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Trump goes on tear against media, not Clinton


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29 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:
29 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:
30 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


No it is not leadership it is opportunism. The Governor of LA asked officials to stay away at the moment or it would impede the effort to help those in need. Trump ignored that and pitched up unannounced. Simply selfish.

No it is not leadership it is opportunism. The Governor of LA asked officials to stay away at the moment or it would impede the effort to help those in need. Trump ignored that and pitched up unannounced. Simply selfish.

No it is not leadership it is opportunism. The Governor of LA asked officials to stay away at the moment or it would impede the effort to help those in need. Trump ignored that and pitched up unannounced. Simply selfish.


Oh come on.  Get off this misinformation highway.  As I said before, Trump was afforded the same resources that would have been afforded the President had he elected to break his holiday and attend but he didn't, did he?  Did Trump's attendance, in anyway, impede the help being offered to those in need.  Of course it didn't and neither would have Obama's presence. Opportunism, maybe you could say that, all people in politics do similar things, it doesn't mean that he has no compassion or does not care about his fellow countryman.


Trump turned up unannounced.  Do you truly believe that, give us all a break, are you saying that his plane, a Boeing 757, flew into Louisiana without anyone being notified.  That the motorcade and police motorcycle escorts, just out of coincidence, happened to be waiting for him, as were the government officials.  That all of this occurred despite him arriving there, unannounced, as you are telling us.   Fair dinkum, you very liberal with the facts. Then I suppose you are going on what the Governor had to say.  He would have known, these people have their fingers on the pulse in regards to everything that happens in their state, and he goes on and tells everyone that his office was not informed.  Sorry but I too think he is being liberal with the truth.


As for Hilary, she has not attended and there is nothing in the pipeline to do so.  Yet she, like Trump, who is also travelling all over the country, cannot take time out to go there.  You know why, despite her claims to be compassionate and caring, she isn't, then again maybe she is  but only for herself, clearly not her fellow countryman.  She found time to attend 5 fund raisers and 9 other states but not Louisiana, is that because Trump may be ahead in the polls in that state?


Trump also donated a semi trailer or 18 wheeler as the Yanks call them, full of necessities for many of the victims.  Yes from his own pocket.  Maybe you can find something adverse to say about this, don't rush, I'll give you time to make something up.  To show you I am not guessing or making this up, here is the link, no doubt which some will say is a right wing publication. Don't know but what Trump did certainly made the Governor and media, as the report says, look like fools.  http://www.bizpacreview.com/2016/08/20/trump-makes-fools-governor-media-rolls-louisiana-18-wheeler-full-supplies-381175  Have a great day.  :wai:

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37 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Rape and assault of his ex wife, the alleged (now in the legal system) statutory rape of a minor, Bankruptcies, lies and deceit over financial issues etcetera etcetera etcetera. No need for links, google any and get 20 million hits in 0.15 seconds. :)


Oh and I am not saying Clinton is any better, the thread is about Trump. What a sorry state of affairs for the US. 350 million people and two reprehensible characters running for President.


So you believe everything that is written on the internet or only that about Trump.  The thread is not entirely dealing with Trump, there are also references to Clinton, so it is fair for someone to be able to offer an opinion about her as it it is for your lot to bag Trump.  Fair is as fair is given.    :wai:

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2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


I think you do that a lot, guess that is.  I don't have to because I know, keeps you wondering does it?


Only aspect of the rightparawhingenoids that fills me with wonder is how they perpetually pull stuff out from where the sun don't shine and how they manage to cover everything with it. And that they never quit or let up for a moment.


Otherwise it's simply a matter of one rightwingnut after another rightwingnut. In November the mass of the voters will give Trump and his fanboyz the deserved and completely due bum's rush. The 2016 election is a clear choice and the right is gonna get clobbered by the general electorate. 


The fringe elements of the polity are missing a lot here.....


