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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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6 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:


There's really no way out of this one for the weasel. Any person faced with this would have to release the tax returns to refute the allegations. In Trump's case, if he releases, it will only show the much more complete ugly picture. He is screwed.  No way he will release taxes unless there is no choice and to try to beat what he knows will come anyway and scramble to make up a cover story.

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15 minutes ago, Chicog said:

You have to laugh....





The hedge fund guys (gals) have to pay higher taxes ASAP. They are paying practically nothing. We must reduce taxes for the middle class!


Facebook billionaire gives up his U.S. citizenship in order to save taxes. I guess 3.8 billion isn't enough for (cont)http://tl.gd/hdnk92


The @washingtonpost loses money (a deduction) and gives owner @JeffBezos power to screw public on low taxation of@Amazon! Big tax shelter


Yesterday was @BarackObama's favorite day of the year--he collects our taxes to redistribute.


@BarackObama who wants to raise all our taxes, only pays 20.5% on $790k salary. http://1.usa.gov/HFZJKH  Do as I say not as I do.


In this time of economic turmoil where millions of Americans are unemployed, our tax dollars are paying @BillMoyers' big @PBSsalary!


You made my day with this post thanks. Ribs are still hurting. You couldn't make this stuff up. I hope this collection of tweets is on main stream TV media today. Did you collect them or are they on a site out there somewhere? Sterling bit of work by whoever did it.

Edited by Andaman Al
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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:


You made my day with this post thanks. Ribs are still hurting. You couldn't make this stuff up. I hope this collection of tweets is on main stream TV media today.

Agreed.  Really love the one where Trump slams Obama for making a whopping 790k and only paying 20%.  The nerve!

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Of course he's unfit to be President of the United States.  He's an egomaniacal ignoramus.   And as we all expected, he doesn't pay taxes.


The real tragedy (from a genuine, Republican perspective) is that this was a winnable cycle.  If Trump hadn't bullied all of the other candidates out of the race with outright lies and school yard taunts, we could have taken back the White House and stop President Obama's third term.  All these slurping Trump fanboys have done is guarantee that Democrats hold the White House and most likely take the Senate.



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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


You made my day with this post thanks. Ribs are still hurting. You couldn't make this stuff up. I hope this collection of tweets is on main stream TV media today. Did you collect them or are they on a site out there somewhere? Sterling bit of work by whoever did it.


Several sites have been collating his tax tweets.

This one is probably the funniest!



"@conservativeJT: @bluejoni @realDonaldTrump Trump is an American that will pay more taxes in one year than you pay in your entire life.



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2 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:

Of course he's unfit to be President of the United States.  He's an egomaniacal ignoramus.   And as we all expected, he doesn't pay taxes.


The real tragedy (from a genuine, Republican perspective) is that this was a winnable cycle.  If Trump hadn't bullied all of the other candidates out of the race with outright lies and school yard taunts, we could have taken back the White House and stop President Obama's third term.  All these slurping Trump fanboys have done is guarantee that Democrats hold the White House and most likely take the Senate.



The undeniable fact is a good portion of Republican voters are "Delusional Ignoramuses"  who relate to " Egomanical Ignoramuses" like Trump. How else can it be explained that he continues to have their support even after stating at the last debate that airports, roads, bridges, military equipment are third world like. Knowing full well that his paying no Federal Tax has lead to these conditions. These same people voted for Reagan after it was clear he was suffering from   Alzheimer's disease. Boggles the mind.

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These same people voted for Reagan after it was clear he was suffering from Alzheimer's disease.


It's pure partisanship.  45% will always vote for the guy who's "on my team" regardless of his qualifications or state of mental unbalance.  Thus we have a partisan base of 90% who are always going to vote for their "team" to win, while coming up with all sorts of post-hoc rationalizations for doing so.  It's the remaining 10% who decide the fate of all elections - the days of landslide victories are over.


If the tables were turned and, say, Carrot Top were running on the democratic ticket against a respectable and moderate republican, he'd probably be doing just as well as Trump is.

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6 minutes ago, attrayant said:


If the tables were turned and, say, Carrot Top were running on the democratic ticket against a respectable and moderate republican, he'd probably be doing just as well as Trump is.


I'd say this is essentially happening now.  If Democrats had the chance to vote for Barack Obama again instead of Hillary Clinton, they'd do it.  If they could vote for Bill Clinton again, they'd do it.  In fact, I'd bet in their heart of hearts they'd rather have Al Gore or Joe Biden on the ticket instead of Hillary Clinton.  Most people don't like her, and I think that includes most Democrats.  


