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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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27 minutes ago, Strange said:


Kindly cease policing the board as to what you view as acceptable. 


Kindly do the proper thing by allowing other points of view. 


The board can see the poster is calling the kettle black. 


In general it might be helpful to everyone if the rightists kind of eased up on the cliche' and trite mundane saying of pot = kettle = black. Try expressing yourselves in specific and particular terms, if you would. Something that requires electrons and neutrons in the brain to become active and to fire up a bit.


Youse guyz finally quit on the glib and unreflective 'look in the mirror' banality, so I'd be confident youse can give up the ghost on this pot, kettle, black thingy too, thx.

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19 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

^^^  I Find it totally funny that faced with two S##t sandwiches at the table. Americans insist they have to eat one of the s##t sandwiches, instead of going to the next table and seeing there is a chicken sandwich and a tuna sandwich.


A 'third' party in a Potus election is always spending its plentiful free time and other people's money choking the political chicken.


The Johnson-Weld Libertarian ticket for Potus should have the campaign slogan of We Catch Tuna Fish.


Progressives voting third party fail to cancel the rightwhingers who vote for Trump. Conversely, in fact and reality, a vote for Clinton does two things. It cancels each vote for Trump. It then enables the Clinton-Kaine ticket to exceed the number of popular votes the Trump-Pence ticket can snag. This does of course result in a Clinton win.


Failure to vote for Clinton fails to cancel a vote for Trump. It thereby increases the already existing risk Trump can be elected Potus. So the Trump campaign has a powerful interest in inundating progressive voters with tuna fish bait, i.e., making HRC appear to be foul and disgusting. (A decades old undertaking of the radical right and the reactionary Republicans in Congress and in the mass of well financed rightwhinge media.)


Neither Johnson nor Stein will win a single Electoral College Vote, which in reality gets their voters choking the political chicken and being a tuna fish of the right wing radical reactionaries that have seized control of the Republican party in 2016.

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On 9/24/2016 at 4:57 AM, Skywalker69 said:

Once again they proof themself morons! 


Same again - both sides have our idiots ( I think yours has way more):




I love the answer about Clinton being intelligent, and the response : "so how come she didnt know 'C' meant classified" :)


But the best is about name Clinton's achievements as Secretary of State: "ummmm ..........................."  LOL !!!

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3 minutes ago, Bob9 said:


Same again - both sides have our idiots ( I think yours has way more):




I love the answer about Clinton being intelligent, and the response : "so how come she didnt know 'C' meant classified" :)


But the best is about name Clinton's achievements as Secretary of State: "ummmm ..........................."  LOL !!!


So here is the difference between Fox and 'Watter' and any other interviewer. Other interviewers ask Trump supporters the questions and let them make themselves look stupid with their answers. All Watter does is slag off the people he is interviewing that are giving quite lucid intelligent answers to the questions. They can be debated with sure as you do not have to agree with them, BUT i see none of them saying that Obama didn't do enough on 9/11 or that the Clintons have aids from sex with Magic Johnson or that Obama's birth right can only be verified if there is a witness to it like hospital staff, but Trumps brith right is assured because 'he has been here for ages and his mother wouldn't tell lies'. SIGH!!  Do you get where we are going yet. It is a poor reflection on you that you find this style of interviewing funny. But fill your boots.

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11 minutes ago, Publicus said:


A 'third' party in a Potus election is always spending its plentiful free time and other people's money choking the political chicken.


The Johnson-Weld Libertarian ticket for Potus should have the campaign slogan of We Catch Tuna Fish.


Progressives voting third party fail to cancel the rightwhingers who vote for Trump. Conversely, in fact and reality, a vote for Clinton does two things. It cancels each vote for Trump. It then enables the Clinton-Kaine ticket to exceed the number of popular votes the Trump-Pence ticket can snag. This does of course result in a Clinton win.


Failure to vote for Clinton fails to cancel a vote for Trump. It thereby increases the already existing risk Trump can be elected Potus. So the Trump campaign has a powerful interest in inundating progressive voters with tuna fish bait, i.e., making HRC appear to be foul and disgusting. (A decades old undertaking of the radical right and the reactionary Republicans in Congress and in the mass of well financed rightwhinge media.)


Neither Johnson nor Stein will win a single Electoral College Vote, which in reality gets their voters choking the political chicken and being a tuna fish of the right wing radical reactionaries that have seized control of the Republican party in 2016.

IMO many Bernie supporters will either stay at home, or vote alternative, or write in Bernie.

If Clinton chokes, stumbles or coughs a lot she loses independents, if Trump appears presidential and doesn't allow her to push his buttons, he gains independents.

The Dems hard core must be worrying themselves sick right now. Be afraid, be very afraid.

