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Violent protests in Milwaukee after police shoot dead armed suspect


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Violent protests in Milwaukee after police shoot dead armed suspect




MILWAUKEE: -- Anger has erupted into violence in the US city of Milwaukee, after police shot and killed an armed suspect.


Protesters have hurled bricks, fired gunshots and set a petrol station on fire.


The 23-year-old suspect is said to have died after trying to run away from officers following a traffic stop.


“A Milwaukee police officer with six years of experience started chasing the individual, who was running to the east,” explained Tom Barrett, Mayor of Milwaukee.


“He ordered that individual to drop his gun. The individual did not drop his gun, held the gun, or I should say I don’t know that for a fact, but had the gun with him, and the officer fired several times.”


It is unclear whether the suspect fired any shots – and his race and name have not been released.


The police officer involved has been placed on administrative duty during an investigation.


There have been protests in several US cities in recent years over police shootings of civilians.


Saturday’s incident comes after a violent night in Milwaukee, when five men were killed in nine shootings across the city.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-15
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Milwaukee Rioter: Rich People Got All This Money… ‘Don’t Give Us None’ – So We Burn Gas Stations (Video)


VIDEO: Milwaukee agitators shout ‘black power,’ attack white drivers

#MilwaukeeLootCrew about to steal this cracker's car


The guy the cops shot below - he was armed when shot.

sylville-k-smith_03 (1).jpg

Edited by Scotwight
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"Saturday’s incident comes after a violent night in Milwaukee, when five men were killed in nine shootings across the city."


Why aren't the rioters ever angry about the black-on-black violence?


This white guy just can't wrap his head around that one.



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52 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

"Saturday’s incident comes after a violent night in Milwaukee, when five men were killed in nine shootings across the city."


Why aren't the rioters ever angry about the black-on-black violence?


This white guy just can't wrap his head around that one.



Interesting you should say that as the cop that shot the black guy who has a long criminal record is also black. BLM just wait around for any excuse to riot, loot and burn.

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45 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

Interesting you should say that as the cop that shot the black guy who has a long criminal record is also black. BLM just wait around for any excuse to riot, loot and burn.


Aha...thanks for racial identity of the officer.


I wonder if that was known to the rioters at the time they went on their destructive path through the city? 


In times past, when it has been learned the police officer was not white then the BLM movement typically doesn't get involved...or the Press for that matter.

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I saw another news story on this, and it is said that the gun this

guy was holding was loaded and had lots of bullets.

  I am assuming that not every time a person gets shot, that they are

innocent. The people in one news story seem very quick to bad

mouth the police, before they even know the facts.  Guess we will

have to wait a few days before more facts come out about this



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2 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I saw another news story on this, and it is said that the gun this

guy was holding was loaded and had lots of bullets.

  I am assuming that not every time a person gets shot, that they are

innocent. The people in one news story seem very quick to bad

mouth the police, before they even know the facts.  Guess we will

have to wait a few days before more facts come out about this




I think the new argument of BLM is that merely posessing a loaded firearm and refusing a police order to drop it is no longer sufficient grounds for an officer to protect his/her own life.


The new standard is the bad guy must be allowed to shoot first so that we can first learn his intent.



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One of these days these blacks are going to really overplay their right to loot and other acts of domestic terrorism because of a police shooting (and have their heads handed to them). Just don't hold your breath until it happens.



Edited by MaxYakov
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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


Or maybe fewer guns in the hands of people not legally allowed to have them.




Errrr. I think the looting and racist attacks is a bit beyond who has this or that firearm, since most of the blacks committing these acts of terrorism were not armed.


New Black Panther Leader on Milwaukee: This Is A War - Breitbart - August 14, 2016


Whether he had a gun or not is not the narrative in this perspective,” he said, referring to the assailant in the case. “You have to understand that America is a country of guns. And people are going to own them. Unless that police officer was threatened with that man raising the gun up at him, and actually trying to do harm to him, he is absolutely wrong.”


If these people were not Democrat voters they would be subject to charges of treason and/or domestic terrorism (in a sane world, of course).

Edited by MaxYakov
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I keep hearing "he had a gun", but I'm not hearing that he had drawn it or that he had threatened officers. There is video but it's not released. Why not release the video to show the officer clearly had the right to shoot the thug? This would calm the riots immediately if they could prove the thug had a gun in his hand and was a threat. It makes me wonder if the cops might be hiding something if they won't release the video.

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C'mon guys, nothing to see here. No Call By Obama for Peace After Milwaukee Anti-Police Riot; Press Fails to Question Golfing Obama About Riot

Not even a press statement according to the article; Even after the National Guard is activated...

