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Build a house on thai wife's father's land and he thinks he owns it

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7 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


"demolish the house as is my right in law".


I don't doubt your word on this but perhaps you can share exactly how that can be? An usufruct doesn't give you that right, neither does a lease nor does a superficies.

My lawyer. The land is his but the house is half mine and half my X wife's. Usufruct was cancelled on false signature. Court case already pending. Not this issue though. This isn't important.


He's 85 and still has to work. I admire that but not the other stuff.

Edited by SlartyBartfast
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1 minute ago, SlartyBartfast said:

My lawyer. The land is his but the house is half mine and half my X wife's. Usufruct was cancelled on false signature. Court case already pending. Not this issue though. This isn't important.


I wish you the best of everything, stay strong.

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Stop using the word DEMOLISH.... say, you will be relocating your Personal(i.e. House) Possessions to a new location. Then dismantle and what you do with the stuff following doesn't matter....or is any business of that family.

You say this is your ex wife's Father....There could be more fingers in the pie than you can imagine....


But as suggested....Hit the road...while you still can.

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40 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

OMG, what the <deleted> are you doing.


I counted 3 insulting words that would get him into a fight with  someone who spoke the language. He seems to totally hate your guts. He's asking you who you think the and belongs to and is a total idiot. GET THE HELL AWAY. STOP BUILDING AT ONCE.

NEVER even speak to this guy again as you have been totally dissed. 


I have never seen a Thai so angry before. That is true hatred.


I was chuckling at this old man when I showed the video to my wife and she was very serious and said it is not a funny thing at all.


Very serious.

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52 minutes ago, bearpolar said:


Countries do not matter in the analogy, its simple.  Old angry thai man has a daughter, she moves to an other city

and one day she comes back with an older man, 10 years later he still can't say "i didnt put the water on the ground"


Easy to see why he'd be pissed off.


Not taking sides here, just trying to make the racists of thaivisa understand that theres 2 way to see this.

You have a point. The father mentioned that the lizard could even understand what was being said.

Surely the op has only been here a few months out off those 10 years. 

Building a house without speaking the language is idiotic, sorry.

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3 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I have never seen a Thai so angry before. That is true hatred.


I was chuckling at this old man when I showed the video to my wife and she was very serious and said it is not a funny thing at all.


Very serious.

Very serious, especially as the wife is doing nothing too. I've never seen this much hatred, and to someone who built him a house!

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Need to keep a copy of this for myself, and put it on my screensaver.

"Why Renting in Thailand Makes Sense".


No matter how much she loved you...her dad never did.


Come to the Island....Rent a Bungalow.   Fagiddaboudit.

Happened to me 20 years ago....still recovering....but I am on that Island.


One more thing....don't do this again.




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32 minutes ago, Slip said:

That guy hates you to ****.  Back off and wait for him to die.  Just drop the building now.  Move to a distant town and wait him out.


Yeah...go to the funeral, and grab your crotch as he burns.

By the way....not likely the inheritors of that property will ever let you get it either.


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2 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:


Yeah...go to the funeral, and grab your crotch as he burns.

By the way....not likely the inheritors of that property will ever let you get it either.


  That last comment- absolutely true.

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1 hour ago, SlartyBartfast said:

He has his own house on the same land. He was living in it for a few years and reluctantly moved out when I wanted it again.


Ok, so, he was living in the house... if I understand this correctly, then he probably feels that he is being thrown out of a house that has come to be his own? Maybe someone told him he could live there forever. It is not unusual for a Thai to build a house for their mother and father or let them live in their home. I think there must be some reason for him to be that angry... 


But man, that is a lot of unforgettable anger. No matter what, how could you ever live there in peace... this might have been screwed up without your knowledge or agreement. Did you get along with him before? Also, I would imagine filming him was throwing some gasoline on the fire too... sometimes it is best to just leave something rotten behind. 


Good luck - stay safe - if you want to get involved, find out his side of the story - he is acting like someone did him wrong. 

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This is only going to end one way for you. Really, get the Hell out of there while you can. He's an old man and has nothing to lose by doing or having done what he could do. You cannot win. Life is cheap to these people. Particularly yours.

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13 minutes ago, kenk24 said:


Ok, so, he was living in the house... if I understand this correctly, then he probably feels that he is being thrown out of a house that has come to be his own? Maybe someone told him he could live there forever. It is not unusual for a Thai to build a house for their mother and father or let them live in their home. I think there must be some reason for him to be that angry... 


