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Philippine president threatens to quit UN over ‘stupid’ criticism of drug war


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Philippine president threatens to quit UN over ‘stupid’ criticism of drug war




MANILA: -- The Philippine president has threatened to quit the United Nations after it urged him to stop killing suspected criminals.


There have been about 900 executions since May during Rodrigo Duterte’s war on illegal drugs targeting dealers and users.


Local media and other groups have higher tallies, some nearly 1,000, and say they include apparent victims of summary killings.


Vigilantes gangs are also taking things into their own hands on the streets; images show bodies bound with tape – their alleged crimes written on cardboard signs hung around their necks.


Two UN human rights experts said in a statement that drug-trafficking offences should be judged in a court of law, not by gunmen on the streets.


President Duterte responded to the UN during a news conference.


“What have you done for the world, Mr United Nations and your expert. You know, when he comes here, you tell him straight, Mayor Duterte would only ask five questions to prove that you are stupid,” Duterte said, adding that they should count not just the number of drug-related deaths but also the innocent lives lost to drugs.


“I do not want to insult you. But maybe we’ll just have to decide to separate from the United Nations. If you are that disrespectful, son of a whore, we’ll just leave the organisation,” Duterte said.


Criticising the UN for not doing enough to address hunger and terrorism, and for not being able to do anything about Syria and Iraq, and allowing big powers to bomb villages and kill innocent civilians, Duterte said he would invite China and African nations to form another global organisation.


“You know, United Nations, if you can say one bad thing about me, I can give you 10 [about you]. I tell you, you are an inutile. Because if you are really true to your mandate, you could have stopped all these wars and killing,” he said.


Asked about the possible consequences of his comments, he said:

“Repercussions? I do not give shit to them, they are the ones interfering. You know what, they should have started it with a protocol. They would have sent somebody to talk to me, or at least the rapporteur. You do not go out and give a shitting statement against a country.”


But some people like what he’s doing.


“Oh yes,” said a woman working in a market. “There are far fewer addicts now. He’s really good, Duterte is doing a good job. It’s really good for our country.”


Senator Leila de Lima is the chairperson of the Philippine Commission on Human Rights.


“There are misfits in all the structures of our government – law enforcers, prosecutors and judge, that’s why our justice system is broken and that is why these shortcuts are being encouraged,” said De Lima.


Duterte denied the government was responsible. He said the deaths were not the work of the police and invited the UN experts to investigate for themselves.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-22


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This foul mouthed thug said for every one UN complaint against the Philippines he can give ten in return.

In saying they may have to pull out of the UN he said,   amazingly,   they might set up an alliance with African countries and CHINA   !


Would this be the China that's throwing it's weight around in the South China Sea especially towards the Philippines and in no mood for compromise   ?



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29 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

The whole world needs to forget about the war on drugs. It is not working and it leads to excesses like murdering suspects.

Perhaps with regards to some drugs, but not all.  I've seen drugs ruin many peoples lives.  In countries like the PI, and Thailand, government officials are profiting from this.  Stop the corruption and some of this silliness will stop also.


This guy is a nut.  It'd be great to see him act on this promise. :thumbsup:

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9 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Perhaps with regards to some drugs, but not all.  I've seen drugs ruin many peoples lives.  


I can not help but agree, but illegality is part of the reason that lives are ruined. Prince died of a fentanyl overdose, but he thought he buying a much milder opiate. He would still be alive, if he had gotten real narcos.

I do not think drugs like PCP, methadone and bath salts should be legal, but most opiates, cocaine and ganja are pretty harmless, if addicts can get regulated doses cheaply.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


I can not help but agree, but illegality is part of the reason that lives are ruined. Prince died of s fentanyl overdose, but he thought he buying s much milder opiate. 

I do not think drugs like PCP, methadone and bath salts should be legal, but most opiates, cocaine and ganja are pretty harmless, if addicts can get regulated doses cheaply.

Yaba is a huge problem here in Thailand (and from where I was in the US).  My wife has a distant relative that's totally bonkers now because of it.  100% mentally gone, and only 25 years old.  I'm not sure making it legal would have helped this guy.


No easy answers here!!!


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He's one thin-skinned elected dictator....his way or the highway.  


Wonder what so many Filipinos were thinking when electing him.  Heck, I lived 5 years in the P.I. during the Marcos regime when political control was very tight...sounds like Duterte is going to make Marcos look like a gentle and kind dictator. 

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4 minutes ago, Pib said:

He's one thin-skinned elected dictator....his way or the highway.  


Wonder what so many Filipinos were thinking when electing him.  Heck, I lived 5 years in the P.I. during the Marcos regime when political control was very tight...sounds like Duterte is going to make Marcos look like a gentle and kind dictator. 


Well it seems he was very successful as Mayor, so that is why people were ready to vote him in to the top job. I think that if you are a corrupt official or politician making money from drugs then you need to be afraid. Everyone else is ok. I am unsure why many on here are criticising him, it seems after all he is just Trump without the money, and there are a few Trump lovers on this thread. It is obviously impossible to approve of extra judicial killings but the guy is doing exactly what he said he would do in his manifesto. About two weeks ago he read out loud at a press conference the names of over 300 judges, lawyers, policemen etc that he believes are corrupt. He said, prove to me I am wrong or get out. Hard but fair.


