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Donald Trump: the rebellious Republican


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17 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


That was pretty funny. Thanks for posting it.


Maybe Trump is more of a politician than we give him credit for.


Whats the saying?


How do you know if a politician is lying? 

Their lips are moving.


But I am still voting for the GOP even if it means voting for this guy.

Don't worry mate, i despise that evil woman. I feel sorry for Americans, you are a great country and people. I don;t hate you lot like most non Americans seem to do.....i just feel you have an absolute nightmare decision to make.

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27 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


That was pretty funny. Thanks for posting it.


Maybe Trump is more of a politician than we give him credit for.


Whats the saying?


How do you know if a politician is lying? 

Their lips are moving.


But I am still voting for the GOP even if it means voting for this guy.

Wow.  Just wow.  Even with so much evidence pointing to trump (that video eloquently highlighting it) here's an voter still hanging on to the "it will be alright" camp.  Amazing. You would honestly prefer an unhinged,  lying, narcissistic, idiot to a highly qualified ex secretary of state? Do you actually love your country? I wish there were better options for you guys but really? 

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29 minutes ago, Bung said:

Wow.  Just wow.  Even with so much evidence pointing to trump (that video eloquently highlighting it) here's an voter still hanging on to the "it will be alright" camp.  Amazing. You would honestly prefer an unhinged,  lying, narcissistic, idiot to a highly qualified ex secretary of state? Do you actually love your country? I wish there were better options for you guys but really? 


Yep, that ought to tell you how little I think of obama's last 8 years that hillary promises to continue.


US politics is a sorry mess but its not a difficult choice to make when you look at the damage this WH has done.


As I have said many times--voting for a president is actually voting for a party platform. 


Correct me if I am wrong but isn't that how most of Europe votes? Are they voting for an ideology or the candidate? I am asking...not cracking wise.

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29 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Yep, that ought to tell you how little I think of obama's last 8 years that hillary promises to continue.


US politics is a sorry mess but its not a difficult choice to make when you look at the damage this WH has done.


As I have said many times--voting for a president is actually voting for a party platform. 


Correct me if I am wrong but isn't that how most of Europe votes? Are they voting for an ideology or the candidate? I am asking...not cracking wise.

It's been hard for me to find a summary of the Republican platform. This one contains a bit of editorializing in front of each of the 50 points and occasionally exaggerates. But it also follows each bit of editorial with an accurate summary that often contradicts the editorializing.  And you support this platform? Lots of Trump supporters say they are for him  because he supports the working people and not business as usual. The Republican platform is essentially the same old Republican points.


Edited by ilostmypassword
left out connection to Trump
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Even more Republicans abandoning the sinking Trump ship.


Anti-Trump candidate Evan McMullin to launch independent White House bid:



Disenchanted Republicans to float ex-CIA officer to oppose Trump:



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4 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Even more Republicans abandoning the sinking Trump ship.


Anti-Trump candidate Evan McMullin to launch independent White House bid:



Disenchanted Republicans to float ex-CIA officer to oppose Trump:




McMullin will grab a few of the voters but not many. 

Thats if he can even get his name on the ballots...probably a write-in in seversl States.


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10 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


McMullin will grab a few of the voters but not many. 

Thats if he can even get his name on the ballots...probably a write-in in seversl States.



Yeah, agreed. It is too late for any newcomer to make a serious inroad into the election. I am not sure why anyone would be floating this type of plan. It smacks of desperation to me. There are several "any one but Trump" movements but they don't see to be coordinated or even all that serious.

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Another Republican jumping ship...


Susan Collins: I'm not voting for Trump


Sen. Susan Collins joined the growing list of Republicans who say they aren’t supporting Donald Trump in the general election.


“My conclusion about Mr. Trump’s unsuitability for office is based on his disregard for the precept of treating others with respect, an idea that should transcend politics. Instead, he opts to mock the vulnerable and inflame prejudices by attacking ethnic and religious minorities,” she wrote.




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