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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Sane Americans get that.

Many trump supporters, especially the deplorable bigots, may indeed be IRREDEEMABLE.



Dallas Morning News endorses Hillary Clinton, backing first Democrat in 76 years.



For the first time since 1940, the Dallas Morning News has endorsed a Democrat for president, telling readers in one of the nation's most reliably red states Wednesday that they ought to vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

[There are now dozens of big-name Republicans supporting Hillary Clinton for president]


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Are you under the impression that your constant baiting and insults are the height of wit? :rolleyes:

Like I said. Do you not have any originality at all.

You take the last word if you want. Lame tit for tat doesn't stir the brain at all. I doubt there is nothing that is not bleeding obvious in most of the tens of thousands of posts we have endured from you.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect
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8 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Our endorsement is rooted in respect for her intellect, experience and courage.








 The New York Times are endorsing the candidate for the democrats? What a shock!  :shock1:

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Erm, it's called DEMOCRACY. If you want rigged elections, get rid of the Constitution first.


If I want rigged elections is a personally directed statement of the post. Maybe there are some groups or individuals who might want "rigged elections." However to state it to me as "you" is personally OTT.


The fringe right is characterised by crackpots Donald Trump being the crackpot in chief. Now then, did I say anything about your being a crackpot. Kindly take care of your personally directed statements that would place an individual poster as opposing the Constitutional republic and its democratic order.






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This latest news certainly confirms what I know to be 100% true among ALL my global business colleagues (Republican, Democrat, foreign, all - large and small companies - the jobs engine of the US and world:

No CEOs at Fortune 100 Companies Are Backing Donald Trump



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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:

This latest news certainly confirms what I know to be 100% true among ALL my global business colleagues (Republican, Democrat, foreign, all - large and small companies - the jobs engine of the US and world:

No CEOs at Fortune 100 Companies Are Backing Donald Trump



Oh No! Does that mean he is probably not the successful businessman he claims to be :whistling:. Now what Ulysses? What can be done to cover up this inconvenient TRUTH!

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3 minutes ago, useronthenet said:

Very ripe coming from a guy who have never kept his promises .... need I mention Guatemala Bay?

Welcome to the party, though your message has lost something in the translation. What are you saying? And yes, please mention Guatemala Bay, what happened there?

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27 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Oh No! Does that mean he is probably not the successful businessman he claims to be :whistling:. Now what Ulysses? What can be done to cover up this inconvenient TRUTH!


Most if us who have met him know exactly what a phony businessman he is. Certainly that includes anyone on Wall Street other those those banks he owes money to

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Welcome to the party, though your message has lost something in the translation. What are you saying? And yes, please mention Guatemala Bay, what happened there?


Obama promised to the American people, and to the outside world that if elected, he would immediately close Guantanamo Bay. Still today, it remains open. Therefore he is the last person to start dictating to others, when he failed so miserably on his promises. 


Furthermore I would like to add that if there was ever an injustice to the world, when USA preaches of human rights, being a member of the UN, I will say "Guantanamo Bay?"


I think this will haunt America for the rest of it's days.

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4 hours ago, keemapoot said:

This latest news certainly confirms what I know to be 100% true among ALL my global business colleagues (Republican, Democrat, foreign, all - large and small companies - the jobs engine of the US and world:


at Fortune 100



Backing Donald





The point is of course significant to all Americans and to global economic and financial stability....

Republicans no longer party of free trade 
A new Politico-Harvard poll shows 47% of Republicans surveyed
said that trade deals have hurt their communities over the last 10
years, compared to only 24% of
Democratic voters. Only 18% of
Republicans surveyed said that trade
deals helped, while 33% of
Democrats believe free trade helps.
The poll also finds that 85% of
Republicans say that free trade has
cost the U.S. more jobs than it has
created, compared to 54% of
Republicans and other rightwhingers are
reactionary about almost everything in
society. They want to reset and fix the
USA back to its 1950s state of
development, to include the McCarthy
mindset to investigate, ruin, destroy,
while ignoring the Constitution.
Democrats are not angels and Republicans
are not devils. But there nonetheless
exists a significant difference between the
two major parties.  Moreover, the 
Republican party of 2016 is exerting
a destablising of the US political system
rather than the stablising effect the
 two-party system has had on US politics,
government, public policy making both
foreign and domestic.
Trump presents a radical reactionary
ideology that not only needs to be rejected and defeated by voters, it needs to be roundly
rejected by the general electorate.
 We can indeed expect this result, exactly.
Edited by Publicus
Unsuccessfully edited due to domain spacing stupidity.
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The point is of course significant to all Americans and to global economic and financial stability....

