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Smoked Out


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I can relate to your problem. I have Emphysema so second hand smoke is a health hazard for me as well as annoying. I live in a large complex that gets many short term renters, ( 1 to 3 months), mostly from Russia and they all seem to smoke, but do so on the balcony so they do not stink up their own room, but have no problem stinking up someone elses room.


I had to move once after 4 years in a room here, because a Thai woman moved in across the hall from me and was always smoking. Unfortunately, the breeze blew into my room instead of out her balcony. I explained my situation to her and asked her please to close her door when she smoked. Her reply? ...... I am Thai. I do what I want. You no like it, go home!



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compile some soundtrack(s) from , say, the movies - of various (smoker's coughing, and maybe add some spitting)


if you have a Minidisc in your music system it would be easiest, but get the various tracks, and edit to loop them to repeat...

... so, when next you are affected, start the playback


I use this theory in practice, not for smokers, but for playing looped Movie tyre screeches for when I am being cut-off, and have to brake and sound my horns.

I have a secret Enable switch for enabling via the horn button



no one expects the unexpected

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On Saturday, August 20, 2016 at 5:51 PM, berybert said:

Doesn't smoke rise ?

Smoke does, but the vile smell of cigarette Is still evident over a wide area.  A light breeze around a building will disperse smoke In all directions.


Smokers have to be the most Inconsiderate and arrogant people on the planet.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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12 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Rubbish.  I'm a pretty heavy smoker, but have never yet coughed up what you describe.  That's reserved (as far as I know) for those with colds.


Lovely rubbish, I guess.  You swallow it then?   Some smokers will do anything to conceal their addiction.  If only they'd just take it somewhere else.  (To the few that do, apologies.  If only you could persuade your brethren to be as considerate.)


PS    If you think Thailand is still somehow the place where no rules apply and there's no limit to the abuses of the past, you're still living in the 1960s. 

PPS  A fan just spreads the filthy smoke around so it can annoy even more people.  It can't overcome a prevailing breeze and isn't a wormhole to another universe.  You should bone up on the difference between sewers and fans...




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On 8/20/2016 at 3:24 PM, xvend said:

you moved to a country where smoking is acceptable and the most profitable markets for big tobacco. Deal with it.


If you want go somewhere where you won't have to deal with this, buy/rent a condo in San Francisco. I live there 4 months out of the year and they prohibit smoking cigarettes, even on your balcony, or anywhere on the premises. You can smoke other things though without too much objection.


Your cost of living might increase SLIGHTLY :)




Actually, smoking is unacceptable amongst the young. The educational campaigns are bearing fruit as the 20-30 year olds are  putting down the cigarettes.  The only Thais who smoke regularly everywhere  are the  over 40's, the unskilled  workers and those who occupy  jobs  that are low on the social hierarchy. All of my friends except one has stopped smoking, and he is not allowed to smoke near us when we go out. One of my friend's who is a  farmer   stopped cold turkey 18 months ago and won't go near tobacco, He smoked  for 20+ years.  I asked him how he found the strength and he replied, he didn't want to die. Simple as that.


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That's certainly good news.    I would say that Indonesia would be the worst of the ASEAN countries.   Kids as young as 5 take it up.   


The average age of death for adult males is 51.  The largest hospital in the country is the Cancer Hospital.   The population is brainwashed into thinking that cigarette smoking is a huge employer.  (it is, but at what cost?).


It's great that so few smokers are seen here in Thailand.


There are some farangs who sit in the lobby of this condo and the smell travels all over.  

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When I retired at age 65, almost ALL of my colleagues who had been smokers, had

passed away.  A whole variety of cancers.    


I prefer to believe Professor Doll , who first came up with the data showing smokers and early death were closely related.

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14 hours ago, bazza40 said:

Just wait for the lung cancer,and you'll be coughing up blood instead.


It baffles me how smokers can ignore simple statistics. 50% of smokers will die of smoking, via cancer, emphysema, COPD, heart disease or stroke. 50% of those will die before age 50.


Yes, there are smokers who defy the odds, and you may be one of them. It doesn't mean because you are one data point

in millions no other smoker coughs up phlegm. It's actually the mechanism of a body trying to protect itself from damage.


Back on topic, OP should move if it bothers him too much.The stress isn't worth it.


How can smokers ignore simple statistics :  See # 2 below.

Smokers are in 3 main categories:

1. Ignorant. Just too stupid and un educated to understand risk. ( I dont think this applies to anyone here)

2. In a state of denial. They disregard the facts and deny the risk to themselves and of course anyone else.

3.Obnoxious and inconsiderate. Who do not care about their health or anyone else's .   

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17 hours ago, NanLaew said:


This is turning into a 'hate smoking/support smoking' thread.


If someone cares enough, perhaps they can start a new thread about this - but meanwhile, it would be better (IMO) to post about the smoker who is seriously annoying someone else by smoking on his balcony.

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This thread is ridiculous , its just an excuse for hypocrites to demonise smokers.

You may not have noticed but Bangkok does not have very clean air , do some of you also rant continously at drivers , food venders etc ?

The OP has a problem , fair enough , city life throws up all manner of problems , they need adressing and hopefully settled amicably.

If the offender is made aware of the nuisance and refuses to come to a reasonable compromise then he is an <deleted>. Being an <deleted> is the problem , not being a smoker.

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On 8/21/2016 at 11:35 PM, whaleboneman said:

Actually, the smokers are changing their positions at alarming rates. From standing to 6 feet under.

This is not an anti smoking thread.  I encouraged the OP to give his neighbor cigarettes and encourage him to smoke much more, much more.  Really now... :clap2:

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20 hours ago, joeyg said:

This is not an anti smoking thread.  I encouraged the OP to give his neighbor cigarettes and encourage him to smoke much more, much more.  Really now... :clap2:


Indeed sir but the pasty, whiny 'anti smoking' zealots' love to have the whine ....I love blowing my smoke over them....

