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Donald Trump: the rebellious Republican


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2 hours ago, dexterm said:

Excellent link. Thanks.

The author describes Trump supporters as something akin to a cult. Like any guru, in their eyes he can literally do no wrong.


"If he does something vile, they make excuses for him. If he blatantly lies, they believe him over anything else. To many of his supporters the only “truth” is what comes out of his mouth – even if almost nothing truthful ever comes out of it."

Erm, "vile" is allowing her ambassador to be murdered and not doing a thing about it, then lying to the bereaved families that it was all about a VDO. Calling an loathsome woman (and I'm not referring to HRC ) nasty names is not "vile". A politician would not do it, but we like Trump precisely BECAUSE he is not a politician and is NOT PC.


Edited by thaibeachlovers
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2 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

5 Facts Donald Trump Hopes His Supporters Never Realize

Read more at:http://www.forwardprogressives.com/5-things-donald-trump-hopes-his-voters-never-realize/

You don't seem to realise that no true Trump supporter gives a rat's about anything Clinton supporters can dredge up. He is our only hope to prevent HRC from becoming POTUS, and that "trumps" everything.

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2 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:


There is zero chance that he will be kicked out by the Republican Party, even if it were possible, which it is probably not.  A party claiming to represent democratic values cannot flout the results of its own primary elections.


However, I have always thought there is a good chance that Trump would drop out either before the election, or even in the unlikely event that he were to win before taking office.  Trump is not actually interested being the president.  He has shown no interest at all in policy, other than the standard GOP tax policy to lower taxes on the rich.  He has never acted like someone who wants to be president to the point of needlessly alienating important segments of voters, such as women.  The thought of losing may drive him to quit, but actually losing may just as well drive him to challenge the legitimacy of the election, which he has already warned would be "rigged."  Trump, a true psychopath, has contempt for everything and everyone, but himself.  He is capable of anything.



makes sense. Thanks 

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3 hours ago, uptheos said:
  • The sad thing for American's is that you're going to get 4 more years of Obama in a dress, with a squeaky voice, who lies through her teeth. Islamic terrorists sharpen your knives the future looks bright.

Not just that, it means toddlers will be more enabled than ever to commit murder in the USA. In 2015 more Americans died at the hands of these murderous little fiends than died from radical jihadists.  But do you think Hillary will be sending them to bed without dinner?  No way.

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On 8/5/2016 at 5:24 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

Mock Trump as much as you like, but you can't change the fact that the only other candidate with a chance is deeply flawed, hugely unpopular and would make a terrible president.



Actually, they are both deeply flawed, hugely unpopular, and neither would make a good President. Understand, I despise Hillary. That said, I would prefer her over someone who doesn't understand the US Constitution, doesn't understand basic economics, doesn't understand US foreign trade policy, has no clue about something as simple as geography, is completely out of touch with current events ("He'll never go into Ukraine!"), doesn't understand why we don't use nukes, has alienated pretty much all of our allies, lies when it's far more convenient to tell the truth (to the point where CNN and MSNBC are now fact checking him in real time: http://usuncut.com/politics/trump-getting-fact-checked-real-time/), and is the single most racist, misogynistic, ignorant buffoon to have ever run for the office. As pathetic as it is, we are left with a choice of really, really bad (Clinton), and disastrous on a biblical scale (the spray tanned cow pie).

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Absolutely. He will do the job of POTUS just like he builds things. He will get the best people he can and let them do it while making the final decision. He knows that he doesn't know enough about everything to do it himself. Clinton will, IMO, try to do it all.

I am not an American, but we all need America to go and kill every ISIS thug. Clinton will never do that- she proved that as Sec. State. Trump may not be able to, but I give him a better chance than I do Clinton.


I watched Clinton's speech last night, and apart from being appalled by the softball questions, I was very impressed by her speech. If I didn't know the person behind the facade I'd be voting for her, but I do, and she is not someone I trust ( along with millions of Americans ). Trump is a bombastic clown, but he gets things done.