Republicans no longer party of free trade 
A new Politico-Harvard poll shows 47% of Republicans surveyed 
said that trade deals have hurt their communities over the last 10
years, compared to only 24% of Democratic voters. Only 18% of
Republicans surveyed said that trade deals helped, while 33% of
Democrats believe free trade helps.
The poll also finds that 85% of Republicans say that free trade has
cost the U.S. more jobs than it has created, compared to 54% of
Republicans and other rightwhingers are reactionary about almost everything in
society. They want to reset and fix the USA back to its 1950s state of
development, to include the McCarthy mindset to investigate, ruin, destroy,
while ignoring the Constitution.
Democrats are not angels and Republicans are not devils. But there nonetheless
exists a significant difference between the two major parties.  Moreover, the 
Republican party of 2016 is exerting a destablising of the US political system
rather than the stablising effect the  two-party system has had on US politics,
government, public policy making both
foreign and domestic.
Trump presents a radical reactionary ideology that not only needs to be rejected and defeated by voters, it needs to be roundly rejected by the general electorate.
We can indeed expect this result, exactly. 


Edited by Publicus
Unsuccessfully edited for whatever ridiculous reasons.
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13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Of course, because he's a narcissistic con man sleazeball who cares only about Donald trump.

That's OK for a failed businessman and reality t.v. show host. 

Wanting him to be president is NOT rational. 



You continue to justify voting for HRC because of the supposed bad things about Trump, but HRC is no shining light on the hill.

I have to wonder if you can point out anything that would prove Clinton to be worthy of being president? I can't think of a single thing. I know that she has far too much bad baggage to be the candidate, other than the establishment wanting her to keep the staus quo. The reason they didn't want the far, far more popular Bernie is undoubtedly because he threatened them just as much as Trump.

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3 minutes ago, Publicus said:





The point is of course significant to all Americans and to global economic and financial stability....

Republicans no longer party of free trade 
A new Politico-Harvard poll shows 47% of Republicans surveyed 
said that trade deals have hurt their communities over the last 10
years, compared to only 24% of Democratic voters. Only 18% of
Republicans surveyed said that trade deals helped, while 33% of
Democrats believe free trade helps.
The poll also finds that 85% of Republicans say that free trade has
cost the U.S. more jobs than it has created, compared to 54% of
Republicans and other rightwhingers are reactionary about almost everything in
society. They want to reset and fix the USA back to its 1950s state of
development, to include the McCarthy mindset to investigate, ruin, destroy,
while ignoring the Constitution.
Democrats are not angels and Republicans are not devils. But there nonetheless
exists a significant difference between the two major parties.  Moreover, the 
Republican party of 2016 is exerting a destablising of the US political system
rather than the stablising effect the  two-party system has had on US politics,
government, public policy making both
foreign and domestic.
Trump presents a radical reactionary ideology that not only needs to be rejected and defeated by voters, it needs to be roundly rejected by the general electorate.
We can indeed expect this result, exactly. 


exerting a destablising of the US political system

rather than the stablising effect the  two-party system has had on US politics,
I take it then that you want to continue the system of corrupt government, the military industrial complex that causes wars to make profit, the insane banking system that caused the subprime catastrophe.
Trump is not perfect by far, but he is the only hope remaining to save us all from the terrible people that run the system.
If HRC wins, I will be happy that I have not long to live, rather than see the catastrophe that she will visit on the world.
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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


 Entirely correct. Of course they spread vicious lies and slander about any Republican candidate for president.


Take a look at reality as presented by the MSM which the right and Trump will surely silence Joe McCarthy style if Trump wins....


Washington Post: “An examination by the Washington Post of one week of Trump’s speeches, tweets and interviews show a candidate who not only continues to rely heavily on thinly sourced or entirely unsubstantiated claims but also uses them to paint a strikingly bleak portrait of an impoverished America, overrun by illegal immigrants, criminals and terrorists — all designed to set up his theme that he is specially suited to ‘make America great again.'”



New York Times: “The New York Times closely tracked Mr. Trump’s public statements from Sept. 15-21, and assembled a list of his 31 biggest whoppers, many of them uttered repeatedly. This total excludes dozens more: Untruths that appeared to be mere hyperbole or humor, or delivered purely for effect, or what could generously be called rounding errors.” 



The MSM has gone left wing only to those on the far out right whinge led now by Donald Trump. To the vast majority of mainstream Americans, the MSM is, well, mainstream. It's only the radical reactionary right that continually and always howl against the MSM.

Edited by Publicus
Unsuccessful attempt to make the post whole and to make it readable.
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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

They are different people. Reagan had considerable government experience before being elected president. trump isn't qualified to be chief dogcatcher in Podunk.