As regards the UN, once again there are MANY on this forum that criticise it for being an ineffective organization. Duterte is just saying what many think, only he seemed to add the word shit a few too many times. I am sure in his own language he was a little more eloquent. Whatever we think seems irrelevant the people in the Philippines seem to love him - all the good people that is.

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36 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


About two weeks ago he read out loud at a press conference the names of over 300 judges, lawyers, policemen etc that he believes are corrupt. He said, prove to me I am wrong or get out. Hard but fair.


They all may indeed be corrupt, but it's far from being fair.   If they were guilty he should have had fired them from their positions or arrested them.  But he knows legally he would have a hard time taking-on so many HiSo's at the same time using the legal system/laws; instead he basically taking them on in a political manner/in the media.    Authoritarians/dictators are the ones who don't play fair.   His popularity won't last.

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The people elected him because they like what he says and does he may not be PC but that just adds to his appeal.


At least he is a legitimately elected leader why should any other country or organisation stick their nose in where its not wanted.

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1 hour ago, NongKhaiKid said:

This foul mouthed thug said for every one UN complaint against the Philippines he can give ten in return.

In saying they may have to pull out of the UN he said,   amazingly,   they might set up an alliance with African countries and CHINA   !


Would this be the China that's throwing it's weight around in the South China Sea especially towards the Philippines and in no mood for compromise   ?



The way things are the PI needs all the friends it can get and he's about to make other countries keep him,   and his nation,   at arms length.   If for example he makes it difficult for Filipinos to find overseas jobs because nobody wants them if he keeps mouthing off the economy will all but collapse.

Form an alliance with the country that's currently the biggest threat to his country puts him in the category with other   '  leaders  '   in this region who need their head read.

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28 minutes ago, Bannoi said:

The people elected him because they like what he says and does he may not be PC but that just adds to his appeal.


At least he is a legitimately elected leader why should any other country or organisation stick their nose in where its not wanted.

Not sure his comments reflect the desires of the entire country.  The UN has it's problems, but does some great work around the world.

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1 hour ago, Pib said:

He's one thin-skinned elected dictator....his way or the highway.  


Wonder what so many Filipinos were thinking when electing him.  Heck, I lived 5 years in the P.I. during the Marcos regime when political control was very tight...sounds like Duterte is going to make Marcos look like a gentle and kind dictator. 


Likewise, 5 years in PI, never been back though, the whole country is a basket case. Duterte is a rustic at best. His appearance, the way he carries himself, his foul mouth. Nothing statesmanlike or sophisticated about him, a neanderthal through and through.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Perhaps with regards to some drugs, but not all.  I've seen drugs ruin many peoples lives.  In countries like the PI, and Thailand, government officials are profiting from this.  Stop the corruption and some of this silliness will stop also.


This guy is a nut.  It'd be great to see him act on this promise. :thumbsup:

I was just a moment ago talking to an Aussie mate who lives there. Before the election he said exactly what he was going to do and has not swayed from that path. He tells it straight and there is no bullshit from him. So unlike every other politician in the world. Tells it true and tells it straight. In fact recently there was a politician that ran away from PI because he was covering for big drug dealers. He raced away to US. Duerte said on tv a message to him. "If you ever step back onto PI land I will be waiting at the plane and will shoot you myself". That's style. My mate reckons it is making PI a better place now but will be so much safer in future. Stage one is drug dealers, next corruption. He will stamp it out quickly not like some leaders who pay lip service to it. Maybe he should change countries. Also in PI you apply for a card and then can do 2 month extensions of you visa back to back to back. They are welcoming expats. Doing all to make it easier for foreigners unlike some countries.

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3 minutes ago, callaway said:

I was just a moment ago talking to an Aussie mate who lives there. Before the election he said exactly what he was going to do and has not swayed from that path. He tells it straight and there is no bullshit from him. So unlike every other politician in the world. Tells it true and tells it straight. In fact recently there was a politician that ran away from PI because he was covering for big drug dealers. He raced away to US. Duerte said on tv a message to him. "If you ever step back onto PI land I will be waiting at the plane and will shoot you myself". That's style. My mate reckons it is making PI a better place now but will be so much safer in future. Stage one is drug dealers, next corruption. He will stamp it out quickly not like some leaders who pay lip service to it. Maybe he should change countries. Also in PI you apply for a card and then can do 2 month extensions of you visa back to back to back. They are welcoming expats. Doing all to make it easier for foreigners unlike some countries.

Without due process of the law, who knows if everybody killed is guilty or not.  Even then, do they deserve to be killed for minor infractions?


Stage one is deal with corruption. Until you have that dealt with, you'll never be able to deal with the drug problem.  Just like here in Thailand.  The police in the PI, for the most part, are involved in every form of criminal activity.  Either directly or indirectly.