Matt Taibbi: “Like the old adage about quarterbacks – if you think you have two good ones, you probably have none – this basically means we have no credible news media left. Apart from a few brave islands of resistance, virtually all the major news organizations are now fully in the tank for one side or the other.”


“The last month or so of Trump-Hillary coverage may have been the worst stretch of pure journo-shilling we’ve seen since the run-up to the Iraq war. In terms of political media, there’s basically nothing left on the air except Trump-bashing or Hillary-bashing.”



So I would note that nobody is innocent, neutral, independent, unbiased or pure. It's like the old Chinese saying, It is the thief who is the first to shout 'stop thief'. 

Edited by Publicus
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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:


Have I been derogatory  towards Clinton and the like, whoever they may be and if one speaks the truth about Obama, heavens forbid.  One just gets tired of the same old, same old, day in and day out, the rehashing of posts, non original comments and the constant twisted, misinformation that is being dished out to one side. 


Maybe if you and those of your ilk were able to recognise that Hilary has just as many faults, some a lot worse than others, and said so, then one could accept that there is an even handed argument being had but sadly it is not. If you say I have been overly critical of Hilary, show me, don't write something and not refer to it. Wait, I know why you do, because you cannot.


Then a little sarcasm is added and together, you find it in your power to criticise me and suggest that one is a right wingnut.  So to listen to both sides and not degrade anyone, as you are suggesting I have, but which I dispute, then if that is your opinion so be it but at the least I know you are unable to say that I have adopted the same tactics and diatribe that many on here are currently spewing forth.


Oh, by the way, what is a certainly or do you mean certainty? If so, and you are referring to the results, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, there is still a long, long way to go, and anything can happen between now and then.  I am not counting my chickens and neither should you.  Watch out for the fox in the coup.  :wai:

Am I mistaken, or are you the person who cited an internet meme about a poll of 50,000 voters 33% Republican, 33% Democrate, and the rest independents?  A poll that apparently was never published anywhere?  A poll that doesn't take into account that there are more registered Democrats than Republicans?   And apparently you believed this?  You set a remarkable standard in gullibility. I cannot keep up.  You win.

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20 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, believe this.  Trump personally handing out food and relief:

Yes, we are still awaiting those links to Credible sources...


That's nice Trump took time off from his 3,500 lawsuits from workers suing for wages due to them  - to go hand out food for a photo-op.  When you ask for 'credible sources' it's a trick request.   Because there are decreasing numbers of respectable people/organizations which pass the credibility test for Trump.  Trump and his supporters disparage (with name calling, etc) sources on a daily basis.  Trump is on record saying he hates reporters. SOURCE: CNN.  He says he's glad the NY Times is going under.  Trump also hates Republican stalwarts (Bushes, Romney, etc) and dislikes all the others (Ryan, McCain, etc.) who say anything non-praising about him.   


You get the picture?   Trump is turning off and cutting off any and all credible people and organizations. So it's a trick question for Trump fans to ask for a credible source, because according to Trump and his fans THERE ARE NO CREDIBLE SOURCES ANY MORE.  Trumpsters have turned everyone off!    It's him against the world, and Trump is losing at every turn.


Latest polls show that:  even if Trump WINS battleground states (FL, OH, NV, VA, PA, NC) HE WILL STILL LOSE THE ELECTION.  

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50 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, believe this.  Trump personally handing out food and relief:

Yes, we are still awaiting those links to Credible sources...



I only saw Trump handing out some toys for all of about 50 seconds before he got bored and moved on. See embedded video. From about 1 minute mark.


Where was he handing out food or other supplies? Seems like he just walked around and showed off his face.



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4 minutes ago, Silurian said:


I only saw Trump handing out some toys for all of about 50 seconds before he got bored and moved on. See embedded video. From about 1 minute mark.


Where was he handing out food or other supplies? Seems like he just walked around and showed off his face.




Good job Don...show the media how to report the news.   


And obama and Hillary were out vacationing and playing golf...lol


Typical democrat elitism.   Let the poor suffer, they will vote for us anyways !