God help us.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You don't seem to realise that no true Trump supporter gives a rat's about anything Clinton supporters can dredge up. He is our only hope to prevent HRC from becoming POTUS, and that "trumps" everything.

Well you could always vote Johnson/Weld ! What's the excuse not too? They are both Republican. They just don't do enough to stir up hate for you I guess. Hate is good for guns.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Absolutely. He will do the job of POTUS just like he builds things. He will get the best people he can and let them do it while making the final decision. He knows that he doesn't know enough about everything to do it himself. Clinton will, IMO, try to do it all.

I am not an American, but we all need America to go and kill every ISIS thug. Clinton will never do that- she proved that as Sec. State. Trump may not be able to, but I give him a better chance than I do Clinton.


I watched Clinton's speech last night, and apart from being appalled by the softball questions, I was very impressed by her speech. If I didn't know the person behind the facade I'd be voting for her, but I do, and she is not someone I trust ( along with millions of Americans ). Trump is a bombastic clown, but he gets things done.

Early in his career Trump did get things done.  But ever since Atlantic City it's been mostly debacles.  The reason he has to deal with the Russians to get cash is because thanks to his numerous bankruptcies, banks aren't willing to lend him money.  Mostly what he does is license out his name to others who do get things done.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


I am not an American, but we all need America to go and kill every ISIS thug. Clinton will never do that- she proved that as Sec. State. Trump may not be able to, but I give him a better chance than I do Clinton.



THis is such a great idea. What I suggest is that America send an army to the Middle East and occupy, say a country like Iraq.  It shouldn't take more than a few months to wipe out those thugs and establish conditions that make it impossible for similar thugs ever to return. And I'm sure Trump has a plan for that.  It's one of his many plans that he doesn't yet want to share with us.

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Well you could always vote Johnson/Weld ! What's the excuse not too? They are both Republican. 


Like me father before me, I have voted for the Republican presidential ticket my entire life.  I simply cannot do it this year because Trump is an ignoramus of epic proportions and I believe he poses a grave threat to the country.


My vote will be for Johnson/Weld.  Yes, it's a protest vote, but a protest is what is minimally required at this point.


The day after the election Reince Priebus needs to be fired and thrown out on the street.  The RNC should also try to clawback his salary, because he certainly didn't earn it.

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Just now, up-country_sinclair said:


Like me father before me, I have voted for the Republican presidential ticket my entire life.  I simply cannot do it this year because Trump is an ignoramus of epic proportions and I believe he poses a grave threat to the country.


My vote will be for Johnson/Weld.  Yes, it's a protest vote, but a protest is what is minimally required at this point.


The day after the election Reince Priebus needs to be fired and thrown out on the street.  The RNC should also try to clawback his salary, because he certainly didn't earn it.


Well please get all your friends to say they will do the same so that Johnson/Weld get the 15% they need in the polls to make the live TV debates.

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Real Republicans like former Presidents Bush, Governor Romney and Senator McCain need to come out in support of Johnson/Weld.  This would drive media attention to the ticket and increase their polling numbers.  Regrettably, my friends and I are not going to make a bit of difference in national polling numbers.


Anyway, back on topic.  Trump is a Republican in name only.  If he even voted in presidential elections over the last 20 years, I'd bet it was evenly split between republicans and democrats.

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Absolutely. He will do the job of POTUS just like he builds things.


Right, so he'll move all American manufacturing offshore, drive the country into bankruptcy and refuse to pay any of the government's bills, destroying government suppliers and laying off millions.

Oh, and let foreigners buy anything so he can skim his bit off the top.

Yeah, can't really see people voting for that.



Edited by Chicog
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24 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:


Like me father before me, I have voted for the Republican presidential ticket my entire life.  I simply cannot do it this year because Trump is an ignoramus of epic proportions and I believe he poses a grave threat to the country.


My vote will be for Johnson/Weld.  Yes, it's a protest vote, but a protest is what is minimally required at this point.


The day after the election Reince Priebus needs to be fired and thrown out on the street.  The RNC should also try to clawback his salary, because he certainly didn't earn it.


