iranian teenager with what I believe was a Glock handgun. From the media reports, Germany has quite restrictive gun laws that supposedly make it difficult to obtain handguns there. But as of the news updates I was reading tonight, there's been no explanation thus far of just how that mentally unstable kid managed to obtain his handgun and something like 300 rounds of ammunition. Yeesh!!!

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No mention of nationality but i would not be shocked if he was a Muslim they love spreading their religion of peace.

I don't think so. In America shooting happen all the time and its part of their culture to shoot each other but I could be wrong. In Europe its a different story most of the time.

Around 12 years ago I was offered a well paid job in L.A. and also the money was good (250,000$ pa) I turned it down and prefer Thailand as it is more save.

Never let the facts get in the way of a good story. - Mark Twain http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/12/11/thailand-gun-death-rate-twice-high-us

Edited by joeyg
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It's indeed a dilemma. But, you don't make things any better by doing nothing. Trying something that at least improves the situation some is better than doing nothing at all. If people feel the need to wait to find some perfect solution to gun violence, then they'll always be waiting and nothing will get done.

On this broader point, I was watching the news over the weekend re the German McDonald's shooting, the German-Iranian teenager with what I believe was a Glock handgun. From the media reports, Germany has quite restrictive gun laws that supposedly make it difficult to obtain handguns there. But as of the news updates I was reading tonight, there's been no explanation thus far of just how that mentally unstable kid managed to obtain his handgun and something like 300 rounds of ammunition. Yeesh!!!

In Europe terrorists have killed people this week with knives and axes and machetes and there is no posts to ban knives or axes or machetes. I would submit that posting about the means of killing people is off topic and killing people is the topic. More people are killed by bombs than guns so do we have a groundswell of public opinion to ban fertilizer? I think it is time to round up all the anti gun nuts and put them in one forum and let them go at it and leave the rest of us to have on topic discussions about the actual problems like terrorism and mental health and keeping people safe from people who want to hurt them.

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A killer armed with a knife or ax or machete can potentially kill a few people, but it's going to take time and has to be done at close range, thus giving the chance for police to arrive and/or people nearby to overwhelm the attacker.

One person armed with an automatic weapon can quickly kill dozens and can do it all from a remote distance. I would argue, two entirely different kinds of threats.

In the shooting in this case, although police haven't yet said how many shots were fired, the CNN report I quoted above said there were 36 evidence markers laid out on the ground in front of the club.

Police didn't say how many shots were fired, but the front of the club was covered with at least 36 yellow evidence markers.
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It's impossible not to politicize gun violence events in the U.S. now. May as well talk it out and may the most rational approach win.

How about an IQ test for gun ownership? Nobody below 95 can get one.

How about nobody can own a gun below the age of 95, unless accompanied by their parents.

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Welcome to Obama's America.

Anyone think HRC will change it?

Pity the deputies weren't there BEFORE the shootings. I guess armed security will be a fixture at any gathering in the US from now on, or at least it should be.

Women are the fastest growing demographic owning guns in the US. Perhaps teenagers will be joining them now.

Lets hope HRC will actually do something about this...

We all know Trump is in the pay of the NRA.

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Welcome to Obama's America.

Anyone think HRC will change it?

Pity the deputies weren't there BEFORE the shootings. I guess armed security will be a fixture at any gathering in the US from now on, or at least it should be.

Women are the fastest growing demographic owning guns in the US. Perhaps teenagers will be joining them now.

that's low, to try and blame it on Obama. The US is a big country. Even the prez can't control individuals' going ballistic. If anything, Obama and HRC and other liberals have been trying to enact less insane gun laws. We all know the powers-that-be who continue to enable guns to saturate the US. When guns are everywhere, gun problems are more likely to ensue, then if guns were rare.