Edited by slipperylobster
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2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


Have I been derogatory  towards Clinton and the like, whoever they may be and if one speaks the truth about Obama, heavens forbid.  One just gets tired of the same old, same old, day in and day out, the rehashing of posts, non original comments and the constant twisted, misinformation that is being dished out to one side. 


Maybe if you and those of your ilk were able to recognise that Hilary has just as many faults, some a lot worse than others, and said so, then one could accept that there is an even handed argument being had but sadly it is not. If you say I have been overly critical of Hilary, show me, don't write something and not refer to it. Wait, I know why you do, because you cannot.


Then a little sarcasm is added and together, you find it in your power to criticise me and suggest that one is a right wingnut.  So to listen to both sides and not degrade anyone, as you are suggesting I have, but which I dispute, then if that is your opinion so be it but at the least I know you are unable to say that I have adopted the same tactics and diatribe that many on here are currently spewing forth.


Oh, by the way, what is a certainly or do you mean certainty? If so, and you are referring to the results, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, there is still a long, long way to go, and anything can happen between now and then.  I am not counting my chickens and neither should you.  Watch out for the fox in the coup.  :wai:


Maybe if you and those of your ilk were able to recognise that Hilary has just as many faults, some a lot worse than others, and said so


Wake up cause no one -- as in no one -- who supports Hillary Clinton sings her praises, certainly not around here. It's one thing to say she is qualified, it's another thing to say she is a messiah or the second coming, which is how the Trump fanboyz speak of their hero.


Nobody here is neutral, independent, in-between, properly balanced or even handed. Your post is a prime example.


When I say I will vote for Clinton-Kaine I say it is because she is qualified and he is competent and safe. When Trump fanboyz say they will vote for Trump, they do it because Donald Trump is to them their one and only great hope of their lifetime, the guy the old rightwhingenoids have been living for and finally have. The guy who will set straight the country and the world, and will do it in a short order. 


In this election there's plenty of criticism of either by those who hate the other. I don't have to point out Hillary Clinton's flaws because it is my judgement overall that she is qualified for the office of Potus. Trump needs to be fully exposed however because he is not qualified. When Trump fanboyz say Trump means change, they mean Trump would turn the country and the world upside down. Nobody in his right mind wants that. Last time it happened was in 1939.


Oh, by the way, what is a certainly or do you mean certainty? If so, and you are referring to the results, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, there is still a long, long way to go


Thanks for that because I do mean 'certainty'. That it had become a certainty here in a very short time of reading your posts that we have another rightwinger amongst us. Welcome aboard our bus with no air conditioning and windows that don't open...the bus that hits every hole along the dirt road.

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So you don't vote for Hillary.....big deal.   What is there to lose?

Why vote for a proven disaster? If saw a tree ahead, I certainly would choose to drive around it.


Left wing nuts drive full speed into the tree...every single time.  8 years of Obama and 4 more of Hillary is a sure sign of incompetence.


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4 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:

So you don't vote for Hillary.....big deal.   What is there to lose?

Why vote for a proven disaster? If saw a tree ahead, I certainly would choose to drive around it.


Left wing nuts drive full speed into the tree...every single time.  8 years of Obama and 4 more of Hillary is a sure sign of incompetence.


Trump is the tree. Drive around it man, drive around it.

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Here's what will happen. 


The polls will tighten and show Trump with a better chance than the 25% chance he currently has. Shouldn't be difficult, he only has to shut his mouth for a while to allow people to concentrate on some of the shortcomings owned by Clinton. 


As the polls show the race tightening somewhat, all the numbskulls who are currently dismissing them will begin lauding them. Just watch. As poor old Turd Blossom Karl Rove couldn't believe the actual poll results on election night, I fully understand Trump's supporters inability to believe the pre-election polls this far out. After all, ignoring evidence is a skill once acquired hard lose.

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Interesting article in NYT on Sean Hannity's cheerleading and overt involvement in the Trump campaign.  For Trump, media bias is only bad when it doesn't favor him.





