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Trump goes on tear against media, not Clinton


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5 hours ago, Scotwight said:

Media Shock


Trump Back In Lead






The Drudge Report headline is not what one would call an accurate description of the article or the poll.



Who do you think will win?

We ask voters who they expect to see win, regardless of which candidate they support. Over the years, asking voters their expectation about which candidate will win often has proved to predict elections more reliably than asking how they plan to vote. That’s particularly true when the election is still many weeks away.

 Hillary Clinton 52.3%  Donald Trump 42.8%  Area of uncertainty* Based on 2,175respondents As of Aug. 04, 2016

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7 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Which is generally all the time.

Not easy picking the worst offender although NPR ranks pretty much at the top of the heap. :facepalm:

Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties



For example, an office building on Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan, of which Mr. Trump is part owner, carries a $950 million loan. Among the lenders: the Bank of China, one of the largest banks in a country that Mr. Trump has railed against as an economic foe of the United States, and Goldman Sachs, a financial institution he has said controls Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, after it paid her $675,000 in speaking fees.

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1 hour ago, Scotwight said:

You should not lie.  You wrote, " Obama showed up there also."  Not only did he now show up but he insulted them  "

Obama irks La. flood victims with memo warning them not to discriminate"




So ONE White Conservative (and his anonymous friend called "Jimmy") gets outraged at being told by the Black President to make sure the aid is spread fairly. Whoop de doo.

By the way, there is a reason that Obama has not visited LA yet.

He was specifically requested by the LA Governor to delay his arrival until rescue and recovery efforts are scaled back, so that resources can be used where and when they are needed.




President Barack Obama has come under fire for declining to cut his summer vacation short to travel to flood-ravaged Louisiana, but the state’s governor said a presidential visit at this time would only cause more headaches for officials. “It is a major ordeal, they free up the interstate for him,” Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Thursday. “We have to take hundreds of local first responders, police officers, sheriffs, deputies and state troopers to provide security for that type of visit.” “I would just as soon have those people engaged in the response rather than trying to secure the president,” Bel Edwards continued. “So I’d ask him to wait, if he would, another couple weeks.”



In fact Trump shouldn't have gone either, but he wanted his Photo Op didn't he?




Edited by Chicog
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16 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Did you write this?

At least you look at both sides re credibility but I would suggest you check out the so called normal people running the polls. You would find it very interesting to see who is actually behind many of them.  And no, if you want any links, I am not prepared to go back over them, suggest a little research would help you.


Another one of your brilliant questions I see.  How about being specific as to what evidence you are alleging I am claiming to have.  I see you are practising the maieutic method when responding.  Are you unable to answer what  was initially asked? 


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3 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



At least you look at both sides re credibility but I would suggest you check out the so called normal people running the polls. You would find it very interesting to see who is actually behind many of them. 

How would you know it is interesting unless you have evidence?  Or are you just making a guess?

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6 hours ago, Scotwight said:

Media Shock


Trump Back In Lead






There are always outlier polls in each and every election. 


In the 2016 election of Potus the USC Dornsife/LA Times Presidential Election Daybreak Poll is rapidly earning the outlier distinction and they're going it with a high visibility. It is, to be polite, an "innovative" way of polling in an election of the Potus. 


The survey bases its electorate on the 2012 electorate. Its gross mistake in this election is that it takes Republicans who voted for Romney and who say they have trouble with voting for Trump, and lists them as Republicans who will vote Republican in this election. The poll itself assigns the unsure Republicans about Trump as Trump voters in the end.


The data show however, that while Romney had 89% support among Republican party voters, Trump has 71%. This singularly knocks 2% off Trump's party base of support and this is a part of why HRC has a lead of 5% to 8% depending on which standard poll we look at.


From the LA Times itself in discussing their unusual polling predicates and methods.... 


Finally, some analysts think the Daybreak poll is slightly tilted toward the Republican side because of how it accounts for the way people voted in the last election.


The Daybreak poll weights the sample to account for how people say they voted in 2012: It’s set so that 25% of the sample are voters who say they cast a ballot for Mitt Romney and 27% for President Obama.

If that’s the case this year, then weighting for the vote history would result in slightly too many Republican voters in the sample, which would probably boost Trump’s standing by a point or two. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know for sure until we can compare the final vote to the poll’s final forecast.





