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Life here is tough...what are your complaints for the week

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I have slept with so many beautiful women that I have become kinda immune to them….they don't turn me on any more…like they used to.


These days I get off on trying to find a generally average one with an imperfection….like a strange voice….or a single crooked upper canine.

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

I have slept with so many beautiful women that I have become kinda immune to them….they don't turn me on any more…like they used to.


These days I get off on trying to find a generally average one with an imperfection….like a strange voice….or a single crooked upper canine.

They still turn me one. Even the one I finally married.

But best was going out with mates and choosing a theme, pretty much as you've said. Longest nails, biggest boobs, short ar#ed, etc... Good fun. Biggest complaint was not being able to find the exact theme for that night.

1 hour ago, Jogden said:

 Biggest complaint was not being able to find the exact theme for that night.


Here are some to get you started:


1. Chick with the most awful tatts.

2. Smelliest som tam breath.

3. The most drunk chick at ibar.

4. A chick with zero interest in you.

5. A chick without a smart phone.


und so weiter….


It's like a war zone here!


Here the latest indignity.


Went to one of those outdoor salted fish grills.


My second visit. 


I liked it the first time. I still like it.


Anyway, this time I brought in a plate of somtum from another vendor as it makes such a great pairing. 


The fish arrives.


I try to blurt out an order of water, but they run away very quickly and act like they don't hear me. Busy time.


The normally INCLUDED large plate of filthy raw vegetables never arrives. Nor the water, but I didn't expect it to.


So I wonder why? Foreigner no like? I had som tum so no need? They remember that I picked at it last time?


(I actually think it's probably the latter reason which is really very impressive consider it's a very popular place with tons of customers.)


Other tables were getting it so they weren't out of it.


The truth is I wanted the large plate of filthy raw vegetables because there are a few items on there I would have liked to pick at, even with the som tum. 


Yes, I could have made a scene and schlepped up to the grill and asked for it. But I didn't want it that badly.


So the bill comes.


<deleted> ... the fish was like half the SIZE of the last time and don't I least get a discount for not getting my large plate of filthy raw vegetables? Same price as before.


Like I said. Life in Thailand is like a war zone.




Great night out ....I guess for you ....but any point to ur last post ???  U just complaining (AGAIN)

suggest the 'hit and run restaurant review 'that has been running since 2012.....latest and greatest reviews in Pattaya ....


Sitting here in my chair typing this reply while sweat pouring off me, to lazy to get up and put on the fan or a/c. Yes life is tough here.


Anthony5......I didnt get the attached photo....but I have tried Pineapple, beer, driving over it with the mower a few times....but it's still tough....even raw, the dogs wont eat it....:D



Sizes of shirts

What a NIGHTMARE it is here to find consistency of size!

I can be M, L, XL, XXL...depending on the type of shop and shirt.

Most street stalls and Thai markets ... forget it!! Size XL will be too small for a farang!!

Mall stores...Sometimes an L will fit...but I could need an XL...I have had some size M be the perfect fit.

Really does make it difficult to buy off the rack without trying on the size first!!


I'm so pleased this thread was resurrected.


My complaints for the week include one of my poor dogs that had an operation to remove a lump that turned out to be malignant  (a while ago), but the hopefully preventative tablets mean that she has no control over her bladder. Edit - an ongoing problem.


Said tablets have (this week) resulted in her immune system being compromised so badly that her fur is coming out in lumps.


Then my patio pond oxygenator stopped working - resulting in multiple suffocation deaths amongst the fish that, up until, then, had lived for years.  Any idea how horrifying it is to get up one morning to find fish that have obviously died horribly?


This was bad enough, but my 'overload' level was topped off when the sick dog took revenge on being taken to the vet (once again), only to get back home and endure a medicated bath - elongated because the shampoo has to stay on for 10 mins before being washed off.  She took revenge by destroying my 'bike seat and most of the bodywork....


All in all,  its not been a good week.....


It's the thread we've all been waiting for for many years, but didn't even know we've been waiting for, until it magically appeared! 


Indeed, every morning I smack myself in the face for not thinking of starting this thread. 


