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EC announces official referendum result


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6 hours ago, waldroj said:

If this is the OFFICIAL results then they need an urgent recount!


We are told above that 50,071,589 people were eligible to vote, and from this total:

  • 29,740,677 did vote.
  • 16,820,402 voted Yes.
  • 10,598,037 voted No.
  •      936,209 votes were invalid.

So, what happened to the votes of 1,386,029 people?  (16,820,402 + 10,598,037 + 936,209 = 28,354,648)!!!!!


As for the votes for Senators selecting a PM, well I'll let you do the maths on that one (but, I get 26,994,907)!

Excellent! Ah! Ah!

What's cooking Doc?  

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10 hours ago, Alive said:



Sorry Alive, I am trying to reply to this post but it keeps trying to include one of yours. My post is not in reply to you.


To Sjaak327 - last elections free and debate was allowed - yeah, right. Guess you missed the bit about the red shirts not allowing opposition canvassers on their turf. Oh, sorry, that would have been a spontaneous reaction from the poor people who so adore and love the crook and his clan.

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2 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

I think I can talk for hours, raising valid points, and you still won't get it.


What part of Yes or No against 40 parties don't you get ?


What part of debate being disallowed, campaigning being disallowed don't you get ?


What part of fingerprints being attached to people's ballot, therefore ensuring the junta knows who voted what don't you get ?


You also seem to forget the Democrats have stated they are against it as well, even using terms like "retreat from democracy", yet the South voted Yes, strange very strange. Maybe the lack of observers being allowed to monitor the whole process (including the counting) has something to do with it, another point you didn't get.


Finally, the biggest point, and the reason for the low turnover IMHO is there really wasn't anything to choose in this referendum, choose yes and the military retains power, vote no and the military enacts another constitution without referendum, no-one believed that one would be vastly different from the one that was rejected.


Oh, and about your point in a previous post that you edited, I have never claimed Abishit's coalition was invalid, alltough it doesn't follow good democratic principles (the big looser should not run the country) and there certainly was a little problem with how that coalition was formed. Something about the army, and a banned politician making it possible in the first place.




Is there already in existence a data base of all Thai citizens fingerprints? 


Maybe your tin foil hat needs adjusting. Oh. it  was all a conspiracy. Tommy rot.

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6 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Sorry Alive, I am trying to reply to this post but it keeps trying to include one of yours. My post is not in reply to you.


To Sjaak327 - last elections free and debate was allowed - yeah, right. Guess you missed the bit about the red shirts not allowing opposition canvassers on their turf. Oh, sorry, that would have been a spontaneous reaction from the poor people who so adore and love the crook and his clan.


We know facts have never bothered you in the past and are unlikely to trouble your elitist, yellow soul in the future but it was your heros who shut down election booths and bullied and harassed as part of the 'build up' for the coup to 'Save Thailand'


The 'crook' cannot and will not be extradited by any country... now why's that then?  nothing about them realising the 'political' nature of this right?  sorry to let facts upset your yellow narrative

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

You don't get my valid points either so lets agree not to agree. You see things your way I see things my way.


I explained the finger print impossibility already not going to do that again its just not possible to run all those prints (would cost years). then it would certainly come out that the government punishes people and that would even from me and others get condemnation.


What part of in Thailand there are only 2/ 3 parties that matter so its almost the same like a yes / now vote your just muddying the water.


I know the Democrats (only Abisith) was against it I am not perfectly happy with this constitution either (the senators part) but I have yet to see something everyone is 100% happy with.


The low turnover is the same as with previous charter votes and the people could go an mass to say no.


So if you agree that Abisith was right to form a government like that then the reds also have removed an elected government.

But we will never agree.. so lets agree not to agree. Better that way. 





did you mean 'en masse'?  and how, pray, can they go 'en masse' when the Army have their guns?  banning debate?  stopping more than 5 gathering?


stick to bodybuilding bro coz your 'analysis' of the situation is at the kindergarten level

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21 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Is there already in existence a data base of all Thai citizens fingerprints? 