This poll does not allow for undecideds or don't yet know. The poll assigns those unsure voters to one candidate or the other based on the 2012 voting. The poll itself does this. All the voters get assigned to either candidate based on the polls "innovative" premise and methods.


As many of us have known for a long time now, this election is not 2012. The 2016 Republican Party bears no resemblance to the 2012 Republican Party and its 2012 nominee.


So the poll has a radically flawed paradigm and a severely faulty methodology. It's what we could call a California experiment. 

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16 minutes ago, Publicus said:


There are always outlier polls in each and every election. 


In the 2016 election of Potus the USC Dornsife/LA Times Presidential Election Daybreak Poll is rapidly earning the outlier distinction and they're going it with a high visibility. It is, to be polite, an "innovative" way of polling in an election of the Potus. 


The survey bases its electorate on the 2012 electorate. Its gross mistake in this election is that it takes Republicans who voted for Romney and who say they have trouble with voting for Trump, and lists them as Republicans who will vote Republican in this election. The poll itself assigns the unsure Republicans about Trump as Trump voters in the end.


The data show however, that while Romney had 89% support among Republican party voters, Trump has 71%. This singularly knocks 2% off Trump's party base of support and this is a part of why HRC has a lead of 5% to 8% depending on which standard poll we look at.


From the LA Times itself in discussing their unusual polling predicates and methods.... 


Finally, some analysts think the Daybreak poll is slightly tilted toward the Republican side because of how it accounts for the way people voted in the last election.


The Daybreak poll weights the sample to account for how people say they voted in 2012: It’s set so that 25% of the sample are voters who say they cast a ballot for Mitt Romney and 27% for President Obama.

If that’s the case this year, then weighting for the vote history would result in slightly too many Republican voters in the sample, which would probably boost Trump’s standing by a point or two. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know for sure until we can compare the final vote to the poll’s final forecast.





This poll does not allow for undecideds or don't yet know. The poll assigns those unsure voters to one candidate or the other based on the 2012 voting. The poll itself does this. All the voters get assigned to either candidate based on the polls "innovative" premise and methods.


As many of us have known for a long time now, this election is not 2012. The 2016 Republican Party bears no resemblance to the 2012 Republican Party and its 2012 nominee.


So the poll has a radically flawed paradigm and a severely faulty methodology. It's what we could call a California experiment. 


An even more detailed explanation by Nate Silver in the NYT,  which means it cannot be quoted and you can need a subscription to read if your limited free monthly articles has been used up.



Since we are talking about polls, here is what Nate Silver says they are showing now (Aug 18th):

On average, Trump has just 37 percent of the vote in these polls (Clinton has 44 percent). That puts him on par with Barry Goldwater and George McGovern, who each got 38 percent of the vote in their respective landslide defeats of 1964 and1972.



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1 hour ago, thaihome said:


An even more detailed explanation by Nate Silver in the NYT,  which means it cannot be quoted and you can need a subscription to read if your limited free monthly articles has been used up.



Since we are talking about polls, here is what Nate Silver says they are showing now (Aug 18th):





Just a minor correction: it's the other Nate in the New York Times. Nate Silver. And he's really good, too.

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10 minutes ago, Chicog said:


So ONE White Conservative (and his anonymous friend called "Jimmy") gets outraged at being told by the Black President to make sure the aid is spread fairly. Whoop de doo.

By the way, there is a reason that Obama has not visited LA yet.

He was specifically requested by the LA Governor to delay his arrival until rescue and recovery efforts are scaled back, so that resources can be used where and when they are needed.




In fact Trump shouldn't have gone either, but he wanted his Photo Op didn't he?





Forget about the photo op, why shouldn't he have gone or this another chance for you  to Trump bash?  The Democratic Governor, of course would provide a reason for Obama not attending.  So why not ask Trump not to attend as he did the president. After all, one would expect the President to get preference over Trump, not the other way round.  The Governor must think Trump is more important.


Trump was afforded resources but not the President, who was told to wait so not to tie up those resources.  I think this was a hastily thought up press release to  hide the President's lack of thoughtfulness and  compassion of his fellow citizens and appears to have been hastily released to the press to cover his behind because he didn't want to break his holidays.  So now come Tuesday, which may be the end of his holidays, everything miraculously falls into line and the resources just happen to be available. 