The fact he hasn't been contaminated by being in government at any level is why he is so popular.

However, he does have a lot of experience in buying politicians like Clinton.

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5 hours ago, keemapoot said:

This latest news certainly confirms what I know to be 100% true among ALL my global business colleagues (Republican, Democrat, foreign, all - large and small companies - the jobs engine of the US and world:

No CEOs at Fortune 100 Companies Are Backing Donald Trump



IMO the place they belong is in jail, for all the terrible things they have done to society. I wouldn't care about their opinion at the best of times.

If Trump ruins them I, for one, will be cheering.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

exerting a destablising of the US political system

rather than the stablising effect the  two-party system has had on US politics,
I take it then that you want to continue the system of corrupt government, the military industrial complex that causes wars to make profit, the insane banking system that caused the subprime catastrophe.
Trump is not perfect by far, but he is the only hope remaining to save us all from the terrible people that run the system.
If HRC wins, I will be happy that I have not long to live, rather than see the catastrophe that she will visit on the world.


Kindly cease trying to personalise the issues of the election.


Neither you nor I are a candidate for public office. Kindly do the proper thing by addressing the board not the poster by making allegations of corruption on the part of the poster.


Otherwise those on this side will start to believe the Trump fanboyz are beginning to lose it as the election moves closer to the day of decision, November 8th. Especially as the Trump fanboyz begin to acutely anticipate their mortality.

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3 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Kindly cease trying to personalise the issues of the election.


Neither you nor I are a candidate for public office. Kindly do the proper thing by addressing the board not the poster by making allegations of corruption on the part of the poster.


Otherwise those on this side will start to believe the Trump fanboyz are beginning to lose it as the election moves closer to the day of decision, November 8th. Especially as the Trump fanboyz begin to acutely anticipate their mortality.


Kindly cease policing the board as to what you view as acceptable. 


Kindly do the proper thing by allowing other points of view. 


The board can see the poster is calling the kettle black. 

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13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO the place they belong is in jail, for all the terrible things they have done to society. I wouldn't care about their opinion at the best of times.

If Trump ruins them I, for one, will be cheering.



What terrible thing have CEO's of fortune 100 companies done to society? Now you want Trump to ruin them? That should see that his completely fabricated untrue figure of unemployment at 42% among blacks is made to become a truth - not only for them but for whites as well.


"Make America Great Again" - Ruin all the CEO's of Fortune 100 companies ! :omfg:  You deserve that Trump supporters badge..

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3 minutes ago, Strange said:


Kindly cease policing the board as to what you view as acceptable. 


Kindly do the proper thing by allowing other points of view. 


The board can see the poster is calling the kettle black. 


Responding to a particular poster trying to misrepresent me is hardly policing the board.


The poster has the freedom to say I support corruption that he believes to exist in the Democratic party in government. I have the freedom to tell the poster to buzz out in his nasty personal pursuits.


I would also point out that the poster seems to be saying he'd be better off dead than to live under a Potus of the political party opposite his own general tendencies. Sounds like yet another personal problem the poster himself might need to address, but that would be up to him, as with some others.


The United States is beginning to look like the rest of the world. If that might suggest the end of the world of certain people then so be it.

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8 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Kindly cease trying to personalise the issues of the election.


Neither you nor I are a candidate for public office. Kindly do the proper thing by addressing the board not the poster by making allegations of corruption on the part of the poster.


Otherwise those on this side will start to believe the Trump fanboyz are beginning to lose it as the election moves closer to the day of decision, November 8th. Especially as the Trump fanboyz begin to acutely anticipate their mortality.

making allegations of corruption on the part of the poster.

Suggesting that you MIGHT be supporting a corrupt system is not the same as saying you are corrupt. I have no way of knowing if you are or not.

However, your "fanboyz" comment is pointed at me, given your reference to my mortality comment. Pot, kettle and black come to mind.

Note well that I don't consider Trump to be the best candidate, but since the fix was in on Bernie, Trump is the only hope we have left to keep HRC out.

No matter how you assault Trump, it won't make her a good candidate.

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^^^  I Find it totally funny that faced with two S##t sandwiches at the table. Americans insist they have to eat one of the s##t sandwiches, instead of going to the next table and seeing there is a chicken sandwich and a tuna sandwich.

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Just now, Andaman Al said:

Find it totally funny that faced with two S##t sandwiches at the table. Americans insist they have to eat one of the s##t sandwiches, instead of going to the next table and seeing there is a chicken sandwich and a tuna sandwich.


Im not a big fan of sandwiches so I think I'm good there. 


Ill just hang out and see what the board thinks of a poster for a while. 

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