This was a winnable election for Republicans. :sad:

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6 minutes ago, attrayant said:


It's pure partisanship.  45% will always vote for the guy who's "on my team" regardless of his qualifications or state of mental unbalance.  Thus we have a partisan base of 90% who are always going to vote for their "team" to win, while coming up with all sorts of post-hoc rationalizations for doing so.  It's the remaining 10% who decide the fate of all elections - the days of landslide victories are over.


If the tables were turned and, say, Carrot Top were running on the democratic ticket against a respectable and moderate republican, he'd probably be doing just as well as Trump is.

I have voted socialist most my life but they did piss me off real bad one time and I voted Green Party. So I do understand to a certain extent but it doesn't explain why my fellow blue collar, working stiff, compatriots in the USA would vote for the business party. Republican policy is to weaken and destroy unions that are the balance for them against business interests. Why are wages for the working class so pitifully now? Because so many of those workers voted against their financial interests. Stop whining and owe up to it and stop thinking a self serving billionaire would ever  would ever  change things to your benefit. Bread and circuses  to guns and religion.

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14 minutes ago, pegman said:

I have voted socialist most my life but they did piss me off real bad one time and I voted Green Party. So I do understand to a certain extent but it doesn't explain why my fellow blue collar, working stiff, compatriots in the USA would vote for the business party. Republican policy is to weaken and destroy unions that are the balance for them against business interests. Why are wages for the working class so pitifully now? Because so many of those workers voted against their financial interests. Stop whining and owe up to it and stop thinking a self serving billionaire would ever  would ever  change things to your benefit. Bread and circuses  to guns and religion.


It's not an economic issue. It's basicly a cultural battle. The latest in a long series started by conservatives backing lost causes.


And yet here we are, in 2016, with the culture wars still going strong. Gun control, religious liberty, Black Lives Matter and funding for Planned Parenthood are all high-profile issues in the presidential campaign. Perhaps the most intense battle, though, is the one over immigration, which National Review’s Reihan Salam correctly identifies as a “fight over the future of American national identity in the face of rapid and accelerating demographic change.”




If you follow the threads and posters contributions you can see the pattern.


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53 minutes ago, thaihome said:


It's not an economic issue. It's basicly a cultural battle. The latest in a long series started by conservatives backing lost causes.





If you follow the threads and posters contributions you can see the pattern.


I know. I worked for a national union and it is hard for me to grasp these guys not putting financial well being ahead of these social issues.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You are denigrating millions of Americans with your 'kooks" insult. That is flaming.


You are sadly embarrassing yourself given the fact that the quotes are from a published article, not me, 

and you are unaware of the difference.

Holy Moly. That's just deplorable...


(You can click on that little blue line below them to read the full article)


re: your claim that the Bloviator;

"...has given nearly half of the population hope that government by the elites and lobbyists will be destroyed."  :blink:


Do you really believe that??

Dream on.


Seriously, dream on...

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4 hours ago, attrayant said:


It's pure partisanship.  45% will always vote for the guy who's "on my team" regardless of his qualifications or state of mental unbalance.  Thus we have a partisan base of 90% who are always going to vote for their "team" to win, while coming up with all sorts of post-hoc rationalizations for doing so.  It's the remaining 10% who decide the fate of all elections - the days of landslide victories are over.


If the tables were turned and, say, Carrot Top were running on the democratic ticket against a respectable and moderate republican, he'd probably be doing just as well as Trump is.


No rationalization necessary. I will vote the GOP ticket. 


The reason is that Dems and Repub platforms are very different. I happen to identify far more with the GOP priorities. 


Isn't that how most countries vote? Don't they vote for an ideology or party platform ? 



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An old gem.


The Bloviator announces his candidacy at Trump Tower.


The very first line out of the Bloviator's mouth to the Lemmings is a lie.


"That is some group of people. 1000's!"

When in fact, it was a couple hundred...



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Man, the Bloviator is losing it.

A must read right here folks.

Sniffles is just randomly babbling away...


As news of Trump’s taxes breaks, he goes off script at a rally in Pennsylvania

"Donald Trump's campaign announced Saturday evening that the candidate would soon deliver a nine-sentence critique of comments Hillary Clinton made months ago about many of the millennials supporting her primary rival, Bernie Sanders. It was an attempt to latch onto a new headline in hopes of finally escaping the controversies that had consumed his week. It didn’t work."

"It took Trump nearly 25 minutes to read the brief statement because he kept going off on one angry tangent after another — ignoring his teleprompters and accusing Clinton of not being “loyal” to her husband, imitating her buckling at a memorial service last month, suggesting that she is “crazy” and saying she should be in prison."

"As Trump ranted in this rural Pennsylvania town, The New York Times reported it had anonymously received Trump’s 1995 income tax returns, which show he declared a loss of $916 million -- a loss that he could use to avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years."



