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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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GOP Busted On Benghazi: Voted For MASSIVE Embassy Security Cuts Starting in 2011.


GOP Complaining About Benghazi Security Issues Despite Previously Demanding Embassy Security Cuts

It looks like the GOP’s tendency towards history revisionism is continuing to bite the party in its collective ass.


It looks like the GOP’s tendency towards history revisionism is continuing to bite the party in its collective ass.



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On Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 8:59 AM, AYJAYDEE said:

do these guys actually think theyre gonna get trump  elected by posting this crap?


The Clinton name on a November ballot means a win.


It's been true since the 1970's.


Everything to try to stop either Clinton or both of 'em is because of the fact. I'd suppose we could say the emails were the proverbial kitchen sink, but as we're seeing, the number one factor is that the Clinton name on a November ballot means win. That's the name of the game in elections and the Republican Rightwing Party can't compete. It never could compete against a Clinton. Hence the garbage from the right. They got nuthin' else to go with so they make it up as they go along.


The mass of highly funded rightwing media aren't just testing the limits. They've run right through them. And over them. Fascinating to see how much more desperate they can get in these closing two weeks.

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11 minutes ago, Publicus said:


The Clinton name on a November ballot means a win.


It's been true since the 1970's.


Everything to try to stop either Clinton or both of 'em is because of the fact. I'd suppose we could say the emails were the proverbial kitchen sink, but as we're seeing, the number one factor is that the Clinton name on a November ballot means win. That's the name of the game in elections and the Republican Rightwing Party can't compete. It never could compete against a Clinton. Hence the garbage from the right. They got nuthin' else to go with so they make it up as they go along.


The mass of highly funded rightwing media aren't just testing the limits. They've run right through them. And over them. Fascinating to see how much more desperate they can get in these closing two weeks.


in all fairness they dont have much to work with, an ignorant buffoon and a shattered membership due to their recruitment of the tea party into their ranks.

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It started with Lee Atwater taking the shovel from Tricky Dicky Nixon and the state's righter Sen. Strom Thurmond in the 70's. Atwater the sewer rat outdid both of 'em to the nth power. 


When Atwater* died of brain cancer a bunch of 'em over there said it was due to a hyper-radiated cell phone.


It's got only worse since.


*Atwater apologised for all of it on his death bed, so there is at least that in his favor. Very few of 'em have any conceivable apologies. As with Trump Himself, the right just don't know any better.

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Here's another example of the "woefully unfit" part of the OP:



The attack on Mosul is turning out to be a total disaster. We gave them months of notice. U.S. is looking so dumb. VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN!



Not to dismiss Trump's credential as military strategist, or to question his knowledge of issues relating to the ME, but...


Donald Trump Is Wrong on Mosul Attack, Military Experts Say


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On ‎16‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 0:37 PM, Publicus said:


The reason as you've made clear in several dozen posts over several months is that Donald Trump is your guy.


100% your guy. You consistently defend Donald Trump and you very consistently attack his critics. 


Your Hero, The Ignoramus In Chief Donald Trump.

LOL. I've said many times I only support him to keep her out, just like millions of Americans are going to do on November 8.

I do like that he is NOT PC and really gets up the Clintonites noses, and makes them write zillions of words that the anti Clintonites can laugh at.

I doubt anything funnier than Clintonites frothing at the mouth at every silly thing he comes out with, despite him just baiting them. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

If I was FOR anyone in this race it would be Bernie, as I've said before. He was a nutter ( before he folded like a rag doll and sold out to her ) with many of his policies, but I liked that he was going to do the rich and Wall St.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. I've said many times I only support him to keep her out, just like millions of Americans are going to do on November 8.

I do like that he is NOT PC and really gets up the loony lefties noses, and makes them write zillions of words that the anti Clintonites can laugh at.

I doubt anything funnier than loony lefties frothing at the mouth at every silly thing he comes out with, despite him just baiting them. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

If I was FOR anyone in this race it would be Bernie, as I've said before. He was a nutter ( before he folded like a rag doll and sold out to her ) with many of his policies, but I liked that he was going to do the rich and Wall St.


theres one thing much funnier pal. the whining and gnashing of teeth that trump and all his backers like you are gonna be doin on nov 9


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24 minutes ago, Morch said:

Here's another example of the "woefully unfit" part of the OP:




Not to dismiss Trump's credential as military strategist, or to question his knowledge of issues relating to the ME, but...