What a load of croc, If you believe that press release, which it appears you do, then might I suggest you look out of your window and catch that flock of little pink things flying by.  :wai:

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8 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Forget about the photo op, why shouldn't he have gone or this another chance for you  to Trump bash?  The Democratic Governor, of course would provide a reason for Obama not attending.  So why not ask Trump not to attend as he did the president. After all, one would expect the President to get preference over Trump, not the other way round.  The Governor must think Trump is more important.


Trump was afforded resources but not the President, who was told to wait so not to tie up those resources.  I think this was a hastily thought up press release to  hide the President's lack of thoughtfulness and  compassion of his fellow citizens and appears to have been hastily released to the press to cover his behind because he didn't want to break his holidays.  So now come Tuesday, which may be the end of his holidays, everything miraculously falls into line and the resources just happen to be available. 


What a load of croc, If you believe that press release, which it appears you do, then might I suggest you look out of your window and catch that flock of little pink things flying by.  :wai:

Sad to see Trump exploiting the flood victims for a photo op. 


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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

At least you look at both sides re credibility but I would suggest you check out the so called normal people running the polls. You would find it very interesting to see who is actually behind many of them. 

How would you know it is interesting unless you have evidence?  Or are you just making a guess?


Obviously you can't watch too many news reports or take notice  of who conducts the polls, if you did than you would know who I am referring to and that is not me having any evidence, it is what is reported by journalists and reporters, who have the proof as they supposedly know or are they making it up or guessing?  

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I got my verb tenses wrong.  Obama is going to visit the flooded region. . . . . 




Yet the topic here is Trump angry at any and all media which isn't lavishing him in praise.

He loves the media when it's bowing at his feet or laughing at his jokes (like, "Obama and Hillary founded ISIS"), but hates the media when they're no adulatory.  


Typical Trump: temperament (and maturity level) of a bratty 9-year-old.




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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:


Forget about the photo op, why shouldn't he have gone or this another chance for you  to Trump bash?  The Democratic Governor, of course would provide a reason for Obama not attending.  So why not ask Trump not to attend as he did the president. After all, one would expect the President to get preference over Trump, not the other way round.  The Governor must think Trump is more important.


Trump was afforded resources but not the President, who was told to wait so not to tie up those resources.  I think this was a hastily thought up press release to  hide the President's lack of thoughtfulness and  compassion of his fellow citizens and appears to have been hastily released to the press to cover his behind because he didn't want to break his holidays.  So now come Tuesday, which may be the end of his holidays, everything miraculously falls into line and the resources just happen to be available. 


What a load of croc, If you believe that press release, which it appears you do, then might I suggest you look out of your window and catch that flock of little pink things flying by.  :wai:


A day or so ago I said you'd been posting politely about Trump, Clinton, fellow posters and the like. Perhaps even attempting to appear evenhanded, balanced, diplomatic, so I wasn't going to say you were a rightwhingenut.


Today however is a different day.


Then of course there's tomorrow.....


Looking like a certainly.

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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:


Obviously you can't watch too many news reports or take notice  of who conducts the polls, if you did than you would know who I am referring to and that is not me having any evidence, it is what is reported by journalists and reporters, who have the proof as they supposedly know or are they making it up or guessing?  


if you did than you would know who I am referring to


So I guess we know who we are eh. :lol: 

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12 hours ago, Buzzz said:

Sad to see Trump exploiting the flood victims for a photo op. 




Yeah, yeah, yeah.  The same old mish mash.  Can't you find something more original to come up with.  This has been done over and over.  Obama is awaiting your post after he visits there on Tuesday. 

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10 hours ago, Publicus said:


if you did than you would know who I am referring to


So I guess we know who we are eh. :lol:


I think you do that a lot, guess that is.  I don't have to because I know, keeps you wondering does it?

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8 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



Yeah, yeah, yeah.  The same old mish mash.  Can't you find something more original to come up with.  This has been done over and over.  Obama is awaiting your post after he visits there on Tuesday. 

Yup, the real photo op comes Tuesday...

Trump is the only one showing an iota of Leadership with the flooding. :thumbsup:

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1 minute ago, Boon Mee said:

Yup, the real photo op comes Tuesday...

Trump is the only one showing an iota of Leadership with the flooding. :thumbsup:


No it is not leadership it is opportunism. The Governor of LA asked officials to stay away at the moment or it would impede the effort to help those in need. Trump ignored that and pitched up unannounced. Simply selfish.

