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Typical alcoholic! Dont know when to stop drinking, and dont know when others are tired of looking at a drunk, that thinks he is the life of the party. Your lucky that your wife doesnt kick you out. Pay up and consider yourself lucky.


I am afraid that at the end of the day-you may have to simply pay the piper- meaning the woman who you decided to back and see. You probably misunderstood the fact that she was simply being neighborly by giving you drink in the first place and not wanting anything further. You continued drinking and your other head took over. You're lucky your wife didn't cut it off and feed it to the ducks. I know you are sorry and now even sorrier when you know the price you have to pay for being unable to handle your business. If your wife can reduce the price- fine; if she cannot- best pay it to avoid deportation and blacklisting- and learn a valuable lesson You also need to prepare an explanation for her husband when he returns. He will definitely be pissed off. We have all done stupid things in life- but the key is to never repeat them.


My best advice would be, try to avoid breaking into other people's houses in the early hours of the morning.

It usually isn't very welcome, they could have shot and killed you with no negative consequences for them.


Nice to see the TV morality and alcohol Counsellors offering advice here but they should be offering advice to the OP to live in reality and stop posting ludicrous, Thai soap opera influenced fantasies on online fora.....

I wonder if there was a badly staged cat fight where they all end up sobbing, hugging and friends for ever as the evil old granny slinks away???


Same thing happened to me. But in my made up story. I had sex with all 5 of the girls. They said I was the best they had ever had.

Also in my made up story, the girls were so happy that they all paid me money.


I don't mean this is a scolding way but rather, in a constructive way.

How old are you? If over 17, please continue to the next question.

Have you admitted to yourself and others around you that you have an alcohol problem? If not, please continue reading.

Until you do, these "expensive weekends" and many other problems will continue to occur I am sorry to say. The next one might be something like killing somebody whilst drink driving. Or seriously offending somebody you care about deeply. And on and on till the stomach cancer or liver damage kicks in.


Same thing happened to me. But in my made up story. I had sex with all 5 of the girls. They said I was the best they had ever had.

Also in my made up story, the girls were so happy that they all paid me money.

Why you had to make up that story, happens to me in real life at least twice a month.

From the other side, wonder how the foreign husband will respond when he returns, hope for the OP he isn't on steroids.


Same thing happened to me. But in my made up story. I had sex with all 5 of the girls. They said I was the best they had ever had.

Also in my made up story, the girls were so happy that they all paid me money.

Why you had to make up that story, happens to me in real life at least twice a month.

From the other side, wonder how the foreign husband will respond when he returns, hope for the OP he isn't on steroids.

Nope the guy coming home is a NY Hells Angel! I pity the OP but once again stupid as stupid does

"PS my wife retained a small piece of the glass,"

As I see it, you have good news & bad news.

The good news, so far your wife is sticking by you. Lucky boy.

The bad news, she'll use the glass to castrate you next time you wanna play with bikini clad lovelies

I'd suggest you quit while you're ahead. Pay up !!!.


The only thing that i am convinced of after reading your post,is that you should have known a lot better and that you are a total Arse.

You have embarrassed your self,your wife and probably your dog too.And you have laid the idea in the bikini clad lovelies that all ferangs are like you.Your wife suffered terrible loss of face when you ignored her and went over to another womans house.You caused damage to her property and should pay up pdq.No wonder the owner doesnt want to speak to you.You are obviously somebody who cannot tolerate or handle alcohol.Are you like this with your bar pals? No! i doubt it because you probably dont have many.You want to stop drinking and stop giving us all a bad name.


Same thing happened to me. But in my made up story. I had sex with all 5 of the girls. They said I was the best they had ever had.

Also in my made up story, the girls were so happy that they all paid me money.

Why you had to make up that story, happens to me in real life at least twice a month.

From the other side, wonder how the foreign husband will respond when he returns, hope for the OP he isn't on steroids.

Nope the guy coming home is a NY Hells Angel! I pity the OP but once again stupid as stupid does

Pray, how do you know this? Are you perchance the OP in another guise, a tad embarrassed at the ludicrous fantasy you posted?


What city did this incident occur?

That can make a huge difference in your defence.

Bollacaloola, the capital of fantasyville......

The biggest thing in the OP's defence is that it never happened at all.....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


You kept going back over - after the party was finished too... then you broke their windows... why? why? why?

Sure, because you were drunk and trespassing... Do you understand how that can be frightening to a bunch of girls? Then, you started smashing windows in your drunken stupor... and you think that wasn't frightening?

I think you are getting off cheap... some neighbor they have to look forward to... I think you should also have to pay for the wall they will need to put up to keep you out and prevent you from acting stupid next time you get drunk...

