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Trumps claims Obama "lied" about cash for Iran's US prisoners


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14 hours ago, ezzra said:

Not before Obama, and not after him there will be a US president that championed the cause, he's the best thing that ever happened to Muslims and Arab worldwide, Iran, and millions of illegal immigrants that flooded the US illegally under his watch, to put it past him that he didn't pay the $400 millions is like saying he didn't want to close Gitmo........

Hillary might surpass Obama; more un-American decisions.  After America falls, the rest of the world does as well.

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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Mr Trump needs to get with the program...


Only obama, hillary and their entire PC brigade are allowed to lie because the media will give them a free pass for it.




Not only that. The MSM will back them up. They are enablers of PC lies.

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

"The Wall Street Journal has rather authoritatively demonstrated that the payment was a ransom in common parlance, of the Groucho Marx who- ya-gonna-believe? variety. The Journal’s most recent story on it, the second by Jay Solomon and Carol Lee, shows up the Obama version as a lie, bald-faced division. The story — “U.S. held cash until Iran freed prisoners” — is accessible online via Google here. "




Read the whole thing.  Money quote:   "The ransom payment has done great harm. If President Obama’s words have any credibility, the ransom payment has damaged it".


Did anyone hit the Powerline link and "read the whole thing." Suckers.


There is nothing here folks, move along. Why is this still a thing?  


Why are the wingnuts doing this? How does it help the cause? What is their cause, anyway? Trump election? Tarnish Obama? Republicans have lost the plot.  Well...I don't mean recently, I mean...prior to this and this is the recent proof. 


Wow, yeah the Republicans should run with this pearl. Keep campaigning in Connecticut too, idiot. :clap2:

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51 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Not only that. The MSM will back them up. They are enablers of PC lies.


Yeah, all the media except Faux News. Enablers of PC lies? Tsk.  


Any post that contains, "MSM," should be disregarded. You just know anyone blaming 95% of the media for the disaster that is the Republican party, deserves to be blown off. 


Republicans did this to themselves. 17 incredibly bad candidates...we end up with the worst one of all. The MSM is reporting the news, get over it. This must be such a difficult time for Republicans.:violin: 

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2 hours ago, Pinot said:


Yeah, all the media except Faux News. Enablers of PC lies? 




You got something right for a change. Media bias is a FACT.


Media bias is real, finds UCLA political scientist


"Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.

Media bias is real, finds UCLA political scientist



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17 hours ago, DM07 said:

...and your prove for this, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis...?


What are you referring too??  Proof of what........that the US President lied to the public about 'ransom' money paid for the release of hostages??  Its all a fact, sure the money was "owed" to iran for a number of years, but it was  only released as a payment when Iran had somthing we wanted.:thumbsup:

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"Legendary standup comic Jackie Mason delivered his hilarious take on President Obama’s claim that $400 million in pallets of foreign currency flown to Iran aboard an unmarked jetliner the same day five American hostages were released from Iranian custody did not amount to ransom."


Mason contended Obama denied the ransom claims “because every time he tells another lie his poll numbers go up.”




The Emperor has no clothes period.  In other words, Donald Trump is 100% correct in his assessment. 

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Seems like a very, very smart facet of the Iran nuclear negotiation/deal which culminated in even more benefit for the U.S., and the world?


But Senor Trump and his followers need to grasp at every life-preserver available, while the band plays on and they re-arrange they deck chairs on the SS Trumptanic.



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The old adage: if it looks like a duck and walks and quacks like a duck then it was a duck. Then the media found they could convince us it was anything they wanted it to be.


Small coincidences happen, but large and repeated ones are generally what our guts tell us they are. Would suggest the payment is exactly what it looks like.

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Could you imagine the BENGHAZI uproar BENGHAZI if it came out BENGHAZI that Obama left BENGHAZI people behind BENGHAZI when it was so BENGHAZI easy to leverage BENGHAZI Iran into a simple add-on?




U.S. Concedes $400 Million Payment to Iran Was Delayed as Prisoner ‘Leverage’


The State Department conceded for the first time on Thursday that it delayed making a $400 million payment to Iran for several hours in January “to retain maximum leverage” and ensure that three American prisoners were released the same day.




Maybe go back and read up on the Iran Hostage Release in 1980/81. Yes, a Democratic President started that process, which also involved the release of seized assets, but Reagan is often credited with this release.




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Trump is an idiot and it's a crying shame he is the best from 400 million americans and the republican party. 


If he ever gets the freak result to be elected...it will be interesting to see how the Muslims ISIS and all the fanatics will trigger and irritate him for a reaction and expose his brainless and depth of foreign affairs management.


Obama is a good moderate choice and not good enough for some. For the rest of the world, he carried himself well and represented USA in a good balanced way 


Trump is an idiot and HRC is sad old lady ! Both a mockery of democracy ....

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14 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


Maybe go back and read up on the Iran Hostage Release in 1980/81. Yes, a Democratic President started that process, which also involved the release of seized assets, but Reagan is often credited with this release.


It happened on Reagan's watch, so he gets the credit. That is how it works. GeorgeW.Bush started the process of finding Osama Bin Ladin, but he is not the one who is credited for getting him.

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2 minutes ago, LawrenceChee said:


Obama is a good moderate choice and not good enough for some. For the rest of the world, he carried himself well and represented USA in a good balanced way 



The people who are talking about like to see America WEAK.

Obama sold us out with the Iran "deal" and lied to us about paying a ransom for prisoners.

