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Trump has a record of siding with Putin on key issues


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Response to TimTang post#28

If Trump is a 'meathead' then I want to be a 'meathead' too.

OK! Why don´t you apply for a course at Trump University?


If his IQ was tested at over 150, perhaps they should recheck it, seriously.

When Donald talks, he talks about nothing and then when he's not talking about nothing, he's talking nonesense.

Clearly the man is good at some things, whatever that is but POTUS isn't for him, the guy should zip it and get back to sucking the farts out of dead seagulls or whatever it was that caused him to create his wealth.

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Something needs to change the direction that the current path is on with Russia. And Mr Trump is the only one willing and capable of doing it. The West is a lot better off with Russia as an ally. Look at history. Good things happen when the West works in sync with Russia. And bad things happen when the opposite position is taken. Once again. Good policy from Mr Trump.

Fully agree with you on this. Russian communism is dead and the country no longer represents a threat to the West.

The episode Crimea was wanted by a vast majority of the population. There was not a single shot.

Same for eastern Ukraine. Unfortunately there are weapons there and this should be negotiated by the stakeholders taking into account the wish of the population.

But what a shame for Europe to be surpassed by Trump in reconciliation with Russia.

Agree totally.

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Be careful being a friend of Trumps. For starters, Trump's ghostwriter, who was side by side with Trump for 18 months, says Trump doesn't have any friends. Secondly, Trump has shown repeatedly how he can like you one moment (if you're boosting his ego or fattening his wallet) and hate you the next. He did it back anf forth several times with Meghan Kelly and many others.

Putin is an ass if he thinks Trump will be like a friend. They're both as reliable as a mocking bird who tweets various tunes to see which bird will respond. Then the mocking bird goes to the other bird's nest (when the parent is away) and quickly lay its egg. When the other bird returns, it raises the chick as its own, even though it's 5 times bigger than its own chicks.

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Off-topic posts and replies removed.

It would be great if you could delete Donald trump all together.

What a meathead.

Does he realise what position he's applying for?


Well he's a multi billionaire with an IQ of over 150 that for years said he never wanted to run for president and meant it. I do think he realizes what position he's applying for. For decades he always hoped someone smart would become president to fix many of the problem he perceived such as China phuqing over the country but no one came up to the plate; so he has, even though he never wanted to.

If Trump is a 'meathead' then I want to be a 'meathead' too.

Who says Trump has an IQ over 150? Let me guess: he said it. The same person who says he's worth many many billions of dollars (he's worth 1 billion, tops). The same person who says he would love to release his tax returns. ....who says he is not John Miller. Who says he never raped his wife. Who says he has not declared bankruptcy. Who says he was not in charge of any casinos in Atlantic City. ......

Calling Trump a meathead is like calling Hitler an annoying person.

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GOP Figures Disgusted By Trump Urging Russian Cyberattack At least one has dared to call it “treason.”

"GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, whose eventual electoral domestication seems to be forever around the next corner,

pivoted back in the direction of the surreal and reprehensible Wednesday morning at a press conference in Doral, Florida."

"And once again, Trump is taking fire from fellow Republicans in a way that shatters all precedent,

as disaffected conservatives receive one more sign that their party’s nominee is catastrophically unfit for office."

"Trump managed to reinflame his antagonists throughout his press conference, where ― among sundry bewilderments

he at one point seemed to confuse Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Kaine with former New Jersey Gov. Tom Kean."



The Clown Train keeps bumbling along...

Lovin' it.

Keep it up Donnie. thumbsup.gif

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Is Trump Treasonous? Panetta Calls Him Danger to National Security

Former defense chief denounces GOP nominee's encouragement of Russia to spy on the U.S. ( sub-title )
"Donald Trump's invitation to Russian spies to find lost emails routed through Hillary Clinton's notorious private server was,
"irresponsible" and clearly underscores that "he cannot become our commander in chief," former Defense Secretary and CIA Director Leon Panetta said on Wednesday."

"Think about that, Donald Trump, who wants to be president,

is asking one of our adversaries to engage in hacking or intelligence efforts against the United States of America to affect an election"

"As someone who was responsible for protecting our nation from cyberattacks, it's inconceivable that any presidential candidate would be that irresponsible," he said,

adding that it was "no time to roll the dice" on Trump and national security.