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1 minute ago, Bob9 said:


Same again - both sides have our idiots ( I think yours has way more):




I love the answer about Clinton being intelligent, and the response : "so how come she didnt know 'C' meant classified" :)


But the best is about name Clinton's achievements as Secretary of State: "ummmm ..........................."  LOL !!!


As SecState Hillary Clinton made 61 trips to the Asia Pacific region to promote the interests of the United States in the fastest growing region of the world in terms of GDP, economics, finance, governance.


She'd already made 19 visits to the region while she had been First Lady. HRC is well known there and is the most feared American in the United States by Beijing.


As SecState HRC tried a 'reset' with Russia that turned out to be impossible. So as Potus Clinton will impose a reset on Putin and Russia that will be decisive and significant. The ayatollahs in Iran hate her guts too (so youse on the radical right might consider commiserating with 'em over there.)


HRC implemented the strong desire of the American electorate that in 2008 voted decisively to elect Barack Obama Potus to stop US wars and to improve USA relations with allies, friends, partners, while putting US enemies in check. In the latter respect, Putin has been frozen in Ukraine, discombobulated in Syria, and CCP Dynasty of Dictators in Beijing stymied in the South China Sea.


The radical reactionary right are blind to all of this that HRC accomplished as the most travelled SecState and a lot more. Colin Powell spent more time commuting between the Department of State and his suburban Washington digs than in travelling abroad (don't lake me literally, although it comes close to being literal) as SecState. Condoleezza Rice spent four years as SecState saying "I'm tired." 


The right and reality are totally disconnected, as usual and as always.

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


So here is the difference between Fox and 'Watter' and any other interviewer. Other interviewers ask Trump supporters the questions and let them make themselves look stupid with their answers. All Watter does is slag off the people he is interviewing that are giving quite lucid intelligent answers to the questions. They can be debated with sure as you do not have to agree with them, BUT i see none of them saying that Obama didn't do enough on 9/11 or that the Clintons have aids from sex with Magic Johnson or that Obama's birth right can only be verified if there is a witness to it like hospital staff, but Trumps brith right is assured because 'he has been here for ages and his mother wouldn't tell lies'. SIGH!!  Do you get where we are going yet. It is a poor reflection on you that you find this style of interviewing funny. But fill your boots.

from your description of Watter's world I doubt you ever watched it.

If any disagree, no doubt that it is on U tube to see for yourself.

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3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


So here is the difference between Fox and 'Watter' and any other interviewer. Other interviewers ask Trump supporters the questions and let them make themselves look stupid with their answers. All Watter does is slag off the people he is interviewing that are giving quite lucid intelligent answers to the questions. They can be debated with sure as you do not have to agree with them, BUT i see none of them saying that Obama didn't do enough on 9/11 or that the Clintons have aids from sex with Magic Johnson or that Obama's birth right can only be verified if there is a witness to it like hospital staff, but Trumps brith right is assured because 'he has been here for ages and his mother wouldn't tell lies'. SIGH!!  Do you get where we are going yet. It is a poor reflection on you that you find this style of interviewing funny. But fill your boots.

I found it hilarious - those are 'real' people - they are atypical of HRC supporters.


The morons you mention are not atypical of Trumps supporters - they are clearly 'not all there', and I dont find it funny making fun of intellectually handicapped people.


Lucid answers?? That is a poor reflection on yourself - I would say their answers were at best "stupid".


However, the point remains  - there are idiots and morons on both sides.

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20 minutes ago, Bob9 said:


Same again - both sides have our idiots ( I think yours has way more):




I love the answer about Clinton being intelligent, and the response : "so how come she didnt know 'C' meant classified" :)


But the best is about name Clinton's achievements as Secretary of State: "ummmm ..........................."  LOL !!!


 ( I think yours has way more):

:cheesy: Whatever.

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11 minutes ago, Bob9 said:

I found it hilarious - those are 'real' people - they are atypical of HRC supporters.


The morons you mention are not atypical of Trumps supporters - they are clearly 'not all there', and I dont find it funny making fun of intellectually handicapped people.


Lucid answers?? That is a poor reflection on yourself - I would say their answers were at best "stupid".


However, the point remains  - there are idiots and morons on both sides. 

30 minutes ago, Bob9 said:



I dont find it funny making fun of intellectually handicapped people.


The post does in fact refer to a person who has an Intellectually disablity.  


The first thought is person. Person with, meaning a person who has. A person who has a physical or an Intellectual disability.


Handicap means self-limiting, due to conditions imposed by the self. Check it out...


someone who is handicapped has a permanent injury, illness, or other problem that makes them unable to use their body or mind normally. This word is now considered offensive and it is more polite to say that someone is learning disabled, visually impaired, hearing impaired, or simply disabled. 


the handicapped

 [PLURAL] people who are disabled. This is now considered offensive and it is more polite to say people with disabilities.




