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PM says no need to rush to appoint new Supreme Patriarch


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PM says no need to rush to appoint new Supreme Patriarch


BANGKOK, 27 July 2016 (NNT) - Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said there is no need to rush to appoint a new Supreme Patriarch, as the Acting Supreme Patriarch could be facing a tax evasion lawsuit.

General Prayut said it would not be possible for the appointment of the new Supreme Patriarch to be carried out until the case is resolved.

The Department of Special Investigation is preparing to file charges against Acting Supreme Patriarch Somdet Phra Maha Ratchamangalacharn, also known as Somdej Chuang, for presenting falsified documents regarding the import of his Mercedes-Benz, in an attempt to avoid paying import duties.

The Prime Minister also warned those planning to mobilize a movement in support of the Acting Supreme Patriarch to do so within the rule of law. Somdej Chuang is the next in line to become the Supreme Patriarch, the country’s de facto leader of Buddhism.

-- NNT 2016-07-27 footer_n.gif

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"...PM says no need to rush to appoint new Supreme Patriarch..."

Just like there is no need to rush to elect a democratic government!

However, unlike the cloud hanging over the Acting Supreme Patriarch, Section 279 of the soon-to-be ratified Constitution provides blanket amnesty for any actions by the junta and its cronies since they usurped power!

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I think the following says it all, really:

"The Department of Special Investigation is preparing to file charges against Acting Supreme Patriarch Somdet Phra Maha Ratchamangalacharn, also known as Somdej Chuang, for presenting falsified documents regarding the import of his Mercedes-Benz, in an attempt to avoid paying import duties".

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the similarities between this and the BKK Governor are apparent and yet like chalk and cheese, so...no appointment of the supreme patriach because the next in line's under investigation, and on the flip side of the coin, no problems with suspicions of malfeasance and corruption and an abuse of state funds with the Governor of the capital city, all perfectly acceptable .........because he's on the side of the "good people" ?

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Does this guy even believe the tenets of his alleged faith?

Not only embracing worldly goods, but dodging worldly levies too.

This was the last religion I gave any credit to. I was far too liberal for my own good.

Put them all in a cage with the worlds politicians. And several hungry Tigers. Sit back. Eat grapes. Enjoy the spectacle...

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Think we have been waiting quite a long time already? So we can wait a bit more?

It just goes to show the sham of Thai Buddhism. its all about money and power. Buddha would not be happy.

btw this is just my opinion.

Edited by MaiChai
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Think we have been waiting quite a long time already? So we can wait a bit more?

It just goes to show the sham of Thai Buddhism. its all about money and power. Buddha would not be happy.

btw this is just my opinion.

Dont think many would disagree, I was at a temple in the middle of nowhere and whilst there were no vintage mercs

it was still quite nicely fitted out.

But organized faiths of all types have been duping asking for donations from people since dirt was young.

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I have a hard time watching all these drones go about their mindless activities, gestures and other superficial, superstitious nonsense. Not just here/Buddhism. All of them.

No matter how many obvious examples they are made aware of, they seem to dismiss it as a one-off or barely acknowledge it. Even when it's the top dog in the religious pyramid, they suck their teeth and stay the course. Maybe they do "get it" but are so hopelessly dependent and programmed into the group think, they just can't imagine living without it. Adrift in the big, scary world with no system to guide them. Poor buggers.

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I laugh when I remember my early days in Thailand, I'd see a monk and think - "Wow! There's a really holy guy". You know, full of all this Eastern mysticism romance. I'm grateful to Thailand, in a sense, for shattering my childish illusions.

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