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1 hour ago, Silurian said:


Yeah, good job for a whole 50 seconds! 


How false and inaccurate you are. He was there much longer.  Donated personal funds and a truck full of supplies, as well.


However, if one must say he only flew in there for fifty seconds....at least that was fifty seconds longer than Hillary.  Who knows where she was! Probably in the basement burning up more incriminating emails in the furnace.  Obama was enjoying his day off, as well.   Not even a fly by !


Go ahead and elect your Queen of Deception.


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1 hour ago, thaihome said:

Interesting article in NYT on Sean Hannity's cheerleading and overt involvement in the Trump campaign.  For Trump, media bias is only bad when it doesn't favor him.





Hannity wants Whitehouse Press Secretary for his next job.

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50 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:


How false and inaccurate you are. He was there much longer.  Donated personal funds and a truck full of supplies, as well.




I never said he was there for only 50 seconds. I said that he only bothered to "hand out" toys for a whole 50 seconds. The rest of the time he made sure he was available for the photo-op tour. He certainly looked the part of a volunteer with his campaign slogan hat and the nice blue blazer with the white shirt. Had to make sure there was no tie of course.


"As Trump left the area, police closed down Interstate 10, which connects Baton Rouge and New Orleans. As his motorcade passed by, drivers in the oncoming lane slammed on their brakes, unsure whether to pull to the side of the road. Some veered off into the grass and mud."


Yeah, he was no distraction at all there.

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30 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:

Never let Hillary forget how she screwed the Gold Star Families....lied to them....and contributed to the deaths of their children in Benghazi.


Do you know what actually happened prior and during the Benghazi incident?  There have been several Republican inquiries, and none have found any wrongdoing re; HRC's connection or non-connection to events.  It's all innuendo, and the witch hunt has cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. 


There was a US Rapid Response Team in Tripoli. They make decisions on a case by case basis.  If you want to lay blame, that's the place to point fingers.  I read a detailed report by THE FIRST JOURNALISTS ON THE SCENE after the incident.  There was still smoke coming out of buildings. Those first journalists interviewed dozens of people.  HRC's name wasn't even mentioned.  She was on the other side of the world.   Here's one of hundreds of reports which show HRC was not involved with decisions re; Benghazi.  Reps are beating a dead horse.  They're so fixated on laying blame on HRC, that they refuse to consider reason, and refuse to accept Republican-lead committee findings which show HRC was not involved.


I realize nothing I or anyone else writes about the actual facts of the case will change die-hard Trump fans ideas of what happened.  Indeed, they would love to lay blame on HRC for every calamity in the world since 2000.  Yet, they're attack machine is misdirected, if they stick to the hard facts and time-line of what really happened.

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1 hour ago, slipperylobster said:

The people there at least know who is going to answer the phone and make a decision to help.....when things go bad.    


Never let Hillary forget how she screwed the Gold Star Families....lied to them....and contributed to the deaths of their children in Benghazi.




Even if it's a load of rubbish? Never let Trumpeteers forget it, though, they wouldn't know the truth if it sat on their face.

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Funny thing is that the Democrats control Mainstream Media, but cannot seem to figure out how to defeat Trump.  He had a good week indeed, in spite of their efforts.


Hillary is carrying a lot of baggage under those  size XXXL Chairman Mao Pantsuits she wears. Benghazi happened on the Obama/Hillary watch.  Even worse, they botched up everything in the Middle East that they touched....and ran away when it started burning.


Well, Trump seems to have pulled another victory off, according to the Los Angeles Times.   He just nosed ahead of Hillary in that poll.


Yep...Cherry Picking....but it is a sign that Hillary is starting to spin out of control.  


The times, they are a-changing...folks.





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10 hours ago, slipperylobster said:

Funny thing is that the Democrats control Mainstream Media, but cannot seem to figure out how to defeat Trump.  He had a good week indeed, in spite of their efforts.