The difference in using the term "Persons with disabilities" and using the word 'handicapped' is a radical one.


The recent tendency of society is to use the word "disability" rather than to perpetuate the word "handicapped" because handicap connotates a self-limiting condition. A disability is instead imposed by either nature or by an unfortunate man-made occurrence.


Frankly and humanely speaking, as a person in civilisation, this is the fundamental difference between mainstream society and culture in contrast to Donald Trump and the Trump worshipers...


It is politically correct to say that a person has a disability and it's impolite to call someone handicapped.





To reiterate, the use and application of each word -- disability vs handicapped -- is a major difference between progressive society as opposed to reactionary and retentive society. It indicates unmistakably why Donald Trump who ridicules the person who has a physical and mental disability is wholly and completely unqualified for the distinguished and high office of Potus.


In short, no knuckledraggers welcomed to the 21st century USA. 

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12 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



(No intention to quote the poster. Technical weirdnesses occurring.)


2 minutes ago, Bob9 said:



You need to get a life of your own and stop spending yours telling others what they can and cannot say and do.


Please add me to your ignore list - like I have to you - I cant see any value reading or responding to your illusions.



We see another instance in which dogma is strong and tuff to overcome.


Can't keep up, accept, tolerate or argue, then each poster has the option to react as suits the particular poster.


Thank you for entering this humble poster onto your Ignore Roll of Honor and into your poster Ignore Hall of Fame. 


Bitter to one can be sweet to another thx. 

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4 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:






It could seem you've failed in the clutch again Clark.


Maybe you might have better luck if you try harder and add Kent.


No one has ever been less qualified for the office of Potus than Donald Trump while, conversely, no one has ever been more qualified for Potus than Hillary Rodham Clinton. So suck it up Clutch.

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1 hour ago, Bob9 said:

4.  HRC/Obama could not stop Russis taking back the Crimea, but they have gone no further (but they didnt want to).


Just out of interest, what do you think *any* President and Sec of State should have done to protect a country that is not a NATO member?

Use Nukes? Start WWIII?




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2 hours ago, Bob9 said:


Same again - both sides have our idiots ( I think yours has way more):




I love the answer about Clinton being intelligent, and the response : "so how come she didnt know 'C' meant classified" :)


But the best is about name Clinton's achievements as Secretary of State: "ummmm ..........................."  LOL !!!


The really scary thing about Watter's World (and not that it's in the arrogant O'Reilly's show) is that it shows that these "normal" people have exactly the same right to vote as people who actually know something about politics.


So what's the point in knowing what the candidates stand for and discussing them on a Thailand forum when it's all about "because she's a woman" or - last time - "because he's black".


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21 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Just out of interest, what do you think *any* President and Sec of State should have done to protect a country that is not a NATO member?

Use Nukes? Start WWIII?

The issue was that the poster claimed it was a 'success' of Hillary while she was Secretary. Her attempt to establish a relationship with Ruddia (which collapsed badly) and that (that Russia didn't also take over the rest of Ukraine.  I merely pointed out what is obvious - it was not a 'success' and to claim that it was is ignorant Liberalism rewriting history (as usual).


Personally I think the annexation of Crimea by Russia was the best result. The people of the Crimea are 90+% Russian (culture and language) and after the Ukraine Govt was overthrown in 2014 and the new pro-West Govt decided to sign the agreement with NATO and terminate the agreement with Russia, the people of the Crimea revolted.  Ukraine has always been a country divided - pro-Russian in the East and pro-European in the West (mainly Kiev).  In 2013 the Ukraine had bilateral agreements with both Russia and NATO - when the pro-Russian President cancelled the NATO agreement, the people of East Ukraine (mainly Kiev) revolted and overthrew the Govt.

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17 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


The really scary thing about Watter's World (and not that it's in the arrogant O'Reilly's show) is that it shows that these "normal" people have exactly the same right to vote as people who actually know something about politics.


So what's the point in knowing what the candidates stand for and discussing them on a Thailand forum when it's all about "because she's a woman" or - last time - "because he's black".


Cant disagree with that - one of the disadvantages of Democracy (that idiots and morons also vote).


And unfortunately, this time around I think you will be right. The same idiots/morons that voted for Obama (because he was black) will this time vote for Hillary (because she is a woman).  I still think Trump should have selected a female VP running mate. It would have come across as pandering to the pro-female vote, but it would have made many of them now think again about crooked Hillary given what has transpired since then, and perhaps they would have decided that Trump's VP could be the first female VP and then first POTUS when Trump retires.  Perhaps Sarah Palin's experience caused him to think again :)



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7 minutes ago, oilinki said:

It's a wakeup time for those who didn't yet knew about the paid Russian trolls and their work for Trump.


It looks like Russia hired internet trolls to pose as pro-Trump Americans



See ??  What did I say ???   The wacky conspiracy theorists are on both sides of the political divide.


