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Trump ends standoff with Ryan as he works to repair mistakes


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Trump ends standoff with Ryan as he works to repair mistakes


STEVE PEOPLES, Associated Press
JILL COLVIN, Associated Press


GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) — In an effort to repair some of the damage he had inflicted on his presidential campaign, Donald Trump endorsed House Speaker Paul Ryan to end a four-day standoff that exposed the deeps chasms in the Republican Party over his candidacy.


Trump struck a rare conciliatory tone at a Wisconsin rally on Friday, imploring his party to unite behind him and opening a full-throttle attack on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.


"Arm in arm, we will rescue the country from the Obama-Clinton disaster," Trump told supporters after formally declaring his support for Ryan in next week's congressional primary.


"We will have disagreements," Trump said just days after refusing to endorse the Wisconsin Republican. "But we will disagree as friends and never stop working together toward victory."


It was an unusual gesture for Trump, who is known for his refusal to admit mistakes and his tendency to double down when he's under attack. Trump's general election campaign has been defined by his constant attacks on fellow Republicans — a habit that has baffled party leaders, who have begged him to stay focused on his Democratic rival.


The refusal to back Ryan had been seen by many as a final straw. Trump had told The Washington Post in an interview earlier this week that he was "just not quite there yet" when it came to backing Ryan — language that echoed the words used by Ryan as he weighed whether to endorse the party's nominee.


In addition to praising Ryan, Trump also threw his support behind Arizona Sen. John McCain, saying he held the senator "in the highest esteem ... for his service to our country in uniform and in public office." In the past, Trump questioned McCain's status as a war hero, and told the Post he felt McCain "should have done a much better job for the vets."


Trump also endorsed New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte, with whom he has also sparred, calling her "a rising star."


Ryan, like other top Wisconsin Republicans, did not attend Trump's evening appearance in their state. He reiterated his support for Trump hours before the endorsement, but he noted that his support wasn't a "blank check" and pledged to speak out against the businessman's divisive positions if necessary.


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker also skipped the evening rally, preferring to attend an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner. Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos offered a blunt message ahead of the presidential nominee's arrival: "We are Ryan Republicans here in Wisconsin, notTrump Republicans."


The Midwest mayhem underscored Trump's mounting challenges during one of the most tumultuous weeks of his unorthodox campaign. He has skipped from one misstep to the next, sparking a fresh wave of Republican defections among longtime party loyalists who refuse to support their presidential nominee —some even publicly support Clinton.


Eager to change their minds, Trump unleashed a torrent of insults at Clinton throughout the day.


"If Hillary Clinton becomes president," he said at a rally in Iowa, "you will have really, in my opinion, the destruction of this country from within."

Trump called his Democratic opponent "a dangerous liar," ''an unbalanced person," ''pretty close to unhinged," ''totally unfit to lead" and lacking "the judgment, temperament and moral character to lead the country."


"In one way, she's a monster," he said in Wisconsin. "In another way, she's a weak person. She's actually not strong enough to be president."

The charges came soon after Clinton addressed her own political vulnerabilities while facing a group of minority journalists in Washington. The former secretary of state sought to "clarify and explain" a recent statement on "Fox News Sunday" that FBI Director James Comey said her answers to the bureau about her use of a private email server were "truthful."


"I may have short-circuited and for that I will try to clarify," Clinton said, though still insisting she "never sent or received anything that was marked classified."


She also acknowledged that many people don't trust her.


"It doesn't make me feel good when people say those things, and I recognize that I have work to do," Clinton said. She added, "I'm going to work my heart out in this campaign and as president to produce results for people."


-- © Associated Press 2016-08-06
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Trump read a statement that said he endorsed Ryan.

He wasn't happy about it. 


There was a rebellion with Trumps staff. They were about to quit so he was forced to speak, or in reality he would have had throw in the towel with no staff left but his children. 


Trump is is going to back out of the election with a doctors note I predict.  






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Just the mad donald speaking again, sorry, reading from a prepared statement. He is normal for him, flip flopping. First he hates somebody and than later he praises him.

I feel sorry for the people that support this clown. Don't they have any decency, or love for there country to stand behind this madman, or do they just blame everything on the democrats?

i have never seen so much hate as from the mad donald and his supporters.


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The Ryan thing is a diversion.

The diversion is that the American people have discovered that the republican nominee is INSANE.

It doesn't matter if Hillary Clinton lies.

All politicians lie.

Sure, it would be better if she lied less but bottom line a normal lying politician that has proven competence in actually performing in very high official offices vs. an INSANE demagogic con artist with no qualifications whatsoever to hold ANY official office, much less the most powerful office on the planet ... no contest.

Hillary's lead will hold and she will MURDER him in the debates.

Sure people want some change but that's not the same thing as JUMP OFF A CLIFF change.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I watched it. The HRC campaign had better be afraid, very afraid. He just might get back there if he keeps to that path.