Edited by iReason
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Trump said he was just kidding about inviting foreign governments to snoop around in our national security secrets.

That kind of puts a bunch in the panties of those who said his hacking invitation was misunderstood or taken out of context. By issuing a "just kidding!" statement, we now know that he really did say what we all thought he said, but he didn't mean it!

Former USAG and Reagan judicial appointee Eric Holder says this should disqualify Trump from the presidency:

It is incomprehensible to me that an American would tell Russia to hack a private citizen's accounts," he said. "And what is hard to believe, this is the nominee for the Republican Party. It is hard for me to wrap my mind around. I don't say this lightly. I think this disqualifies him to be commander-in-chief.
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Well he's a multi billionaire with an IQ of over 150 that for years said he never wanted to run for president and meant it. I do think he realizes what position he's applying for. For decades he always hoped someone smart would become president to fix many of the problem he perceived such as China phuqing over the country but no one came up to the plate; so he has, even though he never wanted to.

If Trump is a 'meathead' then I want to be a 'meathead' too.

Who says Trump has an IQ over 150? Let me guess: he said it. The same person who says he's worth many many billions of dollars (he's worth 1 billion, tops). The same person who says he would love to release his tax returns. ....who says he is not John Miller. Who says he never raped his wife. Who says he has not declared bankruptcy. Who says he was not in charge of any casinos in Atlantic City. ......

Calling Trump a meathead is like calling Hitler an annoying person.

Trump has an IQ of 115-120.

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Like with his policy suggestion that women who seek abortions should be punished, Trump now says he was just kidding and/or he didn't really mean what he said just hours earlier. That's a great quality for a Commander in Chief; a person who changes his ideas hours after he asserts them.

I detested Nixon, but at least Nixon stuck with his guns, and had a bit of forethought before making decisions. Trump has the resolve of a mayfly. His handlers are even backtracking on Trump's wall idea, one suggesting, "well, he may not really mean a physical wall. It may turn out to be a figurative wall or a cyber wall."

Edited by boomerangutang
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Like with his policy suggestion that women who seek abortions should be punished, Trump now says he was just kidding and/or he didn't really mean what he said just hours earlier. That's a great quality for a Commander in Chief; a person who changes his ideas hours after he asserts them.

I detested Nixon, but at least Nixon stuck with his guns, and had a bit of forethought before making decisions. Trump has the resolve of a mayfly. His handlers are even backtracking on Trump's wall idea, one suggesting, "well, he may not really mean a physical wall. It may turn out to be a figurative wall or a cyber wall."

Because not only are they seeing Hispanic votes going to Hillary, but I'd also suggest that every time he continues to spout this nonsense, it motivates even more Hispanic voters that would otherwise not have bothered.

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"He's an idiot, a certifiable idiot. " OK...so Trump is an idiot!

Hillary on the other hand used an unsecured server stashed away in a closet at her home to correspond with the president, her staff, other US government agencies, and several international government representatives while serving as the Secretary of State for the United States of America...

...and Trump is the idiot?

I like people who see the problem for what it is.

HRC is a huge security risk, but there is more.

None of us really know yet what will be published next...the real dilemma is that, quite possibly, Hillary and the Democratic Party could be blackmailed into making harmful decisions/policies (should they win).

Not to mention, how many other people (that she has emailed) who may stand to be implicated in "transgressions" that make the Democrats out to be fools. (which they are, anyways)

And Trump couldn't be blackmailed about?.....business, tax, rape, 13 year old girls. If it was reality TV it would be funny, but this is for the person with their finger on the big red button!

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Be careful being a friend of Trumps. For starters, Trump's ghostwriter, who was side by side with Trump for 18 months, says Trump doesn't have any friends.

It's the ghostwriter who's shown himself to be an untrustrworthy, despicable, slimy, characterless person with no professional integrity.

He sure didnt have a problem taking a few million of Trumps money....now he claims he did such a good job building up the Trump mystique that he feels he needs to save the world from the monster he created.

Gimme a break....wonder how much hillarys people paid him to say that....what a tosser.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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There isn't much to like about either of them but one issue on which they have a common view, Syria, they are spot on ....in stark contrast to the ludicrous policy of Clinton , who seemed to believe that the Arab Spring was something to be supported no matter what. Putin said consistently, repeatedly " be careful what you wish for". Clueless Clinton. Mega fail.