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On 8/22/2016 at 10:37 AM, morrobay said:


How can smokers ignore simple statistics :  See # 2 below.

Smokers are in 3 main categories:

1. Ignorant. Just too stupid and un educated to understand risk. ( I dont think this applies to anyone here)

2. In a state of denial. They disregard the facts and deny the risk to themselves and of course anyone else.

3.Obnoxious and inconsiderate. Who do not care about their health or anyone else's .   


Actuallyl there is one more category :

4. Jerks

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As a Non Smoker I find it funny the Anti Smoker will die just as quick ,getting their blood pressures so hi with their Control Freak rhetoric Also when they have finished boring us all about Smoke They start on Global Warming and Islamic Nutters.we all know Dear ,just sit over there Dear so we can enjoy our Beer without an Alcohol Rant

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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Christ almighty!  As a smoker, I make sure my smoke is going nowhere near my dogs.  Fans are great for this - although those that hate all smokers obviously disagree.....


The OP just needs to direct a fan to blow the smoke away.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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On 8/19/2016 at 10:10 PM, cyberfarang said:

 .,,, Sorry, but there are no laws against people smoking in their own homes, gardens or balconies in Thailand. The same in every other country I think.


3 choices really, either grim and bear it, keep your balcony door closed or move.



put a fan at your door pointed  outside

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  • 2 months later...
On 8/20/2016 at 0:10 PM, cyberfarang said:

Sorry, but there are no laws against people smoking in their own homes, gardens or balconies in Thailand. The same in every other country I think.


3 choices really, either grim and bear it, keep your balcony door closed or move.




Not so sure of the accuracy of your statement.  According to Wikipedia, it's already illegal to smoke on balconies in Latvia and Panama, and there is a growing sentiment in that direction elsewhere as well.
















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18 minutes ago, funlovinkid said:

Not so sure of the accuracy of your statement.  According to Wikipedia, it's already illegal to smoke on balconies in Latvia and Panama, and there is a growing sentiment in that direction elsewhere as well.

A friend of mine who owns a condo in one of the countries mentioned says that there it's not a law of the land but a by-law of the condo owners' corporation. However in the seven years the by-law has been on the books there has never been a single prosecution. From time to time the owners' corporation puts up a notice in the elevators whining about people smoking on balconies and making threats but they've never, ever followed through.

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24 minutes ago, funlovinkid said:

Smoking from balconies in some states in Australia is banned, as it is in city streets.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/5/2016 at 10:01 AM, SaintLouisBlues said:

A friend of mine who owns a condo in one of the countries mentioned says that there it's not a law of the land but a by-law of the condo owners' corporation. However in the seven years the by-law has been on the books there has never been a single prosecution. From time to time the owners' corporation puts up a notice in the elevators whining about people smoking on balconies and making threats but they've never, ever followed through.


"Whining"?  So the complaints have no legitimacy?  This is the essence of the problem: too many smokers believe that, along with them, everyone else should be breathing the cyanide gas they produce, without complaint.  Good luck with that.


And just because the condo owner's corporation hasn't yet pursued formal action against anyone doesn't mean they won't.  Maybe the smokers in that building have decided to be considerate of others, and not smoke on their balconies!


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On 8/20/2016 at 0:56 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

Why don't you buy one of those big fans and every time he smokes turn it on to blow the smell towards him, or even just away from you?


Fans will typically help a little, but often will just re-distribute the smoke uniformly in the same air space - especially on a balcony, if it's somewhat enclosed.

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On 8/20/2016 at 6:31 PM, Merylhighground said:

You could try and actually talk (in a nice way)  to the 'offender' and surprise, surprise he may be a totally reasonable chap and comply to your wishes.

I like a cigar of an evening, especially on hot, sunny days, over my iced strong cider in the garden, but out of consideration to the family and my neighbours I shift ho to the top of the garden away from the houses at 'lighting up' time. Not all smokers are out to make a nuisance of themselves no matter how much thin skinned, whiny, non-smokers, may think they do....


You were doing great, right up to the point where you felt it was necessary to denigrate non-smokers.

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On 8/20/2016 at 9:55 PM, ehw200 said:

smoker here

lady upstairs mentioned that when I smoke on the balcony in the night, the smell enters her bedroom making it difficult to sleep

she is Thai and was very nice and polite about the situation

I stopped smoking on the balcony 

I am considering buying a large fan to blow the smoke away from the building to see if this works for both of us

I had also approached her about watering her plants and the water pouring onto my balcony

she stopped

maybe you could by a fan to blow the smoke away from your doors and even offer to buy your neighbor one as well

diplomacy can sometimes go a long way to working out problems and concessions

hopefully the man is not an ass and you can work something out with him where both of you are happy

ps,,, going to try quitting again as soon as I return to Thailand




Well said!  I really like your mature approach to resolving a problem as a win-win.  You're a rare breed here on TV.

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On 8/20/2016 at 11:49 PM, callaway said:

"Can anyone share their ideas on such a situation?"  Yes stop your whinging and stand outside front door for fresh air. It is his condo and he has the right to smoke out on the balcony. What makes you think you have more rights than him? This is SE Asia not farangland with their softcock laws. He obviously smokes on the balcony so as not to offend others inside his condo. Do you expect him to go down to the carpark every time he wants a smoke just so you can open your door? I do not believe some of you people sometimes. Live and let live. Other option is move but I am sure you will find others there that you will find offensive for some pitiful reason.


Yet another constructive, helpful suggestion from an obviously reasonable sort of person here on Thai Visa. 

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