No chance. The only thing HRC needs to do in their first debate is stare at his small hands for about five seconds and, presto! The presidency is hers.

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perhaps someone on here can enlighten me, how long has TRUMP been in politics, only i havent heard of him before in American politics, (yeah know of him, )  seems to have perchant to slag off all and sundry to me, people who have been around in this sphere for years, just curious

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6 minutes ago, mercman24 said:

perhaps someone on here can enlighten me, how long has TRUMP been in politics, only i havent heard of him before in American politics, (yeah know of him, )  seems to have perchant to slag off all and sundry to me, people who have been around in this sphere for years, just curious

He started in politics by running for president this election year. That's it.

He has made political statements for decades.

He's infamous for being a leader in the horribly RACIST "birther" movement falsely accusing President Obama of not being born in the USA.

That's the racist base that is most loyal to him.

They tried to delegitimize the Obama presidency because he's black and has a weird name and when Hillary Clinton is elected the same hateful BOZOS will try to delegitimize her presidency on the basis of false charges (which they're already cooking) that the election was somehow RIGGED. 


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If Hillary Clinton becomes president," he said at a rally in Iowa, "you will have really, in my opinion, the destruction of this country from within."

Trump called his Democratic opponent "a dangerous liar," ''an unbalanced person," ''pretty close to unhinged," ''totally unfit to lead" and lacking "the judgment, temperament and moral character to lead the country." unquote I could be wrong but this rather describes The Donald. I wonder if his now wife entered the USA legally. She came in on a  marriage visa before she married the Donald. 


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2 hours ago, Chicog said:

Grab a coffee, this is a good read whoever you're backing.



I'm sorry, but this is nothing but another establishment republican engaging in false equivalency to justify the nomination of Trump.  To rebut point by point would take way too long.


Just for example, he spends much discussing "money politics" without ever mentioning Citizens United, a republican PAC that sued to do away contributions limits and was affirmed by a republican supreme court. Nor does he mention that Trump in his aborted 2012 run for president saying he figured out how to make money running for president. His charging practice now show he is following that same method. 


The list goes on and on with his false equivalent attacks on Hillary and the current administration.  Libya is another example. He complety fails to mention that the US intervention was at the request of our EU allies to avoid a massacre of rebels that were trapped.  Part of the agreement for the US help was the US would provide special support that the EU could not provide (massive air support) and our EU allies would take charge of the aftermath of the regime change. We can see how that worked out.


The republican establishment is horrifed at developments and only those with true intergerty, such as George Will, stood up and stated the truth. Whatever credibility Bill Moyers had is gone and he knows it but will never admit it. Bush ll strained them, now Trump has shown, with notable exceptions,  how truly unethical and shallow they are. 


Suggest you read Paul Keugman's column from back in May on this issue. With his usual razor sharp intellect he cuts right to issue and foresaw where the media coverage is today. Hillary and Trump are not intellectually,  policy wise, or on any other plane equivalent. The media is making a fortune off of Trump, they will milk this for all they can and attempt to make this appear to be a true campaign based on real issues. Nothing could be farther from the truth. This is a campaign between one who may be the most qualified candidates in history and the most narcissistic, egomaniac, ignorant candidate in history appealing to the worst characteristics of America. This may be the biggest test of who and what America is.



These are the people that relected Bush in 2004 after invading a sovereign nation based on made up evidence.  I have little hope for them, but even a little is something. 



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Hey Donald, we know you do not take criticism well. We know you do not have the emotional development, nor the maturity to handle it. But, we have been telling you for a long time now that you are crashing, and your campaign is falling apart, due to you unwillingness to do some simple things, like suck up to Ryan, and some other party leaders. The refusal to do so just makes you look like too much of an outsider, and someone that is not only not electable, but potentially a dangerous rogue once elected. So, for once in your life can you accept advice, and do this for us? We are your sons and your campaign manager, after all. Can't you listen to us, just this one time? Besides, your wife, and every one of your advisors feels the same way. You do want to win this election right? So, change course, read this acceptance of the party leaders before the cameras, and try not to look too upset or too smug while doing so, ok? Not too much to ask, is it Don? 

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20 hours ago, Buzzz said:

Trump read a statement that said he endorsed Ryan.

He wasn't happy about it. 


There was a rebellion with Trumps staff. They were about to quit so he was forced to speak, or in reality he would have had throw in the towel with no staff left but his children. 


Trump is is going to back out of the election with a doctors note I predict.  






" Trump read a statement that said he endorsed Ryan "

Now it's difficult to get him to stick to the script and it's only because he has a vague notion that it's necessary for self-preservation.

If elected, he would feel no need to take advice or to stick to comments scripted by more rational people.


I'm sure he wants to win the election, but has no real interest in actually serving as president ... aside from the occasional opportunities to be in the spotlight. George Bush was manipulated by Dick Cheney, but I doubt Pence will be able to manage the Donald. They'd need to call in Cesar Millan to work on "rules, boundaries and limitations."

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