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Mass shootings gun violence in the U.S., and the inability of publicly elected officials to do anything to curtail it (in part because of the U.S. Constitutional right to "bear arms" written back 225+ years ago in 1789-91, long before the advent of automatic and semiautomatic weapons) to me is kind of like the U.S.'s equivalent of Thailand's inaction on road safety and public transport deaths and injuries.

Both are major public safety threats that are plain for everyone to see. But the deaths and injuries just keep coming, while those in power do nothing. It's a sad, sorry state of affairs.

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A killer armed with a knife or ax or machete can potentially kill a few people, but it's going to take time and has to be done at close range, thus giving the chance for police to arrive and/or people nearby to overwhelm the attacker.

One person armed with an automatic weapon can quickly kill dozens and can do it all from a remote distance. I would argue, two entirely different kinds of threats.

In the shooting in this case, although police haven't yet said how many shots were fired, the CNN report I quoted above said there were 36 evidence markers laid out on the ground in front of the club.

Police didn't say how many shots were fired, but the front of the club was covered with at least 36 yellow evidence markers.

Nonsense again. France many people were killed by automatic weapons. You are just ranting about US gun laws. I anyone wants an automatic weapon anyplace they can get one. Try concentrating on the problem rather than method which makes no sense. Explosives kill many more people than guns in war and in terror attacks and you are not going to ban the chemicals that make the explosives are you? Did guns kill the people in the twin towers and more people were killed there than at Pearl Harbor. Try posting your anti gun things in special thread for anti gun nuts and leave the other threads for those who want to discuss the topic.

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It's impossible not to politicize gun violence events in the U.S. now. May as well talk it out and may the most rational approach win.

Not if NRA don´t want to.
I wasn't actually suggesting optimism.
I understand you didn't, I just made an impasse.?
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Try posting your anti gun things in special thread for anti gun nuts and leave the other threads for those who want to discuss the topic.

Maybe you should re-read the OP. The topic of this thread just happens to be, multiple people being killed and injured by gun violence -- yet again.

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Teen party, I see.

Afro American teen party.

I hope the black lives matters group responds.

Unless the gunman is white, they are not interested. Black on black violence is rampant in Chicago and other big cities, but nary a word about that.

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Age of one dead boy was 14.

Age of one of the injured was 12.

Black Lives Matter movement says they will not get involved because these kids lives are unimportant since the shooter was not white.


BLM is waiting on the sidelines until the arrest to make sure the shooter's rights are not violated by Law Enforcement.

Oneminute these little kids were laughing and playing and having innocent fun with all of their friends and seconds later they were lying in pools of blood.

Where is the outrage?

Edited by ClutchClark
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Try posting your anti gun things in special thread for anti gun nuts and leave the other threads for those who want to discuss the topic.

Maybe you should re-read the OP. The topic of this thread just happens to be, multiple people being killed and injured by gun violence -- yet again.

No it's not. The topic is "

Florida nightclub shooting: Two killed, 15 injured at Club Blu, Fort Myers"

Maybe you should re-read the OP and then come back and apologize for trying to change the topic.

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No mention of nationality but i would not be shocked if he was a Muslim they love spreading their religion of peace.

No mention of nationality but i would not be shocked if he was a Christian they love spreading their religion of peace.

excellent, but probably beyond the grasp of many drunken cro-magnins.

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No mention of nationality but i would not be shocked if he was a Muslim they love spreading their religion of peace.

No mention of nationality but i would not be shocked if he was a Christian they love spreading their religion of peace.

excellent, but probably beyond the grasp of many drunken cro-magnins.

...........who at the least, can spell Cro-Magnons.

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How about nobody can own a gun below the age of 95, unless accompanied by their parents.

With the way gun violence and deaths are going, I'd vote for that law -- seriously. And I wouldn't be alone in doing so.

The problem is that criminals do not pay attention to laws and with all the guns in America, they will be available illegally far into the future with no way to defend oneself.
Australia proved you are wrong.

Less guns mean mote expensive black market price, especially for young and deranged people. Less road ragex less drunken brawls turning ugly, less kids casualties...

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