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Trump goes on tear against media, not Clinton


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5 minutes ago, thaihome said:


The inadvertent irony of said poster quoting a piece by a Hillary supporters whose intention is to remind rational voters that complacency could allow "Tom, Dick and Harry (and Bob and Joe and Billy Bob and Billy Joe and Billy Bob Joe) " to carry the election for Trump is obviously lost on the poster. We do appreciate the support for Hillary. 




Well then, here's another arrow or two for your quiver:



"As it is, Trump is the non-leftist in the race. Thus, it’s understandable that a great many conservatives will vote for him. It’s also understandable that the vast majority of conservatives don’t hate him; that most conservative commentators tend to direct their fire at Hillary Clinton, rather than Trump; and that they decline to dwell on Trump’s shortcomings."


In other words, we hold our noses and vote for him as he is the lessor of the two woefully-impaired candidates. ;)

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DES MOINES, Iowa — Donald Trump received a rockstar welcome from roughly two-thousand people when he took the stage as “I’m Proud to Be an American” played from the speakers at Sen. Joni Ernst’s second annual Roast and Ride in Des Moines, Iowa on Saturday."


2,000 people?  Crooked Hillary can't fill a high school gym! :rolleyes:


"Trump, who spoke from a teleprompter, remained on message, attacking his rival Hillary Clinton’s “pay for play State Department.”

“She thinks she’s above the law,” he stated about Clinton. “The truth is, she lies.”

“She’s unfit to serve in the oval office,” he added.”The Clintons have had their time on the stage, but now it’s time to close that chapter in the history book and open a brand new beautiful chapter.”



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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

“She thinks she’s above the law,” he stated about Clinton. “The truth is, she lies.”

“She’s unfit to serve in the oval office,” he added.”The Clintons have had their time on the stage, but now it’s time to close that chapter in the history book and open a brand new beautiful chapter.”


That's all Trump's got:  complete negative campaigning.  He's sinking lower by the day.


Here's Trump's "brand new beautiful chapter"


>>>  not paying workers for work done.

>>>  spurious accusations against anyone who doesn't flatter him

>>>  hates media and hopes the NY Times will go out of business (he's the 'jobs president', remember?)

>>>  wants to forbid foreign workers, yet hired hundreds of Polish workers in NYC (for below-minimum-wage), and dozens more foreigners at his palace in FL.

>>>  shields Roger Ailes who is being accused by many workers at Fox for sexual harassment. He's now got Ailes as a top campaign advisor.

>>>  Uses donated 'campaign' money to pay for various overpriced Trump property rentals and his pricy private jet - and stuffs of a lot of that easy money in his fat pockets.  Note: his 'campaign expenses' (paid by donations) for his rentals of Trump properties in NYC went up five-fold while his staff lessened in number!   If anyone reading this is donating to Trump, you're dumber than the people who kept investing in Madoff after the shit hit the fan with him.


Remember when Trump shouted how he was so rich he would never seek outside donations and would never be beholden to any entity?   ha ha ha.   People who donate to Trump are as stupid as the people who offer to pay the richest peoples' bills in an expensive restaurant.  Suckers!



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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

DES MOINES, Iowa — Donald Trump received a rockstar welcome from roughly two-thousand people when he took the stage as “I’m Proud to Be an American” played from the speakers at Sen. Joni Ernst’s second annual Roast and Ride in Des Moines, Iowa on Saturday."


2,000 people?  Crooked Hillary can't fill a high school gym! :rolleyes:


"Trump, who spoke from a teleprompter, remained on message, attacking his rival Hillary Clinton’s “pay for play State Department.”

“She thinks she’s above the law,” he stated about Clinton. “The truth is, she lies.”

“She’s unfit to serve in the oval office,” he added.”The Clintons have had their time on the stage, but now it’s time to close that chapter in the history book and open a brand new beautiful chapter.”




Breitbart and Powerline links (sigh) Breitbart management is running his campaign and you're referencing a Breitbart post to prove...nevermind. tsk


Remaining on message, reading from a teleprompter can only help cheeto jesus. But...he can't do it longer than 20 minutes. 


