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Trump calls for 'extreme vetting' of immigration applicants


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14 minutes ago, jmd8800 said:

I don't know really. Never met the guy.


Maybe his farts smelled like roses.... or he planted trees in the neighborhood ....or looked after elderly people....


Or woke up everyone in queens by yellng alla o' akbar at 5 in the morning. 

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5 hours ago, jmd8800 said:

The USA has a very intensive vetting process. However, vetting cannot be done on the basis of religion, sex, gender, ethnicity etc etc as that is violating the rights of humans in the US Constitution. While it is possible to engage in racial profiling covertly that business is usually left to the intelligence agencies and they report back to Immigration as to whether they believe that person is a risk. This keeps the process of racial profiling covert. If a person is undesirable the Immigration people can deny the application without a lot of disclosure as to why.


Bottom line: If the US cannot ultimately benefit from a potential immigrant .... they usually do refuse entry.

The US can use any criteria it wishes in vetting people for entry to the country.   The constitutional rights and guarantees do not apply to people who are not in the US.   If the gov't can decide to ban anyone for any reason.  

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16 hours ago, webfact said:

ideological vetting

Given that with the exception of the 9/11 attack, every act of terrorism in America has been by Americans. So perhaps he should also include ideological vetting of the 320 million Americans as well. And include himself in such interviews.

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9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Vast numbers of Christians and Jews are not following an ideology that is antithetical to modern, Western, liberal values.


Core Western values such as democracy, freedom of speech, separation of religion and state, women's rights and gay rights, etc etc, are not reciprocated by a very large and influential part of Islam.


We don't have to make the judgement that one culture is better than the other.  We just have to recognize that they are on opposite ends of the scale and cannot co-exist in harmony.  It's a bit like an LGBT group going to Saudi Arabia for a transsexual woman's Hen Night/Bachelorette Party - it's not going to go well for them.


The cultures just clash.

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Imagining "extreme vetting" of dangerous donald himself!:cheesy:


Officer: I’m sorry, sir, but we’ve never had someone get every question wrong. You apparently know nothing about American values and have made a career out of voicing misogynistic and racist views. You attack the vulnerable and con the unwary. We believe in fair play, respect for fellow Americans and generosity. You show none of those qualities. Moreover, you have no real understanding of the Constitution and are hostile to fundamental rights we hold dear. You seem to think this country is some kind of banana republic. Sorry, but permission denied!




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Another clearly biased media article from jeff bezos' mouthpiece the washington post....wonder how many millions he gives to crookedlyin hillary. 


Extreme vetting is for would be immigrants from terrorist islamic countries or backgrounds....mr trump is already an american citizen and has an american passport. 


Epic fail

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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

Given that with the exception of the 9/11 attack, every act of terrorism in America has been by Americans. So perhaps he should also include ideological vetting of the 320 million Americans as well.



You seem to be forgetting that many of those acts of terrorism were committed by Muslim IMMIGRANTS or children of Muslim IMMIGRANTS. Both Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood killer, and Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, the Chattanooga terrorist, were born to Palestinian Arabs. One terrorist was born in America. One was born in Kuwait.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev  were Muslims born in Czechoslovakia. They bombed the Boston Marathon.

We could go on, but you are actually making Donald Trump's point for him.

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Will be funny when they ask a prospective Thai getting a visa any meaningful questions about their ideology.  "Do you support the ideals laid it with in the framework of the constitution of The United States of America or do you support Sharia law?" The answer "Yes, can."

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I'm afraid it's not such an easy task,  because the people you aim to keep away know how to get through the tests and how to completely mislead  and abuse interviewers, I could say it's part of their mindset.




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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

you are actually making Donald Trump's point for him.


My point is that Trump's proposals are xenophobic, naive and ineffective. You apparently disagree.


His policies emerge from bias and emotional urges without any understanding of who Americans are and what their origins have been. Those examples you cite are American citizens no matter how much you try to dismiss it because of a very few people's change in ideology. There is no ideological test in the USA Constitution for being an American anymore than there is a religious test - and to Trump they are probably one in the same.


Part of America's strength as a unified nation for centuries has been its broad immigration policies.  One need only to look at the law abiding 3+ million muslims in America versus your singular examples (aside from all of the other faith motivated homicides) to see that Trump's idea of what America should be will damage the greatness of America.


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What is unclear is whether he and the members posting understand the difference between those visiting the US and immigrants.   In either case, the vetting is pretty thorough.   If an immigration officer is not satisfied, he/she is under obligation to approve any type of visa.   Delays are very common until every i is dotted and every t is crossed.


