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Fee for visa on arrival doubled to 2,000 baht as of Sept 27

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Genius! Let's double the visa entry to the richest country in the world 'china' because we can!


How much do Chinese tourists spend in Bangkok central when they go shopping? 


Let's just close Thailand down and go somewhere else.


Getting ridiculous now

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14 hours ago, DavisH said:

The Chinese are gonna love this one!


This is like when restaurants don't have enough customers....they increase the prices!

Interesting analogy, but I doubt many restaurants actually do that unless they find their costs for supplies have risen. I would guess in most restaurants the profit margins are pretty thin. 


As for the Chinese, I'm pretty sure the majority of lower income travelers come in tour groups and the tour company would make arrangements for visas ahead of time or bury the cost for VOAs in the package price so that an increase of Baht 1000 would be barely noticeable when their customers are charged for the package.


If any individual would actually be deterred from traveling here based on an increase of Baht 1000, they would probably not be the sort of tourist who would contribute much to the Thai economy. Thailand does want tourists, but their value to the economy is dependent on how much they spend here. 


Visa exempt entries for the majority of passport holders remain free and charges for other immigrations services are not that onerous.

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10 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

Interesting analogy, but I doubt many restaurants actually do that unless they find their costs for supplies have risen. I would guess in most restaurants the profit margins are pretty thin. 


As for the Chinese, I'm pretty sure the majority of lower income travelers come in tour groups and the tour company would make arrangements for visas ahead of time or bury the cost for VOAs in the package price so that an increase of Baht 1000 would be barely noticeable when their customers are charged for the package.


If any individual would actually be deterred from traveling here based on an increase of Baht 1000, they would probably not be the sort of tourist who would contribute much to the Thai economy. Thailand does want tourists, but their value to the economy is dependent on how much they spend here. 


Visa exempt entries for the majority of passport holders remain free and charges for other immigrations services are not that onerous.


Loving your pro Thai view on this and also I love this country too.


I think the main thread you have replied to is along the lines of  'why bite the hands that feed you'?


Sometimes Chinese travellers are the same as western travellers and don't plan 1 year ahead!  So to say they should organise their visa to avoid an increase in voa fees is ridiculous - do you work for immigration? 


Coming back to the increase in fees and comparing it with western inflation double is harsh by any standards. 


Not arguing just putting across my point 

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14 hours ago, willyumiii said:

This may reduce the cheap charlie and penniless backpackers who visit.

That would improve the tourist experience for those who can afford it and do spend money here.

Maybe not a bad idea.

Do remember, however, cheap Charlie's do bring money into the country and backpackers tend to share their experiences and may return one day as more effluent tourists.

So, maybe your idea is not so good.

Shows, more or less, the short time (sorry) way of thinking of many, if not all, managers and those thinking they are.

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15 hours ago, willyumiii said:

This may reduce the cheap charlie and penniless backpackers who visit.

That would improve the tourist experience for those who can afford it and do spend money here.

Maybe not a bad idea.

Quality expat


Are you the last of the Big Spenders? 

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16 hours ago, willyumiii said:

This may reduce the cheap charlie and penniless backpackers who visit.

That would improve the tourist experience for those who can afford it and do spend money here.

Maybe not a bad idea.

I fear that cheap charlies will continue to come, but instead of 500 Baht a night for a room they'll move down to a 350 Baht flea ridden dens. And they won't splash out on cheap deals at outlets like Kiss but on 7-Eleven burgers.... aarrgh, I feel sick already!

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18 hours ago, DavisH said:

The Chinese are gonna love this one!


This is like when restaurants don't have enough customers....they increase the prices!

and a vicious cycle sets. the higher the prices, even lesser client until the system chokes itself to death.

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14 minutes ago, brucegoniners said:

Brilliant!  After the bombings, let's do some more things to discourage tourism.


This government can't get out of it's own way, can it?

you are absolutely right. i have decided not to visit Myanmar  due to the exorbitant  visa fee plus the hassle of making two visits to the embassy to apply and collect the visa.

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16 minutes ago, brucegoniners said:

Brilliant!  After the bombings, let's do some more things to discourage tourism.