This is the same guy who declares a presidential hopeful as woefully unfit for the job; Barry obviously has also quite a sense of humour; Or maybe even sarcasm?



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This is clearly an Islamic terrorist problem.  If a Swiss national in Switzerland stabbing people on a train can be labeled a Muslim terrorist attack then obviously this falls into the same category.  Apart from that, it's the summer, it's hot and it's riot season. T.I.USA.

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3 hours ago, ChoakMyDee said:

I keep hearing "he had a gun", but I'm not hearing that he had drawn it or that he had threatened officers. There is video but it's not released. Why not release the video to show the officer clearly had the right to shoot the thug? This would calm the riots immediately if they could prove the thug had a gun in his hand and was a threat. It makes me wonder if the cops might be hiding something if they won't release the video.


The thug being in posession of a firearm and refusing a police order to drop it is sufficient grounds for an officer to shoot a suspect.


The police are under no obligation to let the thug point gun or fire gun before they can stop the threat...for what I would hope are obvious reasons.


Its called "escalation of force".



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3 hours ago, Andreas2 said:

C'mon guys, nothing to see here. No Call By Obama for Peace After Milwaukee Anti-Police Riot; Press Fails to Question Golfing Obama About Riot

Not even a press statement according to the article; Even after the National Guard is activated...

This is the same guy who declares a presidential hopeful as woefully unfit for the job; Barry obviously has also quite a sense of humour; Or maybe even sarcasm?




This is a great cartoon.

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12 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

Let's see how our lefty friends on TVF can blame Trump for this one.



Give them time.  Firstly, they will get their media mates to do their investigations, then twist the words and add a few for sensationalism, talk about it for three days and after having told themselves the same story, over and over they will believe their own BS and tell that it was his fault.


You only have to watch CNN to see where they get all the bile and bias to spew forth,  and even when Trump has nothing to say, they just revert to past comments in order to keep their BS going so they can  continue  with their attempts to destroy him.  I thought Hillary could tell a few porkies but she has nothing on these so called TV experts. 

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5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


The thug being in posession of a firearm and refusing a police order to drop it is sufficient grounds for an officer to shoot a suspect.


The police are under no obligation to let the thug point gun or fire gun before they can stop the threat...for what I would hope are obvious reasons.


Its called "escalation of force".




Yeah, but why not release the video? If the video shows the thug clearly had a gun and wouldn't drop it, then the rioting morons would know it was a justified shooting and it might quell the riots. It doesn't make sense they won't release it...unless the police are hiding something.


It seems like the people in charge down there are trying to start a race riot.

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21 hours ago, ChoakMyDee said:

I keep hearing "he had a gun", but I'm not hearing that he had drawn it or that he had threatened officers. There is video but it's not released. Why not release the video to show the officer clearly had the right to shoot the thug? This would calm the riots immediately if they could prove the thug had a gun in his hand and was a threat. It makes me wonder if the cops might be hiding something if they won't release the video.



Do you understands how the law works?  You do not release evidence that may be prejudicial to either party until an investigation is completed.  It's only passersby who film this on their phones who do.   Under Police regulations, world wide, a gun is deemed to be loaded regardless of the situation and an officer has the right to assume that an offender, white or black, is capable of using it, therefore, if someone refuses a lawful direction, then they leave themselves open to equal force being applied.  I even read where someone said that those involved in the riots weren't armed.  What in the hell are rocks, pieces of timber and Molotov cocktails, children's' toys?  And why do you have a need to hear if he was armed or not, if he drew a gun or threatened the officer?  And why do you have need to see the video?  Would like to read your response. 


And are any of the do gooders able to offer a reasonable explanation as to why these criminals (rioters) hide their faces.  I can, they're gutless cowards who although saying they are fighting for a cause they are only committing criminal offences and are frightened of the consequences if they're caught.  Real heroes aren't they?  I think not.


It's funny you know, It was an American African Policeman, not a whitey, who has to live with this for the rest of his life and here are these so called upright citizens baying for his crucifixion.  Why is it always the police who have something to hide?  Doesn't the other side or even the media, who twist and turn things in order to sensationalise everything they gets their hands on do the same as many are insinuating the police do? They mislead, provide misinformation, ask leading questions, assume many things, mostly incorrectly and then, if they cannot get the answer they want, they cut the interview short and do not allow the interviewee the full right of reply in order to clarify something he or she may have said.  If you watch the news on a regular basis or read certain newspapers you will see what I mean by the press being deceitful.