But they both have one thing is common - a lack of intellect and common sense. 

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3 hours ago, Bob9 said:

Breaking News !!!   Crooked Hillary's Successes As Secretary of State !!!

1.  HRC made lots of visits and scared Chinese.

2.  HRC screwed up the relationship with Russis - but she tried hard.

3.  HRC withdrew from Uraq/Syria and created ISIS, in order to implement Obama's election commitments.

4.  HRC/Obama could not stop Russis taking back the Crimea, but they have gone no further (but they didnt want to).

5.  HRC/Obama did nothing about China's aggressive expansion but everything is now fine now because the UN has ruled in favour of Philipinnes, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam (but China is still expanding anyway).

With that sort of 'success' behind her in her one and only politically powerful role, one can only imagine how good things will go with Crooked Hillary as POTUS.  

You my friend are one of two things - either a willfully ignorant Liberal who needs too get a life, or a troll who is deliberately stirring up the debate (and who should try other things to get a life).


         It's easy to find fault with people or decisions made.  Being Sec. of State is a dicey job that requires finesse and balancing. Every decision can be subject to supporters or naysayers, and rarely satisfies either.  Trump is the poster boy of LOVING and HATING.  If he appoints someone to a position, he will praise that person, until that person falls out of favor, then he hates that person.  He did it with his campaign heads (is he on his 3rd or 4th in as many months?).  He did it with Ms Kelly at Fox.  Love / Hate, love / hate, back and forth.  Similar to how he flip flops on all his policy statements, none of which are specific.


        When Trump lashes out at others, particularly HRC, I see it as actually exposing his own faults.  It's like a preacher who lashes out against pedophiles from the pulpit, yet is later proven to be a flaming pedophile.  Note:  the stronger the language Trump uses to attack others on a particular topic (charity mismanagement, messing around with secret lovers, calling people liars, or whatever), ....if you scratch the surface, you'll find Trump is fifty times more offensive on that particular issue.


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I once tried wading my way through Trumps unbelievably boring biography, and I got as far as him saying the only important

Thing to him was winning the game, not the end in itself .So  , with any luck 'were' he to win, he might then give to job away.

As he says he only plays the game for it's own sake >Have to agree wholeheartedly with Franky Bear.

And if Hillary is not whiter than white there's nothing new there.

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Expose the charlatan!



How to Cover a Charlatan Like Trump

WITH presidential debates approaching, we in journalism are locked in a fierce dispute: How should we report on a duplicitous demagogue?


Our job is not stenography, but truth-telling. As we move to the debates, let’s remember that to expose charlatans is not partisanship, but simply good journalism.




Edited by Jingthing
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10 hours ago, Bob9 said:

I found it hilarious - those are 'real' people - they are atypical of HRC supporters.


The morons you mention are not atypical of Trumps supporters - they are clearly 'not all there', and I dont find it funny making fun of intellectually handicapped people.


Lucid answers?? That is a poor reflection on yourself - I would say their answers were at best "stupid".


However, the point remains  - there are idiots and morons on both sides.


So we see.

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10 hours ago, Publicus said:


As SecState Hillary Clinton made 61 trips to the Asia Pacific region to promote the interests of the United States in the fastest growing region of the world in terms of GDP, economics, finance, governance.


She'd already made 19 visits to the region while she had been First Lady. HRC is well known there and is the most feared American in the United States by Beijing.


As SecState HRC tried a 'reset' with Russia that turned out to be impossible. So as Potus Clinton will impose a reset on Putin and Russia that will be decisive and significant. The ayatollahs in Iran hate her guts too (so youse on the radical right might consider commiserating with 'em over there.)


HRC implemented the strong desire of the American electorate that in 2008 voted decisively to elect Barack Obama Potus to stop US wars and to improve USA relations with allies, friends, partners, while putting US enemies in check. In the latter respect, Putin has been frozen in Ukraine, discombobulated in Syria, and CCP Dynasty of Dictators in Beijing stymied in the South China Sea.


The radical reactionary right are blind to all of this that HRC accomplished as the most travelled SecState and a lot more. Colin Powell spent more time commuting between the Department of State and his suburban Washington digs than in travelling abroad (don't lake me literally, although it comes close to being literal) as SecState. Condoleezza Rice spent four years as SecState saying "I'm tired." 


The right and reality are totally disconnected, as usual and as always.

 Putin has been frozen in Ukraine, discombobulated in Syria, CCP Dynasty of Dictators in Beijing stymied in the South China Sea.



I needed a laugh, thanks.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

 Putin has been frozen in Ukraine, discombobulated in Syria, CCP Dynasty of Dictators in Beijing stymied in the South China Sea.



I needed a laugh, thanks.


Now that's funny.


Carry on...

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