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Khao Sarn Road beating: British tourists get compensation, Thai bouncers jail


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3 minutes ago, The manic said:

They don't sound like Brits to me but they do sound like their behaviour deserved just what they received. The Buddy Beer Bar has been part of the KSR scene for over 25 years. A well oiled operation  providing backpackers with their needs. I've never heard of trouble there before. 


Trying to go into a bar an spilling beer deserves a beating with a metal bar, got it.

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What so many foreign tourists do not understand is most of these Thai males are savages. If you go for a holiday to New Guinea and come across a dude with a hat made from peacock feathers and a bone in his nose and he's carrying a spear you ain't going to mix it up with this dude because you identify him as a savage and know that he won't think twice about killing you.


But tourists come to Thailand and see Thai males wearing trousers and shirts and using smart phones and driving cars and naturally think they must be civilized, so a disagreement happens, the tourist thinks the Thai will react like a civilized person, instead to his dismay they Thai turns out to be a savage trying to kill him over some pissy thing that isn't worth thinking about in a civilized society.

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21 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Don't ever let a pursosedly dodgy headline get in the way of a even dodgier story. 

what do you expect bouncers to be? Nuns? They did a good job and now with publicity we know that bar will be a safeno go zone for drunken louts. Good jobs guys.

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13 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

I do not like the box style, if one is on the ground, and then kick in his face with the foot.
If someone is down and not get up again, the fight is usually over.
But often not here.
They love to kick in the face again and again, when the unconscious counterparty can no longer defend themselves.
Bad style.


The style is not good, but perhaps it is important to give some consideration to history, for it is not so long ago that a British boxing match resulted in no injures that a handkerchief could remedy, whereas it is not so long ago that a Thai boxing match was to the death, we really are coming from opposing takes on a fight and have somehow met in the middle.

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1 minute ago, TSF said:

What so many foreign tourists do not understand is most of these Thai males are savages. If you go for a holiday to New Guinea and come across a dude with a hat made from peacock feathers and a bone in his nose and he's carrying a spear you ain't going to mix it up with this dude because you identify him as a savage and know that he won't think twice about killing you.


But tourists come to Thailand and see Thai males wearing trousers and shirts and using smart phones and driving cars and naturally think they must be civilized, so a disagreement happens, the tourist thinks the Thai will react like a civilized person, instead to his dismay they Thai turns out to be a savage trying to kill him over some pissy thing that isn't worth thinking about in a civilized society.

Wasn't England called 'the sick man of Europe' in the recent past because of the barbaric behaviour of its football fans?

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2 minutes ago, The manic said:

what do you expect bouncers to be? Nuns? They did a good job and now with publicity we know that bar will be a safeno go zone for drunken louts. Good jobs guys.

They did not do a good job. They acted like nazis or KKK...way over the top...filled with hatred. It went way beyond security men doing their job, it turned into racial hatred...and that must stop in Thailand.

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I will say it again, though some people will mot like the truth. The land of pay your way out of trouble. For a country that has a deep religious sense that totally goes against paying people off, I find it to be the ultimate hypocrisy. 10,000 Baht is an insult. Try 100,000 baht and that might be a deterrent. Obviously this is a PR exercise to ensure no bad publicity affects Thailand, which seems to be a weekly occurrence. Sadly. 

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2 minutes ago, Siripon said:

Wasn't England called 'the sick man of Europe' in the recent past because of the barbaric behaviour of its football fans?

Ah, you mean Liverpool fans back in the late 70s and 80s. Yes they were sick, got all the English teams kicked out of European Competitions for 4 years while they themselves only got one extra year's ban.

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4 minutes ago, Siripon said:

Wasn't England called 'the sick man of Europe' in the recent past because of the barbaric behaviour of its football fans?

Yes it was but that was a very small segment of British/English society. The violence towards foreigners in Thailand is top to bottom, daily, and not confined to a small group of hooligans. 

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7 minutes ago, TSF said:

Yes it was but that was a very small segment of British/English society. The violence towards foreigners in Thailand is top to bottom, daily, and not confined to a small group of hooligans. 

top to bottom, daily,- what do you mean?

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5 hours ago, Rob13 said:



So you think the Brits were well behaved and did nothing to provoke the bouncers?


There is nothing they could have done that should have resulted in violence from the bouncers AND then result in a 10,000 "we're sorry" payment.


When I lived in Pattaya I once saw a bouncer hit an Indian in the head with a stick after the Indians were refused entry to a club and then tried to reason with the bouncer at the door. Instead of a conversation, he grabbed a stick (club) and smashed him in the head. 


Point is, Thais are not known for their reasoning or critical thinking skills. They either ignore you or try to kill you, one or the other. Those not so far along on the evolutionary scale tend to turn to violence immediately. I've seen it more than once with my own eyes.

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18 minutes ago, TSF said:

They did not do a good job. They acted like nazis or KKK...way over the top...filled with hatred. It went way beyond security men doing their job, it turned into racial hatred...and that must stop in Thailand.


Exactly. See the guy with the yellow shirt? A stranger, grabs a broom or something on a pole and gets in on the action, then tilts his hat to cover his face as he walked past the camera. Full of hate, just wanted to get in a few cheap shots on someone already down and unable to fight back. Cowards, every one of them.


