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Trump shakes up staff, intent on finishing race on own terms


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12 hours ago, Crowes said:

The liberal media would never skew polls to give the impression Hillary is leading, would they? NEVER!!! LMAO


The more she is "leading", the worse it tells me she is actually doing.


As far as I know, the "liberal media" is not a polling organisation.

And when you only have two numbers to post (Trump vs Clinton in a General election poll), it's quite difficult to "skew" don't you think?



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2 hours ago, stevenl said:

We're going way off topic here. But yes, it was not only GOP but mainly GOP. And no, he tried, but this was the best he could get. One can only hope his successor can finish the job.


At this point I would prefer the ACA gutted since it is a huge burden on the budget.


Take a look where all the Dem architects of this program are today...all working as lobbyists for the big Corps that profitted by its passing.


I have to say that obama is even better than Teflon with his base. Its like the guy has replaced Jesus in the non -religious liberal group. I talk often with Democrat friends and they talk of him like the Saviour...he is not capable of wrong-doing. He is viewed as a victim standing in the crowd like the rest of us. He and his party sold this thibg to the American people and its nothing like what he promised.


Too far off topic.

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The right are too far off period.


This election outcome will set 'em back conclusively. Cause all the right will do after they get the bum's rush from the voters November 8th is to whinge all the more.


Everyone else will resume working constructively and positively, to include immigration reform, campaign finance reform, extending health insurance, student loan reform and all the rest of it the Republican rightwing controlled congress maximus have willfully ignored as they pursue instead their HRC election day obsessions. 


The object of the election is to win it. Republican rightwingers are using their institutional control of the congress maximus to try to win and they're doing it by hook or by crook.


President Obama on the other hand is using his high personal approval by the public to assist his welcomed successor, HRC.


Key to it all however is that if the Republicans had said to the Democrats that the Democrats could choose the R party nominee, the D's would have chosen exactly the guy we see and hear each and every day -- Donald Trump.  


Go Donald. Don't change a thing you're doing. You're going just great.

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11 hours ago, Silurian said:

one thing I can promise you, is this: I will always tell you the truth."


That too, is a lie. Here are some of Trump's truths. . .  . . . 


"I would love to release my tax statements, believe me."


"I don't know who that John Miller person is." (referring to his own voice pretending to be his own spokesman).


"I was against the Iraq war" (audio clearly shows he was in favor of it, before the invasion).


......the list goes on and on and on and on and..........

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8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


That too, is a lie. Here are some of Trump's truths. . .  . . . 


"I would love to release my tax statements, believe me."


"I don't know who that John Miller person is." (referring to his own voice pretending to be his own spokesman).


"I was against the Iraq war" (audio clearly shows he was in favor of it, before the invasion).


......the list goes on and on and on and on and..........


Maybe Trump needs to modify that "truth" statement..."I will always tell the truth as I see it at the moment and I will tell yet another truth as I see it when the moment changes."


His "truth" is fluid just like his "facts". It all depends on the moment.

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Methinks Manafort prefers Putin as a boss. 


More stable.


With Putin as long as you keep losing to him at chess your job and life are ok. With Trump, nobody ever knows.


Donald Trump just pivoted which means he knocked everyone down and everything off the tables. Pictures off the walls. A trail of destruction.


Groundhog Day.

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46 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:


Manafort realizes that it's not about winning anymore.  It's about what happens after Trump loses.  And Manafort doesn't have the goods that Trump needs for his new media empire. 

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Even the Scumbag Rats are fleeing the sinking ship.

(Who, most likely, was destined to bring the Bloviator down with him.)


But hell, the scumbag Bloviator knew who he was before he came on board. :whistling:

What did you expect Donnie, when you hired a “consultant" to low-life dictators?


Excellent news from the Clown Train Debacle.

Nothing if not entertaining. :thumbsup:

Donald Trump's embattled campaign chairman Paul Manafort resigns

"Donald Trump's embattled campaign chairman Paul Manafort resigned Friday,

two days after a campaign shake-up that left his power diminished."


“This morning Paul Manafort offered, and I accepted, his resignation from the campaign,” Donald Trump said in a statement."


“I am very appreciative for his great work in helping to get us where we are today, and in particular his work guiding us through the delegate and convention process. Paul is a true professional and I wish him the greatest success.”

Spoken like a true politician. 



Looking forward to Manafort's legal problems in the Ukraine.


And, the Bloviator's court cases when he loses in a landslide and has to face coast to coast Trump U fraud charges,

while also facing a lawsuit accusing him of 11 charges of sexual assault on a minor.

Along with his buddy, convicted peodophile Jeffrey Epstein.


Lovin' it.

Beautifully tragic...


T.V. Mini-Series to come: Fall, 2017. :lol:

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10 hours ago, Publicus said:


The right are too far off period.


