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Polls show divided America with Democrats viewed more favorably after convention


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Polls show divided America with Democrats viewed more favorably after convention

Source: Xinhua 

WASHINGTON, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) -- A number of polls released Monday show a divided America though more people view the Democratic Party and its presidential nominee Hillary Clinton favorably after the party's national convention in Philadelphia last week.

The former secretary of state won a nine-point lead over her Republican rival Donald Trump in a head-to-head matchup by 52 percent to 43 percent, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.

The poll also showed that 70 percent of non-white voters back Clinton, compared with only seven percent supporting Trump.

Full story: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-08/02/c_135556557.htm

-- Xinhua 2016-08-02


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Hillary Clinton got a HUGE bump.

Bigger than trump's tiny hands man bump.

This was reported on CNN and immediately the madman demagogue trump started viciously attacking CNN.

You know how people say you can't handle the truth? That's trump on steroid anytime there is anything negative about him, which is constant now, so you can see he's becoming even more of a MADMAN than his baseline now. 






Clinton/ Trump/ Other Neither No Kaine Pence (vol.) (vol.) opinion July 29-31, 2016 52% 43% 2% 3% *



Edited by Jingthing
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Your all full of hot air I just watched the Fox news stating polls had swung in Trumps favor. Please please do not throw anything. I sometimes wonder how these Fox trolls get out of bed in the morning and go to work and spout the garbage they do. Some people will do anything for a paycheck.

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30 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Hillary Clinton got a HUGE bump.

Bigger than trump's tiny hands man bump.

This was reported on CNN and immediately the madman demagogue trump started viciously attacking CNN.

You know how people say you can't handle the truth? That's trump on steroid anytime there is anything negative about him, which is constant now, so you can see he's becoming even more of a MADMAN than his baseline now. 





Not to worry Trump will self destruct between now and election day. 

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4 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Your all full of hot air I just watched the Fox news stating polls had swung in Trumps favor. Please please do not throw anything. I sometimes wonder how these Fox trolls get out of bed in the morning and go to work and spout the garbage they do. Some people will do anything for a paycheck.

I don't know how they get OUT of bed, but I do know how they get INTO bed: With Roger Ailes on top of them breathing heavily though his mouth and salivating like a slop-jawed Great Dane looking at 5 pounds of raw chopped liver. Someone should talk to Sean Hannity about his choice of bed partner. Ailes can do far better.

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8 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Not to worry Trump will self destruct between now and election day. 

Heh...that's what the 'experts' have been saying since he entered the race way back when and look at his popularity now! :D

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9 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Not to worry Trump will self destruct between now and election day. 

That's what everyone used to say about him before he did a hostile takeover of the republican party. He's been doing outrages, sometimes DAILY, that would have killed any normal candidate a long time ago. He's still teflon. He's still alive. With the right set of events or news for him, he could still win, still committing outrages all the time. Don't take this fascist threat lightly until this crisis is over. Yes, the crisis is the candidacy of trump. 

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Divided America. That's true.

Divided between the illegals and the people on welfare as opposed to those that have the strange idea that people should actually work for a living. The Dems are probably going to win because they promise even more freebies, though they have no idea as to how they can pay for them.

How did America go from being the Land of the Free to the land of the hands out?

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That's what everyone used to say about him before he did a hostile takeover of the republican party. He's been doing outrages, sometimes DAILY, that would have killed any normal candidate a long time ago. He's still teflon. He's still alive. With the right set of events or news for him, he could still win, still committing outrages all the time. Don't take this fascist threat lightly until this crisis is over. Yes, the crisis is the candidacy of trump.

Be afraid, be very afraid. His best weapon in this race is Clinton, the uncharismatic, shrill, professional politician that never built anything or employed anyone and with a trainload of baggage.

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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That's what everyone used to say about him before he did a hostile takeover of the republican party. He's been doing outrages, sometimes DAILY, that would have killed any normal candidate a long time ago. He's still teflon. He's still alive. With the right set of events or news for him, he could still win, still committing outrages all the time. Don't take this fascist threat lightly until this crisis is over. Yes, the crisis is the candidacy of trump. 

He's only teflon for the faithful and they are not going to be enough to elect him.  Other Americans have noticed the differences in the candidates which is why HRC got such a big bump after the conventions.  I find it hard to believe that some of the military will overlook both his trashing of the dead soldier's parents and his own draft-dodging.  I hasten to point out that I myself have nothing at all against draft-dodging, but the right-wing voters do.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Be afraid, be very afraid. His best weapon in this race is Clinton, the uncharismatic, shrill, professional politician that never built anything or employed anyone and with a trainload of baggage.

HA! Good one, TB.

