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Thai stepfather rapes one year old - Cambodian mother feeds her hot water to stop her crying


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So he wanted sex and the best he could find was a 1 year old baby ? Why didn't he go <deleted> a buffalo instead?

This is a sick creature that should be buried alive in the jungle.

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I believe a rusty razor blade for both. Then a free air trip in a Hercules. Drop them 500 kms off the coast and if they swim back they are pardoned. Can't be too brutal

Or sent to North Korea as deck cargo on a submarine? whistling.gif

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! What goes through the mind of a man like him ? He said he needed sex, so he does that...then the other physical harm he did, stamping on the baby, breaking bones...beyond sick. And the mother... hot water burns...omg..some people should be banned from having children...it's just unfair on the children. Sounds a bit Mein Kampf, but in a case like this...

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As a father, grandfather and great grandfather, I can only say that there is no punishment good enough for these 2 people. I would willingly pour boiling water into their own mouths and cause them to suffer in the most hideous and painful way, publicly, in an effort to illustrate my utter disgust at what an adult can inflict on such a defenceless baby.

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The gross degree of abuse in this does of course invoke gross reaction such as a death penalty.

And perhaps punitive social pressue will give the perpertrators a death wish of their own if not already.

Whatever the judicial outcome it is hoped that society will recognise that this atrocity is as much the outcome of social distortion as is the effect of that on the pshycological mindset of the sick young father and the apparently intimidated mother.

Outrage in a society that sadly prefers denial is likely to be caused more by the publicity than by the actual atrocity.

To the point where the majority are focussed on retribution rather than a wish that any permanent physical and pshycological long term damage to the child is guaranteed to be minimized.sad.png

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Some sick politicians may want to hire these sickos as consultants for their political opposition torcher programs.

Animals have more compassion for their young than these creeps, they make pedophiles look like saints.

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So you think a man raping a baby doesn't deserve death penalty? Better he stay alive and chill in prison you crazy, you wouldn't think same if your kid or grand kid etc, now do you think that terrorists that kill loads of innocent people deserve life in prison or death penalty, coz in my option any one that kills a child or rapes a child doesn't deserve to live

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Death to this sick piece of shit. I'd happily pull the trigger myself. Sooner he's removed from the gene pool of humanity the better.

Hell I would pull the trigger ten times starting with his feet, just how sick and perverted can humanity sink.

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The gross degree of abuse in this does of course invoke gross reaction such as a death penalty.

And perhaps punitive social pressue will give the perpertrators a death wish of their own if not already.

Whatever the judicial outcome it is hoped that society will recognise that this atrocity is as much the outcome of social distortion as is the effect of that on the pshycological mindset of the sick young father and the apparently intimidated mother.

Outrage in a society that sadly prefers denial is likely to be caused more by the publicity than by the actual atrocity.

To the point where the majority are focussed on retribution rather than a wish that any permanent physical and pshycological long term damage to the child is guaranteed to be minimized.sad.png

Forget your moral beliefs.

If it was somebody related to you, which, from what i read, could be quite possible, would you be so moralistic ?

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Filthy <deleted> animal. A bullet is too good for that vermin!

Please don't degrade Animals... I am not aware of any Animals that do what this Bag of VOMIT and the thing that is the child's mother have done.

The Death Penalty... YES.... but only after they've been in prison a couple of years and been Appropriately dealt with by the Inmates whom I bet will take a very, very dim view of what they have done to this poor baby.

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I make no coment as moderators would be banning me for life save to say god bless little one

No God was bothered to stop her suffering so why would any care now. I hope she gets looked after by people who really care about her and god carries on turning a blind eye to the mother and especially the step fathers torment in prison.

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This crime is heinous beyond belief and needs heinous treatment, ( and before you all shout about that statement please read on and then comment)

I am only opposed to the death penalty for this reason.

The death penalty is in its self both a relief and a release because the only punishment contained within it is the wait for the penalty to be carried out,after which there is no punishment.

However it can not be beyond the wit of man to impose upon people deserving of the death penalty a form of punishment that will remind them of their depravity every second of their life there after.

This punishment should be carried out for the rest of natural life and not enacted in such a way that it kills them, it should be carried out without compromise and without any considerations of the remonstrations of stupid do gooders and the knee benders among us.

It has to be remembered that this human rubbish was 21 before he carried out his crime so how can we know at puberty that he would do such a thing.

But now that he has,humanity should come up with punishment that will make him and his kind rue the day for the rest of his / her natural life, and simply locking him up is not any where good enough, his kind need to be reminded of the pain they inflict on the victim every second of everyday.

My wish and hope is that this child makes a full recovery but if she does not I hope that her death will not be in vain and that the powers that be will have the balls to come up with punishment which exceeds the crime.

“The death penalty is in its self both a relief and a release because the only punishment contained within it is the wait for the penalty to be carried out,after (sic) which there is no punishment.”

So, you think the thought of having a lifelong guarantee of enough to eat, a clean place to sleep, medical care, TV, internet, recreation, hobbies, skills, visitors, and associates with whom to commiserate is more of a punishment than being kept in a solitary cell and knowing you’re going to be executed?

Nevertheless, the thought of an agonizing prolonged death has merit—how about burning, boiling, and cutting your way through the lower extremities, repeating the process through the lateral extremities, then gouging eyes, pulling teeth, and restricting breathing; all the while the convicted is kept conscious and without pain relief. The duration and severity of the prolonged agonizing death would be dependent upon the egregiousness of the crime. That may even provide the deterrent to commission of the crime than so many of the anti-death-penalty do-gooders profess.

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Wow, we truly have an inventive mob here with "punishments". Gives us a chance to vent our outrage about those who commit such despicable crimes though. The depth and depravity that some humans descend to is alarming and disgusting.

But, the important and underlying theme to all this is that the baby must be well cared for and raised in a nurturing law abiding family. coffee1.gif

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Death penalty would be too humane for these two thugs!!! Forced labour until death without any possibility of parole or pardon would be better.

I hope the little one will make it and will mentally be strong enough to live a normal life after this (if this is possible at all)... Given that I believe in god, perhaps it would be better for her to return into the loving arms of our lord after an ordeal like this.

In addition, it is beyond me, why this ghastly story needed to include explicit details about this sick bastard reaching climax or not. Sometimes I sit there in utter disbelieve just shaking my head, realising that we are living in a very sick society...

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