This election outcome will set 'em back conclusively. Cause all the right will do after they get the bum's rush from the voters November 8th is to whinge all the more.


Everyone else will resume working constructively and positively, to include immigration reform, campaign finance reform, extending health insurance, student loan reform and all the rest of it the Republican rightwing controlled congress maximus have willfully ignored as they pursue instead their HRC election day obsessions. 


The object of the election is to win it. Republican rightwingers are using their institutional control of the congress maximus to try to win and they're doing it by hook or by crook.


President Obama on the other hand is using his high personal approval by the public to assist his welcomed successor, HRC.


Key to it all however is that if the Republicans had said to the Democrats that the Democrats could choose the R party nominee, the D's would have chosen exactly the guy we see and hear each and every day -- Donald Trump.  


Go Donald. Don't change a thing you're doing. You're going just great.


Trolling at it's finest or America is really doomed if there are people out there living in your delusional world.

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45 minutes ago, iReason said:

“I am very appreciative for his great work in helping to get us where we are today,

Trump on Manafort.


Is he, is he really very appreciative to him for getting him to where he is today?!! It's like being appreciative to your ice dealer for landing you in a psych ward.

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My buddy Martin just loves Trump. 

He is a typical Trump voter. Some people might think he is a conspiracy crackpot. 

So sad, what the right wing media has done to his these guys. 

Check out his logic here: 


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4 hours ago, Crowes said:


Trolling at it's finest or America is really doomed if there are people out there living in your delusional world.


Fear not for while the USA is hopeless its situation is not serious. :lol:


The Ignoramus wildman radical crackpot Trump is doing what he does. Trump is being Trump. Because Trump is the leader of the 2016 Republican party the election may well be its extinction event.


The real and hard data says so. The stuff the far out whackjob right doesn't like or respect -- y'know, scientific survey research of public opinion. Scientific. Research. Public Opinion.

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Unfortunately, there are: Michael Moore and Alan Colmes. :P


Trump gets energy out of firing people. 


Most executives hire carefully so they don't need to fire. Trump hires off the street so he can say, "You're fired." 


Makes his day.


Keeps him feeling young. As potus Donald Trump could have an entire cabinet to fire, not to mention zillions of government employees. And of course a Hispanic judge.

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And now with one final kick, 'blam', he's under the bus. WooHoo!!, However, for all teapotters, That really must have been Hilary curbside with a bun in her hair, NOT  DONALD  :D


"Donald Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort has resigned, in the latest convulsion to sweep a candidacy reeling from poor polling numbers and self-inflicted controversy News of Manafort’s resignation also came as a surprise to some within the campaign, and followed a slew of denials that a shakeup was under way. “I would have thought we were done with revolving chairs,” one source familiar with the campaign"



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It got even weirder.




‘Racialists’ are cheered by Trump’s latest strategy


When Trump made Breitbart News CEO Steve Bannon his campaign’s chief executive last week, Taylor found reasons to celebrate. It was the latest sign for white nationalists, once dismissed as fringe, that their worldview was gaining popularity and that the old Republican Party was coming to an end.




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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It got even weirder.



Trump's latest speech was great - common sense about what is wrong about America because of Obama, Hillary and political correctness.


It is about time. All this bickering and responding to idiotic slander has been a waste of time.

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The Great Republican Train Wreck of 2016.


Washington Post: “Until this week, it had been possible for party elders to convince themselves that Trump might prove to be a passing storm in their ranks rather than a portent of climate change. But to their dismay, the party standard-bearer has now signaled that he intends to go for broke in the final stretch of the campaign.”


“Trump’s decision to ditch his establishment-bred campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, in favor of Breitbart News executive Stephen Bannon, who shares Trump’s scorched-earth approach to politics and his worldview, is perhaps the most overt example of the mogul’s closing strategy.”


“Theirs is an amorphous alternative to traditional conservatism — often associated with the ‘alt right’ movement — that is leery of liberal immigration, multiculturalism, military involvement overseas and free trade. Its critics also accuse the alt right of flirting with white supremacism, anti-Semitism and other forms of intolerance.”



If Trump took the oath of office he'd be committing perjury. 


Trump is how fascism gets introduced to the United States. Mannafort with his loyalties to Putin was bad enough. But now we get Bannon the active fascist.


The vast majority of Americans don't vote for this garbage. The Republican Party of 2016 is a political party gone mad and descending ever more into chaos and lunacy. It's also the end of the crackpot American right wing who'd thought they'd had something going for a while there.

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Does anyone else see parallels between Trump and Barry Goldwater?



At the time of Goldwater's presidential candidacy, the Republican Party was split between its conservative wing (based in the West and South) and moderate/liberal wing, sometimes called Rockefeller Republicans (based in the Northeast). He alarmed even some of his fellow partisans with his brand of staunch fiscal conservatism and militant anti-communism. He was viewed by many traditional Republicans as being too far on the right wing of the political spectrum to appeal to the mainstream majority necessary to win a national election.