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11 hours ago, Publicus said:


A day or so ago I said you'd been posting politely about Trump, Clinton, fellow posters and the like. Perhaps even attempting to appear evenhanded, balanced, diplomatic, so I wasn't going to say you were a rightwhingenut.


Today however is a different day.


Then of course there's tomorrow.....


Looking like a certainly.


Have I been derogatory  towards Clinton and the like, whoever they may be and if one speaks the truth about Obama, heavens forbid.  One just gets tired of the same old, same old, day in and day out, the rehashing of posts, non original comments and the constant twisted, misinformation that is being dished out to one side. 


Maybe if you and those of your ilk were able to recognise that Hilary has just as many faults, some a lot worse than others, and said so, then one could accept that there is an even handed argument being had but sadly it is not. If you say I have been overly critical of Hilary, show me, don't write something and not refer to it. Wait, I know why you do, because you cannot.


Then a little sarcasm is added and together, you find it in your power to criticise me and suggest that one is a right wingnut.  So to listen to both sides and not degrade anyone, as you are suggesting I have, but which I dispute, then if that is your opinion so be it but at the least I know you are unable to say that I have adopted the same tactics and diatribe that many on here are currently spewing forth.


Oh, by the way, what is a certainly or do you mean certainty? If so, and you are referring to the results, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, there is still a long, long way to go, and anything can happen between now and then.  I am not counting my chickens and neither should you.  Watch out for the fox in the coup.  :wai:

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23 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


No it is not leadership it is opportunism. The Governor of LA asked officials to stay away at the moment or it would impede the effort to help those in need. Trump ignored that and pitched up unannounced. Simply selfish.

Well, how come the Gov thanked Trump and told him he did a good service by coming down? :whistling:

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Media is more in tune with kiddy brained shenanigans like nude Trump Statues than major trust issues that Clinton has.   That pretty much sums up why the brainless coach potatoes eat up whatever they see on TV Mainstream Media (Chicken News Network) or read (if they can) in the New York Times or Washington Post.


Trump is holding his own, against the brainwashed democratic left wing nutters who believe anything they are told...by Clinton's Media Empire.


What a joke.  And who would of thought that all these "educated" left nutters cannot even figure out that they are losing their ability to think for themselves.  They just upchuck whatever CNN says about Trump.  If you ask them about major issues....like Hillary's invisible campaign,  lies and deceptions.....well....you get that cow stare.


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2 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:

Media is more in tune with kiddy brained shenanigans like nude Trump Statues than major trust issues that Clinton has.   That pretty much sums up why the brainless coach potatoes eat up whatever they see on TV Mainstream Media (Chicken News Network) or read (if they can) in the New York Times or Washington Post.


Trump is holding his own, against the brainwashed democratic left wing nutters who believe anything they are told...by Clinton's Media Empire.


What a joke.  And who would of thought that all these "educated" left nutters cannot even figure out that they are losing their ability to think for themselves.  They just upchuck whatever CNN says about Trump.  If you ask them about major issues....like Hillary's invisible campaign,  lies and deceptions.....well....you get that cow stare.



Sigh!  For CNN insert Fox, for Left insert Right, For Trump insert Clinton and Clinton insert Trump.


 Vote Johnson/Weld

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15 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

So what happens if Trumps dark and shady past catches up with him and he has to drop out and Clinton has a major seizure rendering her medically unfit to proceed. What happens then :w00t:

Trump's 'dark & shady' past?

Please give us a link to that? :)

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Just now, Boon Mee said:

Trump's 'dark & shady' past?

Please give us a link to that? :)


Rape and assault of his ex wife, the alleged (now in the legal system) statutory rape of a minor, Bankruptcies, lies and deceit over financial issues etcetera etcetera etcetera. No need for links, google any and get 20 million hits in 0.15 seconds. :)


Oh and I am not saying Clinton is any better, the thread is about Trump. What a sorry state of affairs for the US. 350 million people and two reprehensible characters running for President.

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Rape and assault of his ex wife, the alleged (now in the legal system) statutory rape of a minor, Bankruptcies, lies and deceit over financial issues etcetera etcetera etcetera. No need for links, google any and get 20 million hits in 0.15 seconds. :)


Oh and I am not saying Clinton is any better, the thread is about Trump. What a sorry state of affairs for the US. 350 million people and two reprehensible characters running for President.

Don't see any backup for those allegations there Al? :whistling:

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