This government can't get out of it's own way, can it?

may have been been more prudent to do promotions  to attract more tourist. this action may have negative impact.

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You need to remember that at one time, we all had to pay cash to 'leave' Thailand in the way of a departure Tax. Now that departure tax is 'Built in' to the airfares. You don't know how much your paying. The Chinese etc are big spenders, whatever people will tell you. Another 1000 bt won't bother them in the slightest. They shop in the best shops and eat in the best restaurants and invest heavily in property. You rarely see them in cheap bars. Most have more money than we could ever dream of having. The only ones seemed remotely worried by this are the those that like to compare the cost of a bus to a Tuk Tuk in the hope of saving 20 bt and dreading that it may effect them at some stage.

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16 hours ago, willyumiii said:

Fine with me.

I have no use for tourists.

Most are rude and disrespectful,

 and I  find most from my home country very embarrassing.

But I do not depend on tourists for my income, so I am biased.

And yet you choose to live in a country that is driven by tourism. I saw your other post about cheap Charlie backpackers. I wonder how many cheap Charlie backpackers are Maltese? Or Cyptiot? Or from Andorra or Saudi come to that? You're just Mr Cliche man with nothing original to offer up.

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4 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Visa price doubled to 2,000 Bht ? I must be missing something as I,ve never been charged a red cent !


because you must be a tvf elite member



either that or through your endeavours you failed to process some countries citizens dont incur a fee




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17 hours ago, Ronuk said:

I doubt the cost of Visas has any bearing on the number of Tourists. imo, the cost of a visa isn't the make or break decision to visit a country or not. It appears that most government Departments in most countries in 2016 now seem to be responsible for there own budgets. If immigration need to improve there financial status, then the raising of prices for visas is probably an easy decision for them to take. I doubt the VOA will be the only visa to see an increase in price over the coming months. They tend to raise the price on one type of visa and eventually the price filters through to other categories.
Take a look at the price of different types of visas to enter the UK now. The price increases have been incredible over the previous years.


reeeeeeeeaaaly. so if you are a tour opperator  with 100 people.  who will fork over that unexpected Extra 100,000 baht?  remeber that cruise liner that made a surprise visit to an ISLAND and spent over half a million under 2 hours? well they were ripped off just like this and they WILL NEVER RETURN.   a weeks notice is a SCAM. its easier to redirect all tourist to laos or vietnam using software.  jsut save tourist some headaches.  Thailand is not the UK. 

But since you think this inst going to affect a world favorite destination because its affordability. then you should NOT SEE A CRIME SPIKE.  or maybe you are too high for us lowly people.  The government is killing the chicken that lays the golden eggs. 

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14 minutes ago, american12bthai said:


reeeeeeeeaaaly. so if you are a tour opperator  with 100 people.  who will fork over that unexpected Extra 100,000 baht?  remeber that cruise liner that made a surprise visit to an ISLAND and spent over half a million under 2 hours? well they were ripped off just like this and they WILL NEVER RETURN.   a weeks notice is a SCAM. its easier to redirect all tourist to laos or vietnam using software.  jsut save tourist some headaches.  Thailand is not the UK. 

But since you think this inst going to affect a world favorite destination because its affordability. then you should NOT SEE A CRIME SPIKE.  or maybe you are too high for us lowly people.  The government is killing the chicken that lays the golden eggs. 

It will effect absolutely nothing! (Other than those hard done by expats living here already who think they are paying far too much for visas and extensions) when the price almost certainly  filters through to other visa options at a later date. It's  £20, 2 packets of fags in London. As I said, it's not a deal breaker, nowhere near it. It's peanuts in the grand scheme of things. In all honesty, it's not even worthy of a news headline.

Edited by Ronuk
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37 minutes ago, Alwyn said:

Such a random list! Latvia and Lithuania, but not Estonia. I just wonder why they chose these countries? Malta and Cyprus for example, why? Why Malta and not Italy? Weird.

The list has been the same for some time now. Now sure what the determining factor is.

Italy and Estonia get 30 day visa exempt entries.

List of VOA and visa exempt countries is here. http://www.consular.go.th/main/th/customize/62281-Summary-of-Countries-and-Territories-entitled-for.html

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