I am also sick and tired of people putting their race or religion before their  citizenship.  They're either American, English, German, Russian, etc., then whatever else they want to call themselves comes last.  By using the other first they themselves are being racist and setting themselves aside from other citizens and looking to play the sympathy card and then if someone calls them out they can play that and the racist card in their attempts to shut down the debate. 


You are living in la la land if you think the releasing of a video would calm down these morons immediately.  And for you benefit, the police are not obliged to release anything, and even if they did and it showed that the officer was within his rights, then someone, somewhere, would find something to be critical of.  These activists clearly had the intent to create as much damage as they could and did it within a very short space of time.  I'd say organised to the point that they were on standby and waiting for any excuse to create mayhem and hurt as many innocent people they could through the destruction of their property and livelihoods.     


Now, none of us know what occurred, yet many on here and in the BLM decry the police and criticise them no end but I bet if anyone of them needed lawful assistance, the first port of call would be the police.  I am not saying that all these killings are lawful or otherwise but for God's sake let's not jump the gun with our criticisms. This group, the BLM, and their followers, go on about divisiveness, I'd say that their title alone fits this category and is one of the most racist titles ever.


It's about time these activists realised that they are not the only group n this planet who are suffering and it is all lives that matters, (ALM)not black, or white, or yellow or any other colour or religious following, it is all lives.  And the quicker they bring their own minority into line and get that huge chip off their shoulder, then maybe, just maybe, all creeds can start living in harmony and the world can become a better place, because right now it sure in the hell ain't.  

Edited by Si Thea01
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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:



Do you understands how the law works?  You do not release evidence that may be prejudicial to either party until an investigation is completed.  It's only passersby who film this on their phones who do.   Under Police regulations, world wide, a gun is deemed to be loaded regardless of the situation and an officer has the right to assume that an offender, white or black, is capable of using it, therefore, if someone refuses a lawful direction, then they leave themselves open to equal force being applied.  I even read where someone said that those involved in the riots weren't armed.  What in the hell are rocks, pieces of timber and Molotov cocktails, children's' toys?  And why do you have a need to hear if he was armed or not, if he drew a gun or threatened the officer?  And why do you have need to see the video?  Would like to read your response. 


And are any of the do gooders able to offer a reasonable explanation as to why these criminals (rioters) hide their faces.  I can, they're gutless cowards who although saying they are fighting for a cause they are only committing criminal offences and are frightened of the consequences if they're caught.  Real heroes aren't they?  I think not.


It's funny you know, It was an American African Policeman, not a whitey, who has to live with this for the rest of his life and here are these so called upright citizens baying for his crucifixion.  Why is it always the police who have something to hide?  Doesn't the other side or even the media, who twist and turn things in order to sensationalise everything they gets their hands on do the same as many are insinuating the police do? They mislead, provide misinformation, ask leading questions, assume many things, mostly incorrectly and then, if they cannot get the answer they want, they cut the interview short and do not allow the interviewee the full right of reply in order to clarify something he or she may have said.  If you watch the news on a regular basis or read certain newspapers you will see what I mean by the press being deceitful.


I am also sick and tired of people putting their race or religion before their  citizenship.  They're either American, English, German, Russian, etc., then whatever else they want to call themselves comes last.  By using the other first they themselves are being racist and setting themselves aside from other citizens and looking to play the sympathy card and then if someone calls them out they can play that and the racist card in their attempts to shut down the debate. 


You are living in la la land if you think the releasing of a video would calm down these morons immediately.  And for you benefit, the police are not obliged to release anything, and even if they did and it showed that the officer was within his rights, then someone, somewhere, would find something to be critical of.  These activists clearly had the intent to create as much damage as they could and did it within a very short space of time.  I'd say organised to the point that they were on standby and waiting for any excuse to create mayhem and hurt as many innocent people they could through the destruction of their property and livelihoods.     


Now, none of us know what occurred, yet many on here and in the BLM decry the police and criticise them no end but I bet if anyone of them needed lawful assistance, the first port of call would be the police.  I am not saying that all these killings are lawful or otherwise but for God's sake let's not jump the gun with our criticisms. This group, the BLM, and their followers, go on about divisiveness, I'd say that their title alone fits this category and is one of the most racist titles ever.


It's about time these activists realised that they are not the only group n this planet who are suffering and it is all lives that matters, (ALM)not black, or white, or yellow or any other colour or religious following, it is all lives.  And the quicker they bring their own minority into line and get that huge chip off their shoulder, then maybe, just maybe, all creeds can start living in harmony and the world can become a better place, because right now it sure in the hell ain't.  

Excellent post. Spot on. Thank  you.

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