     I understand where you're coming from, but (depending on which state you're voting in, of course.....) a vote for Johnson/Weld is the same as a vote for Trump, who you quite correctly describe as "a grave threat to the country". If you happen to be registered to vote in any of the so-called "swing states", your country cannot afford you the luxury of a "protest vote". Not this time around.......

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  • Clinton has been caught in a few lightweight lies, like saying she was under fire at an airport in a war zone.  That's a few fibs in 40 yrs of public life campaigning to improve the lives of disadvantaged people.  In contrast, Trump lies every time he emits sound from  his mouth.  And much of it are BIG LIES.  I would rather have someone who tells a fib every few years, than someone who is a pathological liar - whose lies can endanger America.  Islamic terrorists love Trump because he's an excellent recruiting tool for them.  Trump as prez will swell the ranks of Islamist terrorists.

He will do the job of POTUS just like he builds things. He will get the best people he can and let them do it while making the final decision.


"He will get the best people he can"


is that a joke.  The people Trump has on his campaign are abysmal.  He's had spokespeople being interviewed who contradict themselves and get flummoxed by the slightest challenges.  If there were an Olympic medal for picking the worst people to advise a campaign, Trump would get gold.  If that's any indication of the calibre of people he would pick for important gov't positions, not even God or Bob or Nancy Reagan's astrologer can help us.  


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14 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:
  • Clinton has been caught in a few lightweight lies, like saying she was under fire at an airport in a war zone.  


You must mean BLATANT lies. Who would say something like that when it never happened? Lieing to the public about a video causing the Benghazi attack and getting the director arrested is not exactly a "lightweight" lie either.

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6 hours ago, uptheos said:
  • The sad thing for American's is that you're going to get 4 more years of Obama in a dress, with a squeaky voice, who lies through her teeth. Islamic terrorists sharpen your knives the future looks bright.


It is sad indeed that the US shall get yet another four years of NeoCon foreign policy and four more years of neoliberal economic nonsense with Wall St in charge.  In other words the same old crap since Ronald Reagan dismantled the New Deal of Roosevelt, and perhaps even longer, since the Kennedy assassination.  But having somehow survived 40 years of such misguided policies the US has managed to survive although the EU is now beginning its collapse much as Wynne Godley predicted in 1992.  That being said, 'better the devil you know than the devil you don't', in that the clearly mentally unstable Trump can never be known.  My sliver of optimism is based upon my feeling that HRC will not run for reelection in 2020 as I don't think her health in another four years will allow it.  Both major political parties may be in total disgrace by 2020 and perhaps the long nightmare of the faux democracy of the "two-party" system will be over.

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Or, how about this, UG?


"I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering"
as the World Trade Center collapsed.    

— Donald Trump on Saturday, November 21st, 2015 in comments during a speech




"POLITICO subjected a week’s worth of his words to our magazine’s fact-checking process."


"We chronicled 4.6 hours of stump speeches and press conferences, from a rally in Concord, N.C.,

on Monday to a rally on Friday in St. Louis."


"The result: more than five dozen statements deemed mischaracterizations, exaggerations, or simply false: 

it equates to, roughly one misstatement every five minutes on average."



In less than five hours.


Dunning Kruger.


Edited by iReason
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5 hours ago, Johpa said:


It is sad indeed that the US shall get yet another four years of NeoCon foreign policy and four more years of neoliberal economic nonsense with Wall St in charge.  In other words the same old crap since Ronald Reagan dismantled the New Deal of Roosevelt, and perhaps even longer, since the Kennedy assassination.  But having somehow survived 40 years of such misguided policies the US has managed to survive although the EU is now beginning its collapse much as Wynne Godley predicted in 1992.  That being said, 'better the devil you know than the devil you don't', in that the clearly mentally unstable Trump can never be known.  My sliver of optimism is based upon my feeling that HRC will not run for reelection in 2020 as I don't think her health in another four years will allow it.  Both major political parties may be in total disgrace by 2020 and perhaps the long nightmare of the faux democracy of the "two-party" system will be over.