Back on Twitter, Donald Trump exploited the death of a black mother in Chicago on Friday, saying it was a clear example of why Blacks should vote for him. :whistling:


What an awful creep he is. Yeah, sure, you'll get lots of Black voters, and Hispanics too. Asshat. 


HRC leads Trump 91% to 1% among Black voters in polls. Hey all he can do is get better! Maybe push it up to 2%. 


Indeedy do....:thumbsup:  



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6 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


That's all Trump's got:  complete negative campaigning.  He's sinking lower by the day.





Au contraire amigo!

Trump is merely pulling out the rug from under Crooked Hillary's feet by further revealing her lies, duplicity and corruption! 

Edited by Boon Mee
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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Au contraire amigo!

Trump is merely pulling out the rug from under Crooked Hillary's feet by further revealing her lies, duplicity and corruption! 


It would seem at this point in time HRC has 273 electoral votes; and that's before any battleground states are won or lost.

So all your huffing and puffing is to no avail. No-one is interested in Breitbart/Fox/Jones/Limbaugh fairy tales any more.


The accelerated pace of the fairy tales should tell you that. One week on health: No effect. One week on "pay for play": No effect.

What's next week, she is a shape shifting lizard alien and eats babies?


Might as well be for all the good it will do.



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Au contraire amigo!

Trump is merely pulling out the rug from under Crooked Hillary's feet by further revealing her lies, duplicity and corruption! 

Funny kind of rug. Real clear politics is revealing Hillary's already strong lead is getting even stronger.
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59 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Funny kind of rug. Real clear politics is revealing Hillary's already strong lead is getting even stronger.


I don't think Boon Mee get his polling news from RealClearPolitics.

It's Breitbart and Fox for him I reckon.



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I hope everyone posting herein is getting outside each day to do enjoyable and invigorating things.  Sitting and staring at a screen for too many hours can be a downer, particularly if it's all about Trump with his 'headline-per-day-no-matter-how-outrageous'.


Admittedly, there is entertainment value in the Trumpster's daily mouth farts.  But it sure is a relief to get out in nature to realize Trump is just a noisy little cog in a big ugly wheel called THE ESTABLISHMENT.

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54 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

I hope everyone posting herein is getting outside each day to do enjoyable and invigorating things.  Sitting and staring at a screen for too many hours can be a downer, particularly if it's all about Trump with his 'headline-per-day-no-matter-how-outrageous'.


Admittedly, there is entertainment value in the Trumpster's daily mouth farts.  But it sure is a relief to get out in nature to realize Trump is just a noisy little cog in a big ugly wheel called THE ESTABLISHMENT.



Made me smile. Jingthing with 71000 posts 'liked' your post ;)

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20 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


That's all Trump's got:  complete negative campaigning.  He's sinking lower by the day.


Here's Trump's "brand new beautiful chapter"


>>>  not paying workers for work done.

>>>  spurious accusations against anyone who doesn't flatter him

>>>  hates media and hopes the NY Times will go out of business (he's the 'jobs president', remember?)

>>>  wants to forbid foreign workers, yet hired hundreds of Polish workers in NYC (for below-minimum-wage), and dozens more foreigners at his palace in FL.

>>>  shields Roger Ailes who is being accused by many workers at Fox for sexual harassment. He's now got Ailes as a top campaign advisor.

>>>  Uses donated 'campaign' money to pay for various overpriced Trump property rentals and his pricy private jet - and stuffs of a lot of that easy money in his fat pockets.  Note: his 'campaign expenses' (paid by donations) for his rentals of Trump properties in NYC went up five-fold while his staff lessened in number!   If anyone reading this is donating to Trump, you're dumber than the people who kept investing in Madoff after the shit hit the fan with him.


Remember when Trump shouted how he was so rich he would never seek outside donations and would never be beholden to any entity?   ha ha ha.   People who donate to Trump are as stupid as the people who offer to pay the richest peoples' bills in an expensive restaurant.  Suckers!




So what entity are you suggesting he is beholden to?  You can correct me if I'm wrong, which I am sure you will do but wasn't Trump referring to the primaries with that remark, and later added that he would have to wait and see what he would have to do in relation to the general election campaign?