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20 minutes ago, TSF said:

Yes it was but that was a very small segment of British/English society. The violence towards foreigners in Thailand is top to bottom, daily, and not confined to a small group of hooligans. 

 It must have been quite a lot of hooligans to earn the title 'Sick Man of Europe'. Was there a poll throughout the EU?

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2 minutes ago, Siripon said:

 It must have been quite a lot of hooligans to earn the title 'Sick Man of Europe'. Was there a poll throughout the EU?

As I remember it, Britain was called the 'sick man of Europe' because it was economically in a very bad state in the 1970s. That is what was being referenced by the 'sickness' - an economic malaise. I don't remember this phrase being coined specifically with reference to Britain's having many football hooligans (which, unfortunately, it did have - to Britain's shame). But I may be wrong ...

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5 hours ago, robblok said:

Sounds a lot like drunken tourist with an attitude. Not the first time that I have seen this. The Thais might have gone overboard but the Brits started it.

I am surprised that people think these kind of things don't happen. Drunk people often make trouble nothing new about it. 

But you know it happen in Thailand Thai bad drunk tourist good, to many farang apologist on Thaivisa

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7 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

So it was perfectly ok for the tourists to do this. Not. First they broke the rules of the bar which are reasonable and second acting like spoiled thugs in the toilets. They shouldn't have got one Baht and the bouncers shouldn't have been fired.


there are always some annoying and difficult customers. the bouncers' job is to contain or restrain them and report the matter to the police ( tourist police in the first instance). no law gives them the right to brutally beat up guests like that.

the bouncers deserve more punitive sentence for taking the law in their own hands - having become prosecutors, jury and judge and executioners.

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7 minutes ago, Eligius said:

As I remember it, Britain was called the 'sick man of Europe' because it was economically in a very bad state in the 1970s. That is what was being referenced by the 'sickness' - an economic malaise. I don't remember this phrase being coined specifically with reference to Britain's having many football hooligans (which, unfortunately, it did have - to Britain's shame). But I may be wrong ...

Apologies Eligius, English football hooliganism was called the 'English disease', not the 'Sick Man of Europe'. My error.

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2 minutes ago, Siripon said:

Apologies Eligius, English football hooliganism was called the 'English disease', not the 'Sick Man of Europe'. My error.

Thank you, Siripon. I think you are correct in this! I remember football hooliganism being called 'the English disease'. 

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39 minutes ago, balo said:

So the Brits got 10000 baht each ?  I am not sure they deserved that . 


you cannot equate ignominy,  brutal and merciless beating  and the physical pain resulting there from with  MONEY.some one here is just trying to ameliorate the situation by giving some financial incentive.

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33 minutes ago, dcnx said:


There is nothing they could have done that should have resulted in violence from the bouncers AND then result in a 10,000 "we're sorry" payment.


When I lived in Pattaya I once saw a bouncer hit an Indian in the head with a stick after the Indians were refused entry to a club and then tried to reason with the bouncer at the door. Instead of a conversation, he grabbed a stick (club) and smashed him in the head. 


Point is, Thais are not known for their reasoning or critical thinking skills. They either ignore you or try to kill you, one or the other. Those not so far along on the evolutionary scale tend to turn to violence immediately. I've seen it more than once with my own eyes.

hi dcnx

admitted that the tourists in this case were not on their best behaviour. they would have offended  people, including other guests. that does not give the bouncers to be the jury, the judge and the executioners.  laws of no country permit that.

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52 minutes ago, TSF said:

They did not do a good job. They acted like nazis or KKK...way over the top...filled with hatred. It went way beyond security men doing their job, it turned into racial hatred...and that must stop in Thailand.


53 minutes ago, TSF said:

They did not do a good job. They acted like nazis or KKK...way over the top...filled with hatred. It went way beyond security men doing their job, it turned into racial hatred...and that must stop in Thailand.

no we do not expect bouncers to be NUNS.  neither can they take the law in their own hands and punish people even without a trial.

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1 hour ago, Shawn0000 said:


The style is not good, but perhaps it is important to give some consideration to history, for it is not so long ago that a British boxing match resulted in no injures that a handkerchief could remedy, whereas it is not so long ago that a Thai boxing match was to the death, we really are coming from opposing takes on a fight and have somehow met in the middle.

not only bad style but completely cowardly behaviour. you do not kick people who are on the ground and unable to defend themselves.

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27 minutes ago, sahibji said:

not only bad style but completely cowardly behaviour. you do not kick people who are on the ground and unable to defend themselves.


My point was that in Thai boxing some hundreds of years ago, you did, you finished them off.

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Well now....Assuming what is written as the facts are true, then it was all just a misunderstanding that resulted in a 20 second scuffle and the British guys took more of a beating than they could manage to give back...which is often the case when very drunk people get into a fight and find out what the word impaired means during a fight.

Alcohol...there was copious amounts of Alcohol involved .........

What more needs to be said.



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1 hour ago, moe666 said:

But you know it happen in Thailand Thai bad drunk tourist good, to many farang apologist on Thaivisa


BS. Sweeping generalisations do not support your case. "Thai bad, drunk tourist good" reveals your own reverse racism.



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