I'm  looking forward to 4 or 8 more years of democrat policy.  

Its good for my pocketbook. 


Since WW2, stock market returns have averaged 6% gains under republican administrations and around 12% under democrats. 

The 235 million American people with pensions or retirement accounts appreciate it.

The S&P 500 is up an astounding 216% since Obama took office. 


Since 1960 the deficit under republicans grew an average 85% while it grew an average 29% under democrats. 

GDP, Job growth, unemployment consistently perform better under the democrats. 


Just look at California and how it has done since they voted for democrats legislative body. The  $26 billion debt left by the last republican has been erased and they had an $11 billion surplus. 

Vote with your pocketbook and vote  democrat. 




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6 hours ago, Johpa said:


It is sad indeed that the US shall get yet another four years of NeoCon foreign policy and four more years of neoliberal economic nonsense with Wall St in charge.  In other words the same old crap since Ronald Reagan dismantled the New Deal of Roosevelt, and perhaps even longer, since the Kennedy assassination.  But having somehow survived 40 years of such misguided policies the US has managed to survive although the EU is now beginning its collapse much as Wynne Godley predicted in 1992.  That being said, 'better the devil you know than the devil you don't', in that the clearly mentally unstable Trump can never be known.  My sliver of optimism is based upon my feeling that HRC will not run for reelection in 2020 as I don't think her health in another four years will allow it.  Both major political parties may be in total disgrace by 2020 and perhaps the long nightmare of the faux democracy of the "two-party" system will be over.


IMO it was the establishment of retirement schemes such as the 401K and the IRA that has allowed for such inferior candiadates to come to the fore and for otherwise intelligent people to even consider voting for them. Millions of people are clutching onto paper certificates that say they own some infinitesimal unit of a corporation's stock. In this way the corporation's interest has been aligned with the people's. "Yes I know these are horrible candidates that have sold our country and their souls to corporate interests but please God, just let my IRA go up a couple more years". I hope their children, whom they are saddling with so many problems dispatch then accordingly.

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21 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


IMO it was the establishment of retirement schemes such as the 401K and the IRA that has allowed for such inferior candiadates to come to the fore and for otherwise intelligent people to even consider voting for them. Millions of people are clutching onto paper certificates that say they own some infinitesimal unit of a corporation's stock. In this way the corporation's interest has been aligned with the people's. "Yes I know these are horrible candidates that have sold our country and their souls to corporate interests but please God, just let my IRA go up a couple more years". I hope their children, whom they are saddling with so many problems dispatch then accordingly.


There ya go. 

Anither Trump fan at war with reality. 

216% gains in pension and retirement funds are bad news. 


$1 an hour jobs from China is what we need! LOL



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Not sure if this link has been posted yet, but pretty much confirms what most of us suspected that Trump is truly a sociopath. In an long article in the New Yorker magazine, Trump's ghostwriter tells all, and it is really ugly:



If he were writing “The Art of the Deal” today, Schwartz said, it would be a very different book with a very different title. Asked what he would call it, he answered, “The Sociopath.”



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4 minutes ago, Buzzz said:


There ya go. 

Anither Trump fan at war with reality. 



Wow! You got me. Now, see if you can find even one of my 12,000 + posts where I had anything at all positive to say about Trump.


Trump's an idiot, but he's not as big of an idiot as those who would vote for him or Clinton.

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47 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


IMO it was the establishment of retirement schemes such as the 401K and the IRA that has allowed for such inferior candiadates to come to the fore and for otherwise intelligent people to even consider voting for them. Millions of people are clutching onto paper certificates that say they own some infinitesimal unit of a corporation's stock. In this way the corporation's interest has been aligned with the people's. "Yes I know these are horrible candidates that have sold our country and their souls to corporate interests but please God, just let my IRA go up a couple more years". I hope their children, whom they are saddling with so many problems dispatch then accordingly.


Thats an interesting connection to make. 


There is no doubt that the American acceptance of corporations has grown significantly since the 1970's and that does coincide with the increased participation in retirement portfolios across a wider segment of the American workforce.

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