Given HRC has superpac and corporate donors, in addition to ordinary citizens,  then with Trump's ordinary citizen donors averaging about $60.00 per donation and he is gaining on her in funding, doesn't this say that a lot of people are donating, and may be causing a little concern to her campaign, despite what the polls you reference are saying.


So if I may ask, why such ungracious remarks in respect to those donors, no doubt none of whom you know?  These people have the same rights as you, to vote for whom those they choose, to donate to whom they choose and to have opinions, even if the latter is in opposition to yourself. :wai:



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12 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

in relation to the general election campaign

Trump has and is pursuing billionaire support not to mention the funds provided by the RNC as the GOP nominated presidential candidate. Nothing wrong with that but just simply not as effective as Hillary to date, especially with failing to get Kochs' support. But he's working to improve his connections with billionaire donors.


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20 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Trump has and is pursuing billionaire support not to mention the funds provided by the RNC as the GOP nominated presidential candidate. Nothing wrong with that but just simply not as effective as Hillary to date, especially with failing to get Kochs' support. But he's working to improve his connections with billionaire donors.



Thank you for the information.  Yes, agreed that HRC is doing a little better.  Just read a report on the Koch's, it might be a little interesting to note that they are not supporting her either.  If you want to see what was said then here is a link.



If he's successful in securing large donors, good luck to him, providing he does not become beholden to the Billionaires you say he is pursuing.

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On 8/29/2016 at 8:54 AM, Si Thea01 said:

So what entity are you suggesting he is beholden to?  You can correct me if I'm wrong, which I am sure you will do but wasn't Trump referring to the primaries with that remark, and later added that he would have to wait and see what he would have to do in relation to the general election campaign?

Given HRC has superpac and corporate donors, in addition to ordinary citizens,  then with Trump's ordinary citizen donors averaging about $60.00 per donation and he is gaining on her in funding, doesn't this say that a lot of people are donating, and may be causing a little concern to her campaign, despite what the polls you reference are saying.

So if I may ask, why such ungracious remarks in respect to those donors, no doubt none of whom you know?  These people have the same rights as you, to vote for whom those they choose, to donate to whom they choose and to have opinions, even if the latter is in opposition to yourself. :wai:


To answer your first Q: Trump is beholden to his very rich supporters. Two proofs:  He's proposing lowering taxes on very rich, and abolishing inheritance tax - also for the v. rich.  Those also benefit himself.   If he was 1/20th as rich as he shouts he is, he could easily pay for his campaign, which he said he would, last year.   Name one thing that he's not waffled on.  I bet you can't.


Trump said last Fall that he was so rich, he didn't need any outside money for campaigning.  He's tweaked that statement now, like he's tweaked everything he's asserted prior.  I have kids.  If they give me soggy excuses for changing their prior commitments, then I gently reprimand them for it.  I admire responsibility.  Trump is void in the responsibility dept.


I ridicule Trump voters because, whether they know it or not, a large share of their donations are going toward paying rents/upkeep on various Trump properties (he has greatly inflates the rates in past months), for catering/events at his golf courses, for super-high expenses for his out-dated gas-hog jet, and lots of other spending which directly or indirectly goes into his pockets.

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On 8/28/2016 at 8:27 AM, Boon Mee said:

Trump:  "but now it’s time to close that chapter in the history book and open a brand new beautiful chapter.”


I like how he inserts the adjective 'beautiful' in there.  How does he define 'beautiful' ?   For Trump, perhaps beautiful means . . . . . .


>>>  no paying workers for work done

>>>  dumping a prior wife for a prettier younger model

>>>  not honoring Nato members, thereby putting former Soviet Satellite states at risk of being sucked into being Russian States.  Trump to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, "Sorry guys. I looked at the ledger and you didn't pay your full share of Nato dues.  Tough luck.  You're on your own.  Maybe that will teach you to pay your dues in the future, eh?"

>>>  Saying you're going to build a wall, then saying you're not really going to build it, then saying you are going to build it, and it will be twice as high, then saying you're not really going to build it, ........

>>>  Having your word be trash, completely unreliable.


.....is that Trump's definition of 'brand new beautiful chapter' ?