I think it is time to stop drinking if it leads you to not be responsible for your actions... and you will save some money too...


Pay up, as it's called "sue kham ruu" in Thai; buying knowledge, and use this expensively bought knowledge for your further live (here) wisely.


If I am you I refuse completly the payment what this lady want. But report to the police that you are willing to pay the damage if you got a fair bill fror the repair from the company who repaired it.

You was invited to the party so no one can complain.

If it gone to court, what I not believe, the damages are paid already.

I am sure the case will be closed!!!

Give a shit on this what this policeman said. If you need help, try to connect the Information lady from Soi 9 police (Mrs. Magold)


She will help you for sure!!!


Don't pay it no matter what is said. You were only doing what comes naturally when a man is drunk in horny. Stand up for your principles even if it means jail time and deportation. At least you will know you fought the good fight.

in the words of The Clash .."I fought the law and the law won"....... despite all the slagging off you've had and are getting the bottom line in the cold light of day is your up shhsss creek without a paddle and the only options currently available are as anotheruser says (though not to your liking) or pay up (also not to your liking), so lesser of two bad options for you it seems....... still if it wasn't for bad luck you'd have no luck at all!!!

One thing is for sure you won't be choosing the drunken option of nipping over late hours of night to see bikini clad women again (for a while at least)


Don't pay it no matter what is said. You were only doing what comes naturally when a man is drunk in horny. Stand up for your principles even if it means jail time and deportation. At least you will know you fought the good fight.

What a cretinous bit of logic--"what comes naturally when a man is drunk in (sic) horny" He's lucky he wasn't shot.

It's bad enough that so many people cannot handle alcohol, but even worse that so many others accept it.


Funny, No matter how much you want to paint a good picture? you are a lousy drinker and put yourself in the position you are now in! You were lucky the husband wasn't home and even more lucky it wasn't the home of a Thai guy who could just as easily shot you? sure it is excessive but pay up and stop complaining.


"I went home, and sat up drinking alone. I saw the lights were on in the house still, so i went back over."

Why did you go back over when, as you say, the party was over and you had already left the neighbour's house?

To rape someone obviously. This story has more bullshit than Paw Yais Kee Kwai Farm.


What a cretinous bit of logic--"what comes naturally when a man is drunk in (sic) horny" He's lucky he wasn't shot.

It's bad enough that so many people cannot handle alcohol, but even worse that so many others accept it.

Who accept it? The point is to come out of a small problem without to pay a lot for nothing. That him do something wrong him know self now and I believe him learned about it.

But this is not a reason to rip someone out of money for nothing.


Thanks for the advice above guys/gals. I was not overly keen to post this last night, and only posted it in the Bangkok forum as i did not know what forum was suitable. The sorry tale actually occurred in hua hin. We have some tough cops and ladies down here.

I was dreading reading the, and have only just done it 24 hours later, but i am glad i posted.

I will take from above the popular "give the booze a rest advice". I have not had a drink since satday night, just before i went back through the fence, and i am hoping not to for the next 3 months or so at least.

All else i can take from the advice above, is wait for the husband to show (who i am/was neighbour-pals with), and the wife to calm down, and see if i can appeal to their better natures. I am hoping they realise the situation was not as bad as it may have first appeared (remember there was about 8 people in the house when i came a knocking - including the Italian DJ guy), so it is not like she was alone.

And i was invited to the party, but left and returned.

If someone came to my party and broke two windows, i would not sue them for 90k...... but again if someone came banging on the window and put the shits up my wife, i would be upset too........... so it is hard to know what i feel......

the leaving the booze alone is always a good idea though.

Cheers for the comments guys (apart from the bore who could only say "liar, liar, pants on fire" type stuff) wai.gif


What city did this incident occur?

That can make a huge difference in your defence.

Bollacaloola, the capital of fantasyville......

The biggest thing in the OP's defence is that it never happened at all.....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Bore off mate....... you call me a liar, and the whole post is fantasy etc, yet return to the post about 5 times, each time making the same cynical comments....... give it a rest mate


I can get you the best lawyer in the world......89990 baht fee

i just saw these bikini girls on instagram...they want you to come back over tonight, just sneak in!!!

in perspective.....DUI in America, 10,000 USD. Speeding ticket about 1-200 dollars USD. Bad marriage, hundreds of thousands. Bad investments, tens of thousands or more. Stupid bar fight, disfigured for life. etc....

I would say on a scale of 1-100 with 100 being the worst possible night.......you are at about a 58. 90,000 is a lot of money...GONE, just like that, and think of what you could have done with that money. But it was only money, not a lost limb.... and you did have some fun with women, and that can cost money......and an experience. a bad karaoke night can be 40,000 baht i've heard...

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