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Police throw the book at Saphan Kwai bar owners


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On 08/20/2016 at 9:45 AM, The stuttering parrot said:

Well 15 year olds is as far as I'm concern is underage and catering to paedofilles so well done to the cops on this one.


Parrot indeed... well recited example of your western conditioning!

Did you know that the age of consent in Thailand is 15 years? 13 years with parental consent. It's only 18 years for working in an 'adult' environment; e.g., any establishment where alcohol is sold for immediate consumption, prostitution being illegal in Thailand.

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On 08/20/2016 at 9:29 AM, Alive said:

It's obvious the owners have no real wealth or connections. They will be good examples for the authorities. I just see all justice in Thailand as hypocrisy. Even with this supposedly anti-corruption regime in power, the connected, powerful and wealthy get a free pass. The law isn't the law for all.


So obvious! (???)

I have it on good authority that local police are being bypassed when these raids go down, only being called in once it's kicked off and the big boys have control of the environment (doors, phones, computers, etc.), just so those who provide the 'insurance' services can't tip off their paying customers. This also protects said insurers from local retrubution, being able to say that they had no idea it was going to happen.

I understand that the anti-corruption campaign has a long way to go to get to the top of the shit-pile, but this strategy is certainly a step in the right direction.


Not sure how justice equals hypocrisy! Or perhaps you meant the justice system. If that's so, then I suggest that it's the case in every country in the world.

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On 08/20/2016 at 3:24 PM, 348GTS said:



Actually I would say ephebophilia is a more accurate term. People should learn the difference between the 3 terms instead of constantly accusing everyone of being child molesters. According to the orginal report, they found ONE 16 yr old and ONE 17 yr old so not sure where the "15 year olds" fit into this? Those who go to the so-called farang bars might be shocked to know how many under 18's there are working there. Just because they tell you "me 19 year ohh" doesn't always make it so.


I don't think those who go to the farrang bars are looking for older women... generally speaking!


Such a shame that nature and law rarely agree!

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On 08/20/2016 at 10:07 AM, ChrisY1 said:

Literally dozens of bars, massage, karaoke and etc throughout the area.....let alone the hundreds of others in the rest of BKK.......and they pick 2......!



How many do you think they should raid in one night? I keep hearing about these places being hit. There was one last month which was owned by senior cops.

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On 08/22/2016 at 0:34 AM, gk10002000 said:

is naked gogo dancing now not happening in any gogo bars in Thailand?  Gosh, nothing against bikinis, but that other stuff can be pleasant to sit back and watch while having a beer or two?  I mean many people go there on vacation and to look see


Now gather round people, whoever you are
There'll be no more tiddie on show in the bar
Those cute liddle girls will stay home with their ma
And the family will have to start workin'

Her kids will go hungry and she'll get the blame
Oh the times they are a changin'


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All this is ridiculous and I am surprised, that the media still keeps picking up the news. We all know how things work around this business and the boys in brown. Next please - boring - as it has nothing with tiding the place up in the first place. 
Wondering if all those illegal alien picked-up at the Nataree place are still in police custody? Their local sisters could leave the station sort of immediately afterwards. Do those non-Thai girls have to serve/please different masters on a pro bono concept? 

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Parrot indeed... well recited example of your western conditioning!

Did you know that the age of consent in Thailand is 15 years? 13 years with parental consent. It's only 18 years for working in an 'adult' environment; e.g., any establishment where alcohol is sold for immediate consumption, prostitution being illegal in Thailand.

That's not accurate.
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2 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:


That's not accurate.



That's a pointless response!


I researched the matter a few years ago after seeing much confusion and many 'expert opinions' on the subject, probably in these forums. The information I quoted was from seeminly reliable lagal sources I found on-line.

Please tell me where you think the inaccuracy lies, and present whatever evidence you have to support your claims, with references/citations.


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49 minutes ago, JayBeeee said:


That's a pointless response!


I researched the matter a few years ago after seeing much confusion and many 'expert opinions' on the subject, probably in these forums. The information I quoted was from seeminly reliable lagal sources I found on-line.

Please tell me where you think the inaccuracy lies, and present whatever evidence you have to support your claims, with references/citations.



Sorry, I should have expanded on why your post is inaccurate.  It is not accurate to say that " the age of consent in Thailand is 15 years. 13 years with parental consent. It's only 18 years for working in an 'adult' environment; e.g., any establishment where alcohol is sold for immediate consumption, prostitution being illegal in Thailand." 


Try googling Ekarat Wongcharat who was prosecuted for having sex with a 16 year old.  It is very misleading to say that the age of consent is 15!!  The age of consent for prostitution is indeed 18, but that is specific for that purpose, and bears no relation to working in establishments where alcohol is served.  Hope this helps.

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Okay. I'll follow that reference later when I have my other glasses, but are you saying that prostitution is legal in Thailand, becaus I was under the impression that it wasn't, under the 'Lewd behaviour' act.

There is legislation that regulates prostitution and which makes many aspects of it illegal, like soliciting, underage, brothels and conducting it in a "promiscuous" manner. However, I don't believe the private act of paying someone for sexual services is illegal.
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6 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:


There is legislation that regulates prostitution and which makes many aspects of it illegal, like soliciting, underage, brothels and conducting it in a "promiscuous" manner. However, I don't believe the private act of paying someone for sexual services is illegal.



Okay, I stand corrected; thank you for bringing it up!

I just found something on Wikipedia, however reliable that might be, on the subject of 'ages of consent in Asian countries'...

"The age of consent in Thailand is 15 (with the below caveat) as specified by article 279 of the Thai Criminal Code. The current legislation applies to all regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

However, parts of the Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act, which disallow any sexual contact with prostitutes under the age of 18, are widely interpreted by some local authorities to cover sexual acts classed as "obscenity for personal gratification". Also, from the Penal Code Amendment Actof 1997 Section 283bis, having sex with an adolescent under 18 is a compoundable offense even with the consent of that person. The parent or the adolescent may file charges against the other side if they later regrets their own action. This ostensibly makes the Thai unfettered age of consent 18."


So, any man or woman under 18 can change his or her mind any time after the event and the other party is liable!  I assume the 'other party' would have to have been over 18 at the time of the potential offense.


Discussion for another thread, perhaps!



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