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41 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


I like how he inserts the adjective 'beautiful' in there.  How does he define 'beautiful' ?   For Trump, perhaps beautiful means . . . . . .


>>>  no paying workers for work done

>>>  dumping a prior wife for a prettier younger model

>>>  not honoring Nato members, thereby putting former Soviet Satellite states at risk of being sucked into being Russian States.  Trump to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, "Sorry guys. I looked at the ledger and you didn't pay your full share of Nato dues.  Tough luck.  You're on your own.  Maybe that will teach you to pay your dues in the future, eh?"

>>>  Saying you're going to build a wall, then saying you're not really going to build it, then saying you are going to build it, and it will be twice as high, then saying you're not really going to build it, ........

>>>  Having your word be trash, completely unreliable.


.....is that Trump's definition of 'brand new beautiful chapter' ?




That would be "dumping two prior wives for a prettier younger model".


And the third one called him "loyal".



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Stu Rothenberg is a centrist Republican but independent pollster and political analysis I've read for more than 20 years. Stu is balanced, moderate, reserved, detailed, accurate. 


If Stu says a Republican is going to lose, you can pretty much take that to the bank. Likewise if Stu says the Democrat will win.


Here's what Stu Rothenberg is saying about this election at this point as the actual campaigning by each candidate against the other begins.....


Stuart Rothenberg: “Over the past 10 presidential contests, there have been three narrow Electoral College wins (1976, 2000 and 2004) and three true blow-outs (1980, 1984 and 1988).


The remaining four contests (1992, 1996, 2008 and 2012) produced something in between — a comfortable victory for the winner but not quite a landslide. The winners in those four elections received between 332 and 379 electoral votes, while the losing candidate drew between 159 and 206 electoral votes.


“At this point, Clinton is more likely to approach the size of Obama’s wins, whether his 365-to-173 electoral vote win over John McCain in 2008 or his 332-to-206 victory over Mitt Romney four years later. A 1980-style blow-out does not seem to be in the cards given the country’s current political divide or the two major-party nominees.”


So today might be a good day to go to the bank. 

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


To answer your first Q: Trump is beholden to his very rich supporters. Two proofs:  He's proposing lowering taxes on very rich, and abolishing inheritance tax - also for the v. rich.  Those also benefit himself.   If he was 1/20th as rich as he shouts he is, he could easily pay for his campaign, which he said he would, last year.   Name one thing that he's not waffled on.  I bet you can't.


Trump said last Fall that he was so rich, he didn't need any outside money for campaigning.  He's tweaked that statement now, like he's tweaked everything he's asserted prior.  I have kids.  If they give me soggy excuses for changing their prior commitments, then I gently reprimand them for it.  I admire responsibility.  Trump is void in the responsibility dept.


I ridicule Trump voters because, whether they know it or not, a large share of their donations are going toward paying rents/upkeep on various Trump properties (he has greatly inflates the rates in past months), for catering/events at his golf courses, for super-high expenses for his out-dated gas-hog jet, and lots of other spending which directly or indirectly goes into his pockets.


Thank you for your insight.  To have so much knowledge must be very gratifying when you are able to share it with others.  :wai:

Edited by Si Thea01
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In further Trump news we see he's making inroads with our Black brothers! :)


DONALD TRUMP RECEIVES STANDING OVATION at Detroit Great Faith Ministries Church




Donald Trump ended his 14 minute speech with a Bible verse.

I’d like to conclude with a passage from First John, Chapter 4: You know it! You see most groups I speak to don’t know that. But we know. If you want we can say it together. “No one has ever seen God but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

The audience gave him a standing ovation.


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On 8/31/2016 at 6:37 AM, Publicus said:


If Stu says a Republican is going to lose, you can pretty much take that to the bank. Likewise if Stu says the Democrat will win.



If Stu said that the Republicans were going to win, you would not be posting it. I tend to ignore the opinions of those who only post one-sided spin.

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On ‎28‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 8:01 PM, Chicog said:

I don't think Boon Mee get his polling news from RealClearPolitics.

It's Breitbart and Fox for him I reckon.




Why is it that everything you sprout is right but those whose opinions differ to yours are wrong?  A fine example above. :wai:

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