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Be careful being a friend of Trumps. For starters, Trump's ghostwriter, who was side by side with Trump for 18 months, says Trump doesn't have any friends.

It's the ghostwriter who's shown himself to be an untrustrworthy, despicable, slimy, characterless person with no professional integrity.

He sure didnt have a problem taking a few million of Trumps money....now he claims he did such a good job building up the Trump mystique that he feels he needs to save the world from the monster he created.

Gimme a break....wonder how much hillarys people paid him to say that....what a tosser.

He's been disloyal to the fuhrer. He must be castigated.

He's anything but an untrustworthy, despicable, slimy, characterless person with no professional integrity. Seriously, you don't have a clue.

He feels bad about taking the money and selling his soul.

He's really pretty remarkable. You don't know anything about him or you wouldn't have written the above. You just know he spilled the beans on what an empty suit Trump is. Please read his story. He's actually a very honorable, talented guy. He went on to found a successful company and is doing well. He just needed to tell everyone what an asshat Trump is.

Honorable. That's a word you don't use around Trump. Honor has no meaning to Donald Trump.

Republicans have handcuffed themselves to a dead hooker...Bill Maher

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It would be great if you could delete Donald trump all together.

What a meathead.

Does he realise what position he's applying for?


Well he's a multi billionaire with an IQ of over 150 that for years said he never wanted to run for president and meant it. I do think he realizes what position he's applying for. For decades he always hoped someone smart would become president to fix many of the problem he perceived such as China phuqing over the country but no one came up to the plate; so he has, even though he never wanted to.

If Trump is a 'meathead' then I want to be a 'meathead' too.

Trump is an ignoramus.


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Two thugs in a pod.

That's true in a way. But Putin is way smarter than Trump and he's already playing him. Trump is so weak and pretty much given his whole game already, the Russians probably can't believe their luck. His buttons are going to be so easy to push.

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Two thugs in a pod.

That's true in a way. But Putin is way smarter than Trump and he's already playing him. Trump is so weak and pretty much given his whole game already, the Russians probably can't believe their luck. His buttons are going to be so easy to push.

Completely true however while Trump beat 16 Republicans Hillary is going to beat all 17 of 'em.

Then Putin's balls are going to shrivel.

Don't know if Hillary has ever played chess but Putin the 'chessmaster' hasn't ever played chess against anyone he couldn't put in jail. Or have shot. Or poisoned. Etc. If it were Trump then Putin would just serve him up with the kool-aid.

Trump is a menace to the constitution and to the security of the United States. That is the only change we'd all get, so your post is well taken.

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Well he's a multi billionaire with an IQ of over 150 that for years said he never wanted to run for president and meant it. I do think he realizes what position he's applying for. For decades he always hoped someone smart would become president to fix many of the problem he perceived such as China phuqing over the country but no one came up to the plate; so he has, even though he never wanted to.

If Trump is a 'meathead' then I want to be a 'meathead' too.

Who says Trump has an IQ over 150? Let me guess: he said it. The same person who says he's worth many many billions of dollars (he's worth 1 billion, tops). The same person who says he would love to release his tax returns. ....who says he is not John Miller. Who says he never raped his wife. Who says he has not declared bankruptcy. Who says he was not in charge of any casinos in Atlantic City. ......

Calling Trump a meathead is like calling Hitler an annoying person.

Trump has an IQ of 115-120.

Sir, no disrespect to you or your research but if the claim is 115-120, I suspect either half of that number was 'purchased' by this buffoon.

The guy behaves like he's some sort of mental retard.

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It would be great if you could delete Donald trump all together.

What a meathead.

Does he realise what position he's applying for?


Well he's a multi billionaire with an IQ of over 150 that for years said he never wanted to run for president and meant it. I do think he realizes what position he's applying for. For decades he always hoped someone smart would become president to fix many of the problem he perceived such as China phuqing over the country but no one came up to the plate; so he has, even though he never wanted to.

If Trump is a 'meathead' then I want to be a 'meathead' too.

Trump is an ignoramus.