Donald Trump Is Wrong on Mosul Attack, Military Experts Say


Quoting the NY Times hardly bolsters your position. No doubt they could find a retired colonel to say that HRC is the greatest strategist ever, if they so wished, so the converse means nothing.

What annoys me is HRC claiming that by association, her being in a room thousands of miles away from Bin Laden gives her credibility as a military strategist. The nearest she ever got to action, was when she lied about being under fire.

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19 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. I've said many times I only support him to keep her out, just like millions of Americans are going to do on November 8.

I do like that he is NOT PC and really gets up the Clintonites noses, and makes them write zillions of words that the anti Clintonites can laugh at.

I doubt anything funnier than Clintonites frothing at the mouth at every silly thing he comes out with, despite him just baiting them. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

If I was FOR anyone in this race it would be Bernie, as I've said before. He was a nutter ( before he folded like a rag doll and sold out to her ) with many of his policies, but I liked that he was going to do the rich and Wall St.

Oh, come on. There is at least one thing funnier: it's Trump being baited by Hillary at the debates. Really, if anyone ever needs proof of Pavlov's theory of conditioned reflexes, it's watching Trump foam away at Hillary's expert jibes.  Woof! Woof! Woof! (translation: Go Trump!)

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28 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. I've said many times I only support him to keep her out, just like millions of Americans are going to do on November 8.

I do like that he is NOT PC and really gets up the Clintonites noses, and makes them write zillions of words that the anti Clintonites can laugh at.

I doubt anything funnier than Clintonites frothing at the mouth at every silly thing he comes out with, despite him just baiting them. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

If I was FOR anyone in this race it would be Bernie, as I've said before. He was a nutter ( before he folded like a rag doll and sold out to her ) with many of his policies, but I liked that he was going to do the rich and Wall St.


It has been the common run of the mill adopted posture of certain people on the far right to say since last summer they like Bernie, that they don't support Trump, and that they hate Clinton so everything they do is to stop HRC. Nothing else.


It's a worn down and glib posturing that had become so predictable months ago already. Youse guyz like Trump but...you like Bernie but....and you detest and despise HRC so.... 


Almost all of 'em have quit on this long discredited tact. Only the Trump hard core oblivious continue to pursue it.  The hard core Trump Fanboyz.





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I was looking for a thread that's actually about campaign issues, but since there isn't one, this will have to do.

Ben Carson has just been on Fox News talking about how damaging it would be if Clinton got elected because she would do nothing about the debt problem blah blah blah our poor children blah blah blah.


Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought he was part of the Trump campaign?

Does he not realise that Trump's tax cuts (the major beneficiaries of which are the top 1%) would add conservatively 5 TRILLION dollars to the debt over ten years, and in some calculations, with his increases in military spending et al, 11.5 TRILLION dollars.

It beggars belief that these people can be either such barefaced liars or such complete morons.


In his case, I'm veering towards the latter.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Quoting the NY Times hardly bolsters your position. No doubt they could find a retired colonel to say that HRC is the greatest strategist ever, if they so wished, so the converse means nothing.

What annoys me is HRC claiming that by association, her being in a room thousands of miles away from Bin Laden gives her credibility as a military strategist. The nearest she ever got to action, was when she lied about being under fire.


Forgot that you measure credibility by the obscures and extremism of the source.

Be that as it may, it does not transform Trump's "military strategy" musings into anything but an uninformed opinion. Pretty much on the level of "take their oil", "I'll crush ISIS", "Why can't we use nukes?". Notably, nothing to contradict this, hence "but Hillary...".  I do not recall HRC associating between the Bin Laden decision making and her own credibility as a military strategist. 



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7 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Stunning Numbers: Trump Leads Hillary in Rally Attendance by Half a Million People Since August



He's so 'woefully' unfit, more folks out there want Crooked Hillary in prison than in the WH.

You want to talk about stunning numbers, Boon Mee? Than please let's talk about the stunning numbers that count, on November 9.

But than, you have nothing else to post than that there where more people on his rally's than there where for HRC.

Thank you for this verry usefull piece of information.



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On 10/24/2016 at 2:56 PM, Jingthing said:

Rally crowds are irrelevant. trump has run a rally focused campaign. Hillary Clinton hasn't. That's a matter of tactics. The POLLING results are what matters, as in the actual VOTING which is already well under way.

Well, here's a bit of Polling data you might want to peruse?  :smile:


IBD: Donald Trump to win the election




The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is about to win the US presidential election. At least according to the latest opinion poll from Investor's Business Daily (IBD).