Over the years, there have been continuous cuts to the funding for agencies involved in vetting people.   They can up the vetting process a little but it's going to increase costs.  


While I was working in this area, there was an increase in the number of interviews that officers were told to conduct.   Most officers could meet the new goals, but approval wasn't given until they were reasonably satisfied that the applicant met all the criteria for entrance.  

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

You seem to be forgetting that many of those acts of terrorism were committed by Muslim IMMIGRANTS or children of Muslim IMMIGRANTS.

That's the best you can do - four examples? You do need to go on with more examples - thousands of them.

Data published by the Department of Homeland Security shows that in 2013 alone around 118,000 migrants from Muslim-majority countries were permanently resettled within the USA on green cards, as well as about 40,000 refugees and asylums from Muslim countries. Additionally, the US voluntarily admitted about 123,000 temporary migrants from Muslim countries as foreign students and foreign workers. A total of about 180,000 Muslims.

With regard to the surge in Muslims requesting immigration into the US in 2016, one need only to look to the current Republican-controlled Congress on how that is being accepted. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan's FY 2016 government funding bill actually facilitated the 2016 muslim migrant surge by fully funding every US immigration program currently in existence, as well as funding Obama's expansion of the refugee program through Syrian migrant resettlement. When Trumps criticizes Obama on Muslim immigration policies, he is also criticizing Ryan and the whole Congress.





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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

Those examples you cite are American citizens no matter how much you try to dismiss it because of a very few people's change in ideology. 



Trump wants to limit IMMIGRATION from war zones, unless they have been sufficiently vetted. The whole point is that many IMMIGRANTS Were allowed into the country and eventually resorted to terrorism. They never should have gotten citizenship.

There are WAY more than 4 examples. Google it yourself if you do not realize that. :rolleyes:

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We're (U.S.A.) are pretty good at home-grown terrorism. "We're number 1." I say waving my flag. Far more incidents, dating back hundreds of years, involving thousands of deaths than the few recent ones.


And always involving un-vetted Immigrants, or their descendants. 


Go figure.

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18 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Visa applicants who are long-legged, young, beautiful women from Eastern Europe will be 'handled' by Senor Trump's White House 'staff'.


All others go to the multi-billion dollar Federal Agency which will take over rejecting reviewing all applications, TSA part deux.


Time to get relevant. 


The threat today are Muslim terrorists and its a threat we can do something about and need to do somethibg about.

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6 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Time to get relevant. 


The threat today are Muslim terrorists and its a threat we can do something about and need to do somethibg about.


 Time to finish a sentence CC. You had it going there at the beginning. 


The Republican party should have applied some extreme vetting to their candidate. But I don't know, they may have done the best they could, after all, there were only 17 bozos to start with. 


CC - I think it's worth repeating (ad nauseum) the chances of an American being killed by a Muslim terrorist is 20,000,000 to ONE. Now go think about what we NEED to do somethibg about. :whistling:

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13 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Time to get relevant. 


The threat today are Muslim terrorists and its a threat we can do something about and need to do somethibg about.



Between  1995 and 2014 (excluding 9/11)

there were reported 261 terrorist killings in the USA. 


Compare that with the 2,200,000 random gun shootings in the same time period. 


According to Trump, "if more people carried guns, Americans would be safer."









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3 minutes ago, Buzzz said:



Between  1995 and 2014 (excluding 9/11)

there were reported 261 terrorist killings in the USA. 


Compare that with the 2,200,000 random gun shootings in the same time period. 


According to Trump, "if more people carried guns, Americans would be safer."










I'm fairly certain more people died slipping on ice and falling. Time to fully vet that "foreign" ice. We just don't know where it's coming from.


I was lumping in mass shootings by 'Mericans as "terrorist", if only to compare like events, regardless of motivation.

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4 minutes ago, Buzzz said:



Between  1995 and 2014 (excluding 9/11)

there were reported 261 terrorist killings in the USA. 


Compare that with the 2,200,000 random gun shootings in the same time period. 


According to Trump, "if more people carried guns, Americans would be safer."










When you can figure out how to get angry young black men from shooting innocent members of their communities then please let us know because it will knock down your 2.2 million figure significantly.