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Here's an interesting factoid from NBC News that may help all the hard working, non tax-avoiding, Joe the Plumber supporters of Trump understand just how big the long con played on them by Trump is:



The average claim for individuals who had net operating losses was about $98,000. For those who ended up with adjusted gross income of $1 million or more, the average net operating loss was $615,000 — or about seven-one hundredths of 1 percent of Trump's claim.To put that in perspective, if Trump's 1995 tax loss claim extended the length of a football field, the average taxpayer's claim for that loss category measured less than an inch.


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A little gem in the Pennsylvania speech was concerning Trumps business interests. He said that 'His kids would take over running the business - (the best business there is etc etc) and that "there wouldn't be a conflict of interest, - but there might be a conflict but if his business became more successful and wealthy that would mean things were getting better for America" !!  He really is treating this like a reality TV show.

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8 hours ago, attrayant said:


It's pure partisanship.  45% will always vote for the guy who's "on my team" regardless of his qualifications or state of mental unbalance.  Thus we have a partisan base of 90% who are always going to vote for their "team" to win, while coming up with all sorts of post-hoc rationalizations for doing so.  It's the remaining 10% who decide the fate of all elections - the days of landslide victories are over.


If the tables were turned and, say, Carrot Top were running on the democratic ticket against a respectable and moderate republican, he'd probably be doing just as well as Trump is.


Yeah, that's mostly true, and we see evidence of that here. Trump's biggest problem has always been, and remains, smart and educated people of both parties see through his cheap BS. Those people are going to have make a huge leap to pull the lever for a guy they don't respect.

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Fox News poll: Clinton up 3 over Trump nationwide


"Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 3 percentage points nationwide, according to a post-debate Fox News poll of likely voters released Friday."


"In a four-way matchup, Clinton bests Trump, 43 percent to 40 percent. The poll represents a slight increase in support for the Democratic nominee, who led her Republican counterpart by just 1 percentage point in the previous Fox News poll, conducted Sept. 11-14, prior to Monday’s first presidential debate."


"Clinton does even better in a head-to-head matchup with Trump among likely voters, 49 percent to 44 percent."

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

Well, he is right about at least be thing; Hillary SHOULD be in prison.


Well, given the fact that Sec. Clinton has never even been charged with anything, let alone been convicted of anything, 

your post is simply, factually ridiculous and thoroughly without legal basis.




Just deplorable hyperbole. :thumbsup:


Of course, everyone has opinions...

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Just now, iReason said:


Well, given the fact that Sec. Clinton has never even been charged with anything, let alone been convicted of anything, 

your post is simply, factually ridiculous and thoroughly without legal basis.




Just deplorable hyperbole. :thumbsup:


Of course, everyone has opinions...


Of course there has never been enough evidence to ever bring any indictment, information or any other sort of criminal charge in spite of endless investigations by many bodies. Those who understand the great American legal process, and who are not conspiracy nuts, know the implication of this.


I think many of us who don't like or trust her will sleep better knowing that the really important matters of state will be decided not in the Oval Office, but in the Executive Residence. :thumbsup:

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32 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

.Trump's biggest problem has always been, and remains, smart and educated people of both parties see through his cheap BS.


 Sorry but, a bachelor's degree hardly makes one "smart and educated".  Don't believe the election year hype.



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4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


 Sorry but, a bachelor's degree hardly makes one "smart and educated".  Don't believe the election year hype.




I know a number of people with doctorates I consider idiots. I said SMART & Educated, not necessarily educated only. And, some of the smartest people I have ever met never finished high school.

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2 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


I know a number of people with doctorates I consider idiots. I said SMART & Educated, not necessarily educated only. And, some of the smartest people I have ever met never finished high school.


That is exactly my point. I know some very intelligent people who really like Trump. Personally, I do not understand it, but I do not understand clever people who do not see Hillary's deficiences either.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


That is exactly my point. I know some very intelligent people who really like Trump. Personally, I do not understand it, but I do not understand clever people who do not see Hillary's deficiences either.


I do not understand Americans howling for other Americans to be jailed who have never been charged nor convicted of anything.

Very disturbing people.

Truly un-american.

Dangerously unhinged, in my assessment.


And I do not understand why some posters continually deflect the Bloviator's countless pointed deficiencies by mentioning Sec. Clinton on a Trump thread.

Well, I do somewhat. They got nothin'


Oh wait, have Sec. Clinton's "crimes" now been downgraded to "deficiencies"? 


Seems like a somewhat more rational approach.


P.S. Don't believe the Daily Stormer hype as well...


Are you familiar with them UG?

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