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11 minutes ago, callaway said:

I was just a moment ago talking to an Aussie mate who lives there. Before the election he said exactly what he was going to do and has not swayed from that path. He tells it straight and there is no bullshit from him. So unlike every other politician in the world. Tells it true and tells it straight. In fact recently there was a politician that ran away from PI because he was covering for big drug dealers. He raced away to US. Duerte said on tv a message to him. "If you ever step back onto PI land I will be waiting at the plane and will shoot you myself". That's style. My mate reckons it is making PI a better place now but will be so much safer in future. Stage one is drug dealers, next corruption. He will stamp it out quickly not like some leaders who pay lip service to it. Maybe he should change countries. Also in PI you apply for a card and then can do 2 month extensions of you visa back to back to back. They are welcoming expats. Doing all to make it easier for foreigners unlike some countries.


The guns at every turn bothered me when I lived there. Also the 'Daddy' society mentality, where you are expected to take care of them. It's my birthday, what you give me? 6 months later, It's your birthday, what you give me?


That said, as always, one man's  meat.....

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16 minutes ago, callaway said:

I was just a moment ago talking to an Aussie mate who lives there. Before the election he said exactly what he was going to do and has not swayed from that path. He tells it straight and there is no bullshit from him. So unlike every other politician in the world. Tells it true and tells it straight. In fact recently there was a politician that ran away from PI because he was covering for big drug dealers. He raced away to US. Duerte said on tv a message to him. "If you ever step back onto PI land I will be waiting at the plane and will shoot you myself". That's style. My mate reckons it is making PI a better place now but will be so much safer in future. Stage one is drug dealers, next corruption. He will stamp it out quickly not like some leaders who pay lip service to it. Maybe he should change countries. Also in PI you apply for a card and then can do 2 month extensions of you visa back to back to back. They are welcoming expats. Doing all to make it easier for foreigners unlike some countries.

Do they allow bullet-proof vests?  I have been there twice and liked it. I wouldn't go now with vigilantes on the loose.

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1 hour ago, Pib said:

They all may indeed be corrupt, but it's far from being fair.   If they were guilty he should have had fired them from their positions or arrested them.  But he knows legally he would have a hard time taking-on so many HiSo's at the same time using the legal system/laws; instead he basically taking them on in a political manner/in the media.    Authoritarians/dictators are the ones who don't play fair.   His popularity won't last.


His popularity won't last.


Particularly so with Pinoys, a fickle and in the main childlike people.

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1 minute ago, callaway said:

Also in PI you apply for a card and then can do 2 month extensions of you visa back to back to back. They are welcoming expats. Doing all to make it easier for foreigners unlike some countries.


I agree that the Philippines is much more welcoming for foreigners than Thailand, but they need to start looking closer to home also. All the targets of the drugs killings seem to be those at the very bottom of the ladder, who literally have next to nothing to begin with - maybe a few hours zonked out is preferable to the relentless, daily grind of poverty. I haven't seen any rich and powerful kingpin lying sprawled on the pavements with a cardboard placard declaring him a pusher. Poverty in the Philippines is absolutley gob smacking in scale. Tackling this should be his priority.

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18 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Without due process of the law, who knows if everybody killed is guilty or not.  Even then, do they deserve to be killed for minor infractions?


Stage one is deal with corruption. Until you have that dealt with, you'll never be able to deal with the drug problem.  Just like here in Thailand.  The police in the PI, for the most part, are involved in every form of criminal activity.  Either directly or indirectly.

His shoot on sight policy will give free reign and a great excuse to much more than shooting drug dealers etc. especially if he's to exonerate everyone wearing a uniform.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Yaba is a huge problem here in Thailand (and from where I was in the US).  My wife has a distant relative that's totally bonkers now because of it.  100% mentally gone, and only 25 years old.  I'm not sure making it legal would have helped this guy.


No easy answers here!!!


There are two young fellows in this village that because they used yaba they now walk around the village daily looking at the ground and whistling. One of them was the head of his class, intelligent boy. Sad.

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Its quite predictable, the PC brigade hate him and the right love him. I'll have to toss my vote to the right on this one. PI was well on its way to being a US colony again, bar owners aside, how well did that work out for the country last time?


The place is very corrupt, they really do need a leader to stir things up a bit. However his digs at the UN are really digs at the US as they basically control it. He better have good body guards and would be advised to avoid air travel, a quick study of other leaders that don't follow the script rarely ends well for them.

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8 minutes ago, Rancid said:

Its quite predictable, the PC brigade hate him and the right love him. I'll have to toss my vote to the right on this one. PI was well on its way to being a US colony again, bar owners aside, how well did that work out for the country last time?


The place is very corrupt, they really do need a leader to stir things up a bit. However his digs at the UN are really digs at the US as they basically control it. He better have good body guards and would be advised to avoid air travel, a quick study of other leaders that don't follow the script rarely ends well for them.

You mean the world leaders who are corrupt and kill their fellow countrymen?  Kinda good it doesn't end up well for them....

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