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Abdomen / digestive What can show MRI that cannot be seen with CT-scan or Gastroscopy Coloscopy Endoscopy

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Hello, Any idea about what abdomen / digestive MRI can show that cannot be seen with CT-scan or Gastroscopy Coloscopy Endoscopy ?


What exams doctors usually do in case of digestive problems ? Are they all useful or MRI can replace all ?


Thank you.


CT provides better spatial resolution but inferior contrast. With MRI the opposite is true. Really there's probably nothing wrong with you except for an obsession with imaging your abdomen. 

45 minutes ago, BudRight said:

CT provides better spatial resolution but inferior contrast. With MRI the opposite is true. Really there's probably nothing wrong with you except for an obsession with imaging your abdomen. 

Or perhaps the poster is fed up with stomach problems and trying to find an answer?


I symapthise with the poster who is desperate enough to look into these things!


Edit - the question should be asked on (or moved to) the 'Health' forum though.


To check your large intestine there is nothing better than the camera ... if they find polps they will 'remove them' at the same time. I had one done a few weeks ago and at the same time (well almost) they had a look down my tummy ... they took a small sample from my tummy but all was fine. Yes I was put out ... don't try without!! After 50 years old you should have a routing 'camera up' job every five years.


Both my wife and I had the abdomen ultrasound last Wednesday and on the Thursday she then had the 'camera up' job.  


We have a 'routine cancer' check every year and the abdomen ultrasound was available if we wanted that check. If they see anything 'odd' they will  probably recommend either  an MRI or a 6-month follow up.


I'm sure that you are aware that there are basically no symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer until it is pretty well too late.  The ultrasound will show if the pancreatic duct is dilated or if there are any bits/fats there or on the liver, kidneys or gallbladder


The ultrasound will also check if you have a distended bladder/stones and how big your prostrate gland is.


You are fortunate here that prices are cheap compared to the UK and investigations are readily available.


Don't have any regrets in years to come .........................


Different types of tests are better for different types of problems. You need to start by seeing a good GI specialist about whatever symptoms it is you are having. There isn't a single type of test that will help for any and all GI issues, and unnecessary tests can cause more problems than they solve.


If you would provide some details as to the nature of the problem and what you have done thus far (including what prior specialists, if any, have said), I might be able to advise better. Include what part of Thailand you live in.


Thank you so much, I have nothing special but as I haven't seen a doctor for 20 years and have money to spend I would like to do more than usual people do because they are scared by the fee.


So you do not recommend to do MRI, CT scan, mouthscopy and asscopy :-) if I have no symptoms ? Why ?


What should I do ?


Thank you again for your help.

5 hours ago, Matty83210 said:

Thank you so much, I have nothing special but as I haven't seen a doctor for 20 years and have money to spend I would like to do more than usual people do because they are scared by the fee.


So you do not recommend to do MRI, CT scan, mouthscopy and asscopy :-) if I have no symptoms ? Why ?


What should I do ?


Thank you again for your help.


If you are over 50 years of age (OR if you have a family history of colon cancer) then a colonoscopy is indicated for screening purposes (repeated every 10 yerars if normal, sooner if any problems found). Gastroscopy is not indicated for simple routine screening, only if there are symptoms suggestive of a problem in the upper GI tract.


MRI and CT scan have no place in routine health check-ups. These tests are indicated only when there is clear indication of a problem and the results are likely to aid definitive diagnosis and/or determine best course of treatment.


As mentioned in other thread, just get a check-up (blood, urine, stool tests and physical examination; maybe Chest Xray; depending ion your age, cardiac stress test might be advisable). . IF any abnormalities are found then further investigations might be indicated, but cross that bridge only if and when you get to it.


