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Trump moves from 'Crooked Hillary' to 'the devil' on stump


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Trump moves from 'Crooked Hillary' to 'the devil' on stump

MECHANICSBURG, Pa. (AP) — On the campaign stump, Donald Trump has opened August by moving from "Crooked Hillary" to "the devil."

Speaking in Pennsylvania on Monday, the billionaire real estate mogul derided Bernie Sanders' capitulation in the Democratic primary race and Sanders' decision to support Clinton.

Trump said of Sanders: "He made a deal with the devil. She's the devil."

Trump in recent days has taken to categorizing the Clinton-Sanders understanding as a "deal with the devil" but this was the first time that he went so far as to specifically equate Clinton with Lucifer.

Trump's supporters packed a Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, high school gymnasium and thousands more were left outside or forced to watch in a spillover room.

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-02


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Oh, boy. There he goes again.

What an over the top MADMAN the republicans are stuck with now. 

I wonder if the evangelicals "that love him" are going to go for that one. 

Yes, this would all be very funny (and it is very entertaining which is clearly a big part of his con man schtick) except for the fact that this psychopathic demagogue COULD become the most powerful person on the planet in November.

As Bloomberg said -- GOD HELP US. 

Edited by Jingthing
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It will be really interesting to watch the body language when he's supposed to take his tiny little hand and shake Hillary Clinton's at the beginning of the first debate.

If I were Hillary I would want to spit in his face. 

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3 minutes ago, Usernames said:

Yes, she is Satan, and here is the proof.  


Maybe Dems have a point.

Maybe she really is THE "Devil". 

Poor Bill. 

Nobody deserves to be married to that. Its worse than being married to Sarah Palin.



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19 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

Do posters here really think Trump is calling her the "devil"? The actual "devil"?

Oh boy. 

Its an expression. "Make a deal with the Devil". Its an expression.

If Trump would have stopped at "He made a deal with the devil" then I might agree with you but he went on to specifically state "She's the devil." Thus making your argument invalid. Oh wait, this is part of the "Just Kidding" campaign, right?


Trump --> "Just Kidding!"

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28 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

Do posters here really think Trump is calling her the "devil"? The actual "devil"?

Oh boy. 

Its an expression. "Make a deal with the Devil". Its an expression.

Here it is in pretty pictures.


"He made a deal with the Devil. She's the Devil".

You are starting to sound like the forum version of Comical Ali.





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Let's look at the record.



Documented since 2007 by PolitiFact....



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The politicians closest to zero "Pants on Fire" are John Kasich, Bernie Sanders, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama. None of 'em are on the far out extremist parawingnoid right. The one Republican the Trump fans who dominate the 2016 Republican Party hate and who's among the bottom ranking is John Ellis Bush.


(Methinks however Jeb while governor of Florida was deeply involved behind closed doors in the chad vote count swindle of the 2000 Potus election. That however would be a different chart, as in political corruption by a political mafia family.)  

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Children call people names. Adults engage in civilized conversation, with actual content, and substance. Trump reminds me of some Thai men I have known over the years. Certainly not all. But some are very immature, and unable to relate on an adult level, with other people, unable to cope with challenges, difficulties, problems, especially the ones they have created or caused. Trump has that local quality of not being able to look within, for the source of any problem, and therefore its prevents him from growing as a man, or evolving. Calling her the devil is just par of the course for this circus goombah. Many could easily make the same claim about him, with his background of crime, his shirking of billions of dollars of responsibility, his fake university, and his insistence on absolute destruction of the people he does deals with. 

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I am now bored. Bored by Trump/Clinton, and bored by Thai referendum. Both circuses' entertainment shelf lives have long since expired and now their content have become foul. I shall stick to commenting on corrupt cops, way more satisfying.

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2 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

I am now bored. Bored by Trump/Clinton, and bored by Thai referendum. Both circuses' entertainment shelf lives have long since expired and now their content have become foul. I shall stick to commenting on corrupt cops, way more satisfying.

Thanks for letting us know that you'll be missing. Otherwise, we wouldn't have had a clue.

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4 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

I am now bored. Bored by Trump/Clinton, and bored by Thai referendum. Both circuses' entertainment shelf lives have long since expired and now their content have become foul. I shall stick to commenting on corrupt cops, way more satisfying.


Surely there is an Embassy Security Guard somewhere deserving to be berated.


Just ribbing you.


this topic has become incredibly boring. Only a place for the deer-in-the-headlight true believers at this point.





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Immaturist people lableing by Trump who professes himself to be a leader and qualified to be POTUS.

From http://www.personal-development.com/chuck/labels.htm

Why do we resort to or accept the labelling of others? Here are some reasons. a) It is easier and requires less effort to assume something is true than to look up the facts. B) If we’re uncertain of the facts, we’d rather go along with others than admit our ignorance. c) It may be a hollow attempt to raise our stature by trivializing, ridiculing, and demonizing others. d) It may be due to carelessness and bad habits. e) We may fear and be suspicious of others. f) We may lack critical thinking skills. g) We may have been brought up with prejudice. h) We may use labels to control others. i) Whether we agree with them or not, we may accept labels to remain part of the ‘in’ crowd. j) We may not be assertive enough to come to the defence of others.


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20 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Oh, boy. There he goes again.

What an over the top MADMAN the republicans are stuck with now. 

I wonder if the evangelicals "that love him" are going to go for that one. 

Yes, this would all be very funny (and it is very entertaining which is clearly a big part of his con man schtick) except for the fact that this psychopathic demagogue COULD become the most powerful person on the planet in November.

As Bloomberg said -- GOD HELP US. 


Fortunately for me, I have zero media exposure to this election save for the odd article I read here a TVF. This has all the makings of a Christopher Guest mockumentary, if he made it while on acid. It's just way way waaay too surreal.

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"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."  --Abraham Lincoln


The devil...that's pathetic. 


“I almost don’t blame Trump,” David Brooks wrote in the New York Times on July 29. “He is a morally untethered, spiritually vacuous man who appears haunted by multiple personality disorders. It is the ‘sane’ and ‘reasonable’ Republicans who deserve the shame.”


David Brooks is a Republican. He's a jerk but occasionally he has insight to what is left of the disastrous Republican party. 


Trump is just being Trump. You can interchange a quote from Donald Trump with a drunk bus driver. Everyone knows at this point what you have in Trump. Insulting brown people with no sense of decency, logic or consequence is actually the core of Trump's political identity.


It's his wingnut minions that deserve the castigation. I feel sorry for you if you think Donald Trump should be President. You seriously want Trump to represent America? Really, take a look at yourself. It's time for a reevaluation of your moral compass. 


I almost feel bad when I make fun of the Trumpeteers (Trumpetears?). Almost...:violin:



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