Hillary is carrying a lot of baggage under those  size XXXL Chairman Mao Pantsuits she wears. Benghazi happened on the Obama/Hillary watch.  Even worse, they botched up everything in the Middle East that they touched....and ran away when it started burning.


Well, Trump seems to have pulled another victory off, according to the Los Angeles Times.   He just nosed ahead of Hillary in that poll.


Yep...Cherry Picking....but it is a sign that Hillary is starting to spin out of control.  


The times, they are a-changing...folks.







The mainstream media has a given descriptive name because that is how the mainstream of American society think of it and accept it. It's the out of the mainstream society that needs out of the mainstream media because thay totally reject mainstream media and mainstream anything. The political-cultural fringe condemn MSM and mainstream whatever.


The "innovative" polling experiment being conducted by the USC Dornsife/LA Times Presidential Election Daybreak Poll has outlier polling findings because it is, well, an experimental outlier poll. In other words, if their survey findings are right, then the world is wrong.


So it's no wonder youse guyz on the fringe love the poll so much.


First problem is that it bases its data on the 2012 election data. Which means it projects Republicans to vote in 2016 as they did in 2012. We know that isn't happening. In 2012 on this score, Romney got 89% of Republican voter support. Trump presently has 71% support of Republican party members. So there is a Republican bias in this poll the mainstream established polls don't have -- in fact, the reputable established polling organisations scrupulously eliminate erroneous bias. When the predicate is wrong, the poll is wrong (Just ask Rasmussen.)


The daily sample is 400 persons. Let's hope they're not all friends and relatives or that the participants are not walkers-by. Actually the experimental surveying is better than that -- the sample participants provide responses online. Same as you and I. 


While the poll universe is 3000 participants, it is unchanging. A slice of 400 different of the same-same ones each day. The poll has an "innovative" probabiblistic method no other pollster uses or has ever used. That is, each participant responds on a scale of 0-100. If you're 100 for Clinton, good, that's how you are categorised...same if you're 100 for Trump. However, if you're 50 on either of 'em, the poll itself assigns you to either Clinton or to Trump...or to Johnson-Weld, or to Jill Stein -- whomever you happen to be 50-50 about. Cool eh. It's one of those why didn't I think of that kind of thing.


So while the standard polling organisation uses intent, and all have "not sure" or "don't know," this one hasn't any such approach or categories. The poll itself decides for you. Which I suppose can be neat if you're a pollster who wants to tell people how they'll vote and thereby say what the outcome of the election will be.


As has been indicated, the survey predicate is wrong. It's method is "innovative" and its conclusions are made for you by the pollsters themselves. It's a poll that some call innovative, others call experimental and yet others call, well, unique. 

Edited by Publicus
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Well, Trump's move to go easy on the media might be the right plan now that his poll numbers are surging, eh? :)


Monmouth Refigures Poll After Trump Comes Out With Lead Over Hillary Clinton



Monmouth University released a poll today that had Donald Trump defeating Hillary Clinton.
Trump was up 41-39 so they weighted the poll with more Democrats to give Hillary the lead.





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Wow so Breitbart and Monmouth have refigured their polls so Trump is leading,  who would have guessed the most unreliable partisan media outlets would do that ...  :D


Today Trump is being Trump, fights twitter battles while Hilary campaigns.  


Trump took after Brzezinski and "Morning Joe" lead host, former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough.

"Some day when things calm down, I'll tell the real story of @JoeNBC and his very insecure long-time girlfriend, !morningmika. Two clowns," Trump said in his second tweet.The co-hosts of "Morning Joe" had done a sendup, complete with "Everything is Awesome" from The Lego Movie, of the Sunday statement by Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus that Trump is "getting into a groove."

Scarborough shot back, tweeting:


  "@HillaryClinton is targeting key swing states today while Trump starts his day obsessed with cable news hosts while channeling Gawker. SAD!"


There is no new Trump, just the old Trump -- going back to the old ways.

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