Since you are wanting to invest in your health at this point, might be worth considering whether you are in need of any vaccinations. Hepatitis A and B if you have not had them, the pre-exposure rabies vaccine, flu vaccine, and - if you travel in rural areas of Thailand at all - Japanese B encephalitis vaccine are all good ideas. If you are over 50, shingles vaccine is very advisable. If over 65, pneumococal vaccine as well. These measures will do you far more good than unnecessary tests will; the latter can in fact do significant harm in many cases.


Thank you again but I do not understand why " the latter can in fact do significant harm in many cases. "


A test is a test, what could be wrong ?


And you tell me to investigate more in case they find something, but I do you really believe that doctors, especially here, are able to find anything ? I read hundreds of posts from people complaining about them, so why should I trust them ?


This was one of the reason why I wanted all the tests that usual Somchai doesn't do, and then maybe contact doctors abroad to have a look.






Doctors in Thailand run the full gamut, from quite mediocre/poor to world class. There are doctors here (specialists) who not only trained in a western country but qualified for the most competitive/prestigious/hard to get fellowships at world renown facilities (Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic and the like). There are doctors here who have published in international peer reviewed journals and been invited to address/lecture at international symposia etc etc. These are, of course, a small minority among all Thai physicians (of course, doctors of that caliber are a minority in any country) and you have to know who to see, and of course they are disproportionately located in Bangkok.


Many TV members have obtained good quality care, that they have been pleased with, from such doctors here in Thailand, and there have been plenty of threads reporting this here. But one does have to chose with great care. Peopel who just take pot luck with any doctor at a hospital 9or worse yet a clinic) do indeed usually have negative things to report.


The docs who review check-up results tend to be pretty mediocre most places so wise to review check-up results yourself and see an approrpriate specialist for any abnormal findings rather than rely on whatever the doc in the check-up center said.




16 hours ago, BudRight said:

I'm skeptical that the OP is sincere.



NOBODY asks your opinion about my intention. What a ridiculous post.





Thank you again but I do not understand why " the latter can in fact do significant harm in many cases. "


A test is a test, what could be wrong ?


And you tell me to investigate more in case they find something, but I do you really believe that doctors, especially here, are able to find anything ? I read hundreds of posts from people complaining about them, so why should I trust them ?


This was one of the reason why I wanted all the tests that usual Somchai doesn't do, and then maybe contact doctors abroad to have a look.






In post #10 I have already responded to your concerns regarding Thai doctors.

But if you remain unwilling to trust a Thai specialist, regardless of qualifications, then you can always have any abnormal findings investigated abroad, as was apparently your intention with the MRI.


The harm that can be done from unnecessary MRIs is that they often lead to further necessary tests (including, for example, tests that involve contrast media which has definite risks, or tests that involve exposure to radiation) or even surgeries.



7 hours ago, Matty83210 said:



NOBODY asks your opinion about my intention. What a ridiculous post.





Thank you again but I do not understand why " the latter can in fact do significant harm in many cases. "


A test is a test, what could be wrong ?


And you tell me to investigate more in case they find something, but I do you really believe that doctors, especially here, are able to find anything ? I read hundreds of posts from people complaining about them, so why should I trust them ?


This was one of the reason why I wanted all the tests that usual Somchai doesn't do, and then maybe contact doctors abroad to have a look.


There are four results for a test, not two.


True positive, true negative, false positive and false negative.


False positives result in unnecessary surgeries or radiation and false negatives mean you'll have a disease that isn't treated. Either one can result in misdiagnosis.



I question you're sincerity because you seem desperate to find something wrong with you, despite having NO SYMPTOMS OF ANY KIND. That's not normal behavior. Most people go to a doctor when they feel ill or are satisfied by a checkup. You're trying to micro-manage the diagnosis when there's nothing to diagnose. 


Here's what you do:


1. Go get a checkup. Express your concerns to the Physician.


2. Go get immunizations that have expired and the ones Sheryl suggested.


3. Consider that there may be nothing wrong with you. No test, nor any doctor can guarantee that but that's the way it is.

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