But that's not a complaint. 


This one takes the cake.

Well, more like it would take the cake if you wanted to buy cake, but you probably couldn't find the cake!


Pattaya people ... watch out.

Central Mall grocery store has MASSIVELY redesigned their layout.

NOTHING is in the same place as it was before.

I knew the old layout down pat and I could be in and out of there in minutes, knowing exactly where to find everything I need.

NOW ... OMG ... as donald trump would say -- It's a DISASTER!

Went yesterday ... took me so so long to find even one of my items.

I was NOT in the mood for that madness.

I simply left without buying anything.

I'll be back someday when I really need something there and there's no other place to buy it, but I'm not looking forward to it.


This one takes the cake.

Well, more like it would take the cake if you wanted to buy cake, but you probably couldn't find the cake!


Pattaya people ... watch out.

Central Mall grocery store has MASSIVELY redesigned their layout.

NOTHING is in the same place as it was before.

I knew the old layout down pat and I could be in and out of there in minutes, knowing exactly where to find everything I need.

NOW ... OMG ... as donald trump would say -- It's a DISASTER!

Went yesterday ... took me so so long to find even one of my items.

I was NOT in the mood for that madness.

I simply left without buying anything.

I'll be back someday when I really need something there and there's no other place to buy it, but I'm not looking forward to it.


I feel the frustration...

Recently a Tesco near me did a huge layout redesign

It took two circuits of zigzagging the store to find where they had relocated the discounted items multi level trolley.

(Some very good farang food bargains in there)

Once you get comfortable with where everything is they go and change it all!!!

1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

This one takes the cake.

Well, more like it would take the cake if you wanted to buy cake, but you probably couldn't find the cake!


Pattaya people ... watch out.

Central Mall grocery store has MASSIVELY redesigned their layout.

NOTHING is in the same place as it was before.

I knew the old layout down pat and I could be in and out of there in minutes, knowing exactly where to find everything I need.

NOW ... OMG ... as donald trump would say -- It's a DISASTER!

Went yesterday ... took me so so long to find even one of my items.

I was NOT in the mood for that madness.

I simply left without buying anything.

I'll be back someday when I really need something there and there's no other place to buy it, but I'm not looking forward to it.


Sorry, had to laugh at this as there are times when I too am pissed off enough to get bad-tempered about relatively unimportant things.


Every now and again supermarkets change their layout - as it stops us just going to the produce we want to buy.  Great marketing ploy of course, as it means we have to search for the things we actually want to buy and see other things that they wish to sell us!


Ashamed to admit that I got bad-tempered at the local 7/11 the other day when a few of us had been waiting for a while whilst the two customers being served were paying bills/getting heated food or whatever.  Eventually one customer moved, and so I looked at the queuing customer ahead of me to move to the cashier.


Suprise, suprise - a Chinese (?) person who hadn't even been in the queue, immediately barged to the cashier :bah:.  Fortunately the Thai in front of me was served very quickly (at the other counter) and so when I took her place I had time to make my feelings extremely clear to the Chinese (?) person next to me.  She understood the gist of what I was saying to her (and my scowl) very quickly :lol:!

On 08/08/2016 at 3:39 PM, ClutchClark said:

Problems this past week? 


Heckuva time finding a good Thai massage. Have tried HealthLand and King & I and various small shops but haven't found a decent massuese this time around since my old one has retuened to her village.


My grandson is arriving tomorrow and he is big at 2-meters and 100+ kilo. He lifts weights all the time and needs a massuese that combines Thai methods with a Western type understanding of physiology.





What city are you based? I know the best bangkok masseur and it's a 1er an hour and they will break you if you request it. Be warned thai tony does not mess about. Just smile when they tell you they do home visits. Request a man do a strong arm sign if necessary.  


Happened to me again today and happens almost every day . I live in the centre of Chiang Mai and for anyone who knows the place it is pretty difficult to cross the roads around the moat. So you wait patiently for a clear gap in the road, and there is one, just after a tuk tuk or songthaew will go past. It must be obvious i am looking beyond said tuk tuk / songthaew and dont want a ride but they insist on slowing down and driving straight at me on the side of the road. Result you miss your opportunity to cross the road, get angry and have to refrain from glares and hand gestures.


