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ThaiHealth poll reveals number of smokers and drinkers in decline


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I honestly don't know if they are just really bad at propaganda, or if they all live in absolute denial about pretty much everything.

Sure hahaha

Don't know about percentages but if we all filmed the bone idle motorbike taxi drivers during their siesta periods I think it would definitely change this perception of drinking and smoking. I thought it went with the job to be honest .....

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I honestly don't know if they are just really bad at propaganda, or if they all live in absolute denial about pretty much everything.

Double Post

Come to think of it. How come TV haven't worked out a system to prevent us doing this ??

Beats me ?

Edited by ScotBkk
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Guess would be to easy to find out the sales of Tobacco over the past 5 years, or sales from the drink Companies...

At Hospital yesterday all day, sure felt like there were 19,000 people there, and the amount of people outside having a fag was a lot, and that was just at one place..

Guess the ThaiHealth Chairman was happy that the researchers asked the right people these question.

Tobacco and Alcohol sales are UP because of farangs.

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ThaiHealth Chairman Admiral Narong Pipattanasai said that his organization’s research showed that the number of smokers declined by four percent.

Unfortunately, the Prayut government seeks to reverse that trend.

The Government announced in June 2016 that its state-owned Tobacco Monopoly introduced the country's newest brand of cigarette, "Line 7.1", just weeks after the government increased the cigarette tax. The new brand, which is slightly smaller in diameter than standard brands, costs about 40 baht ($1.12) a pack. After the tax hike, other brands now range from about 48 to 130 baht ($1.34 to $3.64) a pack.

The tobacco company says that it is simply "trying to protect the health of low-income smokers" with the new, cheaper brand. It claims a cheaper brand of cigarettes keeps smokers from rolling their own unfiltered cigarettes or buying illegally imported, untaxed ones.


The tobacco company says that it is simply "trying to protect the health of low-income smokers" with the new, cheaper brand. It claims a cheaper brand of cigarettes keeps smokers from rolling their own unfiltered cigarettes or buying illegally imported, untaxed ones."

That has to be the epitome of a specious claim if I have ever heard one. Sounds in a similar vein to claims made by some Thai "authorities" from time to time. An absolute load of drivel in order to justify a position. If the Government wants to protect the health of smokers then ban cigarettes! Or alternatively, hike the price upwards and those who wish to buy and become ill from the effects of smoking must pay for their own medical treatment/care. No "ifs" no "buts". coffee1.gif

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ThaiHealth poll reveals number of smokers and drinkers in decline

Because they are all


Really? Nearly all my friends and acquaintances who are smokers and drinkers are very much alive and kicking, as I am myself. Also, I think you'll find that nearly all the people who attained a great age (110 years or so) were smokers. Madame Calment, a record holder, reached the age of 122, and she smoked most of her life.


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ThaiHealth poll reveals number of smokers and drinkers in decline

Because they are all


Really? Nearly all my friends and acquaintances who are smokers and drinkers are very much alive and kicking, as I am myself. Also, I think you'll find that nearly all the people who attained a great age (110 years or so) were smokers. Madame Calment, a record holder, reached the age of 122, and she smoked most of her life.

And I would also say "Really". How many a day did Madame Calment smoke?

I had two friends who smoked and died from emphysema and were thus denied the chance to live to as grand old age. Like mine, I find your claim to be also specious.

There are simply too many other variables involved.

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ThaiHealth poll reveals number of smokers and drinkers in decline

Because they are all


Really? Nearly all my friends and acquaintances who are smokers and drinkers are very much alive and kicking, as I am myself. Also, I think you'll find that nearly all the people who attained a great age (110 years or so) were smokers. Madame Calment, a record holder, reached the age of 122, and she smoked most of her life.

And I would also say "Really". How many a day did Madame Calment smoke?

I had two friends who smoked and died from emphysema and were thus denied the chance to live to as grand old age. Like mine, I find your claim to be also specious.

There are simply too many other variables involved.


“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Joseph Goebbels - Hitler's Propaganda Minister

We have been lied to on a massive scale over the past three or four decades as the anti-smoking propaganda machine has attracted more and more funding from vested interests (the hugely profitable pharmaceutical industry) and the instinctively puritan and doctrinaire 'charities'. The budgets that Tobacco Control now enjoy would make your eyes water. They are sums that the tobacco companies couldn't even countenance in their wildest dreams; yet all the time Tobacco Control like to portray themselves as the David battling the Goliath of the tobacco industry. Ha! Nothing could be further from the truth!

The anti-smoking putsch is not, and never has been anything to do with health. It's all about money and social engineering. The vast majority of 'studies' on smoking and health have been commissioned by virulently anti-smoking organisations. And he who pays the piper calls the tune. Naturally, any studies commissioned by the tobacco industry, no matter how much at pains they have been to prove they have had no influence, are dismissed out of hand as being 'tainted', a charge which for some reason is never levelled at Tobacco Control.

Read that link I posted above. It may give you some insight into how the system works. It only scratches the surface of the tissue of lies and deceit that Tobacco Control deploy as a matter of course, but it will give you an idea of how you are being played by the puppeteers.

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ThaiHealth poll reveals number of smokers and drinkers in decline

Because they are all


Really? Nearly all my friends and acquaintances who are smokers and drinkers are very much alive and kicking, as I am myself. Also, I think you'll find that nearly all the people who attained a great age (110 years or so) were smokers. Madame Calment, a record holder, reached the age of 122, and she smoked most of her life.

And I would also say "Really". How many a day did Madame Calment smoke?

I had two friends who smoked and died from emphysema and were thus denied the chance to live to as grand old age. Like mine, I find your claim to be also specious.

There are simply too many other variables involved.

Smoking kills etc etc........ Friend of mine smoked 60 a day all his life, he died aged 96 around 3 years ago........ on the other hand my Mother died at age 41 of cancer, never touched a cig or drink in her life, her youngest Brother, aged 39 same, her younger Sister aged 43 same, a cousin died the same aged 19 another cousin at 43.. All of these relatives died of Cancer 100% not smoking or drink related. My Mothers 2 older Brothers and a Sister are still alive youngest now 87 oldest 93 non have smoked in there life.

many others both smokers/drinkers and NON smokers/drinkers died or are still alive and in there 90's

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