He's likely to win then, the Americans love having ignoramus's as POTUS, for example;

Bush junior


Bush senior

Need I go on? 55555

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This is less a reflection of Trump then the utter recklessness of Obama/Clinton. This Tammany Hall cabal has plunged the US so absurdly to the left and into danger zones around the world that Putin only relatively appears nearer the center. IMO, Trump's last call out to Putin was stupid, but, millions of Americans are asking the same question on social venues- "Russia must have these docs... we just... think they must. Surely they will release them..." I have mused over this many times.

And so, Putin is in the unusual position of being appreciated more than Obama. yes, I believe this. Neither have US interests at heart-- but many Americans admire Putin more because he at least represents their country! Were I alone the internet would hardly be filled with so many voices believing the same.

In any event, one thing can be measured and this issue appeals to millions of Americans: Putin's position visa vie DAESH. Americans viscerally know Obama motivates and otherwise supports islamic jihad and IS directly by providing it Cover for Status and Action. Its self evident, and a steady stream of generals and leaks confirm this. Thus, Putin curiously appears more centrist to many as he (appears) to evidence a stronger response to DAESH. The issue with ISIS is central to Americans perceiving Putin and Russia more favorably then the gov and media offer.

Lastly, believe what one is fed, it is choice, but Putin did not cause the problem in the Ukraine, Obama did. Obama officials deliberately overthrow an elected government that protested closer ties with the West. Putin's response can be debated as to its proportionality, or not, but it was not causative, it was a response. So, when offering someone sides with Putin we should be clear what we are talking about because today siding with Putin means opposing Obama. (Note: US former Special Forces were in Ukraine as contractors agitating and 'training' and such... They were there under cover of a familiar contractor we all know from Iraq. This is before the president was ousted. Fact!).






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Fantastic. At least Putin has some support. There era of pc apologists is hopefully coming to an end, and strong leadership will prevail.

The idea of wanting a strong man dictator is about the most UN-AMERICAN thing I can imagine.

Edited by Jingthing
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Fantastic. At least Putin has some support. There era of pc apologists is hopefully coming to an end, and strong leadership will prevail.

The idea of wanting a strong man dictator is about the most UN-AMERICAN thing I can imagine.

I'm pretty sure that he is thinking along the lines of Winston Churchill.

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Fantastic. At least Putin has some support. There era of pc apologists is hopefully coming to an end, and strong leadership will prevail.

The idea of wanting a strong man dictator is about the most UN-AMERICAN thing I can imagine.

I'm pretty sure that he is thinking along the lines of Winston Churchill.

I am sure those guyz are thinking along the lines of Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Robert Welsh and all the other whackjobs who see President Obama as spending the past eight years working actively and consciously against the United States (probably from a dark corner of the WH communicating by secure channels with the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS commanders against the United States).

Putin sycophant nutcases.

FBI is investigating what is going on with these Putin cyberattacks against the election of Potus and the 2016 political processes. Department of Homeland Security said several years ago the pararightwingnoids at home are more of a threat against the United States than is terrorism abroad. One can see the proof right before our own eyes.

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Putin knows how to play the Trump card. He is a true psychopath, like Trump is. He is just smarter and even more gruesome than Trump is. Putin has been playing the west for quite some time. He has his own troll army, and we have seen their actions even here on Thaivisa.

There are occasions when I want to laugh as some Trump supporters now like to support Russian agenda. There are times, when it me to fear of the future.

Here are some thoughts from Garry Kasparov.

"The DNC hack should be considered a serious threat to national security with grave implications for what Putin may do next. His meddling in Europe — pushing Brexit through his propaganda machine and supporting far-right parties — is one thing, but if he can help put Trump in the White House it would be his greatest coup yet. Why stop at a trivial hacking operation, especially since he seems unlikely to face any consequences for it?"


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Like with his policy suggestion that women who seek abortions should be punished, Trump now says he was just kidding and/or he didn't really mean what he said just hours earlier. That's a great quality for a Commander in Chief; a person who changes his ideas hours after he asserts them.

I detested Nixon, but at least Nixon stuck with his guns, and had a bit of forethought before making decisions. Trump has the resolve of a mayfly. His handlers are even backtracking on Trump's wall idea, one suggesting, "well, he may not really mean a physical wall. It may turn out to be a figurative wall or a cyber wall."

A Full List of Donald Trump's Rapidly Changing Policy Positions.


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