The IBD/TIPP poll — a collaboration between Investor's Business Daily (IBD) and TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence (TIPP) — has been the most accurate poll in recent presidential elections.
According to the IBD poll, published today, Trump leads with 43 percent against Hillary Clinton's 41 percent. 



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I got a belly-laugh from this part:



It should be noted that the presidential election is determined by so-called electoral votes and that the candidates therefore must win the election in key states, not primarily voters.


"so-called", electoral votes.


So what they are saying here is that their national poll is irrelevant, yes somehow they have predicted the winner of the election based on that.

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When Clinton is spending money in previously hopeless states, and spending time working on downballot races, I wouldn't be too concerned about what one poll says.

Clearly the Clinton campaign are quite happy with the way things are going.



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8 hours ago, Chicog said:

Does he not realise that Trump's tax cuts (the major beneficiaries of which are the top 1%) would add conservatively 5 TRILLION dollars to the debt over ten years, and in some calculations, with his increases in military spending et al, 11.5 TRILLION dollars.

It beggars belief that these people can be either such barefaced liars or such complete morons.


In his case, I'm veering towards the latter.


Some more on "Trumponomics".



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Trump Vows to Use Presidential Powers to Break Up Corporations He Says Support Clinton.


Trump lists "NBC, and its Clinton megaphone MSNBC," and AT&T "now trying to buy Time Warner and thus the wildly anti-Trump CNN" and Amazon.



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Former MLB pitcher and likely future Massachusetts senate candidate Curt Schilling held the world’s saddest Donald Trump rally Saturday that no one showed up to.



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9 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, here's a bit of Polling data you might want to peruse?  :smile:


IBD: Donald Trump to win the election




The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is about to win the US presidential election. At least according to the latest opinion poll from Investor's Business Daily (IBD).

The IBD/TIPP poll — a collaboration between Investor's Business Daily (IBD) and TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence (TIPP) — has been the most accurate poll in recent presidential elections.
According to the IBD poll, published today, Trump leads with 43 percent against Hillary Clinton's 41 percent. 





Aaah the IBD magazine. Well they are a well informed lot are they not.



In July 2009, an editorial in Investor's Business Daily claimed that physicist Stephen Hawking "wouldn't have a chance in the U.K., where the [British] National Health Service (NHS) would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless." Hawking has always lived in the U.K. and receives his medical care from the NHS, and IBD later removed the editorial's reference to Hawking in its online version, and appended an "Editor's Note," which said, "This version corrects the original editorial which implied that physicist Stephen Hawking, a professor at the University of Cambridge, did not live in the UK."[10][11] Hawking himself responded, "I wouldn't be here today if it were not for the NHS. I have received a large amount of high-quality treatment without which I would not have survived



You really should try to improve your reading list Boon Mee

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11 hours ago, Morch said:


Forgot that you measure credibility by the obscures and extremism of the source.

Be that as it may, it does not transform Trump's "military strategy" musings into anything but an uninformed opinion. Pretty much on the level of "take their oil", "I'll crush ISIS", "Why can't we use nukes?". Notably, nothing to contradict this, hence "but Hillary...".  I do not recall HRC associating between the Bin Laden decision making and her own credibility as a military strategist. 



LOL. Clinton has many times used the Bin Laden thing as a way to bolster her own credibility to the adoring ( small ) crowd of her supporters. As anyone with more than half a brain cell knows, she had nothing more to do with planning the military side of the operation than to sit in a room thousands of miles away.

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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. Clinton has many times used the Bin Laden thing as a way to bolster her own credibility to the adoring ( small ) crowd of her supporters. As anyone with more than half a brain cell knows, she had nothing more to do with planning the military side of the operation than to sit in a room thousands of miles away.


FOX News Just Admitted Benghazi Investigation Was A Hoax To Smear Hillary.   






Fox News has thrown up the proverbial white flag and announced to the world the Republican-led Benghazi hearings have all been a hoax perpetrated on the American people in hopes of scoring cheap political points against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.



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I think Fox News see the writing on the wall with Trump TV and are now trying to shore up the damage to try and maintain their middle class republican viewers. Deplorable's TV Network is on the way and it threatens Fox!


I am sure Ailes will do whatever he can to destroy Fox and now that he has teamed up with Commander in Charge of Destruction Trump and fellow revolutionary Steve Banner and Breitbart, the USA is in for some interesting times ahead.

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BOMBSHELL: Trump campaign super PAC facing new foreign donor scandal involving Chinese millions.


Republican nominee Donald Trump has been at the center of various scandals over the last few weeks. The latest, revealed by the Telegraph, involves campaign fundraising.



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