Be very afraid of "Madam President" :clap2:

Wingnuts are very afraid, all the time. 



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Both conventions could be best described as a liars contest.

Dems win hands down, years of experience, lying while smiling into the camera.

Both conventions reminded me of courtroom proceedings, where the liar with the most capable lying witnesses, wins the case.

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The only scare is that if Hillary appears to be ultimately losing during the actual Elections,

be prepared for when Obama initiates Jade Helm for real, and Martial Law ensues...


 He takes on his uttered Dictatorship - for as long as he see fit...


yep!! Trumpy is correct the Elections will be rigged

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Today I heard chatter that trump is considering dropping out if the polling evidence shows he won't win. Of course it's too early for that but that would fit his bankruptcy for profit business profile. Why put good money after bad? He could charge rigging which he's already setting up the argument for. His brand could thrive with the base of fanatics he's inspired. So then it would be Pence? Seems to me he'd be easy to beat.

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Polls: Clinton pulls ahead of Trump after convention


"Hillary Clinton has taken the lead in the presidential race following last week's Democratic convention, according to two polls out Monday."

"The former secretary of State has the support of 46% of registered voters, compared to 39% for Trump, in a CBS News survey released Monday morning."

"The new numbers break a tie the two candidates were in (42%-42%) in a CBS poll taken after the Republican convention.


How big is Hillary Clinton's convention bounce?

"A fresh set of post-Democratic convention polls shows a sudden shift toward the Democratic nominee."

"Hillary Clinton just out-bounced Donald Trump."



Downward Spiral. :lol:


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More on how trump now realizes he may (probably?) will lose and how his psychopathic destructive self is strategizing to deal with that. There will be damage. He won't go down easy. What a shame.



Given that a sizable bloc of GOP voters is apparently willing to agree with Trump on pretty much everything, it’s plausible that a sizable bloc of them will be open to being convinced that the outcome of the presidential election was illegitimate — and that Clinton, should she win, is not legitimately the president. Trump will presumably have something of a national following after this is all over — one that remains deeply in thrall to Trumpism’s nativism, protectionism, white nationalism, and all-around deranged conspiracy-mongering — and it’s not hard to imagine Trump continuing to speak to that following by castigating President Clinton’s illegitimacy.



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10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Today I heard chatter that trump is considering dropping out if the polling evidence shows he won't win. Of course it's too early for that but that would fit his bankruptcy for profit business profile. Why put good money after bad? He could charge rigging which he's already setting up the argument for. His brand could thrive with the base of fanatics he's inspired. So then it would be Pence? Seems to me he'd be easy to beat.


Trump is really a lunatic, which has always been obvious to some degree to some of us. He will always characterize every failure as somebody else's fault, and will build that into the strategy early, as we've seen with the rigging charge, etc.. Absolutely stunning how many people are buying his line of bullshit, and he truly is a gifted bullshit artist as CNN's Fareed Zakaria stated - and Trump went after him like a bulldog, same as he went after Bill Maher and every other journalist. What a clown.

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Talking about Polls, again we have confirmation that they are bought part & parcel by the Democrats and their enablers.

To wit:


Pollsters Loading Polls with Democrats to Give Hillary a Lead Over Trump

Donald Trump shattered the previous GOP primary record by 1.4 million votes this year — and that was with 17 candidates in the race!

Hillary Clinton received 1.5 million fewer votes this year than she did in 2008 – when she lost!

Trump continues to sell out venue after venue.


Hillary can’t fill a high school gymnasium this week without hauling in high school kids to sit in the stands.


Reuters tweaked their polling methods this week to give Hillary a lead.


Shameful.  Totally shameful.;)

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Great point. It's been know for decades that the polls are manipulated by the left along with having a lot of dead people voting. In some districts in Pa., NO ONE voted for Romney in 2012. The left will do anything to hang onto power.

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14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Divided America. That's true.

Divided between the illegals and the people on welfare as opposed to those that have the strange idea that people should actually work for a living. The Dems are probably going to win because they promise even more freebies, though they have no idea as to how they can pay for them.

How did America go from being the Land of the Free to the land of the hands out?