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Tempest in a teapot but I understand that Senor Trump needs to be offensive, I mean go on the offensive...


Trump’s false claim that Clinton ‘started the talks’ to give $400 million to Iran


“Our incompetent secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, was the one who started talks to give 400 million dollars, in cash, to Iran. Scandal!”
— tweet by Donald Trump, Aug. 3


The GOP presidential nominee jumped on an interesting report in the Wall Street Journal that the Obama administration shipped $400 million in cash to Iran at about the same time that four Americans being held in Iran were released after negotiations.





Is Trump running against Obama?




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36 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


He is running against "Obama's third term". ;)


Yeah, but he's not a real candidate, he's the Republican candidate. Leading the  lemmings off the cliff. Bye. Enjoy the trip. 


I can see that the wingnuts are going to embrace this hostage for ransom bullshit. Screw the facts. No one really cares but go ahead, you guys win. All an elaborate conspiracy. Obama made the country weak. Jeesh. Happy now? 


The GOP’s Chances Of Holding The Senate Are Following Trump Downhill


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Give it a little time. The corruption and lies of the U. S. government, including many of its Western allies, are going to be exposed.  The turmoil everywhere has nothing to do with "Left vs. Right", it is all about Globalism.


Trump stands for national sovereignty and its movement. He will expose Globalism and thus is wholeheartedly hated by the elites from both sides of the political duopoly - They thought it's a done deal.

As I said, give it a little time to sink in until it's common knowledge.


Could it be, that the constant lying, including the unsuccessful cover-up of the ransom payment slowly starts to have its consequences? Shock poll.

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1 hour ago, Andreas2 said:

Give it a little time. The corruption and lies of the U. S. government, including many of its Western allies, are going to be exposed.

The turmoil everywhere has nothing to do with "Left vs. Right", it is all about Globalism.


Trump stands for national sovereignty and its movement. He will expose Globalism and thus is wholeheartedly hated by the elites from both sides of the political duopoly - They thought it's a done deal.

As I said, give it a little time to sink in until it's common knowledge.


Could it be, that the constant lying, including the unsuccessful cover-up of the ransom payment slowly starts to have its consequences? Shock poll.


Trump will expose globalism?

The bloke who makes his shit in Mexico, Bangladesh, China and Slovenia rather than pay American Workers a fair wage?

The man who says he will bring jobs to America when he has asked for visas for loads of cheap foreign workers over the years claiming he can't find Americans who want a job?

Yeah, right.



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1 hour ago, Chicog said:

Trump will expose globalism?

The bloke who makes his shit in Mexico, Bangladesh, China and Slovenia rather than pay American Workers a fair wage?

The man who says he will bring jobs to America when he has asked for visas for loads of cheap foreign workers over the years claiming he can't find Americans who want a job?

Yeah, right.




I see, we are getting a little bit off topic.

It's not about the person Trump, it's about the policies he is proposing. If they are imposed - if elected - you will see capitalism play its magic. Excessive regulations (including so-called "free trade" agreements) and taxation is killing every economy. Get the state (especially its costs) as much as possible out of the economy.

Whereas his proposed "punishment tariffs" are very bad, if enacted. They siphon wealth away from the very own people/customers.

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6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


It happened on Reagan's watch, so he gets the credit. That is how it works. GeorgeW.Bush started the process of finding Osama Bin Ladin, but he is not the one who is credited for getting him.


Well as Bush spent a trillion dollars, got thousands of sons and daughters of America killed in the process and used the most sophisticated intelligence resources in the world and still could not get him in 8 years, the only credit he is owed is what he deserves. Lock him up.

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On 8/20/2016 at 10:38 AM, Ulysses G. said:


And it just happened to take place right when the prisoners were being released. It just happened that they were not released until the money was delivered. Serendipity. :whistling:




Even if they used the hostages as bargaining power to get their money back, which all facts point to being incorrect, that would not make it a ransom payment as Trump calls it as the money was theirs anyway and being illegally held.

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Why wouldn't they. It is obviously true.

Yeah, check out   David Sanger’s New York Times article “U.S. concedes $400 million payment to Iran was delayed as prisoner ‘leverage.’” They think we’re stupid and they have the evidence to prove it!


"Prisoner Leverage" = Newspeak for Ransom Money! :facepalm:

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28 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Yeah, check out   David Sanger’s New York Times article “U.S. concedes $400 million payment to Iran was delayed as prisoner ‘leverage.’” They think we’re stupid and they have the evidence to prove it!


"Prisoner Leverage" = Newspeak for Ransom Money! :facepalm:


Worst kidnappers ever.

Gave up their hostages in return for getting money that was theirs.

Nice piss take, Obama!



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30 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Worst kidnappers ever.

Gave up their hostages in return for getting money that was theirs.

Nice piss take, Obama!



What in the world is a "piss take"?  :facepalm:


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5 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Even if they used the hostages as bargaining power to get their money back, which all facts point to being incorrect, that would not make it a ransom payment as Trump calls it as the money was theirs anyway and being illegally held.


You need to do some reading, before making ignorant comments. The Obama administration had already admitted that they would not have handed over the money until the prisoners were delivered.


It was a ransom.

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4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You need to do some reading, before making ignorant comments. The Obama administration had already admitted that they would not have handed over the money until the prisoners were delivered.


It was a ransom.


The Hague ordered them to pay the money, you cannot pay a ransom to someone with their own money.

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