But man, that is a lot of unforgettable anger. No matter what, how could you ever live there in peace... this might have been screwed up without your knowledge or agreement. Did you get along with him before? Also, I would imagine filming him was throwing some gasoline on the fire too... sometimes it is best to just leave something rotten behind. 


Good luck - stay safe - if you want to get involved, find out his side of the story - he is acting like someone did him wrong. 

Yes, we got along fine but then my ex wife did something very bad to upset him. I heard him shouting at her and I recorded it then. I didn't understand anything. I agree with a previous comment that I'm an idiot not to speak Thai but it's not through want of lessons. I'm just an idiot when it comes to languages. Too many generations on a little island.

Yes the filming is what made him more angry. Sometimes I can't help myself. I also have a bad habit of shouting back to people who shout at me.

Best to go back inside and say nothing but it's a weakness.

Just feel like packing up right now.

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6 minutes ago, SlartyBartfast said:

Yes, we got along fine but then my ex wife did something very bad to upset him. I heard him shouting at her and I recorded it then. I didn't understand anything. I agree with a previous comment that I'm an idiot not to speak Thai but it's not through want of lessons. I'm just an idiot when it comes to languages. Too many generations on a little island.

Yes the filming is what made him more angry. Sometimes I can't help myself. I also have a bad habit of shouting back to people who shout at me.

Best to go back inside and say nothing but it's a weakness.

Just feel like packing up right now.


I sure understand this. I have the same darned problem.


I can speak Spanish but not even basic Thai.

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6 minutes ago, SlartyBartfast said:

Yes, we got along fine but then my ex wife did something very bad to upset him. I heard him shouting at her and I recorded it then. I didn't understand anything. I agree with a previous comment that I'm an idiot not to speak Thai but it's not through want of lessons. I'm just an idiot when it comes to languages. Too many generations on a little island.

Yes the filming is what made him more angry. Sometimes I can't help myself. I also have a bad habit of shouting back to people who shout at me.

Best to go back inside and say nothing but it's a weakness.

Just feel like packing up right now.


You seemed to keep your cool. I wonder how you might feel if you knew the whole story, and from his side as well. Do you really want to live there? Why are you there if it is your ex wife?


Some people do not do languages well. We all have our stuff that we do better and worse. 


and after that, packing up and leaving sounds like a good idea, or, find out what is going on.

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Sorry OP maybe a silly question but you split with wife if I  not mistaken so why you hanging around? House served you for 10 years done it's job. Why so bitter? If you are able just walk away from the stresses with your head held high.

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You've found yourself in an untenable position. There is nothing for you to stay there for. After the old man used the "water monitor" expletive,  (Ai hia, a phrase which if uttered by you would receive immediate physical retaliation), that was the signal to "get out of "Dodge". You are on enemy territory. He is Thai and you are merely farang. We all know what that means in most cases when the police are involved. The body language of the familymembers indicated where they stand.

Swallow your pride, take a deep breath and seek greener pastures. Good luck. 

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"He even kicked his own daughter out".
dont believe that, thats only a show for you, his daughter has the legal duty to support him, if he is older, he will not reject that. if you loose the house, your thai girlfriend is to blame, nobody else, very likely she has 5 other falang friends, who are just waiting to build another house.
such things happen every single day in thailand. you are lucky, if you survive that. police always say- suicide.

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1 hour ago, kenk24 said:


You seemed to keep your cool. I wonder how you might feel if you knew the whole story, and from his side as well. Do you really want to live there? Why are you there if it is your ex wife?


Some people do not do languages well. We all have our stuff that we do better and worse. 


and after that, packing up and leaving sounds like a good idea, or, find out what is going on.

That's bullshit. I told myself the same thing over and over. My grammar in my own language is equivalent to a bad 10 years old(I failed it in school, only thing i sucked at but they always gave me the minimum mark).


You know what? I picked up books on Thai, after a week i could read.

Later i did 6 months at Wallen and im pretty proficient for someone that never practices, enough to get some kind of point across if i need to.





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4 minutes ago, lemonjelly said:

Bit confused by the living in house on ex-wife's father's land thing, you divorced but still hanging around?


I thought the same thing. The OP is in strange relationship ... and I guess the cranky old man has even less reason to view him as "family".


I read a post from another expat who was in a similar situation but he was welcomed by the mother-in-law and told he could stay in the house he built on their land until the day he died ... I think he made a contribution to the family budget, and I'm sure that helped a great deal. 

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Start an 'accidental' fire while 'drunk' and bail out man…this looks like some serious shit.


If anyone talked to me like that I would either run or <deleted!> them up real good.

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