Sad but true!  As I have said before,  what is occurring now in the U.S. was predicted by Alexis de Tocqueville back in the 1830's when he spent a few years visiting and observing the U.S..  De Tocqueville felt that the U.S.A. would become the most democratic, most prosperous, freest and wealthiest nation that the world has ever known, but he surmised that there would come a day when 51% of the people would figure out that they can vote "themselves goodies from the treasury" and then the demise of  a great nation will begin.  With the ascent of Obama we are clearly at that crossroads,  in pandering to the illegal aliens the Democrats are not so much concerned about their plight as the fact that if they can make then "Legal" then they can assure more democrat voters in the future, much the way big city democrat machines have worked for the past 150 years. If you can make someone dependent on a particular party as is the democrats stock in trade, then you can guarantee  their  vote.  It has little to do with compassion for the poors situation as it has to do with keeping them dependent on local, state and federal government. The Republicans on the other hand would like to see everyone prosper to whatever level they can achieve. In fairness I will say that I think that Bernie Sanders was the genuine article and did care,  but Hillary and most of the Democrat elites who run the machine just love to give lip service and then retire at the end of the day to their Ivory castles, they are the purest form of hypocrites :thumbsup:

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39 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Talking about Polls, again we have confirmation that they are bought part & parcel by the Democrats and their enablers.

To wit:


Pollsters Loading Polls with Democrats to Give Hillary a Lead Over Trump

Donald Trump shattered the previous GOP primary record by 1.4 million votes this year — and that was with 17 candidates in the race!

Hillary Clinton received 1.5 million fewer votes this year than she did in 2008 – when she lost!

Trump continues to sell out venue after venue.


Hillary can’t fill a high school gymnasium this week without hauling in high school kids to sit in the stands.


Reuters tweaked their polling methods this week to give Hillary a lead.


Shameful.  Totally shameful.;)


Reuters and the PPP poll were both heavily manipulated this past week, because the truth is that even after all the Trumps gaffs and the Dems having their convention last it was embarrassing to the Clinton followers that the race was within the margin of error. It is totally shameful, but you have to consider the source.

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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:


Trump is really a lunatic, which has always been obvious to some degree to some of us. He will always characterize every failure as somebody else's fault, and will build that into the strategy early, as we've seen with the rigging charge, etc.. Absolutely stunning how many people are buying his line of bullshit, and he truly is a gifted bullshit artist as CNN's Fareed Zakaria stated - and Trump went after him like a bulldog, same as he went after Bill Maher and every other journalist. What a clown.

Calling Trump a lunatic might be going  a bit far, but calling him a gifted bullshit artist is likely appropriate, after all he is a real estate developer and I have yet to meet a real estate developer who is not a complete bullshit artist:)  BTW at the end of your post were you insinuating that Bill Maher is a journalist :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

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15 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Your all full of hot air I just watched the Fox news stating polls had swung in Trumps favor. Please please do not throw anything. I sometimes wonder how these Fox trolls get out of bed in the morning and go to work and spout the garbage they do. Some people will do anything for a paycheck.

For someone who is a FOX news hater, you sure do spend a lot of time watching FOX news :whistling:

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6 minutes ago, linksman00 said:

Reuters and the PPP poll were both heavily manipulated this past week, because the truth is that even after all the Trumps gaffs and the Dems having their convention last it was embarrassing to the Clinton followers that the race was within the margin of error. It is totally shameful, but you have to consider the source.

We've heard this kind of nonsense before.  Remember 2012 and unskewedpolls.com? According to it, Romney was really ahead and the polls were lying.  Back then the chief nemesis of the poll deniers was Nate Silver of fivethirtyeight.com.  He relied on the polls to make his predictions for the 2012 election.  Poor Nate He only called 50 out of 50 states correctly. To be fair, he did much worse in the 2008 elections where he called only 49 out of 50 states correctly.  Poor ignoramus that he is, you might still want to visit his page where he offers evaluations of the reliablity of most of the pollsters.




And by the way, even Rasmussen, the best known practitioner of bad polling practices, has Clinton up by 1.

And please send my regards to President Romney.


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17 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:

He's only teflon for the faithful and they are not going to be enough to elect him.  Other Americans have noticed the differences in the candidates which is why HRC got such a big bump after the conventions.  I find it hard to believe that some of the military will overlook both his trashing of the dead soldier's parents and his own draft-dodging.  I hasten to point out that I myself have nothing at all against draft-dodging, but the right-wing voters do.

nothing at all against draft-dodging, but the right-wing voters do.

Wrong! They elected GW Bush, twice, even though he hid in the US Air guard or whatever it is called to get out of active service. I don't know of any US politicians at the time that had sons in Vietnam.

I hate to agree with you about HRC winning, but disagree in the reason. IMO the people that vote Dems do so because it is the party that gives them stuff, and doesn't uphold the law on illegals. Seems the US is now full of idle people that want other people to pay for their stuff, or think they don't have to immigrate legally.


BTW, I doubt any serving military rank and file won't see that Khan was a politically choreographed bait for Trump, or that it will change their minds as to voting. The only people attacking him over it are those that were attacking him before.

Unfotunately, Trump fell for it. Hopefully he won't make the same mistake again. Meanwhile it will all be forgotten as soon as the faux outrage subsides.

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