Another one today. Little coffee shop / restaurant in Loi Kroh specialising in fruit pies, both the Apple and Strawberry look and taste good. Ask for cream any sort (don't have), ice cream (don't have),  don't even bother to ask about custard. Who wants to eat a dry fruit pie however good it may be?


Now the moan is over i will come to the positive part, the serving lady hopped across the road to 7 /11 and brought ice cream for us.




Baht bus gripes. Version 14,402.


Do I look like a change maker? Do I look like a volunteer transit worker?


So you're going up to the driver to pay the 10 baht Pattaya baht bus fare and the dude in front of you pays with a 20 baht note, waiting for change from the driver whose JOB it is to make change.


But the driver stalls. He does not make change.


The drivers looks at me as if I'm supposed to make change for this OTHER customer, a total stranger.


Which, geez I'm enabling them ... I do!


This keeps happening! 



Baht bus gripes. Version 14,403.


Russian queue jumpers. It happens. They are often very aggressively pushy. 

So I'm at the queue and these perfectly looking specimens of heterosexual youth arrive, a couple, kind of like the Russian version of Aryan super men, BLATANTLY position to jump the queue, while I've been waiting for ten bloody minutes, behaving like a CIVILIZED person that still stupidly has some basic faith in the goodness of humanity!

They do as expected but the girl cheekily has a technique, saving the side seat for her boy ... and then I board ... no seats.

They knew exactly what they were doing, it was clear this was a couple that NEVER waits,  ... they could see I was GLARING at them, and of course they studiously avoided eye contact (a tactic I always suggest when dealing with the DRIVERS). 

Is it wrong to feel murderous thoughts towards total strangers?:wub:







I have had a busy day!  Walking down the street and my limbs are stiff, i walk past a massage parlour and a pretty, shapely middle age lady (just the sort i like) summons me to come in and i weaken and agree to a Thai massage. She takes me inside, washes my feet shows me the room behind the curtains and hands me the standard massage pyjamas. I change, relax and lie on my back with anticipation. Curtain opens i look up, you guessed different lady, what a disappointment!

1 minute ago, rogeroc said:

I have had a busy day!  Walking down the street and my limbs are stiff, i walk past a massage parlour and a pretty, shapely middle age lady (just the sort i like) summons me to come in and i weaken and agree to a Thai massage. She takes me inside, washes my feet shows me the room behind the curtains and hands me the standard massage pyjamas. I change, relax and lie on my back with anticipation. Curtain opens i look up, you guessed different lady, what a disappointment!

I feel your pain.

That was a MASTERful BAIT and switch! 

I have had a busy day!  Walking down the street and my limbs are stiff, i walk past a massage parlour and a pretty, shapely middle age lady (just the sort i like) summons me to come in and i weaken and agree to a Thai massage. She takes me inside, washes my feet shows me the room behind the curtains and hands me the standard massage pyjamas. I change, relax and lie on my back with anticipation. Curtain opens i look up, you guessed different lady, what a disappointment!

I fear being enticed by a beautiful smiling girl...only to have a 6'2 ladyboy looking for a happy ending payoff

My moan for this week, how about some cooling! I am not living in some remote village i am in the centre of touristy Chiang Mai. Thais must know that their country is pretty hot, they must know tourists are not used to the heat, they must know that sometimes tourists and Westerners like to take some exercise and walk a bit, they must want customers in their coffee shops and restaurants.


i went to try a new coffee shop today and meet some friends there, it is a hot day in CM. I get on my bicycle and travel 4km to try the place. Place looks nice but is empty, there is no breeze and just one small solitary fan in what is quite a large area. I am obviously hot and sweaty after the cycle ride and i order coffee. Only one member of the 4 staff is working and guess where the fan is trained, obviously on the 3 motionless staff only exercise moving fingers up and down on smartphone !  I never stopped sweating but i was happy the staff were cool.

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