Maybe your tin foil hat needs adjusting. Oh. it  was all a conspiracy. Tommy rot.

There are surely local files and the vote is made locally....

Anyway the main point is that under a military regime , with army and policemen everywhere and with government and civil servants campaigning for the charter, having to put fingerprints on ballots is very likely to frighten voters ( in particular if they are not well informed).

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The referendum failed to meet any international standards of fairness, transparency, security and verifiability. The result is therefore invalid by any objective and rational measure. It can prove nothing, because all the elements of establishing proof were removed.

It's nothing but pathetic for the four or five western-educated Thai fascists on this forum, who have a vested interest in supporting the junta (and apparently whose full-time job it is to spread ceaseless propaganda around here) to claim any kind of victory in this.


Not to discount the possibility that the Thai people actually voted in this way, only to acknowledge the greater possibility that an authority that came to power by lies and deceit would, if only through lack of imagination, perpetuate power by the same means.



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"The top five provinces with the highest turnout rate were Lamphun’s 76.47 percent, Mae Hong Son’s 74.36 percent, Chiang Mai’s 73.17 percent, Tak’s 70.06 percent and Chiang Rai’s 67.64 percent."


Interesting.  I think most or all of these provinces voted to reject the charter.


It would be interesting to see the vote broken down by province.  In fact, it would be interesting to see the vote broken down to a level so that suspicious results could be investigated.

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21 minutes ago, heybruce said:

"The top five provinces with the highest turnout rate were Lamphun’s 76.47 percent, Mae Hong Son’s 74.36 percent, Chiang Mai’s 73.17 percent, Tak’s 70.06 percent and Chiang Rai’s 67.64 percent."


Interesting.  I think most or all of these provinces voted to reject the charter.


It would be interesting to see the vote broken down by province.  In fact, it would be interesting to see the vote broken down to a level so that suspicious results could be investigated.

There was a map that showed it.. I have been looking hard to find it again it was in one of the earlier topics if you can find it you got answers on provincial level

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3 hours ago, heybruce said:

"The top five provinces with the highest turnout rate were Lamphun’s 76.47 percent, Mae Hong Son’s 74.36 percent, Chiang Mai’s 73.17 percent, Tak’s 70.06 percent and Chiang Rai’s 67.64 percent."


Interesting.  I think most or all of these provinces voted to reject the charter.


It would be interesting to see the vote broken down by province.  In fact, it would be interesting to see the vote broken down to a level so that suspicious results could be investigated.

Mae Hong Son between 67 to 72 % for YES and TAK between 80 to 100% vote YES ;

Lamphun between 50 to 52.5 % for NO , CHANG MAI between 52 to 55 % for NO and  CHANG RAI between 60 to 62 for NO


NO higher score ROI ET and YASOTHON with result between 72 to 80 %




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7 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Is there already in existence a data base of all Thai citizens fingerprints? 


Maybe your tin foil hat needs adjusting. Oh. it  was all a conspiracy. Tommy rot.

One of the principles of democracy is that the votes you place are not traceable to you.


Do you really believe those fingerprints have not been recorded ? What is the purpose then, I am dying to hear the answer, but guess silence will be forthcoming. Thanks for the laugh !

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2 hours ago, than said:

Some "academics" and pseudo students

You aren't answering my questions. Where have I shown any dismay at the vote results? What did they contradict me on?

You accuse me of provocations but run away like a startled faun when you can't simply get away with dutifully parroting the official line.


"It's seem that some people are allergic to vote when the results are not in their favor"


I did not ask who, I asked why you posted this in conjunction with what I said.

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11 hours ago, baboon said:

You aren't answering my questions. Where have I shown any dismay at the vote results? What did they contradict me on?

You accuse me of provocations but run away like a startled faun when you can't simply get away with dutifully parroting the official line.


"It's seem that some people are allergic to vote when the results are not in their favor"


I did not ask who, I asked why you posted this in conjunction with what I said.


English is a great language "you and your" can represent a people or a group of people, in my sentence I refer of group a people that you (baboon) support...

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