Hmmm sounds familiar.



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The ignorant, clueless Bloviator has set the stage.

The microphone is in place. The soundcheck begins. It's all over.

Just awaiting the Fat Lady... :thumbsup:


How Can America Recover From Donald Trump?

"Donald Trump is heading to November like a certain zeppelin heading to New Jersey,

in a darkening sky that crackles with electricity."


"He is fighting crosswinds and trying new tacks — hiring the head of Breitbart News to run his campaign,

trying on a new emotion (regret) in a speech on Thursday night,

promising to talk more this week about immigration, his prime subject."


"It could be that the polls are right, and Mr. Trump will go down in flames."




And rightly so.


Sure, the uninformed, and equally ignorant Lemmings will toss and turn, moan and groan that:


The Primaries were rigged.

The Election was rigged.

The media was biased.

The F.B.I. is corrupt.

The D.O.J. is corrupt.

But, but, but, Hillary...

But, but, but, Obama...

Yadda, yadda, yadda...


While completly disregarding the fact that their "Glorious Leader" took them for a sucker's ride on the Clown Train.

And lied to them about everything he promised to give them.


But life will go on for the Bloviator.

He will retreat to his Ivory Tower laughing at all the waterheads who actually lapped up all that BS he fed them.

Only to start up his own Far-Right TRUMP Channel with Roger Ailes.

And sucker that same demographic once again.

While laughing at all the fools who donated their hard earned money to a self-proclaimed "billionaire",

who promised them he was "self-funded".


Hell, some of them would even get in line to pay for his channel.

Trump! Trump! Trump!

They should save their energy for Monster Truck events and Football.

Where they belong.


And some TFV members will just have to go back to ranting about the muzzies, the Pakis, the immigrants,

and whoever else their polluted, bigoted minds can conjure up...


But of course, the Bloviator still has to face Coast to Coast fraud charges of bilking millions from conned Americans,

and face 11 Sexual Assault charges of a minor, along with his buddy and convicted peodophile, Jeffery Epstein.


Dunning Kruger.

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33 minutes ago, iReason said:


Yadda, yadda, yadda...



I wonder if anyone actually bothers reading these posts. It always the same  old taunts, insults, name calling and inaccurate information. Why even bother?

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Bannon is so dirty.

Need to shower every time you watch trump.



“Trump may indeed be planning to lose in the loudest and most destructive way possible,” David Birdsell, dean of the Public Affairs School at Baruch College, told the Daily News.

That was Birdsell’s response when asked about Trump’s decision to bring in Stephen Bannon, the executive chairman of far-right news and opinion site Breitbart.

As one of the chiefs of Breitbart, which has essentially served as a propaganda machine for Trump, Bannon has been integral in overseeing the organization’s embrace of all things white supremacist, anti-LGBTQ and anti-immigrant.




Donald Trump may be running his campaign to the ground in style.

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Bachman can see Canada from her house to keep tabs on all those Pakis and other Muslims swarming over there at the US border...


Former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) told Minnesota Public Radio that she is advising Donald Trump on foreign policy.


Said Bachmann: “He also recognizes there is a threat around the world, not just here in Minnesota, of radical Islam. I wish our President Obama also understood the threat of radical Islam and took it seriously.”



Others -- the vast majority of us -- see the 'threat' of radical rightwhingenoids and take it seriously. Which is why Trump and the 2016 Republican Party are nosediving to crash and burn.


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's campaign for the Republican nomination collapsed when trying to keep up with the Trumps he said to build a wall at the border with Canada. 


Trump the wildman lunatic crackpot attracts only the best fellow nutcakes.

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1 hour ago, Chicog said:

Does anyone else see parallels between Trump and Barry Goldwater?



Hmmm sounds familiar.




Goldwater got 38.7% of the unpopular vote, won six states and 52 Electoral College votes.


He was a milquetoast compared to Donald Trump. This is so because the country has become harder over the decades due to the extremist white Christian sector and its reaction to the 2008 election result and outcome. This too will pass because this election is their final demographic and ideological gasp.


The polls showed from the conventions that Goldwater wuz gonna get clobbered, yet Goldwater and his fanboyz said every day the polls were wrong and that the real poll was on election day -- it would be the biggest upset in history.


Nobody was more upset election night than Goldwater and his fanboyz. It should be a lesson to the present noid right but they don't ever learn. These guyz this time say the polls aren't just wrong, that the polls are knowingly false...MSM and Establishment and all of that. So this fall is gonna be a really hard one for 'em over there. 

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Trump is doubling down on the crazy conspiracy nonsense. He has given up on winning the election and is setting the narrative for his new TV Conspiracy Show. There are enough conspiracy crackpots to support an commercial industry. First episode titled: "I WOULD HAVE WON! THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED"

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