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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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3 hours ago, AYJAYDEE said:

and he is a serial liar and will lie about matters concerning national security if he is ever privy to them.


Not impressed by your baiting posts or fortune telling abilities either. Comparing other posters to Nazis is as low as one can go.  :smile:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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1 hour ago, Opl said:

"Trump's plan B if he doesn't win the presidency has problems of its own. The Republican presidential candidate can't be happy to find out that someone beat him to buying up the domain—especially since the owner of Trump.tv is no fan of the Republican nominee. "





 Trump.news has nice ring.

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Not impressed by your baiting posts or fortune telling abilities either. Comparing other posters to Nazis is as low as one can go.  :smile:


No, supporting a fascist like Trump is far lower! I always wondered how the Germans could have sat back and allowed a demagogue preaching "make Germany Better" like Hitler to arise as he did. I finally understand.

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Just now, AYJAYDEE said:

I always wondered how the Germans could have sat back and allowed a demagogue preaching "make Germany Better" like Hitler to arise as he did. I finally understand.


Lest we forget, the Bloviator kept a book of one of his favorite orators; Adolph Hitler, at his bedside. :thumbsup:


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1 minute ago, keemapoot said:


I imagine it must really warm the cockles of the heart of people like you to imagine there might be a new news source that is far right of Fox News. 


Not really. I quite like certain center right commentators on Fox News like Chris Wallace, Charles Krauthammer and Bret Baire.  I don't need much more. Also, Trump is FAR from "far right".

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


Still trying to compare Trump with Hitler : unbelievably ignorant.


no, neither one of them were ignorant but both of them lacked morality. most psychopaths are quite intelligent actually. its their supporters that are found lacking


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12 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Not really. I quite like certain center right commentators on Fox News like Chris Wallace, Charles Krauthammer and Bret Baire.  I don't need much more. Also, Trump is FAR from "far right".


You and I agree on very few things about Trump, but yes, I agree on Wallace (outstanding job at the debate), some of the time on Krauthammer, and ditto for others on occasion. I think we will also see Fox news moving to truly center-right if this new Trump venture comes to life, as Trump news will clearly own the far right universe. Fox will become mainstream and be the object of scorn for you then.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


Fox already has moved to center right - other than that idiot Hannity. That is exactly how I prefer it, so your comment is laughable.


Not yet, but getting there, helped by Megyn Kelly and others. Need to boot out Hannity, Ailes is thankfully gone, get rid of the old fat blowhard, and yes, will become respectable finally.

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How sad. DT can't even pay $7 for his son's joining fee into the Boy Scouts. DT instead took the money from the Trump Foundation’s ‘charitable’ coffers. Is he really that cheap?


Donald Trump ‘Stole’ Donald Jr’s Boy Scout $7 Joining Fee From His Charity




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But on the other hand,  Trump Foundation's largest donation was for the refurbishment of a New York fountain outside one of his own hotels which in turned benefited his hotel. What a slick and conniving person.


Donald Trump Foundation's largest donation 'was for refurbishment of a fountain outside one of his own hotels'



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On 10/30/2016 at 11:52 PM, Jingthing said:

She lies much, much less than trump and that's a fact. So if you're basing your vote or non-vote on rate of lying, then the best choice is Hillary Clinton. 


On 10/30/2016 at 11:57 PM, Ulysses G. said:


She lies about matters concerning national security which is much more important. Electing a serial liar about security issues is insane.


HRC lies are deliberate, and hence, better structured and serve a purpose. Trump's lies seem more impulsive, and therefore, easier to tear apart. They also do not seem to be, generally speaking, essential or beneficial. There was an article linked on a previous topic making similar observations.




Lies, half truths, deception - they all come with the territory. As I do not see this is going to change under the presidency of either candidate, perhaps better to have an experienced pro rather than an enthusiastic amateur.

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On 30 oktober 2016 at 9:50 PM, Ulysses G. said:

Comparing Trump to Hitler is just plain idiotic. :spamsign:

Supporting Trump is just plain idiotic!!!

Oh, I'm sorry, youkeep telling everybody that you are not a Trump suporter.



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1 hour ago, Morch said:



HRC lies are deliberate, and hence, better structured and serve a purpose. Trump's lies seem more impulsive, and therefore, easier to tear apart. They also do not seem to be, generally speaking, essential or beneficial. 


See my post above this one. Hillary's lies are no more purposeful than Trump's.

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