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First locally assembled compact electric car at 300,000 baht to be available end of this year


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On 8/2/2016 at 8:56 PM, ChoakMyDee said:

I find it hilarious that people think they are saving the whales and the trees by driving an electric car. That power has to come from somewhere. The electricity in Thailand comes from fossil fuels, (natural gas, coal, oil). If more and more people move over to electric cars, there will be a drain on the grid which will mean more and more fossil fuels will need to be burned to meet the demand. Power bills are going to be massive if people are going to be charging their cars for 10 hours every night. Not to mention they won't be practical for trips over 100 km so most people will need a conventional car as well. I don't really understand the drive to develop the electric car. If it isn't going to reduce fossil fuel consumption or replace the conventional car then why bother?


It's better to have an efficient natural gas power plant, than a city full of diesel exhaust. Besides, Thailand is moving to hydro power, wind and so on. 


Charging your car can be done on a normal 16 AMP fuse, or even 10 AMP. So no more than a normal A/C unit. And much cheaper than gasoline!




In Norway, Tesla Model S is the new Volkswagen Golf, so Volkswagen had to introduce Golf E drive ;)

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Yes. A good friend of mine who lives in Norway has a Tesla. He raves about it. But he's not some eco-warrior veggie nut, just careful with his cash. Huge road tax advantage and no running costs as charging is free. Says the performance and quality is outstanding.. But he's never been a petrol head so doesn't miss the sound of the engine and he hates manual gears.. :(  

I wouldn't turn my nose up at the latest Porsche or Mclaren hybrid but a fully electric car is going to be missing something. But that might just be my age showing.. Pretty sure in the future fast silent electric or fuel cell vehicles will be all the rage. 

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