Meanwhile, this is not an "either/or" option, efforts to prevent terrorists can and should take place simultaneously with all other efforts to prevent violence in America.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

IMMIGRATION from war zones,

Are France, Netherlands, UK, Turkey, Belgium, Jordan, Russia, etc. war zones? You are being blindsighted at best.

The whole nature of terrorism is to move into areas of vulernability. Ironically that would not be Libya, Syria and Iraq. That would instead be areas of tranquility.

In any case Obama has been focusing on vetting Syrians and Iraqis for entry into the US. Trump calls for nothing new.

In another irony the Republican-controlled Senate in January 2016 voted against a bill passed by the House that would have greatly tightened screening procedures in refugees from Syrua and Iraq. The bill would have required the Director of the FBI, Secretary of Homeland Security and Director of National Intelligence confirm that each applicant from Syria and Iraq pose no threat to US security.

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50 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


When you can figure out how to get angry young black men from shooting innocent members of their communities then please let us know because it will knock down your 2.2 million figure significantly.


Meanwhile, this is not an "either/or" option, efforts to prevent terrorists can and should take place simultaneously with all other efforts to prevent violence in America.


The problems of black youth crime should be a priority. 

Say, a jobs training program and a college preparatory program for the inner cities?


What do you say?

i would suggest hiring a black Harvard graduate to organize the local parishes and prepare and train inner city youth for work or college. 

Maybe a community organizer like a Barak Obama?

Thats exactly what he did.


Some really stupid conservatives actually mock "Obama the Community Organizer.."

for his work with inner city youth. 







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12 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

In any case Obama has been focusing on vetting Syrians and Iraqis for entry into the US. Trump calls for nothing new.



Of course he is. He feels that they are not being vetted well enough and he has plenty of company. The Republicans tried to pass a bill which would have done just that and the Democrats blocked it from passing.

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8 minutes ago, Srikcir said:


In another irony the Republican-controlled Senate in January 2016 voted against a bill passed by the House that would have greatly tightened screening procedures in refugees from Syrua and Iraq. The bill would have required the Director of the FBI, Secretary of Homeland Security and Director of National Intelligence confirm that each applicant from Syria and Iraq pose no threat to US security.


Another fabrication. The DEMOCRATS blocked that bill. Most Republicans voted for it. Don't you realize that there is something called Google?

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13 minutes ago, Buzzz said:


The problems of black youth crime should be a priority. 

Say, a jobs training program and a college preparatory program for the inner cities?


What do you say?

i would suggest hiring a black Harvard graduate to organize the local parishes and prepare and train inner city youth for work or college. 

Maybe a community organizer like a Barak Obama?

Thats exactly what he did. 





Looking at the numbers nationwide and particularly his hometown of Chicago, the violence would suggest obamas efforts failed.


Just like his promise of being the great uniter.



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22 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Looking at the numbers I would they suggest obamas efforts failed.


Just like his promise of being the great uniter.




That's a really ignorant thing to say. 

Mocking a person who actually made an effort to solve inner city youth crime. 

Whst a sad piece of work you are. 


Goes to show the mentality of the Trump base. 

What are you doing online anyway?

Isn't there a NASCAR race or HeeHaw rerun you are missing right now on television?








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11 minutes ago, Buzzz said:


That's a really ignorant thing to say. 

Goes to show the mentality of the Trump base. 

Whst are you doing online anyway?

Isn't there a NASCAR race or HeeHaw rerun you are missing right now on television?









Youre just striking out like crazy today. 


Striking out by resorting to insults and striking out because I am not a Trump supporter.


I know it can be hadd for you to wrap your little around but just because someone does not support obama/hillary does not make them trump supporters.

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18 minutes ago, Buzzz said:


That's a really ignorant thing to say. 

Goes to show the mentality of the Trump base. 

Whst are you doing online anyway?

Isn't there a NASCAR race or HeeHaw rerun you are missing right now on television?








Condescend much?

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4 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:



Youre just striking out like crazy today. 


Striking out by resorting to insults and striking out because I am not a Trump supporter.


I know it can be hadd for you to wrap your little around but just because someone does not support obama/hillary does not make them trump supporters.


Certain members do not have anything EXCEPT insults and fabrications to back up their posts. Calling you a Trump fan or claiming that you watch Fox is all that they've got.

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16 hours ago, anotheruser said:

Will be funny when they ask a prospective Thai getting a visa any meaningful questions about their ideology.  "Do you support the ideals laid it with in the framework of the constitution of The United States of America or do you support Sharia law?" The answer "Yes, can."


Who Sharia? No have money husband only support me

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